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Scary stories from the old days?

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I've forgotten the detail but I'm sure another Brit jumper can fill in for me. There's an amazing story of an old time jumper, Bob Acraman (may have mis spelled) who was an instructor at a DZ in the south of England which ran 2 De Haviland Rapides back in the 70s. Bob had despatched his students and then did a freefall follow out and went through the fabric fuselage roof of the second Rapide which was below! He descended with the 2nd Rapide (obviously!) and I don't record his injuries, but he certainly survived it and jumped again.

I wonder if it ever accrued to him to look out the door before he jumped?:P[:/] Or for that matter before he put his students out.

My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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Anyone mention the observer that followed the load out the door at Elsinore Parachute Center? I think it was out of the DC3 and he had a hand-held camera.
Green Light
"Harry, why did you land all the way out there? Nobody else landed out there."
"Your statement answered your question."

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As I remember it was a hang glider pilot who didn't want to pay the full FJC price.

Went out at altitude and freefell to about 5-7,000' and deployed the observer rig.

The pilots (maybe Jim Fee was one) were not happy and had to be restrained from beating the shit out of him:)
Another happened at Taft. A large formation was going out and the last guy in line thought it would be cool to tell the young female observer to hang on. As he was going out the door he felt someone holding on to him and looked back in horror to find the observer doing as he had said.

He hung on to her and deployed her high and has never said anything to an observer since. :)

Red, White and Blue Skies,

John T. Brasher D-5166

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Hi JB,
The observer dude following out the RW load also happened at Otay outa Mack's Polish (right side door) DC-3. Some dude wanted to skydive and not pay the price for the FJC!! He took quite a delay and dumped the observer rig (either a B-4 or Navy NB-8) and got a jolt when it opened. Roger Worthington and Ed Lockout may have been there and can give more details.
SCR-2034, SCS-680


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Hi JB,
The observer dude following out the RW load also happened at Otay outa Mack's Polish (right side door) DC-3. Some dude wanted to skydive and not pay the price for the FJC!! He took quite a delay and dumped the observer rig (either a B-4 or Navy NB-8) and got a jolt when it opened. Roger Worthington and Ed Lockout may have been there and can give more details.


I've never heard of anyone pulling this crap but based on this thread it's obviouly happened more than once:o

When someone sneaks on the airplane for their first jump:S do they still feel the "need for speed"[:/] and want to tack the FJC or continue jumping?

I can imagine a airborne army type doing a surprise jump but a virgin leg would be kind of risky. I can imagine the DZO/pilot being >:(>:(>:(

Don't think I'd stay for the deriefB|


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I had just taken the FJC myself when I heard the story. I didn't know it was happening elsewhere. Guess there are some pretty ballsy people out there. Cheap too... As I remember, my FJC was only $125 and it included 2 jumps.

Here's one I witnessed though. A guy and his wife decided to take the FJC at Elsinore and were on the C47 load together when it was time for the wife to jump. The hubby was to be next. The girl jumped and her canopy got hung up on the tail wheel. This was because the door on the C47 was twice as wide as the previous DC3 and they were using the same static lines from that plane. Thus the bags were hitting the tail wheel and it was only a matter of time before someone got hung up.

Well there was the whole plane load of students and experienced jumpers with the little woman in tow. Tom Sanders was on the load and filmed the whole thing. Larry Fatino and Tom were trying to give her signals to cut away but she just didn't get it. Just about the time that Larry had decided to climb down the static line and cut her away she got it and did it herself. The reserve worked fine but the main canopy, a T-10 was still hooked up to the tail wheel at the apex. So it was streamering.

They made another pass at 2500 feet and all the experienced jumpers got out. It was very military looking except for the squares. Then the students were told to stay in the plane and assume crash positions.

Well the plane landed just fine as did the little woman. The husband got off the plane and told his wife to get her things because they were outta there. She said "WAIT A MINUTE! I paid for two jumps and I'm gonna get two jumps". They cleared the paracute from the tail wheel and after a short break she went back up and did her second jump... I don't think he did either one of his though.
Green Light
"Harry, why did you land all the way out there? Nobody else landed out there."
"Your statement answered your question."

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I've never heard of anyone pulling this crap but based on this thread it's obviouly happened more than once


I was on the ground at Elsinore when that one happened...

If I remember correctly, he had a square in the bail out rig...

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Is this scary enough for you?


That's a case where a picture...truly IS worth a thousand words!!:o;)

Scary, hell I have been in the air with that guy. Now thats scary. You probably new his dad. Lyle Cameron Sr. Yep, thats Lyle Jr.

My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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Is this scary enough for you?


That's a case where a picture...truly IS worth a thousand words!!:o;)

Scary, hell I have been in the air with that guy. Now thats scary. You probably new his dad. Lyle Cameron Sr. Yep, thats Lyle Jr.



Talk about some Sacry Stories fron the old days...
I wish I had a tape recorder, once listening to Lyle Sr. and Joe Smith tell THEIR tales!!

And yes I know Jr.
I jumped quite a bit with him back in the day at Elsinore. We always got on well, he was putting on his 'jumpin' leg' once...and I was helping him with his rig...he had an old 'fat' needle altimeter with Cameron scratched into the side..."Your Dad's?" I asked...It was shortly after Lyle Sr.'s plane crash...

Lyle Jr. kinda like having someone that knew his dad to talk with...

Give him my regards!B|

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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OK Will do.... Who should I say is saying hi? Sorry I just know that you have been around for a hundred years but know not who you are.
Green Light
"Harry, why did you land all the way out there? Nobody else landed out there."
"Your statement answered your question."

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Jimbo is one of the coolest cats I've met in this sport . . .

My Hit Parade:
Jacque Istel
Sparky, my FJC instructor
Carl Boenish

NickD :)
BASE 194




Thanks Nick!

That's a complement of the HIGHEST order, especially coming from you!:)

Ya gave ME the Nod!!!:ph34r:

By the way....What's a "SPARKY"???:P

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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What's a "SPARKY"???


here's some pictures of a "sparky"

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What's a "SPARKY"???


here's some pictures of a "sparky"

Shit! :D When and where was this?? :D Sucks to be him, but what a "no shit there I was, thought I was gonna die" story to tell! :ph34r:
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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What's a "SPARKY"???


here's some pictures of a "sparky"

Shit! :D When and where was this?? :D Sucks to be him, but what a "no shit there I was, thought I was gonna die" story to tell! :ph34r:

right here:



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Hi Resis

Electricity on a pole is very bad news:o

"Back in the day" we had a first jump student landed on the powerlines with her body:(.

I assume the electricity killed her as soon as she contacted the powerline, but she didn't fall to the ground and then there was a fire[:/].

The dangers of jumping around electrical lines has been discused on this site before. Not ragging on you:)


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Hi Steve, Twardo, Sparky, Green;light, Nick, and all others!!,
'Was just sittinin front of the tube, drinkin' a Jim Beam and coke and watchin' "Pulp Fiction" at the part where Uma OD's snortin' Vince's Smack (thinkin' it was coke!!!!!!) and what a rush!!!! "Say somthin'!" "Gack, cough, Somthin'!!!!!!!!!!!!" and I got to thinkin' 'bort the bad old daze when we did a lot of really crazy shit and we ain't dead yet!! Ma alki-hammer desaeaese comes and goes but I still remember!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Back a couple of cases of Beer ago about 1975 down at McDonaldland aka Borderlands Airsports Center at O-die Ca, we jumped outa Mack's Beech 18 (The DC-3 was still a ways off!!) One of the DZ HotShots, Spence, got into trouble with the law bringing in some of Mexico's finest and got popped with a big haul!! Quantity TBA but it was enough to get him some serious slammer time. He was first in Lompoc for a while but between Mac and some friends, we got him moved to Camp Barret out east of the DZ and we jumpers and his family could easily go visit him on weekends!! One sunday after lunch a bunch of us jumpers went to visit Jim and then went back to the DZ. On the next dive, someone suggested we go fly over Camp Barrret and give them a good old fashioned "Buzz Job!!" wich we did!! As the Beech 18 peeled off and came in low over the camp (just like inthe John Wayne movies) the pilot throttled back for a second or two and a bunch of us yelled out the door,"HEY SPENCER!!!!!!!!" and we went on. Several months later when Spence got out, he said that really got to him that we thought that much about him!!! He said the guards even realized that he had "Real Friends!!!" Even though we could've gotten into big trouble, nothing happened. Spence got out and we Skydived a bunch. Those were the daze.

Today god knows, we'd probably get shot for terrorists if we tried something like that. But thebottom line is that if you have a good buddy in jail, yougotta' let him know you care!!!!!!!!!!!:)
SCR-2034, SCS-680


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Long ago I was jumping at a little Cessna DZ that was using static-lined rounds for all first-jumps students. All students carried radios, and a dedicated ground instructor with a radio stood in front of the clubhouse adjacent to the landing area.

One day just as they put out 3 first-timers, the winds came up. The first student very nearly made the landing area, but then backed up into the power lines of the adjacent road and did a "sparky". The power lines contacted half way between the canopy and the jumper, and the canopy started to collapse on the other side of the lines, leaving the jumper hanging about 8 feet above the ground.

Just then a gust of wind reinflated the canopy and started pulling it away from the power lines...and pulling the jumper up toward the shower of sparks. At this point the ground instructor on the radio was screaming for the guy to cutaway. Just before he reached the power lines, he succeeded in cutting away and dropped to the ground, getting the wind knocked out of him, but no other injuries. But the problems weren't over yet.

The shower of sparks stopped at the same time the guy cutaway, but not because of the cutaway; the power companies breakers had tripped. Now remember the instructor with the radio in front of the clubhouse? His radio was a base-station plugged into the now-dead AC power of the clubhouse. So now we had to watch two first-jump students negotiating high winds under round canopies without instruction. Fortunately, the DZ was situated in the middle of open farmland and they landed w/o incident.
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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