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load. I mentioned it almost a year ago in a post in this forum.....had never heard an eyewitness account though. may remember my brother Don Fuller.....
he was at Tech when you were, & roomed with Ralph for awhile.
The last time we saw Ralph, ('86) he showed up at our little cow pasture dz in NW La. ...borrowed a rig, made a leap, paid with a bad check, and rode off into the sunset

frynsky 0
jaymundo 0
frynsky 0

QuoteBUT, you remember that Rodriquez rig he had? The one that closed with Velcro?
It was called "The Solution". I had one in 77 or 78. Had it come open after leaving 9 or 10 out of a D-18. Knocked the crap out of me and tore a Piglet from skirt to apex.

Just Kidding....


~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~
QuoteNice HAT!
Just Kidding....![]()
Cooper Hockey helmet. All the rage in the late 70's.

QuoteQuoteNice HAT!
Just Kidding....![]()
Cooper Hockey helmet. All the rage in the late 70's.
I know...still have my WHITE one!

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~
QuoteQuoteQuoteNice HAT!
Just Kidding....![]()
Cooper Hockey helmet. All the rage in the late 70's.
I know...still have my WHITE one!
Couldn't afford a pretty one eh?

I truly love this thread.

My wife is hotter than your wife.
Couldn't afford a pretty one eh?

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~
kkeenan 14
QuoteQuoteNice HAT!
Cooper Hockey helmet. All the rage in the late 70's.
I still have one that I use for CRW. I put a few jumps on it just yesterday.
Dude, you are so awesome...
Can I be on your ash jump ?
QuoteI know...still have my WHITE one!
Couldn't afford a pretty one eh?

This isn't my scariest moment but a good friend claims it's one of his. I'll tell it just like he does, best as I can remember.
"Me and a buddy had been jumping one morning when the weather turned shitty and started storming. we'd been drinking Jack most of the morning anyway but by that evening we'd moved on to bigger and better things, not the least of which was a couple nice big healthy hits of acid.
"Not too long after taking that the sun was going down as the weather cleared up beautifully. It was gonna be a perfect summer night, and my buddy decided we should get a night jump in just for the hell of it.
"He had a red strobe for his helmet and light for his alti and i had nothing but my rig, so the plan was for me to follow him out, or more precisely follow that strobe out, and when it slowed down real quick fast in a hurry then it would be time to open.
"With our fool-proof dive plan in place we bribed the pilot and off we went. The acid was really coming on as we got to jump run, and it was really a pretty unique trip. anyway, out goes my buddy while I'm checking out the crescent moon, oops, follow a couple seconds later, playing catch up.
"I looked around, spotted his red strobe, and couldn't believe the separation! That bastard was hauling ass! I started tracking as hard as I could trying to close the distance. I stayed like that the whole damn jump, right up to the time I saw the antenna that the red strobe I was tracking to was on. Very short canopy ride, very LLLLLLOOOOOOOONNNNNGGGG walk back."
Truman Sparks for President
beowulf 1
![[:/] [:/]](/uploads/emoticons/dry.png)
QuoteThat is a pretty funny story, but I am more then a little skeptical. Sorry
Stir sticks belong in SC.

QuoteThat is a pretty funny story, but I am more then a little skeptical. Sorry
You don't get around much then. I have been on at least five dropzones where that could have happened on any weekend of the year.

beowulf 1
Not meaning to stir up shit, the story just seems a little far fetched to me.
QuoteNot meaning to stir up shit, the story just seems a little far fetched to me.
Like the title says, this is the History forum. Things have changed a lot in the last 20/30 years. Sometimes I can't believe some of the shit that happened and I was there. (but just as an observer)

Truman Sparks for President
QuoteQuoteNot meaning to stir up shit, the story just seems a little far fetched to me.
Like the title says, this is the History forum. Things have changed a lot in the last 20/30 years. Sometimes I can't believe some of the shit that happened and I was there. (but just as an observer)
Agreed. That story doesn't sound at all beyond possible in fact it has a certain amount of familiarity about.

QuoteSaw and also participated in similar activities.
Like I said, I heard rumor of or observed but participate, not me.

Thats my story and I'm sticking to it.

bozo 0
QuoteQuoteThat is a pretty funny story, but I am more then a little skeptical. Sorry
You don't get around much then. I have been on at least five dropzones where that could have happened on any weekend of the year.
Now...Like Sparky...I was angelic in those days but I can vouch for the wild times.......I think.
Pain is fleeting. Glory lasts forever. Chicks dig scars.
Well, for some reason I got asked to go on the pool jump. Huge pool, shaped like a T for Tech. BUT, surrounded by concrete, chain link fence and on top of a hill. With cafeteria at one end. We make a pass, get out ok. Ralph lands first no problem. Tim, with an SST, and one shot cutaways, was DETERMINED he was going to cut away. And he did. About 35 feet up, and over the shallow end. Knocks him unconscious and our guys drag him out. I didn't see it cus I was 3rd. Land right in the middle of the T, cut away my 3 rings under the water and come up with my arms over my head. Yee haw! Now there was more good looking women there than you could shake a stick at and I was thinking "I am the star of the show!"
BUT, NO ONE is looking at me. They are all looking at Reid Lea, number 4, cus they were thinking HE is going to die. He flies all the way down the pool. Now you can land anywhere in the pool, it's deep enough to land anyway you want to. But , NOOO, Reid flies the length of the pool, then tries to do a 180. TRIES. Knocks a lifeguard off her stand, slams into the concrete and breaks his leg. So much for our party!
I got out of school and received a letter from the FAA the next fall and had to pay a $250 fine. And used my buddies names and license numbers for years to do demos to stay under the radar.
We made the final pool jump ever, cus the next year they put a cover on it and made it into a natatorium. BS, BD!!!
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