Neil7 0
Neil7 0
trucknrn 0
yamtx73 0
QuoteRolling off the wing of a Ju-52 at 1100 ft. over Gary Ind. because the pilot....never mind!
(Waay to long of a story)
Now I just gotta hear this one...
Icon134 0
QuoteQuoteRolling off the wing of a Ju-52 at 1100 ft. over Gary Ind. because the pilot....never mind!
(Waay to long of a story)
Now I just gotta hear this one...
I'm with him on that one...

QuoteQuoteRolling off the wing of a Ju-52 at 1100 ft. over Gary Ind. because the pilot....never mind!
(Waay to long of a story)
Now I just gotta hear this one...
That was one demo that I look back on and realize somebody upstairs must be keeping me around for something, further down the road.

There were enough 'bad' links in the "Chain Of Disaster" to string around a Christmas tree like Popcorn!

Bad Circumstance, Stupidity and Ego are NOT the best cards to be holding when the stakes are that high!

It was about 20 years ago...
We as a Pro Demo Team, were a pretty popular act on the national Air Show circuit.
The economy was starting to recover and a lot of cities that hadn't offered a large draw air show event is quite some time, were getting back into it.
The show in Gary was just such a venue.
The 'bad' thing about not doing a big event like this regularly is, few if any in the organizational end are up to speed on how to run things smoothly.
Things at times get 'thrown together'...and proper planning is overlooked to an extent.
As we always do, we arrived a couple days early to get things set up...often for events like this, as a promotional tool for the show, we will make a few 'press' jumps into either the show site or various areas around the city. We also do Television and Newspaper interviews, visit area hospitals...schools...
Kiss Ass ~ Brown Nosing Stuff.

We had done a couple promo jumps around Gary two days before the show, which was a Saturday - Sunday affair.
On Friday...we were supposed to make yet another 'press' jump at the air show airport site.
This one would be an actual 'performance' so to speak...doing pretty much the opening act we would be doing the following day for the show.
The 'press' gets better aerial film footage without a crowd and the 'do not cross' lines being present. As well as a better chance to 'interview' the performers.
As is often the case on large air shows...local corporations will 'sponsor' a certain act. This insures that even if the 'gate' receipts are lower than projected...everyone gets paid, and the event will show a profit.
"Our" sponsor for the event was U.S. Steel Corp.
They picked up the tab on a few of the acts and we all get to meet with the 'Brass' at U.S. Steel...and do some glad handing etc.
Another one of the 'Acts' they backed was the old German War-bird...the Ju52.
For those unfamiliar with it...the Ju52 was Germany's DC-3. An all purpose transport, three engines, looks like a corrugated tin fuselage.
This one had been doing air shows and static display events in Europe in the years prior, and had only recently been bought and shipped to the U.S. for similar purposes.
One of the 'thrown together' things I referred to...
U.S. Steel thought it would be a great idea to have us jump from the ole girl as a 'promo package' since they were the guys behind both acts.
Problem was... they guys with the Junkers we still figuring out how to drive the rickety old bitch, and even though they'd assured us that they had flown jumpers retrospect, I wonder!

The press show was scheduled to begin mid morning on that the hours before the start, a minor mishap occurred.
A KC-10 tanker that was to be on static display ran off the end of the main runway...the nose wheel did anyway.
The weather in the area had been Thunder Storms moving in and out all week, the weekend was to be nice...but the ground was saturated.
The nose gear on the 'Heavy' sank down to the cockpit in a matter of minutes!
That put the whole shootin' match on hold for 1/2 the day while the Air Force tried to figure out how to un-stick the monster.
Early evening things are rolling again, everyone is rushing around trying to get their programs 'manifested' and performed.
And as luck would have it...the weather is moving back in...been wonderful ALL day, but here come the clouds!

It's now about 6:30 PM and we're in the Junkers at the end of the main runway doing the pre-flight run up...Rattle Rattle, Bang-pop..BOOM...Rattle Rattle is coming from all three engines
as they belch different colors of smoke and shoot occasional 3 foot geysers of flame from the stacks.

"Number one is a little temperamental, but it'll be fine." The pilot reassured us...

The overcast is down to about the 2500 foot level, one of the aerobatic pilots reports on the radio as he finishes his act.
We normally do our show from 4500' but can do a lower show, just not as much 'Action' going on...
We're discussing the improvised performance during the climb out...soon it becomes all to obvious that the 2500' report was 'generous' to put it mildly!
All the U.S. Steel brass was below and had been waiting patiently ALL DAY to see what they were 'buying' we quickly 're-improvised' with an even LOWER show.
One guy would be jumping with "Mega-Glory" our big draw, which at 3000 plus sqft. was at the time the largest U.S. Flag being weighs in at around 85-90 pounds and is jumped on a specially designed 'Tandem-Like' rig...that jumper immediately threw the drogue release on the floor.
Another jumper was on a small U.S. Steel banner in a belly wart type container, another guy was on a 20X40 Mia-Pow flag.
My long time friend and jumping buddy, on the POW flag, was like me, also a 'founding' member of the team...
A decorated Army Ranger into his 2nd tour with the Golden Knights...he'd 'bless us' a couple time a year, coming back to do a demo now and again with us 'amateurs'.
His ever present mantra was...
"Well on the KNIGHTS, we do it THIS way!"

The shits hanging in about 2 grand, and we decide to do two separate passes, since the landing area is tight, trying to set down in front of the 'press' on the concrete near their trucks & R.V.'s.
Hop n' pops will put us all at the same place at the same time, not the best for photos etc.
I'm jumping a "Candy Cane' of colored smoke...the stunt I pretty much created almost 30 years ago.

(cough cough)

I have a belly mounted container with eight M-18's on a steel lanyard as well as two boot brackets with 2 more M-18's on each...At 6'4" and 240 lbs nekid, I walk like the 'Tin-Man' when geared up...I don't care WHAT size plane we have...I'm CRAMPED!

1st pass will be my Ranger buddy and me...
2nd pass the Flag and U.S. Steel banner.
Now spotting a Ju52 is a challenge to begin with, the wing is right under the door...we've all seen the WWll footage of the Paratroopers sitting on the wing and 'sliding' off into combat. Add to that the low clouds and it being the first time seeing the show airport from the air...At least, in that way.
The old butterflies are marching.
The Golden "Knight-Ranger" is slapping my butt trying to get my attention, as we're setting up on jump run...
Over the noise he yells.."WHAT ARE YOUR MINIMUMS??? ...Cause THIS IS lookin' kinda FUCKED!!!!!"

"TWO GRAND...! "
I yell back, still trying to find the freakin' airport hanging out the door.
He shouts back.
I look at the wrist mount and sure enough....
Seems to be a bit of 'white' between the needle and the 2...on the 'downhill' side.
![[:/] [:/]](/uploads/emoticons/dry.png)
I think, Fuck It...I'm dressed---Music's playin'---let's Dance!!

I screamed back, as I started to climb onto the wing...sure I had the airport in sight ahead.
Meantime...the altitude discussion doesn't go un-noticed by the guys queuing for the 2nd pass.
The Mega-Glory jumper standing in the isle yells to the Pilot to add power, we're descending...
Which the 'right seat-er' then does.

Must have Firewalled the sumbitch...cause now,
I'm on two hands and one knee, half in and half out with a boot bracket hung up in the door...
I look like a big dog peein' on and ugly a HURRICANE!
"NO!... NO!... NO..!!"
Knight Ranger yells forward....
"CUT 'ER BACK...C U T!!!"
With the fan on low...
I free up my foot and finish crawling out onto the wing.
We've gained some hash marks on the altimeter, but are now in the shit...
Though it's the 'broken' low end of it...I can't really see ahead or behind to get a reference of where over the airport (hopefully) I am.
I'm standing up on the wing of a 50 year old heap of
metal that looks and flies like a moss covered barnyard tool shed...with NO CLUE where on the map I am.
I squat back down to my knees and am trying to 'backward crawl' toward the door...not an easy task at my size, and with boot brackets on!
Nearly there...I yell to my compatriots 'safely' tucked inside...
All I get as a response is blank stares...
![[:/] [:/]](/uploads/emoticons/dry.png)
I'm screaming even louder...over my shoulder, at the top of my lungs...
W H E R E ~T H E ~ F U C K~ A R E ~ W E ???!!!
When I suddenly need to yell....
Everyone can hear quite fine, thank you....
Now that the number one ENGINE HAS STOPPED!

Through all this, my adrenaline injectors are pumpin' full flow - wide open...
Since time has slowed to a crawl, I'm keenly aware that this 'Kraut Cracker Box' picks up the aerodynamics of a greasy safe when one blower is off and the other two are feathered for jump-run...

"ABORT ABORT" I hear from inside, "Get in or get off...we're going around!"
I twist sideways 90 degrees and Knight Ranger at the door and I lock hand-grips...
I can still 'see' in my minds eye, my black Newman gloved hand in his...
My wrist mount altimeter hovering an R.C.H. above a grand...

When........!!!(wait for it)

Number one engine explodes back to life at full RPM.
"No Shit.....There I Was!"

Flipping Ass over Appetite looking UP at the dirty underside of the wing as I spin away...
Watching the light from the pretty exhaust flames make shadows against the black clouds above.

Several thoughts converged at once in the old melon...none were 'happy thoughts'.
Unstable...Spinning Sideways...Low...Lost...
Two Boot Brackets just waiting to snag something...
and kinda hungry.

Wonder how they're gonna write THIS one up in Parachutist...I think to myself
As I throw caution to the wind...along with my pilot chute, I contemplate the chances of "Mr. Wizard" magically trading my 'Tony Suit' for a Bowling Shirt.
![[:/] [:/]](/uploads/emoticons/dry.png)
The D-bag slapped me upside the head as it went around me on a horizontal trajectory...
I'm watching the canopy deploy in front of me, which is behind me on a better day.
Things 'R' now lookin' better for me...

clean staged opening with no 'snags' on anything...
Looking down at Gary Indiana from something below a grand...
I REALLY wish I'd brought along that map the rental car place gave me...
Where am I...Wonder which way the ground winds are blowing...Why ME...why is it ALWAYS ME?!

I fire off all the boot smokes at once...
Least the guys in the plane will know I'm okay,
and if the airport is close,
maybe someone will see me...
...and send a cab.

And...Oh GREAT!

...Long John Silvers right below me,
I lived...AND can take care of the 'Hungries'

all I gotta do is;
Miss the power-lines, the traffic, the fences, the parked cars, that barking dog...
And yup...gonna be a DOWNWINDER!

I pointed my trusty steed at an semi-open area on a crowded, dirty little strip mall, back side of the Fish place...
haulin' ass downwind, rotors off the buildings, and two still smoking, steel encased boots for landing gear...
It sure made for one of the more 'entertaining' landings I've had the pleasure to survive.
Hit-flip-bounce-roll & slide...(rinse & repeat)
Finally coming to rest next to the Fish joint's dumpster full of what smelled like old grease...
Mummmm...that & M-18 smoke...quite a treat that only a skydiver could love!

Throwing the canopy over a shoulder, I 'clank' my boots over to the drive up and 'Push the Button' to order.

Caught a ride back to the hotel after I ate...

The rest of the guys were there at the bar along with the Ju52 crew...
who seemed to have no concept just how sideways things had gone.

The crusty old Pilot handed me a beer and made some comment about me...
"Not Looking like a Native American"

The presentation of a patch and the swearing in ceremony followed....

~Attachment below~
It's definitely one of my more 'treasured' bits air show memorabilia...

Oh Yeah.....TOLD ya it was long!

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

yamtx73 0

rainman 0
I am so glad you did all that stuff so we don't have to do that anymore!!

Blue skies, fishy landings,

In a world full of people, only some want to fly, is that not crazy?

I only have a really quick one and its funny but not scary...
Jump from a C172 with no GPS so it's a completely manual spot (the pilot is an experienced (

Come on guys keep 'em coming! Anything can beat that one...

QuoteAll that just to demo a jump for US Steel? Incredible.......BUT TRUE!
No... not 'just' for U.S.Steel...they were the company that sponsored OUR act...there were 15 or so flying acts was a 'regular' airshow for the city of Gary.
They tried hard to put on a first class show but like I said, the organizational end was behind the power curve a bit.
A lot of 'little' things...
Like the water for the Harrier. The jump jet requires special DI water for the injectors to keep the fire breathers cool...and LOTS of it.
Somehow over looked, 20 minutes before showtime a beat up old pickup rolls onto the tarmac over loaded with 'Sparklets' water bottles that some nearby factory had filled with D.I. H20 so the bird could fly.
The rental cars for the performers weren't delivered on time...usually some car lot will 'donate' the use of 30-40 new cars to the show for free promo.
The dates got mixed up I guess so everyone just rented their own...then the morning of the show 30-40 cars were delivered to a lot near the front gate, but no one with the show was aware what was going on....
So there sit all these brand new cars....keys in the ignition, no security, in GARY, INDINIA!

I bet they're STILL lookin' for some of those cars!

Nearing showtime Saturday morning, 1/2 the performers couldn't get to their planes...they were locked up in a hangar at the airport, but the guy with the key called in he could go to the AIRSHOW!

But all in all it WAS a good show, if memory serves they had more than double the anticipated attendance...went over so well that the following year the show was held at the lake front so it was free for the whole city. We did that show too...but those 'beach' jumps will have to be another story!

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

QuoteI think it's time for "another story" now airtwardo!

Talk about a tough crowd!

Okay...about the "Beach Jumps" mentioned above.

I'll start off by saying...
Skydiving and especially doing demonstration jumps is always an ongoing 'learning' process.
You can pretty much name a dumb mistake, and I've likely either done it, or seen it done...

As a "PRO Rated" skydiver, I try to pass on some of the things I've learned the hard way about doing demos over the years.
Hopefully a few will listen and not have to make the same bonehead mistakes I did...

One of the things I always encourage demo jumpers to do, is PRACTICE the Demo!
Don't ever do anything in front of a crowd that you haven't done SEVERAL times prior.
Doing those "Beach Jumps" hammered THAT lesson home to me and changed the way I did/do things from that point on.
This time the air show was a free summer time thing
that Gary, Indiana wanted to give to it's residents.
Much the same as the annual 'Air & Water Show'
down the turnpike in Chicago.
Almost since the first demo I ever did back in 1976, I've jumped smoke...I love it!

It shows the audience, far better than any other way, what we can do both in free fall and under canopy.
A buddy built me a 'Candy Cane' lanyard & smoke contraption a 'while back'

And I've jumped various revisions of that idea on everything from a Papillon, Strato Cloud, Para-Foil, Unit, name it.
PD had come out with a revolutionary canopy design,
something that would 'never' catch on and was probably just another passing fad...Cross Bracing.

It was supposed to get a wing flying faster and more stable...

The team had a good budget, let's order 1/2 dozen!
Just what I need for fantastic..Candy Canes!!

Some of the team colored Excaliburs were delivered quickly, what better place to try ' an AIR SHOW!
I choose a 260 since I'm a lard butt, and that size is similar to what I had been jumping...a 'Sport 260' Cloud.
First jump was a 'press jump' onto the beach the day before the show. Instead of doing the 'act' ...all we would do is trail 50' long, 10' high, red white & blue F-111 streamers....There is small weight attached to help keep them flying straight.
Last minute we decided to 'add' some more weight because with these hot-rod canopies we'll surly need it. Took them apart and added lead up to about 10 pounds. Team rigger made the improvements, wives and girlfriends folded them back into the containers...~"Wuffo Work"~

Up we go to make a 're-con' press jump...
A chance to check out the new canopies, and see the L.Z. without carrying in the usual amount of junk we strap to ourselves.
I figured the 'streamer' jump would give me a low pressure way to evaluate the handling...before trying a Candy Cane.
Out & Open by 4500' and looking down at ALL THAT WATER...had me cheating back over the beach, I just HATE jumping over water...

These things are FAST!!

I can go anywhere it seems...It holds the lake breeze...stable decent...
A second or two after deploying my streamer I realized we should have maybe trained the ground crew a bit better...the QE wasn't hooked up and there goes ten pounds of lead with a pretty 50 foot tail.

That's the SECOND time I've dropped something dangerous from altitude and watching in shock as it hauled ass all the way to impact, I vowed it would NEVER happen again!
It hit between some cars in the parking lot behind the beach LZ, didn't look like anyone was in the area....but that high who can tell...I was pretty shook all way down and didn't do any playin' with the canopy like I'd planned.
Since then, I always open and double check anything I jump...and then keep it under MY control until exit...that's flags, streamers, smoke and parachutes...
(To this day, I open and repack my main the day of the jump, even if it was ME that packed it the day before....but THAT lesson came a couple days later)
I also lower slowly hand over hand, anything I'll be trailing.
The 'lesson' that next day, Saturday the 1st day of the show...
Again..out & open by 4500...I carefully fire and lower the lanyard full of smokes.
The vision of the day before still fresh, I breathe a sigh of relief, pop the brakes...and STAB a hard turn
just like I 'always' did on the Cloud.

The last M-18 on the steel line barely misses my head as it sweeps in front of me...The Sport 260 I was use to sure never dives a turn like THAT!

But a revolution and a half into it, the smokey tail has caught up with the turn and trails majestically behind!

The best cane ever...tight, fast turns...I look up into the smoke trail while spinning, and there's a couple thousand feet of thick, colorful, spiral staircase over my head!
The spot's perfect so I keep 'er going to around 100' off the deck...Setting up much like 'Swoopers' today do, I snap the toggle up at a point in the last turn that will have me heading into the wind right over the target....

Mr. Candy Cane decides it LIKES doin' the spinning thing and keeps going!
Up and over the top of the parachute!!

![[:/] [:/]](/uploads/emoticons/dry.png)
Though slightly deformed the wing kept flying okay...
1/2 dozen hot smokes laying on the F-111 put the canopy in the trash bin....after TWO JUMPS!

Another lesson learned...
The one about not doing anything without proper practice. it's SUNDAY!
And yes... yet another 'lesson'

Packing my own rig before the jump!
Out & Open at 4500'...

I'd burned up the only 260 we had at the time, one of the other guys on a flag, just HATED the way 'his' new canopy flew....
It kinda scared him with the 'fast' approach that was considerably different than what he was use to.
Night before he told me, "It's packed up, I'm not gonna jump it here's a 250'...should fly about like the 260" we throw it in my container.
Ahhhh...they don't COME in a 250!

Must have been a 150...cause I had to move the slider to see if it was open!
It was a thrilling jump to be sure!
And I was quite pleased the LZ was soft beach sand!

I jump with several PRO demo teams during the season these days, kind of a hired gun so to speak.
"Have Rig~~Will Travel"

Some of the guys I jump with now, think I'm a little anal about my procedures....but there is a reason! somebody else's turn to tell a story!

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~
bozo 0
We had the guy with the big flag......and you know how that works.......just before landing you chop the shotbag and it gently floats down on its little canopy.
My buddy George set up a little late on his final....he needed the drive the Flag was restricting.....he chopped the shotbag a little higher than normal, the little canopy failed.......whooooooosssh straight down onto the hood of a brand new Chevy truck in the parking lot.
We had to replace the hood....the air cleaner....the battery and the windshield. Those shotbags are HEAVY.
Like you said.....the stuff you learn while learning.
Pain is fleeting. Glory lasts forever. Chicks dig scars.
Quote...reading about you dropping the smoke lanyard
Time for better readin' specs there Jimbo!...

I dropped a weighted streamer...not a smoke lanyard!

Hate to even think what a Candy Cane would do!
![[:/] [:/]](/uploads/emoticons/dry.png)

Shot-bag huh?

I saw another team drop a whole BIG FLAG once...
Some kind of 'container is weighted' and drops below the Flag for deployment.
Must not have had it 'hookered' up right...

I'm watching as the huge whistlin' bag of shit just barely missed a parked fighter jet, and I mean by INCHES...not feet or yards!

Skeirt me...and that day, I was only just LOOKIN' UP!!

Your turn Jim!
Tell some stories about jumping as "The King"!

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~
bozo 0
Time for better readin' specs there Jimbo!...

I dropped a weighted streamer...not a smoke lanyard!

oops !
Your turn Jim!
Tell some stories about jumping as "The King"!

I have dozens of those and video backup.
Heres one.
A riverboat casino on the Fox River in Aurora Ill. hired us to jump for an event they were having.
They wanted all ten of us to land on a single lane bridge over the river,next to where the casino boat was tied up.
It was an extremely poor location as the water just downriver from the bridge went over a spillway.
Ten guys there might be a big pileup.
At the time I was team captain so it was up to me to talk the casino folks out of the bridge. It was a fight but I got them to agree to a small grass area next to the firestation about 100 feet away.
We had hired Tom Dolphins TwinBo for the jump.
Ever had ten guys with smoke brackets on both feet in a TwinBo ? Yeah ....sardines.
So its showtime.....we are doing a racetrack pattern waiting for the go ahead....watching the clouds roll in.
By the time we ae a go.....the DZ was totally socked in, down to 2000'. I tell the pilot take her down and lets see what we get.
At 2000' we are clear and I set him on jumprun and tell the pilot when I climb like a raped ape.
I'm spotting.......theres the DZ.....I yell at the pilot he starts climbing....getting us another 500'
I go out first.....supposed to be a stick of ten hop n pops. I look back and my buddy Pat and my smoke brackets are hooked.....pulled him out with me. He bracket went into the Fox River. I saddled out at 1500'
Everybody landed on the target and the casino guys were happy.
Pain is fleeting. Glory lasts forever. Chicks dig scars.
BIGUN 1,336
QuotePete M. of Tahlequah, Oklahoma: "Help me, Help me, there's a bug in my ear!"
Another no-jump windy day. We were all sitting around the packing table when Pete suddenly jumped up and started totally losing it! He was foaming at the mouth, raving and jumping all over, running in circles and screaming, "Help me, help me, there's a bug in my ear!!!," and he was really wild. So I tackled him and sat on top, and got two guys to sit on his legs and hold him down, and another guy to go and fetch some water in a cup.
We got him with his head sideways and I poured a little water in his ear... and the thing flew out in such a hurry, we all jumped back.
Ya, it was a bug, all right. About 2 centimeters, with long, hard wings that buzz. AN EARWIG!!!
Bump and update;
Tahlequah days:
Curly Roe has retired and is living in Florida playing with the grandkids (my first JM). Pete Morris ( the guy who signed my "A" license in 1982 and friend) has recently completed 7,000 jumps and after 30 years has hung it up. Bob Scheimeier is still actively jumping into bar doors, Bob Clark can be found on the accuracy circuit. Bill Campbell ( first guy to ground me for low pull contests) is flying 737's and jumping big ways on occasion, Mike Sisemore has done well for himself in real estate. Greg Gerondale went on to win the 1998 Gold Medal in Accuracy; does AFF & tandems and is still making power tools... And, Kenny Hills has returned to Australia where he lives somewhere in peaceful normalcy.
QuoteEver had ten guys with smoke brackets on both feet in a TwinBo ? Yeah ....sardines.
Never been THAT tight!

...but have been cramped enough to be nervous when someone moves, and you don't have enough hands to cover the handles AND brackets!

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

Come on guys give us another story.
Home of the Alabama Gang
But...Airtwardo...Remember when you told me that you chopped her up with an axe into little pieces?...Maybe that was your other girl friend...Steve1
What's a guy to do?
So many little room in the basement!!
~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~