
Cutaway procedures

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I noticed the same thing and was about to ask the same Q as Michelle.....Are people revising their procedures themselves or are they doing what 'feels' right under different conditions.......
That said, my FJC was on belly mounted reserves, peel the handle, pull the handle, then punch the shit out of the ends of the reserve container to make sure it deployed, if that failed, start pulling the reserve out manually :o. If even that failed, get religion quick style..:)So from an early age, peel, pull, punch, was the mantra. This was quite easy to adopt for a one hand one handle routine.
GR# 37
Remember how lucky you are to see and touch the sky; the blind may only dream.

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The thing i like about teaching the one hand on each handle is that this is the method that most people switch over to later. i think students will learn whatever they are taught, so why not teach them the way that if they stick with the sport they will want to switch over to. it's this reason why i think the SOS system is the worst thing for students. thats one "bad habbit" you will NEED to break.
If you’re into playin it close that’s cool, but we're talkin major malfunction here T Sparks

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>But at the moment I can not remember any disscussion about different
>methods for students. What would be the advantages of teaching one hand on
> each handle for students? Have there been any big problems when teaching
> them two hands on each handle?
One hand per handle advantages:
-Can be done more quickly
-Less chance of "losing" the reserve handle after violent cutaway
Two hand per handle advantages:
-Works better for hard cutaway
-Fewer problems with "hand slipping off handle"
The one big problem with the one hand per handle problem I see is during a hard cutaway. If they experience a hard cutaway, or their hand slips off the handle, they will do what they trained to do - follow through and pull the reserve. This is problematic if their hand slips off the cutaway handle before the handle has been pulled. The two hand per handle tends to avoid this since they train to not move to the reserve handle until they have pulled (and, generally, cleared) the cutaway handle.
-bill von

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I see several taught one way, and used a different one (like me). Anyone have any ideas as to why that would occur?

With me, my first was a low speed, and I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to find the reserve handle once I had cut away, so I grabbed both, pulled red, pulled silver (kinda scary how long it took for me to feel anything happening with the reserve)
Dude, where's my raft?

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