
"the Geek Brothers"

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I think...

It was a bunch of skydivers that didn't go to the Lost Praire Boogie. Thus Geeks.

So the weekend of the Lost Prarie Boogie, they had the Geek Br's, for the geeks that didn't go to the "real" boogie.

hey-all I know is I still have "Geek Brothers" t-shirts back to 1997, always headed for Kapowsin for Geek boogie -and many years headed to Lost Prairie after.

anyway- logged a jump May 1998 6-way from our Porter with fellow named "Zeek",..was watching it on old video of mine.

His rw skills were not the greatest- but Zeek was very happy landing, walked back from the peas with him and he was saying how great it was to be in freefall with me and how I had such a great rate of fall to stay with him the whole dive. Then he passed out. A couple fellows had their first aid tickets and went to work on him, ambulance came...he died of heart attack on the way to hospital. Then I found out that he was "Zeek the Geek" and had started the Geek Brothers.
There was a story behind that - but I was too much in shock to catch it all. That year we went to Geek Brothers in Kapowsin (July 25), where a large formation was done for Zeek. Also headed for the Lost Prairie Boogie right after..(Aug.2nd)

So- have never to this day got the story of the Geek Brothers......


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Back in about 1986 or 1987, Roger Nelson purchased an ad in either 'Skydiving' or 'Parachutist'. I can't remember which one. The ad was designed to induce jumpers NOT to vote for Zeke Lenn, who was running for Northwest Conference Director. I don't remember the full content of the ad but at the bottom it read: 'A vote for Zeke is a vote for a geek'. At Ralph Hatley's DZ in Estacada, Oregon, the jumpers started the idea of having a 'Geek Brother's' convention. Kind of a play on the whole 'Freak Brother's' / Roger Nelson / convention thing. They had t-shirts and Geek Brother's numbers and all that. For a number of years, the boogie went back and forth from Ralph's DZ one year to the Farrington's DZ in Kapowsin. I don't know what Roger's beef was with Zeke but I'm sure it was justified. Zeke wasn't the best CD the Northwest ever had.

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Well, I have to say a big "thanx!"....brettpobastad
you explained many questions,
I enjoyed reading your post also (are you a writter or something???????....)
I also followed the big orange dot -and glad I did,
nice site and poopsheet:P:):P

Now I must find Toledo!


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Actually Brett you got it part right....Zeke Lenn was critical of RN because of his alleged (later proven and convicted) drug smuggling. Roger ran the ad "a vote for Zeke is a vote for a geek" but he also took some shots at skydivers from the NW in general. As I recall Zeke had reservations about Nelson representing USPA when he was facing criminal charges (Nelson did time for his crimes)

Zeke won the conference director position in a landslide with the support of skydivers from the NW who were pissed off at Nelsons comments. I don't think any NW director has ever received as many votes..... Last election nobody even bothered to run for the position.

Ralph then ran an ad in parachutist in support of Zeke that was signed by skydivers from the NW, myself included.
If you took the first letter from each name on the list it spelled out E-A-T-S-H-I-T-A-N-D-D-I-E-R-O-D-G-E-R-N-E-L-S-O-N
It was hilarious, of course parachutist did not catch it until after it was printed. I think I still have a copy somewhere....1986 I believe.

So instead of having the freak brothers convention we started having the "geek brothers" convention and Zeke was # 1. Some of the best boogies I have ever attended.

I always liked Zeke, he spent alot of his own money to do the job and traveled the conference visiting all the drop zones (well, maybe not yours LOL! ) I can't remember anyone else doing that.

He was fun to jump with and was a long time veteran in the sport.

Geek Brother # 12


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Toledo is located two miles east of interstate 5. Exactly one hour north of Portland, Oregon and about two hours south of Seattle. Come on down anytime. You will always have a place to crash.


ps i note that you are a graphic designer as well. looked at your stuff...not to shabby, girl!

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Hey Scott!

I think you must be the same Scott/Peckerhead that jumped at Ralph's when I was there! Very cool! I don't know if you remember this or not but I made a stupid bet with you that I could beat you in an accuracy contest. You kicked my ass, of course. Those were great times. ...and humbling.

So what did I get wrong about the 'Geek Brothers' thing?

You are wrong when you say that Zeke spent a lot of his own time and money representing the sport. I don't know how much money he spent, of course, but he represented exactly TWO dropzones; Ralph's and Jesse's. At that point in our sport, that kind of attitude was inexscusable. Back then, the small DZ still had a place in this sport and Zeke chose to kowtow to the dropzones that afforded him the most votes or deference. I don't have much respect for someone who makes a statement about a DZ without having ever been there. I'll take Roger Nelson over Zeke Lenn anytime!

Brett Martin

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Lighten up spike!

Grant linn was the artist, Frank Sevic was one of my best friends. Me and Frank made our first freefalls together.

There is not a day that goes by that I don't think about those guys. Bill Partlow and I were good buddies, Scott Farmer was one of my students. I made a jump with Ferrell a few years back......

Yeah, I did kick your ass did'nt I?......

We sure did have a blast at lost prarie though, I got in and you did not......

The last time I saw you, me and your brother were having bloody mary's at the bar at lost prarie. It was the last day of the boogie......

One of these days I am going to show up at Toledo and kick your ass again!

I think you are wrong about Zeke, It was not just Kapow and Beaver Oaks, in those days it was also Beagle, Eugene, (harrisburg) Scravel hill, sheridan, snohomish, tri cities and more......

I guess you did not know the man like I did. The 80's were a great time. Zeke was a great CD, I think you are just cheesed off because he did not visit Toledo

Me and Zeke were judges at the convention that awarded Martin and the maggotts first place.....

I went up as an "air Judge" You remember that?

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Brett Martin,
I couldn't agree with you more on your comments of Zeke Lenn. Everyone that didn't jump at Ralphs or Jesse's were enemies. He also was using his position to exert force on jumpers they didn't like or that they saw as an economic threat, i.e. new DZ's, demo jumps. Sheridan was the best DZ I have ever jumped at, and some of Ralph lost his jumpers to Ted, because they didn't want to be controlled so much. I did enjoy (somewhat) my days at Ralph's but would never jump at a place that was run like Hitler owned it again.
Life's to short for that or cheap beer.

I didn't vote for Zeke. Is it true that Zeke died?

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