
What was your first canopy?

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1st 10 jumps- 28 ft. Military round (non steerable)- great
canopy if you don't know anything else:P
1st Owned - A very 2nd hand 7 Cell "Viking Superlite" (7
jumps, 2 cut-aways:o,2 repair jobs>:(
one stand-up B|- retired it after that
2nd Owned - A 7 Cell Pursuit 230 - a Rolls Royce
compared to the Viking! (Bought it after only
1 jump!)Prone to the occasional "banger"
3rd Owned - A radical downsize to a 9 Cell 190 Predator -
all F111 - state of the art!B|

Flat packing was the way to go and round reserves were the norm - the first guy to Pro-pack at our DZ drew a massive crowd - for the pack job and the opening!

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28' 7-TU with a 24' cotton twill reserve. Soon upgraded the reserve to a 26' NavCon and used the old one (once) as an intentional cutaway backup reserve. As someone else mentioned, the switch to a 1965 RW&B PC was like going from driving a cement mixer to a sports car. It was "short lined" about 36", so it packed up pretty well, too.

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I had a Viking Superlite for awhile; pretty impressive steering pressure (especially compared with the Starlite I was jumping before that :)
I've done a lot more flat packing than pro packing in my life. I used to have a diaper on my square main that was great, too (and if I tried I could probably figure out how to propack into one, too).

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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My was a multi-color Pegasus and I sometimes jumped my Dad's Cruiselite. I still jump the Cruiselite sometimes and still have the Pegasus. I have stood up all landings so far and I weight 210 lbs. Now my knees pop all the time thou.:S:DSince I have resumed jumping I have picked up a Sabre 190 on my limited budget, and love the landings now.

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Hi Ralu,
Myfirst canopy was an orange and white candy stripe 28' Pioneer eliptical cut 7-TU in a O.D. B-4 harness and 4-pin container system, 24'T-10A Reserve, combat boots, an old military flight suit for a jumpsuit and a converted Navy flight helmit to crown my head!!! Rig, first jump course and first jump, less than $50.00 1964 U.S. dollars.

The feeling when I first left Milon Nobles Cessna 170 on my first static Line Jump,

SCR-2034, SCS-680


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Hi Ralu,
Myfirst canopy was an orange and white candy stripe 28' Pioneer eliptical cut 7-TU in a O.D. B-4 harness and 4-pin container system

Was that an FSF1? There was a smokejumper canopy by that designation that I got to jump a couple of times. It was docile, but turned pretty well for a round canopy at the time. Don't remember at the moment what they called them, but it had little pockets around the skirt -- to catch a little air if it went into the water, if I was told correctly.

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My last round was a Starlite that snivelled every time it opened

Yours must have been the only one (well, unless you had the slider on it). Mine got me used to quick openings; now almost anything else is a snivel.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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My last round was a Starlite that snivelled every time it opened

Yours must have been the only one (well, unless you had the slider on it). Mine got me used to quick openings; now almost anything else is a snivel.

Wendy W.

You're right about that. Most people who jumped them where I jumped thought they were well named as they would occasionally see stars on opening. I only jumped one once and it certainly opened quickly and firmly for me!

Roger "Ramjet" Clark
FB# 271, SCR 3245, SCS 1519

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Hi Wart,
In reply I should add that it was a "C-9" about 1952 or 53 vintage that I got from my first jump instructor for $10.00 at the time. C-9's were all over. We cut the mod. out with a pair of sissors and got binding tape from a fabric store in town. Got a spool of E-thread from scare-a-gear and did the sewing on my grandmother's treddle singer sewing machine!!!!

That was "My" first canopy. On my first 3 or so jumps I used my harness and sleeve but Dave Murray let me borrow his 7-double L 28' C-9. Then I got to jump the 7-TU.
SCR-2034, SCS-680


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Yours must have been the only one (well, unless you had the slider on it). Mine got me used to quick openings; now almost anything else is a

It was probably the way I packed it.......I always rolled it real tight before I stuffed it in the bag......

It was almost as slow as my Stratostar which also went into a bag..........it snivelled as well,so no base jumping or low pulls with that either:)

I made the mistake of borrowing my wifes wonderhog and 'star to make a load rather than repacking mine.........her star had a slider-diaper on it instead of a bag[:/]After break-off,I didnt set up( I never did with mine;)),I released the pilot chute and "instant canopy"(knees hit your face,and your seeing stars for a couple of minutes):o:D
I understood then why she could smoke it so low and not get nervous about it:D

Marc SCR 6046 SCS 3004

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55 jumps with a Manta 288 and Lopo reserve.
One landing with the Lopo. Flat pack for the Manta, later Pro Pack the next canopies:

Turbo Z 210 my radical downsize to a
Pd 170 later,
Sabre 150,
Sabre 120,
Stil 107,
Fx 89,
Velo 79,

A FreeFly Gypsy

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