
What was your first canopy?

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First parachute I jumped was a 28' flat with -- 7TU? Club gear and it's hard to remember.

First parachute I owned was a red & black PC in a WONDERHOG. Nice combo for the time,

The reserve was a 24' flat.
I'm a jumper. Even though I don't always have money for jumps, and may not ever own a rig again, I'll always be a jumper.

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My first three jumps were on DZ owned T-10s then I moved up to a Thunder Bow for a few exciting openings
(The Frontal Closures were exciting). Then long came a Papillion for two or three jumps. When it opened it always reminded me af a Taffeta dress

Then I bought a Israeli made Red, White & Blue Competition Para-Commander. Every couple of dozen jumps I was guaranteed a reserve ride.

Those were the days

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Entry from first logbook May, 1971: Paracommander MK1 Red Baron with 40" off the lines (B12 container) and 24' ripstock belly reserve with a pilot chute! The PC MK1 cost $270.00 and $25.00 for the reserve. I put about 200 jumps on that rig and rode that reserve twice. My ex-wife is a teacher and after the divorce, she de-mil'ed the PC with a pair of scissors, took it to school so the kids could play parachute games with it. I don't remember how the reserve ended it's life.

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Mine was a 26' cheapo with a 5 TU cut .Put about 300 jumps on it before PC's came along.Along the way had it further modified with a french cut and derry slots.At 180 pounds a good plf every time was a must.Loved jumping, hated landings on that thing.

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First canopy I ever jumped was an unmodified 32" T-10 in a full military rig. At 120 lbs, I stayed up damn near forever, but it gave me a LOT of time to learn how to "slip" the canopy. Must admit though, I've never had a softer landing. Had I known better, I could have stood up my first jump.

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Damn now I have to get my electronic gizmo (pro track ?) that I used to log my jumps;)

Actually I have to go down stairs to my fire proof security vault and get out the L.B. log book.

"I'll be back" :)


I'm back:P

First canopy jumped was a double TU out of a cessna 195 in 1968.Used it for first 5 jumps over a 8 month period.

Next one was a [:/]

Gotta go change the battery:D

I'll be back:ph34r:


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Damn now I have to get my electronic gizmo (pro track ?) that I used to log my jumps;)

Actually I have to go down stairs to my fire proof security vault and get out the L.B. log book.

"I'll be back" :)


I'm back:P

First canopy jumped was a double TU out of a cessna 195 in 1968.Used it for first 5 jumps over a 8 month period.

Next one was a [:/]

Gotta go change the battery:D

I'll be back:ph34r:



My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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Damn now I have to get my electronic gizmo (pro track ?) that I used to log my jumps;)

Actually I have to go down stairs to my fire proof security vault and get out the L.B. log book.

"I'll be back" :)


I'm back:P

First canopy jumped was a double TU out of a cessna 195 in 1968.Used it for first 5 jumps over a 8 month period.

Next one was a [:/]

Gotta go change the battery:D

I'll be back:ph34r:


I'm back;)

My Next canopy was a double rocket.

Damn I can't remember what a double TU or a double rocket mod looks like I'll have to check my digital library to see if I can find a pic, or google it.

In hind sight I could have drawn a diagram in my LBB
instead of just filling in canopy type.:(

""I'll be back,:) again[:/]

One Jump Wonder

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He's back:)

Sorry guy's and gals couldn't find my digital pics or video's of the Double TU, or double rocket we jumped:(

But now that I know what Google is B|

If found these two sights for reference


This next article is long but has lots of info about some of the history of the sport and canopy modifications (close to end)


BTW Do not believe the published forward speed of any of these modifications.

To bad my neptune is broken. I'll have to make another trip to my fire proof security vault to check what some of the other canopys were before I finally bought my second;) custom canopy cut to my own spec's:)
FWIW the rental fee for all this gear was $0.00 until I made one jump at lakewood.

I'll be back:D, again:P


One Jump Wonder

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Hi Guy's and Gal's

It been so long since the last time I posted in this thread I almost couldn't find my way back:$

Where was I [:/]

After the dounle rocket we graduated to a 5TUB|, due to the club gear thing I think we went back and forth to the double rocket, 5TU and a 7TU all that with only 14 jumpsB| Max exit altitude was 3200' from a Cessna 195 (no door):( Texas;)

Until I went back east and made one jump at LSPC from their NORS airplane , it was a S/l jump from 2500' rented their rig a blank gore. 1 Jume 69 signed by Pete wilson D-1832. I bet that one cost me some $$$$.:(

Must have bought my first canopy a 7TU (elliptical cut) for extra drive:P around Sept 69 jump # 19, first Stand UP landing on jump #28 (only weighed 135# winds 0-3 mph 2nd jump from 5500'),

Bought my PC brand new RWB for $290 from "Midwest" and got to jump it at #75 like I was supposed to :)

Log books got to love them:)
But in 20-20 hindsight I should have kept better records:(, The double rocket could have been my first canopy it had been dyed blue i might have bought it off a X jumper with a container and reserve in May 69. Just never wrote it down, or the $$$

Trust me I almost can't remember that far back,[:/] Time to take a nap:|.

Next time IF i can remember :o I'll take better notes B|or go digital:S:S:D:D


Just the way it was. Almost back in the day;)

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Krip wrote


This next article is long but has lots of info about some of the history of the sport and canopy modifications (close to end)


BTW Do not believe the published forward speed of any of these modifications.

Thom on his excellent parachuting history website wrote about a cheapo mod called the Hustler. They way he praises its performance makes it sound like it was almost as good as a PC. I jumped all the cheapo mods I knew of LL TU5 TU7 etc but never heard of a Hustler. I find it hard to believe that the Hustler was as good as he reports. Anyone jump one and have a report?

My first jump was a cheapo C9 like most everyone else back in 68.

Still jumping thanks to squares. How lucky I am to have increasing age coincide with big advances in canopy design. No more brutal landings.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Hi 377,


but never heard of a Hustler

The Hustler was quite will known in the mid-60's when I started ( Feb '64 ) but I think it was 'developed' in the rather early 60's. I think they were more of a regional thing.

Here in the Pacific NorthWest we just did our own mods and almost all were 7-Double L or 7-TU.

In the Spring of '64 the ParaCommander came on the market and everything changed; and I mean everything.

Modifications like the Hustler were just too much work. [:/]


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Hi 377,


but never heard of a Hustler

The Hustler was quite will known in the mid-60's when I started ( Feb '64 ) but I think it was 'developed' in the rather early 60's. I think they were more of a regional thing.

Here in the Pacific NorthWest we just did our own mods and almost all were 7-Double L or 7-TU.

In the Spring of '64 the ParaCommander came on the market and everything changed; and I mean everything.

Modifications like the Hustler were just too much work. [:/]

Hi Mr Baumchen & 377

Close to the end of this Link:


There are pics and names of a bunch of "Rag" mods from "almost back in the day".

Turns out the Hustler & Double Rocket were just different names for the same modification. :o

My Double Rocket came from TexasB| The Hustler sounds like a pool room, East/West coast thing.;)

Of course the PC's changed everything but some of us had to have 75 jumps before we could jump a high performance canopy like that. It seperated the men from the boys. ;)

The PC had way to much forward speed and those hook turns for us rookies.B|


One Jump Wonder

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