
Mike Mullins' King Air?

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I've never had the good fortune to meet him or his offspring, but having read about him since the days of the old HelioStallion, I get the feeling that the thing that makes Mullins King Air stand out is...Mike Mullins!
If some old guy can do it then obviously it can't be very extreme. Otherwise he'd already be dead.
Bruce McConkey 'I thought we were gonna die, and I couldn't think of anyone

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I watched Mike's King air in Ellijay Ga. a few years back and timed it from rotation (just lifting off) till he cut the engines on jump run at 14000 ft and it was excatly 7 minutes!!! and he beat all the jumpers to the ground. He removed the original 550 hp engines and put 750 hp engines on it. Mike can fly the living crap out of that thing!!!!!

Always remember, when you get where you're going, there you are!

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I have bunches of jumps out of Mullins King Air, at Quincy, at the Marvin Boogies in McMinville Tn. and at Mullins own DZ WTC (West Tn. Skydiving) I probably have more jumps out of it than any turbine. Mike is a great guy and in my opinion the best jump pilot, PERIOD. As great as mike is, the plane would be the best fastest King Air to jump out of anywhere, regaurdless of who owned or operated it. But no doubt about it, Mike, as the owner operator is what makes the baddest ass plane the best 15 person lift in the buissness. Come to McMinville this sept to the Marvin Boogie and see for yourself.

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On the list of my most fun jumps was out of Mullins' at Quincy a few years back. It was a bad weather, low ceiling day. We were getting 2000ish. I didn't have time to even put my seatbelt on and lean back, and he was already calling "EXIT...EXIT...EXIT".

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I watched Mike's King air in Ellijay Ga. a few years back and timed it from rotation (just lifting off) till he cut the engines on jump run at 14000 ft and it was excatly 7 minutes!!! and he beat all the jumpers to the ground. He removed the original 550 hp engines and put 750 hp engines on it. Mike can fly the living crap out of that thing!!!!!

When Mike bought 9HW it had PT6-28 engines, which develop 680 horsepower, and three-blade props. Since then he has installed PT6-34 engines, rated at 750 horsepower a side, as well as C-90 air intakes and four-blade props.

When he had the -28s it was the fastest ship in the business. IIRC the engines are derated to the stress limits of the airframe, but the larger motors allow him to develop full power to altitude.

At Coolidge a few years back he took up a light load, maybe 5 jumpers. He was only going to 13,500, but it only took him 5 1/2 minutes from rotation to cut.

In addition to having the best climbing plane in the business, Mike is the guy you want at the controls if lots of lights start flashing on the panel. He's very good at what he does.

Blue skies,


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>>In addition to having the best climbing plane in the business, Mike is the guy you want at the controls if lots of lights start flashing on the panel. He's very good at what he does. <<

And he's got several stories from times when lots of lights were flashing that will curl your hair.


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>>In addition to having the best climbing plane in the business, Mike is the guy you want at the controls if lots of lights start flashing on the panel. He's very good at what he does. <<

And he's got several stories from times when lots of lights were flashing that will curl your hair.

Ask him about the time he stalled it with floaters out on jump run in Paradise Okla. I still have the scar on my leg from bouncing off the flap>:(
The older I get the less I care who I piss off.

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There is a faster not so well king air that flies out of Titusville and Jacksonville DZ's under 6 min to 14500.. in 6 loaded full of gas..

That must be Greg Nardi's King Air. I've heard it's the fastest one around, (even faster than Mike Mullan's). I've jumped out of both. Never timed them. They're both faster than hell!......Steve1

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There is a faster not so well king air that flies out of Titusville and Jacksonville DZ's under 6 min to 14500.. in 6 loaded full of gas..

That must be Greg Nardi's King Air. I've heard it's the fastest one around, (even faster than Mike Mullan's). I've jumped out of both. Never timed them. They're both faster than hell!......Steve1

Mike is an awsome guy, period. He says what he's thinking, no matter who it's to or about.

His plane....WOW.

Here's a classic comment from him, in reference to a Skydive Las Vegas claim. Funny stuff.
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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Mike Mullins King Air is niiiiiiice B|. I jumped it a few times when he was down at Wichita, and they aren't lying about the 14k in 7 minutes. Normally in our C182, we have to start putting on helmets and goggles about 500 feet before jump run. In Mikes King Air, you had to put on all your stuff several thousand feet before jumprun.

Not to mention that the plane climbs so fast, that when it levels out for jumprun, you all get some negative g-forces, which kinda automatically stands you up.
The only problem with the King Air is that its more crowded in there than any other plane I've been on, including full CASA loads, or even the little sardine-cans of the sky, C182s :P:D

MB 3528, RB 1182

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Not to mention that the plane climbs so fast, that when it levels out for jumprun, you all get some negative g-forces, which kinda automatically stands you up.


Actually, that happens when Mike cuts the speed back for jump run. Instead of dropping flaps or whatnot, he just pitches the airplane to bring the speed down and gets you to your feet in the process. The payoff, quicker turn around because less people are fumbling around.


The only problem with the King Air is that its more crowded in there than any other plane I've been on, including full CASA loads, or even the little sardine-cans of the sky, C182s :P:D

Yup, by the time you get to altitude I think everyone in the plane would be considered legally married in some states.;)

I love that plane though and made it a point to jump it several times while at WFFC. I was going to be at the KS boogie but just couldn't make it that weekend but I'll definitely be there next time.
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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"no shit, there i was"...

the one and only time i had to ride a plane down was due to a reserve pin dislodged against a window frame. guess what plane that happened to be. yep, big mike's. i strapped my rig into a seatbelt and climbed into the right seat. mike looked over at me and grinned, then headed back to the skydiver boarding area, ( from 13,000 ft, and pretty much in the most direct path you can imagine). talking powered dive here. a once in a lifetime ride.

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I had the opportunity to visit with Mike During the Last KingAir Boogie in Wichita.
From what i Understand, those engines on the sides of that bird are Well beyond the 750 horsepower he gets out of them- His airframe is not rated for anything more than 750, so that 7-minutes to altitude is only at around 65% power.


Edited because i can't spell or even write in complete sentences.
=========Shaun ==========

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talking powered dive here.

So this Mike fella, ;) flew Spitfires in WWII did he? Yikes! I've heard the plane is fast but I didn't believe that he actually beats the jumpers to the ground :o:o

I thought the 'nornal' Kingair at Hollister was a quick ship - I'm not sure I'd agree with those who say there's less room than in a C 182 (I live in one) but it sure is cozy. I kinda miss being able to salute the pilot on exit in the larger ship as I take a stand off the step


Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)

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I was personally on more than one load many years ago in France when I watched the pilot of the Porter touching down while I was tracking away from the formation prior to pulling. I gather Mr. Mullins is good enough, I just don't know about the airframe and engine details that make it possible.

-- Jeff
My Skydiving History

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