
Anyone else ever catch a bird in their canopy?

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I got a hawk with my Fox 245 just recently. Story here:

Just wondering if there are any other accounts of catching any sort of bird in a parachute in flight.

Came pretty close to nailing one in freefall once. High birds and a low break off around 2000 or so. That would have been ugly.

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Once had a Wedge Tail Eagle fly in formation with me in Queensland. Flew beside me and across the top of my canopy about two feet off the top skin.
Stayed with me from about three grand down to two grand.
Though never crossed my mind to catch him!!:ph34r:
Watch my video Fat Women

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I once spied a black vulture soaring some 500-1000 feet below me just after I'd deployed. I front-risered down to him and got probably as close as 20 feet, but then remembered that they spit vomit when threatened, and backed off... A hawk in your canopy... wow... hope it didn't scratch the heck out of it!

Blue Skies
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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I had to dodge some kind of hawk/eagle after opening under my FX99. I just missed nailing it with my canopy, and it did some very startled-looking aerobatics as I whooshed past.

I'm not sure how my canopy would have flown with a big, weirded-out bird being part of its planform, and I'm glad I didn't have to find out.

Blue skies,


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Yeah, I saw the pic. I've since heard that JC once got a bird. Don't know if it entered the canopy or if he just nailed it.

The hawk did surprisingly little damage to the canopy. He poked a few holes into a rib with his bill, but no patches are necessary. Some extra crossporting, I guess. ;)
"¯"`-._.-¯) ManBird (¯-._.-´"¯"


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A hot air ballon and two cliffs. It was Leo Dickinson and Andy Montriou that made the jumps. There is or will be a film named, "Flying With Falcons." There's also a documentary out there (same footage) called, "Lucy—The Falcon That Flew With Man".

Leo's site should have more info:

"¯"`-._.-¯) ManBird (¯-._.-´"¯"


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I've never caught one, exactly, but just after opening I noticed a seagull gliding along 200-300 feet below me and flying the same direction. I was able to drop down and get level with him briefly by playing with the brakes. I was about 50 feet behind him when he turns his head about 15 degrees left "nothing dead on this side" then 15 degrees right "nothing dead on this side" then "wait... what the hell was that" he did the most comical double-take, turning his head nearly 180 to look at me.

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We had a nesting pair of hawks that dive-bombed canopies while guarding their young. They tore some topskins and liked to grab drogues.

Scott Meeker body-blocked a duck while swooping our irrigation canal / levee - funny vid.

And a couple years back we had a flying rabbit. A packer accidentally closed a tandem with a hare inside. Made for one surprised TM.

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was doing stand of jump a few years ago at about 7 k (as i remember) some canada geese joined up on me, the hole thing lasted about 20 seconds one of those times i wish i had my camera with me.

amazing feeling
life is a journey not to arrive at the grave in a pristine condition but to skid in sideways kicking and screaming, shouting "fuck me what a ride!.

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And a couple years back we had a flying rabbit. A packer accidentally closed a tandem with a hare inside. Made for one surprised TM.

I've heard a couple of these stories now and never believed them... how the hell do you close a rig with a rabbit in it???

You honestly wouldn't notice the thrashing and the squealing noise they make? Not to mention the extra pack volume... :D:D

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I got a hawk with my Fox 245 just recently.

I would have to say that is amazing,
Inside your cell!!!
Great catch.
We have crows grabbing or drogues from about 500feet and if we don't throw the canopy around they stay there till we flare the canopy.
This year we are using a smaller faster tandem canopy {HOP330} they have been sitting on the front of the canopy at the leading edge and they tuck in there wings and again if don't go to hard throwing the canopy around they will hang out. for the ride.
It looks as if they hang onto the leading edge with there talons but upon inspection of the canopies we nave not noticed any holes or tears.
There's a little bit of EveL Knievel in all of us.

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