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Hi All,
Being still very much a newbie - I keep hearing that the only daft question is the one you don't ask, so along those lines (and hoping that I don't break that rule! :-) )...can someone explain just what the heck's going on here please?
http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/gallery/imageFolio.cgi?action=view&link=Photo_Submissions/Malfunctions&image=mike premie just testing long filename.JPG&img=&tt=
(that lot should get you to the 5th Dropzone malfunction photo!?)
Sorry to focus on the negative - there are some stunning photo's out there - but I'm (all too easily) confused by this one
Many thanks...Stuart.

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Not knowing the exact story but looking at the photo here's my guess . . .
Some jumpers are either doing some close backflying or are doing a "horney gorilla" type of dive. One of them possibly has a closing loop that breaks and the deployment bag is just now flopping up in the breeze -- possibly pulling the main pilot chute out with it.
I don't believe the pilot chute was accidentally deployed because it isn't inflated and doesn't have any tension on it.
It's possible that one of the jumpers has a line or something caught on him.
My guess would be that the jumper that had the malfunction probably didn't land this canopy.

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Close Paul... Wildblue was on the dive and its his video and stills. I've see that video a ton of times now and what happens is the BOC was trashed and it lets the bag and PC out. The PC hits the burble of the horny gorillia and falls. The thing bounces a few times, inflates and lifts the jumper out of the formation. The canopy was a big sabre and the line twists were the only thing keeping the slider from being at the bottom of the lines. The opening broke both of the guys sandles and yes.... he did land the canopy a few minutes after everyone was down. Mike was out for weeks with pain from that opening.
If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will....

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