
Round canopy ?

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Yup. My first jump was on a blue and yellow one, and I remember it clearly.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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yes all pioneer lo pos(28' and 32') were bias constructed.in fact if i recall correctly,they even carry a TSO placard on the data panel (i mite be wrong tho,its been eons since i saw one.)


I would say that when they made it a 7-TU the data pannel went away. Weren't they usually at the lower edge of the center rear gore.

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OOPS.i stand corrected.i owe mjosparky an apology.all the pioneer lopos i encountered WERE factory modified.you could ascertain this fact because the fabric around each suspension line was also removed between each window,with a "V" tab installed where the line emerged from the radial seam. definitely factory done .thanks pop for setting me straight.

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