
Texxas 20 way McGregor

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There is some dispute about who did it first, but the attached photo (larger version is linked to HERE) shows some Dallas Austin people about to take off on the jump that resulted in claims of the first Texxas 20 way. April 28, 1979 McGregor, Texas. It wasn't a DZ; just used for the boogie. There were several rounds on the load also.

I was there with 23 jumps under my belt that day :S

A little help with IDs please. I know most of them. Many are still jumping.
Russell M. Webb D 7014
Attorney at Law
713 385 5676

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Great photo!

That is truly a blast from the past,thanks for sharing.....:)
But I dont believe that to be the first Texas twenty way.......that would have been this one which was built by an all Texas crew at Tahlequah in July of 1977 ;)

And it looks like we had a few of the same guys in both of them........

See attached photo of celebration commemorating the event

*sorry for the photo quality I will enlarge it and repost or go to my photo gallery for a better look*
Marc SCR 6046 SCS 3004

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If it wasn't built in Texas how can it be a Texas 20 way? Sounds to me like it was an OK 20 way.

Well.......all the participants were from Houston,San Antonio,Austin and the Dallas area.......even if it was built over OK.........:)B|

So a Texan 20 if not a Texas 20?

And upon returning to Texas with our new found technique/experience/confidence for building larger formations and sequencing them.......we were hard at work building 20 ways and larger thru the later part of 1977 and all through '78......I will dig out the logbooks and take a look,but I'm pretty sure the first 20 ways over Texas were at Spaceland in that 77-78 time frame

I will find some time and scan/post some more "gems" from that "era";)

Marc SCR 6046 SCS 3004

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If it wasn't built in Texas how can it be a Texas 20 way? Sounds to me like it was an OK 20 way.

Well.......all the participants were from Houston,San Antonio,Austin and the Dallas area.......even if it was built over OK.........:)B|

So a Texan 20 if not a Texas 20?

And upon returning to Texas with our new found technique/experience/confidence for building larger formations and sequencing them.......we were hard at work building 20 ways and larger thru the later part of 1977 and all through '78......I will dig out the logbooks and take a look,but I'm pretty sure the first 20 ways over Texas were at Spaceland in that 77-78 time frame

That is what I was thinking. asn't folks like Madolyn Murdock, Jack Berk, Mike Smith a part of that crew.

Or am I thinking when the TeXXas 20 way patch came out, thus starting the 20 competitions.

Hell what do I know I was only 11 years old.:S

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Jack and Madolyn were almost certainly not part of it. Jack was jumping at Spring Creek at the time, and I don't think Madolyn started until a little after that.

If it was Spaceland, MS was probably involved if it was after he got there (about 1977 I think); Bill Lee probably, Mark Dickson, Mark Conrad, maybe Jimmy Heffernan, and a host of others. But that picture is way too small to identify much of anyone.

Russel's sure is full of hairy guys :P

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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If it was Spaceland, MS was probably involved if it was after he got there (about 1977 I think); Bill Lee probably, Mark Dickson, Mark Conrad, maybe Jimmy Heffernan, and a host of others. But that picture is way too small to identify much of anyone.

OK.......OK........I'll repost it;)

Add to the list.........to the best of my memory and without looking at a log book:P

Greg Lane,Paul Mcgurr,Joe Svec,Steve Tacconelli???Lee Umschied,Phil Chapline,James Crandall,(JC)Crispy???,many more to follow...........

Marc SCR 6046 SCS 3004

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Wow, that picture brings back memories. My dad (Bobby Brown) still has it hanging on the wall at his house. He is the one in the middle of the door looking to the tail. I will have to ask him if he can remember the rest of the names.

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Jack and Madolyn were almost certainly not part of it. Jack was jumping at Spring Creek at the time, and I don't think Madolyn started until a little after that.

If it was Spaceland, MS was probably involved if it was after he got there (about 1977 I think); Bill Lee probably, Mark Dickson, Mark Conrad, maybe Jimmy Heffernan, and a host of others. But that picture is way too small to identify much of anyone.

Russel's sure is full of hairy guys :P

Wendy W.

See told ya I didnt know:P

Shouldnt it be time or close for the 20 year anniversary of the TeXXas 20 way competitions? Stan my brother knows more about this than I do , I was in Missouri when it was going on.When did those start?

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Those are some awesome pictures. Dave Boatman used to fly for Houston Metro airlines (home of the Twin Otter), which is why there were otters so early in Texas (those Otter pictures are from noticeably before 1975 I'm pretty sure).

Seeing a couple of those guys fuzzy was worth it alone :ph34r:. Most of them aren't familiar, but a couple of them were quite straight and redneck by the time I knew them...

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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when the TeXXas 20 way patch came out...

Like this one? (attached)

Do you have the Pink one??

Nope. And I'm afraid to ask what it represented...

I'm guessing an all-woman's TeXXas 20-way?

You got it! There is also an Aggie Patch (maroon).

5 years ago at SkyFest we brought back the pink patch, by raffeling off the 20th slot to the raffle winner (male or female). It went over great. The video of the "guy" in the plane with 19 ladies is a riot. I think there are now 15 males with the Pink Patch.

You should join us this year and try to get your Pink Patch.

We are creating a new one this year for the Free fliers. I am just going to flip the T up sidedown on the black patch.
Whs if they succeed it will be a TeXXas state ff record.

Should be interesting

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At some point we're going to finally put together an Aggie TeXXas way again. Traditionally you got them for doing a 20-way onto campus (landing in the polo fields), but the TAMU risk management folks tend to frown on anything that's not warm and fuzzy anymore.

We do have a stack of maroon patches in manifest awaiting the next 20-Aggieway. It'll happen, maybe we can make it happen this year.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Ohhh, the Aggie jokes THAT remark could spark

Oh hell yeah! Sort of like Aggie 4-way, right? 3-way out of the 182 with video... There's a new TSL 4-way team starting up at Aggieland and I'm pushing real hard to get them to name themselves "Aggie Freefly" or "Aggie 8-way" or something along those lines.:P
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Wow! Haven't seen that shot in a long time. But I've just gotten back after a 20-year layoff.

Don't remember where the DC-3 came from. As I remember, Bill Dause was still looking for a place to run his 3 and tried it at Hearne for a while, but it didn't stick. Perhaps it's his airplane. I recognize all the faces, but time has blurred the names.

What's this? Bobby Brown has a kid? Good Lord, how time flies! Of course, I've got one of the little scudders myself.

I'm on the lower left, just behind the guy leaning over. Right above me is Kevin Gibson next to the gent in black. Two over from Kevin in that row, wearing a visor, is Manley Butler (Butler Parachutes). Then two over in the next row wearing black is "Big Al" Coovert giving his tongue a sun tan.

Kevin and Big Al instructed at Austin Parachute Center. Kevin pretty much paid for a college education at UT tossing static liners out. Manley developed and TSOed his first "Butler Beta" pilot rig as a project for his Aerospace Engineering degree at UT about this time.

In the door, left is Gregg Hackett and right, Phil Mayfield. I think Phil's stil jumping. Gregg just organized a reunion of old-time Texas jumpers in Dallas, haven't heard the details of who was there. Middle fellow, can't remember his name, went in on a demo a few years later. No or low pull.

Interesting time-freeze that shows the gear still changing - look at the mix of three-rings, capwells and that weird wrap release - someone here will remember its name. And check out Coovert's reserve ripcord - the infamous Blast Handle. Looks to be several more.

Oldsters will remember the blast handle controversy - USPA banned it. People got mad. Joe Svec ran for the BOD on a Reverse-the-Ban platform, and then, once he got on the board and saw the data, supported it. Pissed off many people who voted for him. Lots of folks here will remember all this. And too, Joe's death during the filming of "The Right Stuff."

Clark Thurmond

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Wow, that picture brings back memories. My dad (Bobby Brown) still has it hanging on the wall at his house. He is the one in the middle of the door looking to the tail. I will have to ask him if he can remember the rest of the names.


Wow Bobby Brown, one of my favorite "adults" when I was growing up at the Seagoville DZ (DPA at the time). I did get to see him at my fathers memorial boogie back in 2000. He hadnt changed a bit.
I remember the "crossbow"(is that right) with the arrow on it that he used to jump. hey does he still have that? does he want to sell it?

Wesley you should come out to our event at SD Saceland in July (SkyFest) we will be doing second generation skydives and it would be great to have you join us. Bring your dad too. How is he?

Tell your dad that J one of the Schrimsher boys says hello.

Hope to meet you some time, take care.

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Interesting time-freeze that shows the gear still changing - look at the mix of three-rings, capwells and that weird wrap release - someone here will remember its name. And check out Coovert's reserve ripcord - the infamous Blast Handle. Looks to be several more.

Yep, I noticed at least three. I was trying to figure out if the capewells were shot-and-a-halfs, or if they were single shots. My guess is the former. I'd also bet that at least half of the canopies were Stratostars.

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Once again efs4ever, you ARE the man for Texas skydiving photo history. Folks I recognize are Bobby Brown, Phil Mayfield, Bruce Cunningham Scott Wall, Bruce Head, Big Al and possibly Gary Hollingshead

Scott Wall, Gary H. saw them a couple of years ago.

Stan and I referred to him as Hollowhead.

Hey what hapeened to "George Jefferson" what was his name...Bill G???
He walked and talked like George.

Jerry when you coming to Tx. again, it would be great to see you

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