
Really STUPID question - booties.

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I did my AFF training with a jumpsuit with booties (7 jumps) and loved it. Then I did another 7 jumps without booties, but ordered a jumpsuit with booties. As I haven't been able to jump, nor will I be able to jump for a few weeks (damn stupid plane) I was wondering what it will feel like to jump with my new jumpsuit. What can I expect to be different?? Will it effect my turning, fallrate etc??? Told you guys it was a stupid question!!
Life is for the LIVING!!!!! :D

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Cool - I was just worried I'll start spinning out of control or something... But I should have known better - it's not like I haven't jumped with booties before. Guess I'm just really desperate to know how my new suit will "feel"!! What's the sentence again for hi-jacking a plane??
Life is for the LIVING!!!!! :D

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Yeah, Remster's probably right. You won't notice the difference, or if you do it will be minor.
You will turn quicker though, and you're tracking will be much faster. You'll be able to seriously build up speed when tracking, and doing forward movement. So just remember to watch where you're going.
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Carefull about tracking. Having booties can easily get you to dive more in you track if you dont initiate it properly.
de-arch 1st, extend the legs while keeping the arms either in the boxman or in a cross so you dont dive...
Muff 914

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My recommendation is that you make a bunch of jumps without the booties first. You can still use the suit, just tuck the booties under and secure them (I use duct tape when not using mine).
I equate skydiving with booties to swimming with fins. The principles of use are basically the same. When I learned to swim, I learned without fins. Make sense?
To me, booties are like audible altimeters. I don't depend on my audible; I use my hand mount altimeter as a primary altitude reference to stay altitude aware. On the other hand, I know I can skydive in any situation without booties if I need to - but the booties sure are nice! :)

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