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Chris Bickerdike's Skydiving Artwork

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Chris Bickerdike was a US Army Parachute Rigger in the very early '80's, and an avid Raeford skydiver. If I'm not mistaken, he was one of the first CRW dogs at Raeford. I never met him - his time at Raeford was well before mine. I only knew of him from friends and co-workers, and talked to him on the phone on one occasion when he called my first unit looking for a job.

Chris has a lot of artistic talent, and had many skydiving drawings depicting jumpers with huge smiles on their faces. I know Ted Strong used some of Chris' work in his tandem manual at one point - maybe he still does.

I have attached one of Chris' drawings that I stumbled across last week. Does anyone have any more? It would be cool to collect them here in this post for posterity.
Arrive Safely


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I have the DZO's ph# from the now defunct Skydive San Antonio. He may have some of Chris' work.........

Chris designed the artwork for the SD San Antonio T-shirts..... awesome work..... I started flying there a couple years after Chris.... blue skies


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What a surprise to see Chris' name pop up after all these years. I was one of those early CRW dogs with Chris at Raeford along with a few others.

It's a long shot, but does anyone know how to get in touch with Chris' parents or any family members. If I recall, his family lived in San Antonio, Texas. His log book and log book bag was an art collection in itself. He illustrated many of his jumps in his log book. He's got me in their doing a 2 stack with him. Good luck and happy hunting.
I'm back in the USA!!

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What a surprise to see Chris' name pop up after all these years. I was one of those early CRW dogs with Chris at Raeford along with a few others.

It's a long shot, but does anyone know how to get in touch with Chris' parents or any family members. If I recall, his family lived in San Antonio, Texas. His log book and log book bag was an art collection in itself. He illustrated many of his jumps in his log book. He's got me in their doing a 2 stack with him. Good luck and happy hunting.

PS - I did a white pages search on just his last name in Texas and, in the phone book at least, there are only 13 people listed. A couple were in the age range to be a brother or sister. 3 are in San Antonio.
I'm back in the USA!!

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I'm happy to say Bickerdike was a bud back in the early 80s. I have several log entries where he either drew something related to a dive I did with or without him. Some were strange dives, like the time I got my 28mm lens and went out hooked up with him while he was attached to a D bag static line! Here are the first five.

Picture five was the photo I took that is depicted in the type of dive in picture four. There's a print from a Kodachrome slide attached to the log entry of four.

Russell M. Webb D 7014
Attorney at Law
713 385 5676

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I'm happy to say Bickerdike was a bud back in the early 80s. ]

Following this thread has left me confused.
is Chris B still with us ????


Pain is fleeting. Glory lasts forever. Chicks dig scars.

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No. He died in a skydiving accident in the mid-1980's. I'm not sure of the exact year - surely someone will elaborate

Chris was still recovering from his self described achievement of becoming "Ground Plane #1". (Survived landing a down plane) He was jumping in cold weather with heavy gloves and a CAST on one arm. He went in San Antonio with nothing out. Took out part of a house too. [:/]

The attached photo is a shot of a drawing he did on a dry eraser board. It's me putting students out on rounds at Metroplex Parachute Center in Decatur, Texas. It's a classic, and I'm glad I photographed it.

Russell M. Webb D 7014
Attorney at Law
713 385 5676

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No. He died in a skydiving accident in the mid-1980's. I'm not sure of the exact year - surely someone will elaborate

Chris was still recovering from his self described achievement of becoming "Ground Plane #1". He was jumping in cold weather with heavy gloves and a CAST on one arm. He went in in San Antonio with nothing out. Took out part of a house too. [:/]

Thanks guys. I was hoping that wasnt the case.
I remember the story now....the gloves were the reminder.


Pain is fleeting. Glory lasts forever. Chicks dig scars.

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No. He died in a skydiving accident in the mid-1980's. I'm not sure of the exact year - surely someone will elaborate

Chris was still recovering from his self described achievement of becoming "Ground Plane #1". (Survived landing a down plane) He was jumping in cold weather with heavy gloves and a CAST on one arm. He went in San Antonio with nothing out. Took out part of a house too. [:/]

The attached photo is a shot of a drawing he did on a dry eraser board. It's me putting students out on rounds at Metroplex Parachute Center in Decatur, Texas. It's a classic, and I'm glad I photographed it.


The older I get the less I care who I piss off.

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The story I got was that Chris had a total and the combination of his cast and the ski gloves prevented him from deploying his reserve. He went through the roof of a house into the living room where a guy was kicked back on his couch listening to his stereo.:o
The older I get the less I care who I piss off.

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Sad, but true. Chris died in either late '86 or early '87. I have his incident report from Parachutist in my log book somewhere. I also have the report from the Stars & Stripes newspaper. But I didn't write the date on them. Oddly, I learned about his death when I walked into work one morning in Germany while in the Army. One of my men handed me the Stars & Stripes newspaper and asked me, "Hey, Sarge. Did you know this guy?" I was a little shocked. It was a one paragraph obituary about Chris' death and military service. Since the Stars & Stripes isn't distributed in the US, most of the skydiving community didn't know that his death was literally reported around the world to every base and ship outside the US.
Sad, but I felt honored to have been his friend and found it only fitting that the world should know of his passing. I know when I go, a million people won't read about it.
I'm back in the USA!!

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Chris was still recovering from his self described achievement of becoming "Ground Plane #1". (Survived landing a down plane) He was jumping in cold weather with heavy gloves and a CAST on one arm. He went in San Antonio with nothing out. Took out part of a house too. [:/]


About the Downplane #1 and #2

Yep, Chris "landed" a downplane with Tod Cudnohowsky (SP?) at Raeford in June of '86. They were smoking one low over the landing area when they encountered the infamous "leg-grip death-lock" at break off. They fought/kicked to unlock but they were too low. Anyhow, Chris wound up with some serious upper body injuries like broken wrists and arms. I'm not sure of the total extent of his injuries. While in Germany, I returned to the States for training just after it happened. On July 4th, 1986, I went down to Raeford to see the old gang. That's when I learned about it. I heard first hand reports from eyewitnesses. I met Tod about 10 days after it happened at St, Mere Dropzone on Ft. Bragg. He was knocked out during the landing, but other than bruises was
and jumping already. :o He didn't remember any of it.
I'm back in the USA!!

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I'm pretty sure it was 1986. He was friends with one of the NCOs I worked for, and I can remember her being upset about it. All of that happened before I went to PLDC in December of 1986.:(

Do you recall what her name was? I left Ft. Bragg in November of '85.
I'm back in the USA!!

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OMFG! I remember seeing that drawing on the board! I remember Chris from the Decatur DZ, and remembered hearing that he went in a few years after I quit jumping...

I can't believe you have that. That's fucking cool.

"If all you ever do is all you ever did, then all you'll ever get is all you ever got."

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Picture five was the photo I took that is depicted in the type of dive in picture four. There's a print from a Kodachrome slide attached to the log entry of four.

I like the RW exit altitude in that pic! That would not be happening today! ;)

Scott C.
"He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"

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I like the RW exit altitude in that pic! That would not be happening today!

Chris had a direct bag deployed T-10-1B behind him.

It was just a hop and pop for me. B| I have a better shot of the lines coming off him, and I'll post it when I find it.

Russell M. Webb D 7014
Attorney at Law
713 385 5676

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I'm happy to say Bickerdike was a bud back in the early 80s. I have several log entries where he either drew something related to a dive I did with or without him. Some were strange dives, like the time I got my 28mm lens and went out hooked up with him while he was attached to a D bag static line!

I just noticed a mistake here. It was my 16MM lens. :$

Russell M. Webb D 7014
Attorney at Law
713 385 5676

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