
Mental error

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I was jumping over a place called Gimli in Manitoba canada, 1985 or something. I am 32 jumps to the good. Just starting to get confident, and full of myself. A sleeve deployed PC, miitary style container. Not much of a mistake really. I failed to pay close enough attention to my exit position, and was blown over on my back by the prop wash. My habit was to look up(never missed an opening). So on my back and looking up, I pulled it anyway. The lines surrounded me and wrapped around my arms and legs. I was untying myself when I look up and the PC is starting to open. My right arm is still wrapped up and when the chute pops I knock myself slightly unconcious with my own hand. When I wake up under the fully deployed PC( thanks to God), I am very pleased. When I look down I realize that I am almost down and there is a barbwire fence directly below me. I pull the right toggle and dump the air out of the PC and swing right hard. This brings me in at about 35mph, I think, I actually bounce twice. Shoulder still not right. The lesson? Don't do this, pay attention instead.


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Good story from the good old days, got a few myself.
Must have whacked yourself pretty well if it took you this long to remember it.
(just being a smart ass)
“The only fool bigger than the person who knows it all is the person who argues with him.

Stanislaw Jerzy Lec quotes (Polish writer, poet and satirist 1906-1966)

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