
Andy Guest(juster)

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just wondering if any of you have heard of him hes been in the sport a long time and is the secound longest running CCI in the U.K. and was the captin of the royel marines freefall team any of you know him and what old stories have you got on him
Falling from the top floor
your lungs fill like parachutes

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just wondering if any of you have heard of him hes been in the sport a long time and is the secound longest running CCI in the U.K. and was the captin of the royel marines freefall team any of you know him and what old stories have you got on him

In January '84 I did a few jumps with him in Z-hills, one a 10-10 attempt which yielded a 10-man star, followed by a 9-plane crw formation. Fun formation.
Also a 10-plane formation with Andy, Taff, Bruce, Reddy(?), Ian and Rob Paley. The old days.
If some old guy can do it then obviously it can't be very extreme. Otherwise he'd already be dead.
Bruce McConkey 'I thought we were gonna die, and I couldn't think of anyone

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