Jessica 0 #1 May 5, 2002 (cross-posted in Talkback)Sorry bout the formatting. PRESS RELEASE - May 4, 2002SKYVENTURE ACQUIRES TUNNELCAMP.COM; ALAN METNI BECOMES SKYVENTURE CEO;FIRM BEGINS $7.65 MILLION EXPANSION INCLUDING ARIZONA, CALIFORNIA AND NEWJERSEY.Today, SkyVenture announced its acquisition of and theconstruction of SkyVenture Arizona. Alan Metni, former Arizona Airspeedmember and owner of, will join SkyVenture as its ChiefExecutive Officer. SkyVenture also made public its immediate expansioninto new markets with tunnels slated for construction in SouthernCalifornia, New Jersey, Chicago and Texas. SkyVenture recently begunfranchise operations in Malaysia and is building a tunnel in the UK forits military. The company has the capacity and financial ability to buildmultiple units simultaneously.SkyVenture Arizona - a second generation Vertical Wind Tunnel locatedjust outside Phoenix - will be less than 20 minutes drive from Sky HarborAirport and 45 minutes from Skydive Arizona. Site selection, financingand design are complete and the company has begun fabrication of theenormous steel superstructure and components. SkyVenture Arizona willreportedly be faster, smoother and quieter than previous SkyVenturetunnels and superior to any other known design. SkyVenture Arizona willproduce 45% more horsepower than its Florida predecessor and will beoptimized for the sport skydiving and military markets (as part of theexpansion plan, the Florida tunnel will also undergo substantialupgrades). SkyVenture has filed for additional patents on many of theimprovements. Bill Kitchen is the inventor of the SkyVenture Vertical Wind Tunnel andthe majority owner of SkyVenture. Kitchen built SkyVenture Florida as aworking prototype in 1997. Its unique design employs multiple ducted fanssituated above the air column to provide a flying experience almostidentical to freefall. The device has not only proved the concept but hasbeen operating profitably for the last three years. Recently, teams andindividuals of all skill levels have flooded SkyVenture with business. Asa result, SkyVenture Florida is now running over-capacity, often bookedweeks or months in advance. The upsurge in demand has prompted the largeexpansion program announced by the company today. The company recentlycompleted the engineering and plans for a recirculating tunnel to be usedin colder climates.Alan Metni is a former member and manager of the United States NationalFormation Skydiving Team, Arizona Airspeed, and the owner has both benefited from and contributed toSkyVenture's success. has trained more than 350 skydiversof all experience levels at SkyVenture. Its popular training camps aregenerally sold out 45 to 60 days in advance. has flownmore than 900 hours at SkyVenture and is reportedly the largest singlecivilian purchaser of tunneltime in the world. plans tooffer training camps at SkyVenture Arizona and SkyVenture California inthe latter part of 2002.For further information, please contact Bill Kitchen ( orAlan Metni (, 480-283-2603).Taking nominations for new screen name. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PhillyKev 0 #2 May 10, 2002 Sweetness....I'm hoping that Jersey location is near Crosskeys.cielos azules y cerveza fría-Kevin Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skymedic 0 #3 May 10, 2002 I didn't know there were any other DZ's in I am thinking they gotta put it near there....CheersmarcEat my altimeter Bitch!!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rendezvous 0 #4 May 10, 2002 Some other ones are Skydive Jersey Shore, Sussex, and Sky's the limit. The first two operate Cessna 206 and 182 or 205, while STL has a 21 jumper Caravan, a King Air and a C 182 and is also open through out the winter. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stacy 0 #5 May 10, 2002 i would imagine so, in that metro area b/c of philly being there too. Rumor had it that camden area was a possibility but i'm not sure on the authenticity of that....Stacy Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jimbo 0 #6 May 11, 2002 Heh. That'd be nice. You can jump the tunnel and get your crack in one convenient trip.Camden is yucky. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skymedic 0 #7 May 11, 2002 Hey rendevous....I was joking...CK rocks...and the people there are awesome...I know jersey has a few other DZ's....and I am sure they are great too....CheersmarcEat my altimeter Bitch!!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites