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D B Cooper Unsolved Skyjacking

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It has been thirty five yrs since Cooper took his flight out of Portland to Seattle. Departing from Seattle he jumped with a $200 K ransom.

I am the widow of a man who claimed that he was Cooper 11 days before he died in 1995. I have been researching his past for 11 yrs now and I need the help of this forum to uncover his jump history.

So far I have done everything for the FBI except put him in a parachute. The help of those who read this forum will be appreciated.

I don't want to debate theories about how the crime was done and who else may have done it. All I want is to find information about sky jumping and any information I might be able to find about Duane Lorin Weber and any of his AKA's.

If anyone is interested I will post photos of him on the forum from different areas of his life in hopes that someone knows an old timer who might recognize him. The old timers usually don't use computers so it will help me immensely if you guys would print the photos and take them to your meetings or anyplace that these old timers might be found. Perhaps there is a magazine for jumpers that might run some of the photos.

Please help me in my search and once and for all to bury Cooper.


Jo Weber, Widow of Duane L. Weber aka Dan Cooper as he told me, plus the many aliases that he is known to have used.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Please ... do post the photos of the fellow. A picture is worth a thousand words, and, as one of those old farts who's memory is better at faces than names ... pictures would be a great help.
Denny (Bear) Gaynor, recently passed away, but back in the early ninties, I used to sit and chat with him between flying loads. Bear always said he knew who really was D. B. Cooper, but would not reveal the identity until all involved were dead.
Zing Lurks

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I started this thread tonight, because I thought it should get its own slot. I kept getting lost trying to find the places that I had posted to.

Due to illness I have not been able to get to the repair place that was going to extract my photos from my old computer - I am just not up to scanning them again and doing all of the work over that I had already done. Within a couple of wks I hope to be able to put them on the site.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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A photo of the bear that licked his remains clean in the woods might be of some help.

Seriously, this is just stupid. The guy who jumped in that storm, died in the woods, and parts of his stolen loot was recovered many years later in the mud.

If in fact you're serious...(stranger things have happened)...the guy you were married to just liked to tell stories. Some folks just aren't satisfied with an occasional appearence on "COPS", and need more exposure to enjoy life. So my advice is to concentrate on getting that roof fixed on the mobile home, setting up your blinking, multi-colored manger scene for christmas, and toasting his memory by drinking another fifth of Jack. :)

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A photo of the bear that licked his remains clean in the woods might be of some help.

Seriously, this is just stupid. The guy who jumped in that storm, died in the woods, and parts of his stolen loot was recovered many years later in the mud.

If in fact you're serious...(stranger things have happened)...the guy you were married to just liked to tell stories. Some folks just aren't satisfied with an occasional appearence on "COPS", and need more exposure to enjoy life. So my advice is to concentrate on getting that roof fixed on the mobile home, setting up your blinking, multi-colored manger scene for christmas, and toasting his memory by drinking another fifth of Jack. :)

Hey. Let me tell you some of my SEAL stories. Alas. I have to go dig up pics. I think (know) the CIA stole them. I'm sure D. Cheney and Bush and Co. were involved too!. Bastrds
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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Seriously guys, you're just being mean. Don't you have better things to do than pick on old ladies on the internet. Who cares if she's on a wild goose chase.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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You guys really suck.....whether this is a real thing or not...how the ?$#! do you know. She's not asking for money and she's not asking you to step away from your computer to put on hip waders and go trekking through the woods looking for some dead guy you may or may not find. I believe all she wants is ANYONE that MAY know ANYTHING to help her out and look at some photo's. That doesn't sound very difficult. How would you like it if you were trying to find out SOMETHING about WHATEVER and you went to the LARGEST source there is to find out ANY kind of information and some jerks told you to go sh....t in a hat. I'll help the lady. You idiots should grow up

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So my advice is to concentrate on getting that roof fixed on the mobile home, setting up your blinking, multi-colored manger scene for christmas, and toasting his memory by drinking another fifth of Jack.

So she's trailer trash because she's trying to follow up on claims her dead husband made prior to passing away?

There's no reason to be an ass. If you have nothing constructive to contribute, why don't you just show some class and and say nothing?[:/]

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MrGuy, you're outta line. Akarunway, I think you're pretty close, too.

Someone is asking for help. If you have no ideas or suggestions to offer, perhaps not posting to her threat would've been a really, really good idea. To refrain from making assumtions about lifetstyle, judgments about same, and especially to base it on absolutely NO information shows your disdain and contempt for someone you don't even know.

I certainly hope you are not ever in a position to ask for information from strangers. If perhaps you are, I most certainly hope your needs are met with far greater respect and helpfulness than you two have shown.

(Akarunway, you have shown me sympathy and offered me help in the past...I'd like to think you would extend the same sort of courtesy and hand of friendship to someone else, too.)


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Unfortunately you are seeing more and more people act like this on the forum.Someone started a thread about it recently.I just don't get it.If you don't want to or can't help someone why not just go on to the next thread or to the Speakers Corner if you need to be an ass.

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I started this thread tonight, because I thought it should get its own slot. I kept getting lost trying to find the places that I had posted to.

ok than.

i though i saw this before just wasn't sure why you didn't post to the other post. Now I know...and knowing is half the battle.:D (sorry for the G.I. joe reference)
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Spence I agree.

To everyone else... knock it off and let her post the pictures if she has them. If you can't contribute to the conversation then don't post to that thread. There are lots of other threads out there that you can post to that will let you see your name beside a post. :P
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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A photo of the bear that licked his remains clean in the woods might be of some help.

Seriously, this is just stupid. The guy who jumped in that storm, died in the woods, and parts of his stolen loot was recovered many years later in the mud.

If in fact you're serious...(stranger things have happened)...the guy you were married to just liked to tell stories. Some folks just aren't satisfied with an occasional appearence on "COPS", and need more exposure to enjoy life. So my advice is to concentrate on getting that roof fixed on the mobile home, setting up your blinking, multi-colored manger scene for christmas, and toasting his memory by drinking another fifth of Jack. :)

Dear Mr. DeWitte:

Nothing speaks to a person's character or lack thereof more than the criticism he or she chooses to inflict on others. Your cruel, unwarranted personal attack against a woman whose only crime is trying to find out more about the man she loved suggests that you, Mr. DeWitte, suffer from a serious lack of character. That you not only criticized her objective but also felt it necessary to question her motivation and make disparaging inferences about her lifestyle suggests you not only suffer from a serious lack of character but are also embarrassingly deficient in basic maturity. I think I speak for just about everyone hear in asking that you not only refrain from making further posts on dropzone.com but also find a new sport and/or hobby, so as not to further taint the image of skydiving with your presence.


W. Scott "Douva" Lewis
I don't have an M.D. or a law degree. I have bachelor's in kicking ass and taking names.

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Thanks guys & ladies for standing up for the lady who is only looking for possible info. I know if I was in her shoes, and my late husband had dhared something that significant with me, I would chase the ends of the world trying to prove or disprove it. I hope she finds the answers she's looking for.:)

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A photo of the bear that licked his remains clean in the woods might be of some help.

Seriously, this is just stupid. The guy who jumped in that storm, died in the woods, and parts of his stolen loot was recovered many years later in the mud.

If in fact you're serious...(stranger things have happened)...the guy you were married to just liked to tell stories. Some folks just aren't satisfied with an occasional appearence on "COPS", and need more exposure to enjoy life. So my advice is to concentrate on getting that roof fixed on the mobile home, setting up your blinking, multi-colored manger scene for christmas, and toasting his memory by drinking another fifth of Jack. :)

Dear Mr. DeWitte:

Nothing speaks to a person's character or lack thereof more than the criticism he or she chooses to inflict on others. Your cruel, unwarranted personal attack against a woman whose only crime is trying to find out more about the man she loved suggests that you, Mr. DeWitte, suffer from a serious lack of character. That you not only criticized her objective but also felt it necessary to question her motivation and make disparaging inferences about her lifestyle suggests you not only suffer from a serious lack of character but are also embarrassingly deficient in basic maturity. I think I speak for just about everyone hear in asking that you not only refrain from making further posts on dropzone.com but also find a new sport and/or hobby, so as not to further taint the image of skydiving with your presence.


W. Scott "Douva" Lewis

Well said
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Thanks guys & ladies for standing up for the lady who is only looking for possible info. I know if I was in her shoes, and my late husband had dhared something that significant with me, I would chase the ends of the world trying to find the money. I hope she finds the answers she's looking for.:)

There I fixed it for you.:D

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Mr. Guy, if you have been around skydiving enough (if you even do as is some cases on these boards) you would know that Parachutist magazine had quite an article on him about a year ago or so. Its figured he might have actually landed somewhere by White Salmon, I believe. I can speak for personal experience he could of even had a bad fall at end and been fine. 2 yrs ago I hit the last tree branches(stopping forward flight) in high winds at Crosstrees..oops Crosskeys (damn rotors) and fell 40 feet onto knees. I got away with a compressed L-1 vertabrae, and only had to wear a corset(backbrace). Back to work(construction) in 10 weeks. Fact is it rains ALOT here, and ground could have been very soft. Maybe he made it, maybe he didn't, but he's still our Bigfoot, so quit pissing on our parade.

I havent been around but 5 yrs, but this could get very interesting:)

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Here's a link to make it easier to find all the posts you have made:


This automatically does a search for all of your posts, starting with your most recent. It should make it easier to keep track of your own posts.

I am impressed at your researching and am respectfully watching this exciting story from the sidelines with an open mind, without interfering. I am just a relative "newbie" who literally born after D.B. Cooper started jumping.

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Are you guys for real?? Unbelievable.

I'm gonna contact those people in Nigeria....they'll be happy to know that the Gullible Pool has been filled to overflowing.

Dragging MY NAME through the mud?

WHERE ARE THE MODS?? It's ok to attack a REAL PERSON like me, but NOT ok to JOKE about an anonomous poster?? I see your true colors.

I haven't once been pissed about any stupid ass thing I've read on here...but this is too much. You guys make the most disgusting comments/remarks/comentary ever typed online...and you have the nerve to question my character. Too fuckin rich. Bunch of babies. Come around Jumptown sometime and introduce yourself. I'll be the one who excuses himself in search of better company.

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I think two of the Mods have been here and pretty much agreed with the rest of us.Weather something is true or not does not give anyone the right to be a dick.Not saying that you are a dick because that would be a PA and everyone knows I don't do that.Have a nice day.Maybe you would like the Speakers Corner.

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