jackwilson 0 #326 August 10, 2007 I agree with Bozo. None of us trying to be cruel. We are simply pointing out "holes" in the story. Calling someone a "troll", simply because they disagree with your story, is not a cool thing to do. IF you want to fight back. Get a picture of Duane skydiving, or a name of the doctor in Ca. who treated him for the alleged leg injury, or have the Robert Knoss guy come out of the Witness Protection Program, or the skydiving instructor who taught Duane in the late 60's, or the name of the skydiving center. BTW: Inside Edition re-ran the episode about Cooper and Mayfield tonight. I missed the first running, and had to catch it on the web. No mention of Duane in the piece. Skyjack, why don't you contact Inside Edition, and get them to run your story? jacko Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #327 August 11, 2007 Quote IF you want to fight back. Get a picture of Duane skydiving, or a name of the doctor in Ca. who treated him for the alleged leg injury, or have the Robert Knoss guy come out of the Witness Protection Program, or the skydiving instructor who taught Duane in the late 60's, or the name of the skydiving center. Go back and read this thread from being to end - that is why I am on this site and started this thread - and I have received a lot of help from some of the amazing skydivers who read this forum The only persons I am referring to as "trolls" are individuals who came to this site after the Mayfield program and have posted in no other threads." I have been approached by many programs including Inside Edition and have refused to do anymore documentaries. What I am trying to do with this thread is what the FBI and CIA did not do. Making a plead to the skydiving world to contact all of the old-times and show them Duane's picture - most are older than I am and not computer savy. Information, is my sole reason for being here on this site. I do not have time nor energy to deal with those individuals who make trivial comments and have no consideration for my efforts. Like your comment that I should find the Doctor - use your head - would you have went to a Dr.if you were Cooper?. How would you propose I find a Dr. who treated someone in 1971? Think about the yrs that have gone by and the government has done nothing to bring an end to this old case.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
awsee1 0 #328 August 13, 2007 Skyjack71, If you are seeking the "truth" why in your profile do you call yourself the "Widow of DB Cooper"? You have told me in PM's to read this site and see all the "evidence" for myself. I have done just that and can't find anything but "stories" and nonsense. Case in point is post #145 where you try to show that an old photo of someone holding cheap sunglasses and an old 8-track case under a camping table at a garage sale is "proof" that Duane is Cooper. I'm not even going to credit that with a response, other than to say....."last gasp". Brenda Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryBaumchen 1,387 #329 August 14, 2007 Hi jack, What happened to your last post? Jerry Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jackwilson 0 #330 August 14, 2007 Good point Brenda. BTW: Does calling yourself the "widow of DB Cooper get you a better table at your favorite restaurant"?, or does it simply get you seated next to the air marshall on your next plane trip? Anyway, I have a limited education, but, as a bartender, I can tell the difference between a story, and the truth. For example: You stated that in the early 90's that you held an airline ticket in your hands, that was dated 11/24/71, and was from Sea-tac to Portland, and was Dan Cooper's. So, how is it that you said in the hospital, you didnt' know the name Dan Cooper, when Duane said he was Cooper. Is this the truth? If not, and you didn't know about Cooper, why in the world would you remember the date, airline, cities, and name on a ticket, that was in the tax files, of a man you weren't even married to at the time? Why would anyone care about a twenty year old plane ticket, and why would any memorize the name, cities, airline, and date? It is because of this claim, that Himmelsbach became interested in your story. Then, when the time came, the airline ticket mysteriously vanished. It doesn't add up. You said Duane probably threw it away or buried it, but, why would he keep it for 20 years, and then get rid of it? Doesn't make sense to me. Either you knew who Cooper was back in the early 90's, or the airline ticket never existed. In addition, we are supposed to believe that Cooper planned everything to a "t", according to Mayfield's line, and then Cooper can't remember where he buried the money? Doesn't make any sense. If Duane had buried the money in a bucket, and couldn't find it, then how in the world did he find 3 packets, and according to you, throw them into the Columbia river, in 1979. FTR. The hydrologists who examined the site along the Columbia river where the 6k was found, said the money was in the sand for years, probably since the time of the heist, or soon thereafter. If Duane had saved 6k of the bills, why didn't he simply keep one of the bills, put it in a safety deposit box, and tell you to sell the story when he dies? Or is this what is happening, minus a 20? Also, you state Duane hurt his leg in the jump. Well, how did he get from southern Washington to California, with a severe leg injury? Who drove him, where did he stay? How is it you can place him in California in 1972? What does Duane being in California in 1972, have to do with the hijacking in Portland in November of 1971. Time to find proof, instead of stories. Find the man who trained Duane to skydive, find "ONE" photo of Duane skydiving, or have Robert Knoss come out of hiding, and tell us how he knows Duane was trained as a skydiver in MN. Heck, you found the "alledged" sunglasses, and briefcase, certainly, you can find a photo of the suit, or Duane diving, or part of Cooper's chute, the ransom note, etc. Also, how is it, that not "ONE" person, no relatives, no ex-wives, no skydivers, nobody, called in Duane's name to the FBI as a suspect, from 1971-1996? According to you, he was a trained skydiver, you think resembles the "ONE" sketch, and his criminal background, why didn't anyone call in his name? until you did in 1996, and the fbi blew you off, according to your own words. I know you claimed to be married to Db Cooper, and most people disagree. Thing is, you have spoken to Cooper, you just didn't know it. Also, isn't it true on the KOIN show, the men said that the stewardess was shown a photo of your husband, and the stewardess said that your husband was NOT DB Cooper. Is this true? I was told to use my head, and this is what I came up with. jacko Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jackwilson 0 #331 August 14, 2007 Quote Hi jack, What happened to your last post? Jerry It was being re-tooled. jacko Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #332 August 15, 2007 Jack states: "I can tell the difference between a story, and the truth." Jack states:"You stated that in the early 90's that you held an airline ticket in your hands, that was dated 11/24/71, and was from Sea-tac to Portland, and was Dan Cooper's". I never said the ticket said Dan Cooper. I have an unique ability to remember things from the past...which has been exhibited by my recall in not only this incident, but thru out my life. The date was February of 1994 that I found the ticket. Jack states: "the hospital, you didnt' know the name Dan Cooper, when Duane said he was Cooper. Is this the truth?" When I saw the ticket - the date and place registered and nothing else other than a general description of the ticket. It would have seemed insignificant had he not asked me later what I did with the old ticket and yet, when I was reading it out loud - he had told me it used to mean something but didn't anymore. I went out to look for the ticket with the things I had thrown away, but it wasn't there. That meant it was still in the box in his bedroom. He was laid up with a broken leg. see it one more time when I was putting his socks away at a later date and again mention it. This time it disappeared for good. In the fall of 1994 I had a garage sale - I had a girl helping me because I had to take him to dialysis and pick him up. When I got home with him - she asked me what to do with the book wasn't a book and what was inside. Duane told her to set it aside (he was exhausted from the treatment). Later that same evening he asked me to go get the book - I searched thru the garage and it was not there...I called the helper and she told me she didn't remember what she did with it. He simply said "Well, it's gone now." He was also out of my presence two other times during that trip - He always said "Don't put all your eggs in one basket". the forensic technology of the 1979 cannot touch the science of 2007. WHY!? - because I didn't know who Dan Cooper was and it was just an old $20 bill in a bank called "Symba". He couldn't tell me prior to that last week of his life - he knew my principals and that I would have turned him in and he would have spent the rest of his life in a prison. He did try to tell me who he was in the hospital - I just didn't get it. Dan Cooooper meant nothing to me. Jack States: "How did he get from southern Washington to California, with a severe leg injury? Who drove him, where did he stay? How is it you can place him in California in 1972?" I would be better than the FBI and this would all be over. I do know that a note was sent by someone to a newpaper claiming it was from Cooper. It was post marked only 28 miles from were his sister was living at the time. This note is supposedly in WA. DC and not in the state FBI files...I was told this by the FBI but it doesn't make much sense. All they need to do is test that note and envelope against the DNA and prints of Duane L. Weber. mistakes are made. I was provided with the photos by the ex-wife of the time - she didn't tell me why she sent me that particular photo. Wonder why? The FBI interviewed her but according to her daughter her mother estroyed some items prior to their appointment. Jack States: "Nobody , called in Duane's name to the FBI as a suspect, from 1971-1996?" Leads came out of Jefferson City, but the FBI did not follow up on them very well -a resident of that establishment told the FBI they knew who Cooper was. The composite that was circulated in 1971 was the old Bing Crosby look-alike and that saved his hide. Jack States: "I know you claimed to be married to Db Cooper, and most people disagree. Thing is, you have spoken to Cooper, you just didn't know it." the man who took Mayfield before a camera to defend himself. Also Quote Most people seems to be a minority. The stewardess has NEVER seen photos of Duane that I am aware of and if she has been show photos then she needs to be shown ALL of the photos - remember his chameleon appearance. Jack states: "I was told to use my head, and this is what I came up with." I have given you your answers and remember I do this from memory - I do not have time to find notes and I will make a minor mistake now and then.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bozo 0 #333 August 15, 2007 Quote Jack states: "I can tell the difference between a story, and the truth." Heres the bottom line. Jo, you are convinced , beyond a shadow of a doubt, that your lowlife, smalltime , lifetime criminal husband was/is DB Cooper. You will argue the point to the grave. Although you can provide no connection with parachuting nor skydiving with him. Everyone that disagrees with you is labeled a troll. Call me what you will...your former hubby was not Dan Cooper. bozo Pain is fleeting. Glory lasts forever. Chicks dig scars. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orange1 0 #334 August 15, 2007 Jo, Bozo makes a very good point when he says... Quote Although you can provide no connection with parachuting nor skydiving with him. In your very first post, you said: QuoteSo far I have done everything for the FBI except put him in a parachute. 333 posts and nearly a year later, despite all the help you say you have got from the people here, that still hasn't been done.Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jackwilson 0 #335 August 16, 2007 Quote Quote Jack states: "I can tell the difference between a story, and the truth." Heres the bottom line. Jo, you are convinced , beyond a shadow of a doubt, that your lowlife, smalltime , lifetime criminal husband was/is DB Cooper. You will argue the point to the grave. Although you can provide no connection with parachuting nor skydiving with him. Everyone that disagrees with you is labeled a troll. Call me what you will...your former hubby was not Dan Cooper. Well said. I have a very hard time believing why a person would memorize a 20 year old plane ticket. Sky memorizes the date, airline, and destination. And, she also reads it aloud to her hubby. Yet, she never thought to look at the name on the ticket? What was the purpose of even looking at the ticket to start with? Would a 24 year old ticket even be legible due to the ink vaporizing due to age, heat, and light? Sky, you act as if you had limited knowledge of Cooper when Duane confessed in 1995. Yet, You admit, that Duane pointed to an area in the forest, and said, that is "where DB Cooper came out of the forest". You said, how do you know, and he said, "maybe I was on the ground". Sound familiar? So, in 1979, you were fully aware of Duane's "possible" connection to the Cooper case. You knew about the case, admittedly, since it happened in 1971. You admit Duane was having nightmares about leaving prints on the aftstairs. You admit seeing a ticket stub dated 11/24/71, from Sea-tac to Portland, NW airlines, and didn't bother to check the name. You remember Duane mentioning he had a limp from skydiving. So, we are supose to believe that in 1995, you had no idea who Cooper is? Please? Remember, you have a photographic mind. Not to mention, that according to you, Duane looks just like the one sketch. Regardless, I have a hard time believing Duane has ever been skydiving, even once, in his life. IF you want to quash the critics, like me, all you have to do, is to get proof Duane was in Oregon on that day, Duane was a skydiver, or GEt the stewardess to change her mind. You know, the one who said your husband was not Cooper. I know Duane is a chameleon. But, it's pretty hard to take duane's face, and hairline, and make it look like the sketch from Unsolved Mysteries, or to take a thin man, with a big nose, big ears, and small neck, and turn him into a compact, stocky, balding, middle aged man. Call me what you will, a troll, a catcher (I thought that is a baseball term), or whatever, Truth is, Duane is, in my opinion, just one of about 100 men, who confessed to being Cooper, on their deathbed, in order to gain attention, just one last time. BTW: What do you want out of this? Should we build a memorial of Duane in WAshington, next to the guys who died in Viet Nam? Or change the name of the "cooper" vane to the Weber vane? jacko Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #336 August 16, 2007 I did not memorize the ticket - I have told you before that I have a unique ability for that type of thing and I will restate again - they did not have passenger names on the tickets in 1971. The ticket obviously had been in a protected place and was in very good condition. What he said in 1979 never entered my mind when I saw that ticket. What he said in 1979 I did not take seriously. Yes, I had very little knowledge of who Cooper was and I really wasn't interested. In 1979 when he took me to WA and in 1995 when he died. By the way he stated "That's where Cooper walked out of the woods". You can't even quote me accurately. I said "How would you know that" and he says "Maybe I was the one on the ground". I did not take him seriously. I was aware of nothing - you neglected to tell everyone that I had blond roots. When he had that dream about the aftstairs - I did not know it was on an airplane - the told me it was from jail. It would be 1996 on May 24 th when I found out what an aft stairs was. I will repeat ONE more time there was no name on the ticket.. In 1995 when I was dressing Duane to take him to the hospital I asked him how he hurt his leg. He said he hurt it jumping out of a plane. I replied "You jump out of a plane" Cooper did not enter my mind and I thought his answer was a joke. I did not have Cooper on my mind - I had a very sick man to get to the hospital and that is all I thought about. You have obviously never cared or loved someone enough to put things aside to do what had to be done. I have never said I had a photographic mind - just an unique ability to recall somethings - like the page in a book and formulas on that page. I had a mental block to counting money - like I said maybe my roots where blond. use your time and ability to go out there and help get the information I am looking for. Use the time you spend trying to make me look bad, by doing something good for once in your life. My purpose in even posting here is to get help from the public and to put pressure on the FBI to investigate the things I have re-interated time and time again that did not get investigated. Write the FBI and CIA -ask them why they never revealed the name of the inmate who claimed Cooper was in Jefferson City? Find out the name they were given? Find out why they did not pursue this? Find out why they never checked the letter sent to a newpaper for Duane's DNA and prints? You know where the stewardess is - WHY don't you get the correct pictures from me and ask her to view them. One of the stewardesses will not talk about the incident and you are also aware of this. The pictures (if you have bothered to view ALL of them are very close to the composites). You are aware that photo recognition hardware out of Vegas was used on the composite and on Duane's photos and other suspects and that Duane L. Weber was a match. You cannot name one other person who confessed to being Cooper on his deathbed - the FBI made that statement, but never qualified it and no one ever came forward to say that they thought their husband or father or brother was really Cooper. What do I want out of this - it is more like [what do you want out of this? You have taken this site and trashed it. That has been your goal since you came aboard. Guys and Gals if you want to hear from me again then send me a private email...there is no need in my spending the valuable time that I have left with the like of this. If the moderators want to bash or banish me for this answer then so be it - but, someone with his attitude belongs in BonFire and not in History and Trivia. We have managed to keep this site informed and polite until Wilson and Flybounce came around. I cannot and will not repeatedly defend myself. He is entitled to an opinion, but it is more than a polite opinion - he baits and attacks me with incorrect information and my rebuttals have made the thread repeative. One last parting thought - This thread averaged lots of hits, because people came here to read about my plight and my desperate search - it has become one of the most popular threads in History and Trivia. It is really unfortunate that it has to end this way. Jo Weber - aka Ms. CooperCopyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bozo 0 #337 August 16, 2007 Quote Jo Weber - aka Ms. Cooper Well........the quote above is very telling and settles this. Shes not looking for the truth....as Ive said before, she has her truth and no one here will change that. bozo Pain is fleeting. Glory lasts forever. Chicks dig scars. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cabbage 0 #338 August 16, 2007 QuoteQuote Jo Weber - aka Ms. Cooper Well........the quote above is very telling and settles this. Shes not looking for the truth....as Ive said before, she has her truth and no one here will change that. Why so negative? Whether Webber was or wasn't Cooper doesn't matter to most of us but the thread did make interesting reading until recently the comments became destructive and argumentative. You're comming across as a bully and spoiler for no apparent reason other than to piss on someone elses parade. Why? Educate me if this isn't the case.------------------------------------------------ We're a' just machines for makin' shite. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BillyVance 34 #339 August 16, 2007 QuoteQuote Jo Weber - aka Ms. Cooper Well........the quote above is very telling and settles this. Shes not looking for the truth....as Ive said before, she has her truth and no one here will change that. How do you know for absolute certainty that her Duane wasn't the hijacker. I would like to see proof that he wasn't, instead of reading repeated put-downs on Jo... I am sure that if she was younger and in better health with more time on her hands, she would have better results with her research, and if the research gave her proof that Duane wasn't the hijacker, I think she would be okay with that. There's only so much you can do when you're pretty much limited to staying near home. That is the main reason she posted this thread to begin with."Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NickDG 23 #340 August 16, 2007 Hi Jo, Please keep going. You've single-handedly created a new and "current" awareness of this case inside the jumping community. And more people than not are interested in this case, if not outright pulling for you and that's the audience you are writing for. So do what I mostly do – say your piece and move on to the next thing - without going tit for tat with those who can't, or won't, agreeably disagree. And I think, like most cold cases, you could be just one good tip away from the answer. There's a very decent chance someone in this world knows something and doesn't realize it relates to this case. The FBI has nothing on you, Jo. The more they actively peruse this case, the more it points to their failure to solve it. So I'm sure they'd rather it just go away. But most of us here don’t want you, or it, to go away at all . . . NickD BASE 194 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IanHarrop 42 #341 August 16, 2007 Quote Hi Jo, Please keep going. You've single-handedly created a new and "current" awareness of this case inside the jumping community. And more people than not are interested in this case, if not outright pulling for you and that's the audience you are writing for. So do what I mostly do – say your piece and move on to the next thing - without going tit for tat with those who can't, or won't, agreeably disagree. And I think, like most cold cases, you could be just one good tip away from the answer. There's a very decent chance someone in this world knows something and doesn't realize it relates to this case. The FBI has nothing on you, Jo. The more they actively peruse this case, the more it points to their failure to solve it. So I'm sure they'd rather it just go away. But most of us here don’t want you, or it, to go away at all . . . NickD BASE 194 Well said !!! Keep going Jo and just ignore the posts that try to slow you down!"Where troubles melt like lemon drops, away above the chimney tops, that's where you'll find me" Dorothy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
airtwardo 7 #342 August 16, 2007 Hi Jo, Please keep going. You've single-handedly created a new and "current" awareness of this case inside the jumping community. And more people than not are interested in this case, if not outright pulling for you and that's the audience you are writing for. So do what I mostly do – say your piece and move on to the next thing - without going tit for tat with those who can't, or won't, agreeably disagree. Quote Yup! What he said! ~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Greene 0 #343 August 16, 2007 The last five posts says it all.Jo, keep going! I just cannot understand the mean spirited comments prior to the last five. Skydivers are a very diverse bunch, and most of the time they are caring and understanding. Why such hostility towards Jo? So, you don't believe her. Easy enough, don't read this thread. Lee Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jackwilson 0 #344 August 16, 2007 Regardless, of what you think, when the stewardess on the plane, states that Skyjack's husband is not Cooper, how is that cruel? Whether you think her husband is Cooper or not, doesn't change the fact that the FBI closed the case on Duane, because there wasn't enough evidence to proceede. That was back in 1998. On top of this, it someone stole 200,000 of your money, terrorized your wife, and made your spouse have nightmares the remainder of their lives, I think you would have a different take on this case. Cooper caused a lot of damage that night, and to think he should be remembered as some type of icon, or folk hero, makes me ill. Quite frankly, if I suspected one of my family members was Cooper, I would not try to advertise it, or prove it, but, avoid the embarassment of having such a crook in my family. This isn't a tv show, or a movie, this is real life. That night, caused emotional distress to the crew, and caused one member of the crew to leave the airline, and another, to go into hiding. Cooper is a no good, callous, crook, who terrorized women, and should be remembered for what he is, a coward. Sky came to our forum to share "her" story, and to find evidence to prove Duane is Cooper. Sky even noted she wanted the truth. We have given the truth, about the case, and sometimes the truth is not what we want to hear. I just don't see how it could get any clearer, that when one of the stewardesses says, hey, he isn't DB Cooper. Sorry, but, according to the KOIN interview, that is exactly what happened. At the same time, why isn't it a relief, that your husband is not responsible for terrorizing women, and stealing money? I would think, you would be proud of your husband, for turning his life around, and not reverting back to being a criminal again? jacko Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Greene 0 #345 August 16, 2007 Why vilify this woman searching for answers? She is doing you no harm or anyone else. She has never said she was proud of what he did and she has never said she approved of what he did! You are correct. DB Cooper was a crook. That does not make Jo Weber a crook. It makes her a lady searching for answers. Sounds like you have an axe to grind with someone. So are you saying the FBI is always correct and since the case is closed by the FBI, that is the end of that because they said so? NO ONE on DZ.com is trying to remember him as an icon or hero. You joined DZ.Com to post to this thread only. You seem to have a real anger problem with this discussion. Are you even a skydiver or just a wave maker? Like I said, if you don't like what she has to say, don't read this fourm. You are correct this is not a tv show, or a movie, this IS JO'S REAL LIFE. Not yours, and this is only a discussion fourm. "Coward, crook, callous and terroized women" true. That was DB Cooper, not Skyjack71. Lee West Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
1969912 0 #346 August 16, 2007 Quote Sky came to our forum.... Many, many months before you did. Quote We have given the truth..... You? Quote I just don't see how it could get any clearer, that when one of the stewardesses says, hey, he isn't DB Cooper. That solves that "Once we got to the point where twenty/something's needed a place on the corner that changed the oil in their cars we were doomed . . ." -NickDG Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jackwilson 0 #347 August 17, 2007 First of all, I never accused sky of being a crook. According to sky, she never met Duane until the late 70's. I have no reason to doubt that story. Yes, I'm a diver, not that it matters, or is a pre-requisite to view or add to this site. Sky isn't a diver. I've been viewing this site for months, long before posting. Been following the case, for years, and have a different perspective. Must say that I know every detail of the case. FTR: This is a forum, on DB Cooper, and Sky is claiming is be the "widow of DB Cooper". there are 1,000 other suspects, so, we have a right to question her claim. We have every right to question her claim, and ask for proof. Plus, saying you are the "widow of DB Cooper", is in my book, a slap in the face, as if, it is some type of badge of honor. BTW: yes, I am upset that a person could terrorize two women, ruin their enjoyment of being a stewardess, having one quit the airline, and the other go into hiding. That really gets me mad. Not to mention the poor publicity for the sport. Many think that diver's are reckless, beer drinking, adrenaline junkies. So, Cooper shouldn't be made into a folk hero. FTR: Sky has been trying for years, to get someone to write the story of Duane, and hers, and get it published. And maybe, a movie. So, this isn't just about the truth. It's about the almightly dollar, and fame. BTW: anyone get a PM today? jacko Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
awsee1 0 #348 August 17, 2007 Quote Like I said, if you don't like what she has to say, don't read this fourm. This is a public forum where people express their opinion and debate topics, and everyone should be free to do so. I'd like to remind you(everyone) to take a look at the TITLE of this thread. Skyjack may have started it, but it's not about her, or Duane, it's about DB, and everyone should be free to contribute. If anyone is going to proffer what they believe is evidence or "proof" it is well within the realm of public discussion to challenge it. With that said, I'd like to add two pennies of my own. There is not one iota of evidence that Duane has ever been skydiving, let alone is a skydiving expert. He would need necessarily have been some degree of the latter to have a chance of planning and pulling off a crime like this. To my knowledge Duane has never even attempted armed robbery. His MO was forgery and petty thievery. Where is it that someone with his background wakes up one day and says, I'm going to hijack and airplane and jump out in the middle of the night, and not over my own state-difficult enough to believe- but in the Pacific Northwest, an area he is not the least bit familiar with? Brenda Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
flybounce 0 #349 August 17, 2007 hi. anonymous troll here. for the record, i have been skydiving and it was enough of a kick to do it again and again. obviously i was never committed to the sport enough to stay with it. sorry. i have read much of other parts of this site. this is the only one i have enough knowledge or interest in to comment on. sorry. yes jo webber has been here longer. sorry. the fact is, however, that she flings insults too. if i put a picture of myself up as a little old widow lady, do i get more leeway and credibility with no verification? i just want the truth. sorry. in my opinion, there is lots of evidence that mayfield is cooper. sorry. if my little old neighbor lady has a crappy voice and wants to go on american idol and i tell here to keep going, it might give me warm fuzzies, but i am not doing her any favors. sorry. way back when, i said j.w. and me know some of the same people and run in some of the same circles. i figured out that it was ambiguous and could be mistaken for jack wilson. i meant jo weber. sorry. nothing personal, jo. if you get joy and hope from this keep going. just show something compelling. before you attack me, i have read the whole thread. a good troll does that. sorry. if you are looking for some sort of fullfillment from your husband having been known as the terrorist of flight 305, you will be dissapointed. i'm not trying to be cruel. i just go where the verifiable evidence leads. sorry. good luck jo. but, everyone should be a bit nicer. sorry. remember, attacking an idea or something offered as fact in a public forum in pursuit of the truth does not damage the dignity of the human person giving it. your ideas are the result of the soul, not the soul itself. sorry. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #350 August 17, 2007 Thank You for all of the encouragement, Guys. New Information below: I have learn that there is some new interest in Cooper AKA Duane L. Weber AKA John C. Collins. As of 2003 when they collected the DNA the file on Duane had not been closed and is far from closed. There were two other suspects that time has let fade into the background. A recent connection between Duane and these guys has surfaced I do not know its origin and this was only shared with me recently. Early on I in my investigation I connected Duane to Coffelt (aka Ross) and Brown - both of who haled at that time from the Atlanta, Ga. Area and considered suspects in the 1971 Skyjacking. Atlanta was also the residence of Duane L. Weber AKA John C. Collins in 1971. If I understood the information correctly an investigative reporter or the FBI has placed all three in the same prison at the same time. I do not know the specifics nor the reliability of this information, but it has given me HOPE for a resolution. I maintained yrs ago that Duane and these guys knew each other, but could find no precise connections - except that the name of Duane's common law wife of the time was Ross. In 1972 Duane was living in Atlanta (the yr after the crime.) In Sept of that yr. the home he was living in was burglarize and burned down while he was at the Fair. He told me that a couple of guys broke in looking for something they thought he had. I met Duane at the Airport Hilton on August the 25th in 1977 - he sent over a bottle of Champagne to me. The waiter told me that the guy at the end of the bar had sent it and I nodded my appreciation. around the neck of the bottle was a $100. bill. I was totally taken back - and refused the money. days later I did accept the birthday present. That was the beginning of our relationship...he was dressed to the nine's in a grey JohnnyCarson suit - very impressive. He had overheard a conversation I was having with the man next to me about Haiti (a trip I made in 1971). On this trip I was greeted by armed guards and held on the plane for over 2 hrs before we were allow to disembark. This is how our relationship began in 1977 - how appropriate concerning how it ended. In my posts I will totally ignore certain other posts, but if history repeats itself this won't make the problem go away.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Share this post Link to post Share on other sites