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D B Cooper Unsolved Skyjacking

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It's amazing the witnesses all saw the same guy.
Well, I was never good at math anyway.

:ph34r:That's right you are not good at math or logic nor do you read and understand what you read. The old Bing Crosby look alike and the fact that ANYONE can go into wikipedia and change anything they want - it does not have to be fact. ARE you naive enough to think it is like an encylopedia (meaning you think it is written by historians)?

:D:D:D:D:D my head off!
Even the description is changed.:ph34r::D;)
As Duane would have said "Gottcha".:):D:ph34r:
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Everything is moving in the right direction. I think all of those who have been dedicated to this case will be very pleased with how things are about to turn.

Bwahahah . . . really?

I suppose you're going to "prove" that you know who D.B. Cooper is?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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It's amazing the witnesses all saw the same guy.
Well, I was never good at math anyway.

:ph34r:That's right you are not good at math or logic nor do you read and understand what you read. The old Bing Crosby look alike and the fact that ANYONE can go into wikipedia and change anything they want - it does not have to be fact. ARE you naive enough to think it is like an encylopedia (meaning you think it is written by historians)?

:D:D:D:D:D my head off!
Even the description is changed.:ph34r::D;)
As Duane would have said "Gottcha".:):D:ph34r:

Wow, that hurt. BE nice to me, I'm sensitive.

Oh, that Duane was a clever one, that's why he spent 6 different stints in the pokey. Rule number one, when committing forgery, don't make the checks out to your real name. It will get you, every time.

I can't help but think this is an attack. So, I'm "learning challenged". So, I enjoyed first grade, both times.

Either way, the Bing Crosby sketch is "not" altered, nor is the official description of Cooper. The Bing Crosby sketch is used in Himmelsback's book, page 62. Notice he doesn't use your avatar picture in his book?

As for Cooper's description, that description was an exact copy from FBI fliers, which were distributed to Post Offices, FBI offices, etc, throughout the 70's. It has not been altered, and is the same "exact" description which is shown at the FBI website, and the actual flier.

Not to mention, the crime library, which is part of Court Tv, has the Bing sketch on it, and mentions your hubby, and what they think about the case. I think people should read the Crime library summary, it's very "interesting", isn't it? Especially Chapter 10, in which Duane is explored. The quote is "But the FBI rejected the story for lack of evidence, just as it had rejected Duane Weber's". http://www.crimelibrary.com/criminal_mind/scams/db_cooper/10.html

BTW: Couldn't help but notice in one article, you mentioned finding the wheat bag, that the ransom came in, was in Duane's van. I don't suppose you were able to find that, after this all came out? Did it say Sea-tac on the side of it? Produce that bag, and I will admit Duane was Cooper. Site on scene.

Was it lost with the ticket? Most crooks, hang on to physical evidence for 20 years, just in case the FBI kicks in their front door. You want the wheat bag, the airline ticket, etc, just in case they don't believe you in court.:ph34r:

So, Duane throws the money into the Columbia River, but, keeps the bag the money came in, just for the heck of it. And, then brings the money bag, all the way back to his home? Why? Makes zero sense.

Regardless of whether Duane is or isn't Cooper, it is a fact, there are 5 sketches of Cooper, and they are not similar. Duane resembles one of the sketches, and Rudy Guiliani, Bing Crosby, my mailman, and about 100,000 men resemble the other sketch. Here's another of the sketches, with Cooper thinning. Just scroll down a bit. http://books.google.com/books?id=hSZkZEzt-cEC&pg=PA27&lpg=PA27&dq=db+cooper+sketch+rose&source=web&ots=q6FLPzv4X_&sig=Z0AwMwgZ_JvjE-VL4ImMkWr5xso

BTW: This case is the oldest open case in the federal courts in Oregon. Airtwardo was wondering about the secrecy with regard to FOIA. It is true, that most items have not been released.


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Everything is moving in the right direction. I think all of those who have been dedicated to this case will be very pleased with how things are about to turn.

What I'm a gonna' do. I'm a gonna' take me a big deep breath an' hold it...an' hold it.....an' hold it until.....

This way, i'll either explode, or be too out of breath to be disappointed.


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BTW: This case is the oldest open case in the federal courts in Oregon. Airtwardo was wondering about the secrecy with regard to FOIA. It is true, that most items have not been released.


I wasn't trying to be sarcastic, I believe ya...but gotta wonder WHY?

It because it's still an 'open' case and that keeps it sealed 'forever'?

Of do you think if enough requests came in to release the file there might be a review and at least a partial release?

I mean how 'important' to national security IS this case?

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Everything is moving in the right direction. I think all of those who have been dedicated to this case will be very pleased with how things are about to turn.

I think we'll be very pleased when we stop getting "hints", "clues", "i know something but can't reveal it now" etc from posters here and get something concrete.

The "new suspect" seems to be known to at least 3 people here (you, Jo and jack wilson), so why - if everyone is looking for the real cooper - hasn't anyone mentioned the name to see if there is any evidence/help available from those jumpers still following this thread?
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Your right, but I never indicated there was a new suspect. This case is very similar to any case where there is an unknown subject who needs to be identified. One of the most important questions to answer is, "who did it."

Just as in bank robbery investigations, putting out as much known information about the subject to the public is vital in making an identification. I am doing nothing different here. Releasing information about his physical makeup and possible insight into who he was or is, is no more of a violation of national security than publishing bank surveillance photos of a robber along with a physical description.

Having said this, I am pulling the cord, way to much hostility here. Sorry if I came on to strong and brought some of it to the surface, but reading over this thread it was here long before I arrived, also I wouldn't want Brenda to hurt herself, holding your breath could be dangerous.

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Gosh darn it, Airtwardo!

I tuned in to tonights episode to see Batman pull off the Riddler's mask in Commissioner Gordon's office to solve a decades old mystery!

Who knew Batman would run off to chase the Joker and Penguin before the last Colgate commercial...:P

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Wilson says:
Rule number one, when committing forgery, don't make the checks out to your real name.
B|HOW would you know? Is there something you aren't telling us about yourself?
Wilson says:
That description has not been altered.
B|Do you know HOW many descriptions are in the FBI files?
Wilson quotes - The crime library?
B|This is written by writers just like anything else and is not exploited as FACT.
Wilson states - Chapter 10, the FBI explored and rejected the story (regarding Duane) for lack of evidence.
B|Do you know when that was written? In 1998 that statement would be true. BUT later the FBI would reject their own words and request his DNA. The file is NOT closed on Duane Weber regarding his possible participation in the 1971 hijacking.
Wilson mentions:
The bag, the ticket stub and finally the ticket.

B|The bag was in 1991 or 92 - yrs before he died. It was a bank bag and I wasn't supposed to see it. I do not believe I have disclosed what was written on it. He gave me some kind of answer for it --- it just didn't mean anything to me --- I now know they didn't use that kind of bank bag in the early 90's.

B|The ticket stub was a ticket (like a parking ticket) that said SEA-TAC on it. I asked what Sea-Tac was He said it was trash to throw it in the basket. Later, curiosity got to me and I went back to look for it and it was GONE. Still I did not give it anymore thought. Remember that I didn't know what SEA-TAC meant.. For some reason I was curious, but don't remember why.

B|The airline ticket - that was in 1994 the yr before he died in some old income tax files I had to clean out. He said it was just an old ticket and used to mean something, but didn't anymore. I had a throw away pile and a keep pile. He would later ask me what I did with that old ticket and I went through the throw away pile. I then told him it must be in the file box in his closet. This same ticket would show up again in his sock drawer and I mentioned it and then it disappeared. He had fractured his leg and was incapcitated - but he managed to hide it one more time while I was at work. He had been acting real strange not wanting me to put his clothes away or clean his room during that time.

B|This is the OLDEST unsolved skyjacking and MOST of the files are not available to the FOIA or the public . Ever wonder why? Other than they are so massive that no one knows how to make them public.

:)do NOT know who Ckret is or others - someone said I knew who they were. I also do not know the names of suspects - other than the ones who have been made public. I just personally know that new suspects are being explored at this time.

:|The names have not been revealed to me, but I have received communications regarding their existence by the individuals involved. This could be some kind of HYPE to sell an up-coming book or movie (one might think others posters on this site are suspect). ??????????????????????

:PHope this answers any questions Wilson and others might have regarding the prior postings made to discredit me. I may not always remember everything, but I have recorded the answers over the yrs on paper and on tape. These records I hope might someday bring resolution for myself and others. I will not give up the fight until God does it for me.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Wilson says:
Rule number one, when committing forgery, don't make the checks out to your real name.
B|HOW would you know? Is there something you aren't telling us about yourself?

By your own omission Duane wasn't a very good criminal and his MO was petty thievery. So we're supposed to believe that w/o ever having jumped out of a plane he pulled off the Cooper heist?


Wilson states - Chapter 10, the FBI explored and rejected the story (regarding Duane) for lack of evidence.
B|Do you know when that was written? In 1998 that statement would be true. BUT later the FBI would reject their own words and request his DNA. The file is NOT closed on Duane Weber regarding his possible participation in the 1971 hijacking.

Yes, it's closed. One could say it was never really opened. Someone pestered the retired lead investigator of the Cooper case until he finally called the FBI. They responded with minor due diligence, but the FBI wasn't'/isn't really interested.


B|The bag was in 1991 or 92 - yrs before he died. It was a bank bag and I wasn't supposed to see it. I do not believe I have disclosed what was written on it. He gave me some kind of answer for it --- it just didn't mean anything to me --- I now know they didn't use that kind of bank bag in the early 90's.

Yes of course. I suppose you weren't supposed to have seen the sunglasses or have been so keen as to have noticed the 8-track case under the camping table in post ...uh I believe it's #145. It would really have been eerie if one of those cars had actually been a Chevy rather than Chryslers. Hmmphhhh....Hawwww.


B|The ticket stub was a ticket (like a parking ticket) that said SEA-TAC on it. I asked what Sea-Tac was He said it was trash to throw it in the basket. Later, curiosity got to me and I went back to look for it and it was GONE. Still I did not give it anymore thought. Remember that I didn't know what SEA-TAC meant.. For some reason I was curious, but don't remember why.

Yes of course. That was DEFINITELY his ticket from the heist. I applaud your search for the "TRUTH".


:PHope this answers any questions Wilson and others might have regarding the prior postings made to discredit me. I may not always remember everything, but I have recorded the answers over the yrs on paper and on tape. These records I hope might someday bring resolution for myself and others. I will not give up the fight until God does it for me.

Yes this answers many questions, especially for those that might not know you. You could say it's kinda' like a peacock showing it's feathers.

One thing about a woman's intuition, it could sometimes be wrong about a man, but it's almost never wrong about the same.


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Brenda says,
"By your own omission Duane wasn't a very good criminal and his MO was petty thievery."

:|I would not call Grand Theft petty thievery. How many crimes did he get away with?

Brenda Says
"Someone pestered the retired lead investigator of the Cooper case until he finally called the FBI."

:|You are a nasty discourteous person - call Himmelsbach and ASK HIM YOURSELF.

Brenda says,
"the sunglasses or have been so keen as to have noticed the 8-track case under the camping table in post ...uh I believe it's #145."

:|How in the ---- am I suppose to see something that was not revealed to me until 2002 when the ex-wife sent me the photos.

>:(You are one very unpleasant woman (or man). Please make like an OSTRICH and go bury your head in the sand. This is like some kind of sick joke for you to make me repeat myself over and over. Why don't you go get your kicks in Bonfire unless you have a personal vendetta or purpose in attacking me and trying turn things I say around for your own means.

>:(If the Moderator thinks I am wrong to finally just loose it and let you have it, then so be it. If you have nothing better to do with your life than to continually banter me and turn everything I say around to suit your own sick purpose then you need to get a life.

>:(You are one sick puppy.

B|Think I will just say GOODBYE and leave the game playing to your kind and see how long this thread last. People will come to the site just because of the title I gave the thread, but they won't stay.

Moderator: Sorry if I am out of line, but I have had all I can take.


Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Think I will just say GOODBYE and ... see how long this thread last. People will come to the site just because of the title I gave the thread, but they won't stay.


Won't be the first thread on dz.com that has died...site keeps going....
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Brenda says,
"By your own omission Duane wasn't a very good criminal and his MO was petty thievery."

:|I would not call Grand Theft petty thievery. How many crimes did he get away with?

Brenda Says
"Someone pestered the retired lead investigator of the Cooper case until he finally called the FBI."

:|You are a nasty discourteous person - call Himmelsbach and ASK HIM YOURSELF.

Brenda says,
"the sunglasses or have been so keen as to have noticed the 8-track case under the camping table in post ...uh I believe it's #145."

:|How in the ---- am I suppose to see something that was not revealed to me until 2002 when the ex-wife sent me the photos.

>:(You are one very unpleasant woman (or man). Please make like an OSTRICH and go bury your head in the sand. This is like some kind of sick joke for you to make me repeat myself over and over. Why don't you go get your kicks in Bonfire unless you have a personal vendetta or purpose in attacking me and trying turn things I say around for your own means.

>:(If the Moderator thinks I am wrong to finally just loose it and let you have it, then so be it. If you have nothing better to do with your life than to continually banter me and turn everything I say around to suit your own sick purpose then you need to get a life.

>:(You are one sick puppy.

B|Think I will just say GOODBYE and leave the game playing to your kind and see how long this thread last. People will come to the site just because of the title I gave the thread, but they won't stay.

Moderator: Sorry if I am out of line, but I have had all I can take.



Skyjack71 has finally tipped over her "King" and forfeited the chess match and stood up before a crowd and said:

"My name is Josephine Webber, and I've been a fraud for over 7 years."


The AA/Addiction/Compulsion/fraud crowd responds by saying "welcome Josephine".


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Holy shit, this is past the point of being stupid. Posts like this does nothing for this thread or the forums in general. This type of shit is uncalled for and unnecessary.

I used to like reading this thread and the last couple of weeks all it has been is shit flinging back and forth. If you have something to say why not keep it to positive information or at least constructive criticism if you don't like what is being said, then keep it professional instead of this. Not only are you wrecking it for the individuals that are participating in this thread but also the ones that are taking part from the side lines.

Kill with kindness instead of these outright attacks. They are pissing me off and I can only imagine what they are doing to the people involved.

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WOW, we're all so impressed with your wit and superior intellect and use of the english language, what class you have.

Gee you must feel so proud of yourself, what a badass you are, it takes a real tough person to beat up on and verbally abuse a senior citizen minding her own business and asking questions on an internet fourm, goddamn we need to pin a medal on you or at least submit your name for the asshole of the year award, I'm sure your a shoe in to win this years award, hell I bet you can even get an award for the best ass kicking of a senior award this year too.

YAAAAAAA, woo hoo we have a winner folks.

So now that your mission here is done, dose this mean your going to crawl back under the rock you came out from under? Please take your buddys with you!

you can't pay for kids schoolin' with love of skydiving! ~ Airtwardo

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Hey Jo,

If you're still hanging in here (I hope you are) here's something I came across the other day when looking thru my stuff for something else.

I searched this thread for this fellow's name and didn't get a hit, and maybe you're aware of him, but if not its just another tidbit for your files . . .

This was published Sunday, February 4, 1979 in the Blade Tribune, an old San Diego area newspaper.

I checked his name in FAA pilot database and saw something I've never seen attached to anyone's information before:

NickD :)BASE 194

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I went through the first ten pages of search links on Google on that guy's name, and this was the only link referring to the one you mentioned... Seems like it was a college bowl contest question list... #8 on the list. http://quizbowl.stanford.edu/archive/ACFreg92/acf_uiuc_B.txt
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Wonder why this has never surfaced before. Just like Duane's File.....information no one ever heard of being attached. I don't know if I told the story about what happened when I went to the VA office, but I am not going to tell it right now.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Rackstraw! That is the name I was trying to remember.... ( I was thinking Jack Straw from Witchita) Back in the 80's I heard several people say they thought he was the guy. Rumor was he used to jump with Ralph.

At least he does resemble the FBI Sketch....

More later,

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