skyjack71 0 #1101 January 14, 2008 Quote Does someone know where to pull up the winds, especially aviation forcast and reported upper winds, for the date and general time of the jump? the plane was changing degrees every 10 seconds - was this due to the storm or were they trying to shake Cooper off the stairwell. If these degrees were changing every 10 seconds could they not have been just East of Lake Merwin and slightly south of that - when they felt the bump. So much more is known now and if an aviation group could re-analyse the information from the night of the jump and the mock-up done later along with the wind direction -Couldn't the JumpPoint be more specific? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #1102 January 14, 2008 The Reply is Edited for space purposes: Quote "URLs that don't prove a damn thing except that people can be very selective with the evidence they want to "prove" something." "there are at least 2 people on this site alone who are convinced that they know who Cooper was - still no-one has come up with anything but, from what i can see, selectively used circumstantial evidence." Hi Orange: I am not being selective in what I post. infact I am posting my heart out - nothing was really hidden at any given time...just postponed waiting for something that meant the information might be useful. After I found out the FBI wasn't doing anything I have been trying to pour it ALL out, except what might cause harm of others. I made 2 posts regarding our Trek from The Dallas to Seattle. I have done nothing, but tell what I know and ask for help. I had not exposed the complete route for fear of personal property being destroyed by treasure hunters. With time becoming more and more valuable to me, I want to put it ALL out there and someday maybe someone will find a piece of evidence. I am waiting for responses from Locals in that Area of WA to contact me with anything they think might be helpful. If we can find where that Tower was and what he buried there - maybe we would find evidence. I am not sure what he buried or if he retrieved it later. I don't think it was the chute as I first did - they were looking for a man with a briefcase or a bundle in a suit...if during that first night run he had acquired a workers clothes at a logging station or such, he may have buried the suit and briefcase, but not the rain coat. All pure speculation - I want to know what he buried chute or briefcase - surely there would be trace evidence left after 36 yrs. Please - WA residents - read the two posts about the places he took me on our way to Seattle - ANY INFORMATION would help - it is one of two towers in that area - Both Towers went off the same paved road. One the towers was gone and also maybe the other 1979, but they were there in 1971.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eliakim 0 #1103 January 14, 2008 Quote Oh come on.. because it's on the internet it's true? No, not because it's only on the internet, but because it's been backed up and verified by many different sources. The witnesses themselves, took out a full page ad in the Washington Times (see the link I provided) because they were ignored, consistently, over and over again. There were over a 100 of them. In addition, investigative reporters showed that the information being given to the public was false. And furthermore, highly-placed officials of the government (in many positions from other administrations) backed up and supported what was being reported and investigated, in contradiction to the FBI and its doctored and false reports. There were very well qualified witnesses who saw the missile coming up and shooting down the airliner. This was seen by over 100 different witnesses in good positions to see it. So, no, this is backed up and verified and supported by a very large and qualified and expert group of people, along with many very observant, ordinary citizens. BUT, as I said, the point of my particular post was not to "hijack" this thread, so I'll only refer you over to those links and the investigative reporting and the books and the videos and the information -- in order for you to do more research on your own. Quote just like a plane never crashed into the pentagon on 9/11 and the moon landing was faked? Well, here's the problem with what you just stated here. You're linking a very well documented scenario of TWA Flight 800 being shot down by a missile -- with -- other "far-out" and unsubstantiated and false scenarios about these other things. These are not what these witnesses will back up -- that is..., being linked with those other theories you throw in there. These other witnesses and the experts would object to being linked with those other far-out scenarios regarding these other events, because they simply do not support them. You're simply doing that to make it look like they also fall into that same category -- which they don't and they would all object to that. I -- likewise -- would object to that, because I don't support those other far-out scenarios. HOWEVER, it's clear that the shoot-down of TWA Flight 800 (out of NY City) was one of the "opening shots" of the terrorism that we've been subjected to, by Islamic Terrorists. Keep in mind that the World Trade Towers were already subjected to another terrorist attack in 1993, a good 8 years before the second terrorist attack that brought down the buildings. There are several Islamic terrorists in jail (right now) from that 1993 Islamic terrorist attack. When one of the perpetrators (of that prior Islamic Terrorist attack) was taken to a Federal hearing, in New York, being flown by helicopter, it was pointed out that the World Trade Towers were still standing. His answer to the Federal Agents pointing that out to him was -- simply -- "We'll get them next time!" (and they did!!). The shoot-down of TWA Flight 800 just outside of NY City was just such another type of Islamic Terrorist attack, which many people were inclined to ignore at that time. Well..., no more these days, as they are succeeding in attacking our infrastructure, plus the fact that our present-day government officials no longer maintain that we will avoid another such terrorist attack. Now the officials say that it is only a matter of time before the Islamic terrorists attack again and succeed again.. They say it is not a matter of "if" -- but rather -- a matter of "when". They say it is a certainty that they will attack and they will succeed. It's only a matter of time. It's time for you and others to wake up. As far as those "other posters" that I'm talking about, you'll notice that several of them have been banned -- and for good reason. Those are the ones I'm talking about. It's about time for ordinary and normal citizens to take these matters into their own hands and figure these things out themselves and get to the bottom of these kinds of things, and not depend on inept and bumbling federal agencies who have agendas of their own, which do not match up with the citizen's desire to get at the truth of the matter. "Truth" for a lot of federal agencies does not exist -- only "agendas" exist for them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SkydiveJack 1 #1104 January 15, 2008 Quote Quote Oh come on.. because it's on the internet it's true? .......blah blah blah blah BUT, as I said, the point of my particular post was not to "hijack" this thread, so I'll only refer you over to those links and the investigative reporting and the books and the videos and the information -- in order for you to do more research on your own. blah blah blah blah............ Quote Ok then. Go hijack an airplane, not this thread. May I suggest Speakers Corner. Thank you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SafecrackingPLF 0 #1105 January 15, 2008 Agreed SkydiveJack. I appreciate a diversion to make a point, but let's do our best to keep this thread somewhat related to Cooper. Send a PM back and forth if you want to debate TWA 800. We have not heard from Ckret in a while. I hope he's okay... he's probably just out traveling or busy locking up a high profile bank robber. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eliakim 0 #1106 January 15, 2008 Quote Ok then. Go hijack an airplane, not this thread. May I suggest Speakers Corner. Thank you. Well..., another diversionary tactic by you, but I see that's your modus operandi, so I'm not surprised. I'm sure everyone will note that it's not me who is going down that track. It's the D.B. Cooper track I'm going down. If I were intent on discussing the topic of the shoot-down of TWA Flight 800, I would go to an appropriate forum location. However, the only relevance for pointing out the bumbling and inept nature of the FBI with its own internal agendas (which have nothing to do with the truth of the matter) is simply to put the "D.B. Cooper quest for truth" into "context" for skyjack71 so that she doesn't come to "expect" anything of use or value from the FBI. She's barking up the wrong tree if she expects anything other than an "FBI-related agenda" from that agency (which doesn't relate to the truth of the matter). She'll find more use and value here on this forum (and other like forums) than she'll ever see from the FBI. That's the relevance of putting it into the context of how the FBI "normally operates" (as it did, and still does with the shoot-down of TWA Flight 800). I posted here on this forum because of the D.B. Cooper hijacking and what became of him. The ineptness and bumbling of the FBI is simply an accompanying backdrop and current context for discovering more information about this hijacking. I wish skyjack71 well in her quest for the truth of the matter and encourage her not to depend upon the FBI, which doesn't have the same "quest for truth" in mind... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
happyhal 0 #1107 January 15, 2008 Safecracking, I'm the step-son of Duane Weber. He was married to my mother for over 10 years. I was living with him at the time the highjacking would of happened. We were either living in the state of Georga or South Carolina. I was contacted by his widowed wife, Jo Weber. Do you have her e-mail address? Harold Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mccurley 1 #1108 January 15, 2008 Or doing a tandemWatch my video Fat Women Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BGill 0 #1109 January 15, 2008 Quote Safecracking, I'm the step-son of Duane Weber. He was married to my mother for over 10 years. I was living with him at the time the highjacking would of happened. We were either living in the state of Georga or South Carolina. I was contacted by his widowed wife, Jo Weber. Do you have her e-mail address? Harold According to her profile on here it is Her username here is skyjack71 so you can also send her a private message. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
happyhal 0 #1110 January 15, 2008 Thanks. I figured it out after sending this post but thanks for your reply too. She called me a few years ago and again over the weekend. I lost her contact info and she didn't leave any on my machine this weekend. So, I sent her a short e-mail. Again, thanks for the help. Harold Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mccurley 1 #1111 January 15, 2008 Do you think he was the guy?Watch my video Fat Women Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
awsee1 0 #1112 January 15, 2008 Quote Quote This case wasn't that hard to solve, even 35 years later....... I'm curious to know why you think this case is solved? It doesn't seem that there is a "smoking gun" at all in any of this....only a bunch of speculation and theories, that at best, very loosely tie anyone of the major "suspects" presented. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but has one single piece of HARD evidence been shown by anyone? I just think that there is so much missing from all of this to be able to say this case is solved. I'm glad you asked. Let me say this, if this were late Nov of '71 this case would have been a piece of cake. Fast forward 35 years of hodge podge and time-rot and after some 8 years of investigation it appears it's been solved. My understanding is that the toughest part was sewing up the leads and ends after 35 years. Not at all as easy as 1971 for obvious reasons. To this I can say that if hours of library microfiche, countless hours of reasearch, and hopping on planes to catch "Florence" for an interview in her new locale, a luncheon interview with Himmelsbach and much much more in the way of investigation isn't enough, maybe you should just understand that there are 2 individuals who've solved this case after 8 years of exhaustive work. One lost his life to a debilitating disease. Neither of them had a horse in the race or an agenda aside from solving one of the 20th century's greatest mysteries. YES...the FBI(Himmelsbach included) look pretty bad...not that much of that isn't already available on youtube. I think it's time to come clean. Bren Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mccurley 1 #1113 January 15, 2008 Again, what makes you think it is solved. Did I miss something? I don't recall anyone declaring a difinitive solution to this, just a bit of conjecture and, it would seem, some unsupported accusations?Watch my video Fat Women Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
awsee1 0 #1114 January 15, 2008 The question isn't whether 35 years after the fact "you" missed something, but rather whether or not a Gov't agency MISSED a very big something. "MISSED" is the question. I've got 60 on this ;). I was really hoping to hear from CKRET on this. I just thought he'd have a word or two for us. B. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #1115 January 15, 2008 Ckret has left the Building. Things got a little too sticky for him....guess he has better things to do.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SafecrackingPLF 0 #1116 January 15, 2008 I think every single person on this board is willing to listen. The Case has been solved!!! Hallelujah! Okay, now let's hear the details. I went to YouTube and then made a post with 9 reasons why Mayfield did it. One of those reasons was shot to hell without an utterance from anyone who solved this case. We're all listening... in fact, BEGGING, PLEADING... Please, for the Love of God, tell us the details! The case has been solved, then let's hear the solution. Please, please... I'm begging you please. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mccurley 1 #1117 January 15, 2008 As safecracker said "Please, for the Love of God, tell us the details! The case has been solved, then let's hear the solution. Please, please... I'm begging you please. "Watch my video Fat Women Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
awsee1 0 #1118 January 15, 2008 Safe, Y'know I don't see anyone on Youtube with 9 of anything...even warts. Nonetheless, I've got to consider you a real American hero for your stated "effort". And this fall, when Linus is in the pumpkin' patch waiting....and...waiting.....I'll be there with him because I know you'll appear out of nowhere to assure us that the great PUMPKIN exists. You just play that 'ol pipe and I'll get right in line and follow 'ol Pied one ;). Did I mention that you were an AMERICAN hero?...sorry..oops...I ..forgot.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RPC1117 0 #1119 January 15, 2008 Hi, I still don't see how this was solved? I know who you are referring to as far as the claim that two guys "solved" the case against Mayfield. I've also read every single one of their posts on WebSleuths forum. The problem again is that they didn't present one single piece of hard evidence. They also have just made a string of conjectures about someone. Granted, they presented some interesting theories...however, nothing they said or claimed could be proved with any hard evidence. For example - they raised questions on the land lease Mayfield made shortly after the hijacking occurred. They claim that Ted came into money as a result of the hijacking...however, they never presented anything to prove this. Nothing...just pure speculation. It is these kind of things that have continued to be put out on these threads. This is why I can't understand why anyone thinks this case is solved. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SafecrackingPLF 0 #1120 January 15, 2008 My apologies, I went to YouTube to figure out the reasons Mayfield may have committed the crime, and then I came here and made a post because a few people kept saying he did it, he did it, but no one would post a single reason. I made a post with 9 reasons, including that he matched the 88 composite (of which I have no proof of this because I've never seen the 1974 picture and it has never been posted here). I guess Ed Bradley, along with the "two" that you speak of, have finally solved the Cooper case. I just wish someone could fill us in on some of the details. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SafecrackingPLF 0 #1121 January 15, 2008 Am I the only one that found it a little disheartening... I had just made that monster post on Saturday night regarding the tributaries... on the face of it, it would appear the official theory that Cooper died and the money found its way harmlessly into Ingram's hands would be debunked, but then we never did get a response on that flight path, the groundspeed and such and so we're still left with what we had before... Cooper lost control, Cooper didn't pull the chute, Cooper lost the money on the way down, Cooper's shoes came off, the Cooper case has been solved, etc etc We still have work to do. I was unaware everything had been solved, experts figured out the money was buried, etc. The minute I made that post, all these claims are made with no substance. I for one am growing a little weary. Thank you to the DZ community. Groundspeed, I didn't even think of this... which is why I need to get out there and get some jumps under my belt. What kind of wind was there that night? Let me confirm... if he pulls the chute, he can drift a lot further than if he freefalls? If we determine that he absolutely MUST drift... or I should say the MONEY has to drift into the hot zone, then Cooper pulled his chute okay? Does this seem reasonable? If you haven't seen my six posts regarding streams, it's a few pages back bottom of pg 43 to top of pg 44, and the last attachment shows the zone & flight path. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BGill 0 #1122 January 15, 2008 Quote Let me confirm... if he pulls the chute, he can drift a lot further than if he freefalls? That is correct. The longer he is in the air, the further he will drift. The parachute ride is usually much longer than the freefall. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BGill 0 #1123 January 15, 2008 Quote Thanks. I figured it out after sending this post but thanks for your reply too. She called me a few years ago and again over the weekend. I lost her contact info and she didn't leave any on my machine this weekend. So, I sent her a short e-mail. Again, thanks for the help. Harold Harold, Do you know where Duane Weber was on the night of the hijacking? If you do, do you have any hard proof of this, or just memory? Thanks in advance. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SafecrackingPLF 0 #1124 January 15, 2008 Thank you, that's what I thought. Please look at the following map. You will see the estimated timeline along the flight path. If we only take 8:11-8:12, then the distance from the jump point to what I referred to as the hot zone appears (eyeballing it) to be 14-17 miles if traveling in a straight line into the closest corner of the hot zone. My question is this... let's assume Cooper does this SL style and pulls the chute as quickly as he can. If he pulls his chute close to 10,000 feet, what speed, if any, do the crosswinds needs to be in order for him to land in this zone? Now, I just asked this question under the guise of Cooper pulling the rip cord... I realize if he pulls his rip cord and THEN dies upon impact, that creates some issues as well (deployed chute attached to a dead body that no one ever finds). I don't want to deal with that, I *only* want to know what has to be true for the theory of the floating money to also be true. Rough estimates? Approximations? Calculated answers? They're all welcome. Thank you!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stratostar 5 #1125 January 15, 2008 Quote Ckret has left the Building. Things got a little too sticky for him....guess he has better things to do. Ckret has left the building, along with Elvis, Jim Morrison & Hank Williams. That Ckret, well....... He got hung up in one of those Mickey Minnie Mighty Mouse traps while hot on their trail of mouse poo in Mexico. But have no fear Jerry the Mouse & his side kick Tom is here, to save the day!you can't pay for kids schoolin' with love of skydiving! ~ Airtwardo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites