bmcd308 0 #1 April 18, 2002 Anyone have any details concerning the rumor that a jump plane went down in Conway, AR this weekend? I heard that no one was hurt, but I have not heard anything about what might have happened. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChromeBoy 0 #2 April 18, 2002 There is a thread somewhere on here if you look around. I think it is in the Talkback Forum though.- ChromeHuman beings were not meant to sit in little cubicles staring at computer screens all day! -Office Space Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
diverdriver 6 #3 April 19, 2002 Here is what was on the FAA site.You can also check at Forum section for updates on Jump Plane accidents. It's the fastest way to check for info.IDENTIFICATIONRegis#: 4090D Make/Model: C182 Description: 182, SkylaneDate: 04/13/2002 Time: 2100Event Type: Accident Highest Injury: None Mid Air: N Missing: NDamage: UnknownLOCATIONCity: CONWQAY State: AR Country: USDESCRIPTIONAIRCRAFT LANDING WAS TOO LONG, PILOT DECIDED TO ABORT LANDING, ACFT HIT TREES AT END OF RWY THEN CRASHED IN A FIELD ON OTHER SIDE OF TREES, 1 UNKN INJURY, CONWAY, ARINJURY DATA Total Fatal: 0# Crew: 1 Fat: 0 Ser: 0 Min: 0 Unk: Y# Pass: 3 Fat: 0 Ser: 0 Min: 0 Unk: # Grnd: Fat: 0 Ser: 0 Min: 0 Unk: WEATHER: LIT 132053Z 15007KT 7SM SCT080 BKN250 27/18 A3000 LIT 132153Z 14009KT 10SM SCT050CB SCT100 BKN250 26/17 A2999OTHER DATAActivity: Unknown Phase: Landing Operation: General AviationDeparted: UNKN Dep Date: Dep. Time: Destination: CONWAY, AR Flt Plan: UNK Wx Briefing: YLast Radio Cont: NONELast Clearance: NONEFAA FSDO: LITTLE ROCK, AR (SW11) Entry date: 04/15/2002 Chris SchindlerATP/ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bmcd308 0 #4 April 19, 2002 great site, Chris. Thanks. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
diverdriver 6 #5 April 23, 2002 Copied from the Talk Back section:Here is the NTSB link for the Conway, AR crash: reading it (and it is preliminary) I am struck by the comment about the pilot being a PRIVATE PILOT!!!!!!!! Have we learned nothing? Why are dropzones still using Private Pilots to fly jumpers? Why are we skydivers getting in these aircraft? Why does the USPA do nothing to stop this? This is totally unacceptable. The FAA has ruled that NO dropzone is allowed to use Private Pilots to fly jumpers. The "Club" exemption does not exist anymore.I'm just glad all people on board survived this botched go-around.Chris SchindlerATP/ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fred 0 #6 April 23, 2002 QuoteI am struck by the comment about the pilot being a PRIVATE PILOT!!!!!!!!Can you explain this? Isn't it the licensing that matters? I guess I really don't know anything about pilots, but I don't understand why 'private' is such a naughty word for a jump pilot. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
puffdaddy 0 #7 April 23, 2002 Just my few cents worth. Is it not the hours and the skills of the pilot that should be in question here. I know of many Comm and ATP rated pilots that crashed and burned. So who will fly the skydivers now? I just think that we should not jump to conclusions to soon. BTW Chris thanks for a good diverdriver site. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
diverdriver 6 #8 April 23, 2002 A Private Pilot license is your basic license to fly passengers. But if you get paid for flying or you advertise for people to come and jump out of your plane then you are a COMMERCIAL operation. You MUST have a Commercial Pilot's license to fly skydivers. The FAA has come down on operators that think because they don't pay their pilots that they aren't doing a commercial operation. That is completely incorrect. Not to mention that to get your Private Pilot's license you only have to have a minimum of 40 hours. Do you think that a pilot with 40 hours has enough experience and maturity as a pilot to deal with flying jumpers?It bothers me because I play by the rules. I got the proper training to fly people for hire. That is the definition of Commercial Pilot. Anyone who gets payed to fly. It does not refer to Airline flying. Plus you have to fly the aircraft to a higher precision than a Private Pilot to pass the check ride. The FARs (Federal Aviation Regulations) clearly say what you can and can not do as a Private Pilot. There are numerous enforcement actions on pilots to show that you can not fly jumpers with a Private Pilot's license. Articles have been written in Parachutist about this topic. And if you have any doubt whether you can do it or not just call your local FAA office (called FSDO =Flight Standards District Office) and they will explain it to you.Chris SchindlerATP/ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
diverdriver 6 #9 April 23, 2002 Well, I agree that there are Commercially rated pilots who have accidents. But, I think I explained it a little why I feel we should follow the law first. When we can't even follow the FARs as is, then how can we expect any safety from a pilot flying jumpers?Chris Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lindsey 0 #10 April 29, 2002 Oooooh! I found out the other day that the pilot is the husband of one of my biochem professors.....some days it's just not worth gnawing through the straps Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites