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Where are you going to be located when you are in California. Up north ther is Monterey, Byron, Skydance in Davis, and several Cessna DZs.
Down south there is Santa Barbara, Perris, Elisnore (sp?) and others.
Let us know where you will be living and we will brag about our DZs:):::OK, Canopy is Open, No Traffic Around, .. Why are these "Extra" Lines Draping Down??, Damn!

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How exactly does that work - 2 schools at 1 DZ

Actually it works surprisingly well. The two schools often "borrow" instructors and video fliers from each other, and they both stay pretty busy. They both advertise and take reservations.

When somebody shows up who has never skydived how are they supposed to decide?

If someone without a reservation walks in to one school (usually the PVS school because they're the first one they come to) and they are too busy, they'll send 'em on to Jim's place. Same if the jumper walks into Jim's first and they are too busy.
pull & flare,
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