
Herd Boogie

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My dad is Herb-he worked at Para Flite, and Fang was one of his best friends. He still talks about Fang and The Herd, and I remember those days well. If anyone who was a part of that time can reach out to me, I know it'd mean a lot to put my dad back in touch with some of the old gang. I randomly ran across this thread when I saw a photo of Fang on fb, which I don't really use, so best to reach me via birdoor@yahoo.com.

I do appreciate it.
Blue Skies.

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My friend Joe Leach purchased his first square from ParaFlite in about '81 and was getting hard openings. He called Herb to get instructions about slowing the openings and Herb gave him some classic advice. The quiet Herb told Joe, "We never told you it was a sport for a candy-ass!" Joe used to love to tell that story. Herb did tell Joe how to slow the openings after that.

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