When the plane went in at Richmond, the prop came THROUGH the side of the plane. The prop lifted up Swoop's leg and PINNED it by the cloth of his jumpsuit leg, about head high on the inside wall of the plane. As I recall, it broke his leg. They cut a swatch out of the leg of his jumpsuit to get him down.
I went in the plane by myself that night where it still lay in the cornfield, and I saw the scrap of Swoop's jumpsuit pinned BY THE PROP to the wall. It was a sight I shan't forget.
I went in the plane by myself that night where it still lay in the cornfield, and I saw the scrap of Swoop's jumpsuit pinned BY THE PROP to the wall. It was a sight I shan't forget.
vanair 0
In 1974 Orange Mass, DC-3 takeoff. I, 17 yr old novice jumper. Takeoff roll were all sitting cool no helmets or seatbelts , all normal, tail comes up, all of a sudden the plane swerves violently from side to side, I think the pilot was trying to steer with brakes. We all pile on the floor, a mass of bodies in the fetal position. Pilot chops power, comes to stop. 5,000' + runway. Copilot come back, goes outside comes back in with the rudder lock. We all cheer hoop and holler and generally Raz them. Next T.O we all have our seatbelts and helmets on, all goes well. Funny I forget the jump but I'll never forget that T.O. attempt. Things happen, people are human. Yes the pilots screwed up, but all of us climbed up into that plane past the rudder with lock on. I was a kid but I'm sure some of the jumpers were pilots, or just an experienced jumper could have said, " hey, shouldn't that thing be off?" I think that was the pilots last day, not sure.
The pilot was a retired Eastern Airlines captain with, as I recall, about 39,000 hours.
I was there and saw it.
I was there and saw it.
Maybe it's just me....BUT~
Ordinarily a 'lifetime of dedication to the sport' doesn't include trying to sue the governing organization out of existence.
I only copied this, because it is SOO True and worth repeating!