
"No Frills" Twin Beech movie clip

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An acquaintance of mine in N. California who restores D-18/C-45's as a full time business is looking for a copy of the air to air movie clip showing a full load of jumpers on the wing and one photographer above the cockpit (who then runs down the entire fuselage and goes over the tail). He collects Twin Beech trivia. Anyone know where to find it?

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The clip filmed over Ghoulidge by Boenish didn't have anyone named Mike Lee on the load.
It was Fred (Dirty Fred) Grant, in a blue jumpsuit, who smacked into the tailplane. Left a small dent in the leading edge and a bruise on the under side of Fred's left arm. He said it would'a killed a normal man.
I was the one hanging off the handle right behind the door.
There were hang loads done all over the place after the Ghoulidge pictures got around.

*Actually, "No Frills Flight" was the title on a poster of the second hang load done on a Twin Beech at Ghoulidge. Tony Gonzales photograohed it and had it printed. He had to reshoot because he sold the rights to the first hang load poster to the Arizona Republic newspaper and it was published as a cover shot for the Sunday supplement magazine they printed.
Carl Boenish saw the poster and arranged to shoot movies of it. dEd Dugan flew the load and Bullit Bob flew the Cessna 182 camera ship. We did three loads, and on each load one or two jumpers, including me, jumped Boenish's cameras.
On the load were, Carl Smith, Steve Noonan, Steve McNeil, Ron Lugginbill, Danny Peters, Fred Grant, Denise Death, Audie ??, Gilles Ploufe, Sally Rogers, John Janes and me.
Zing Lurks

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Do you know where the " no-frills" load on the cover of 'skies call' was done and with what airplane?....J.....................................................

That particular one was done out of the a/c that Hooper had operated and was later sold to Bobby Frierson of Barnwell, SC. He was a hoot! I don't recall where the pic was taken but knew a lot of those on the load. Phil and Tanya McCormick featured prominently next to the engine nacelle. Bobby was flying. Chalfont may know better.


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That was the 10-E from Z-Hills. It was at the time when Jeff Searles was getting out of the DZ business and Si Fraser was buying him out I believe. All of us from Mi Wi and Ontario were down there one time while Jeff was up in Mi screwing Scruffing. We had 35 or more sleeping at his house as he was up north. Somebody decided to take the plane to Key West all 17 of us. To sit on the bulkhead passing joints and champagne was quite a feat as they were coming from both sides. We sent the straightest people to rent a car . We got a station wagon and I was one of the lucky 5 to ride the down tail gate to town.When we flew back the electric went out, we had to hand pump the gear down .After a boinky boinky landing with no landing lights we finally got back to the tie-down. Many never knew the crap we were in because of smokie fog inside the plane. In another picture of the same roll or shot you can read the big "Z" on the left vertical stabilizer. you can just glimpse it over the door saying Zephyerhills parachute center, I believe that was correct

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Man this sure brings back memories , watched the movie skydive ,wings and masters of the sky many times when I was a rigger rat kid at the Dz (on 16 mm film ), the first video I bought was IT, then I had to get a player to watch it , just watched it the other day in fact .
Blue skies Carl
Blue skies ! !

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I know it has been a couple of years since you posted this. but, Do you know the whereabouts of Steve McNeil now. I jumped with him and wally Benton in Star in the late 60,s. Then Wally got messed up and Steve moved to AZ. Would like to hear from him again....it's been a long time.

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At Ghoulidge Arizona we did it first, everyone after that was a copy cat.

Steve, you know that imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. :)
There was an ad for the Relative Workshop with 10 of us outside Jim Slocum's Madam X twin beech with our Vectors. Rocky Evans was flying Gary Dupuis's 182 with Norm Kent takint the pictures. Since this was a photo shoot and not a real jump, we flew up and down a power line cut abou half way to Daytona. In case someone fell off, there would be an open place to land. (And who would be silly enough to fall off?) Norman, bering the perfectionist that he is, had us climb out (and BACK in) 3 times to make sure he got a good shot. I was in the front-front-front-front-front floater slot. By the time By the time we had crawled out for the 3rd time, my energy and strength were gone and the determination factor was fally fast. Going back down the wing using the handrail was whole lot easier than going forward, So easy, in fact, that if Mike Truffer had not grabbed my main lift web as I was going by the door I would have had a very interesting jump and a VERY long walk to the nearest highway. I really hope that I told Mike, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" and at least bought some beer. If I didn't, Mike, here's a belated, "THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!' and I'll buy some beer the next time I see you. I'm not sure who else was on the load but I'll always remember Truffer as being the guy who saved me from looking silly and falling off the plane.
Most of the things worth doing in the world had been declared impossilbe before they were done.
Louis D Brandeis

Where are we going and why are we in this basket?

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There's a photo somewhere of Hod Sanders and a bunch of his friends hanging onto the top of a twin beech. Hod is holding up a can of beer in that picture. Anyone ever seen that photo? It might have been taken at Ghoulidge. Hod made a lot of jumps there....His son B.J. told me about the picture....

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And there was this one from Skies Call 2 too


That's Ed Christy farthest out on the wing in the Andy Keech Skies Call 2 photo. Don't know where either of them are anymore; last I saw Ed he was in New Mexico and Andy was around the D.C. area. It's been years however...

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Interesting -- I can see his pic just fine. And a glorious copy it is, too -- sharp and in color

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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