
Turkey Meet 1973 - Z-Hills

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Here are some shots from the meet. Most were overexposed and this is the best I could do with Photoshop Elements.

The team is the Adams Family. We won the "Meet Director's trophy" for sequential RW - the first year it was awarded. How many of the team do you recognize?

The C-46 was used that year. Slow climber but a lot of people on board.
"A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition"...Rudyard Kipling

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Welp, I recognized a young Dave Sickler and an equally young Jim Mowrey. After that I went into brain lock mode and couldn’t put names to faces I remember.

As far as the C-46, with two R-2800s dragging five (or was it six?) 10-man teams, it made for an interesting and moderately exotic jump ship. After its debut at the Turkey Meet that year, the Ten High Bunch and assorted wives, girlfriends and hangers-on loaded up at o-dark-thirty one night and partied all the way to Tahlequah for the ’73 Nationals.

"Oh shit, the engine's on fire!"

(Faces suddenly glued to the windows.)

"That's the engine exhaust, you dumb fuck."


"It's blue."

"Oh, wow, man, check out that blue exhaust."

"Oh, yeah, man, that's like far out."

"Dig it, I'm just gonna like groove on it for awhile."

"Hey, who's bogarting?"

Arriving over the airfield a little after dawn, about a dozen of us – in varying degrees of consciousness – skydived out. When we opened – two or three miles downwind of the DZ – everyone headed for the closest roads, from which we were picked up by a succession of bemused farmers, who weren’t quite sure what to make of these mostly bearded, long-haired hippy types wearing love beads and roach clips. Delivered to the airfield, we packed and waited for the airplane. And waited. Eventually, Jack Bergman wandered over to say that he’d just gotten a call. Seems the pilot had a look at the airport specs as he was descending and realized the width of the runway exceeded the width of his landing gear by about four feet, and diverted to Tulsa with ladies, stash and all the rest of a 1970s skydiver’s essentials. Sadly, the C-46 never flew at the Nationals.

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You may remember I posted this a few months back, but others may not have seen it. A short chunk of movies filmed by John Carlson and edited to show mostly the airplanes, but there are some people in it, as well as the C46 and Lodestar and Sugar Alpha and.....
It's QuickTime; I suggest people download it and play it on the desktop rather than looking at the rather small image in the link.
A couple of people in Jim's picture are also in this one; how many do you recognize?
I've got a ton of old movies and video; so much stuff, so little time...


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Well, in addition to Mike Gennis (not Ginnes), that's the captain, David Adams (a.k.a. D. Huxley Adams) holding the team colors in the middle. He was one of my (zillions of) first jump students and despite that handicap went on to be an active competitor and for a while editor of Spotter Magazine. He is also second from left in the back row of the picture I just posted of the prior year's New England team.
At far right is Kari Seppanen, then an MIT aeronautical engineering student. For his undergraduate thesis, he tested pilot chutes in the MIT wind tunnel and for his master's thesis he designed and built a triangular canopy. (I think he jumped it but I don't think he ever landed it.) He went on to be an engineer at Boeing.


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Hi howard,

After Kari came out west & jumping at Issaquah, he built a rig for himself; very different kind of thing. He then went to get it FAA-approved under some type of EXPERIMENTAL category. We used to spend a lot of time discussing rig design.

I thought that was him but you know how it is getting old . . .[:/]


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Well, Howard named a couple - Dave Adams and Kari .

Ray Williams is the red-headed and bearded guy and is an Aussie. He eventually got into judging and I ran into him in France or some other European country judging and he worked in Malaysia for awhile doing some rigging for Pioneer when we sold a large order to their military around 1980.

The big-haired guy on the left was English. We picked him up at Z-Hills to fill out the team. I don't remember his name any more.

There is Danny Thompson, another ex-Pieces of Eight New Englander on the right wearing a hat.

Also, a guy from Florida (his girl friend is in one of my pictures of the C-46) on the left wearing a hat but his name has faded from memory.

Charlie Greenfield (aka Captain Smooth) long hair and beard (next to Kari S) was from Michigan
who went to the Gulch to jump. I last ran into him at a Freak Brother Convention a bunch of years ago.

After about 35 years, that's the best I can do. Sorry!
"A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition"...Rudyard Kipling

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Ray Williams is still into Judging, in fact he is a very good judge and a great guy.

I last worked a competition with him about 1 1/2 years ago in Malaca Maylasia and hope to see him at the POPs world meet in April this year.
Watch my video Fat Women

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Hope to get help!
Any idea how to find Kari Seppanen?

He posts on the International Aerobatics Club e-mail list from time to time... all this explains why he seems to know something about parachutes. Has some high up aerodynamics job at Boeing if I recall his sig line correctly. I've got his email at home somewhere...

Ah, screw it, just use Google ...
looks like
is a good bet!

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