
Jerry Bird ?

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I was at a cook out over the Labor Day weekend not all that far from Z-Hills hosted by Cathy Sickler and Jerry Bird put in an appearance.

We talked a lot about the old days of skydiving and how the sport and the participants have changed. Jerry was also saying that he spends some time each year in Hawaii.

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I came from a little dz in Nova Scotia ... some one on an early Canadian team (early 70's) left a whole stack of parachutist and skydiving .. dating back years .. to the first 8 ways ... I read every issue several times...

late 70's ... working at z-hills and Bird shows up ... he and I have 'rooms' in the hanger on the north side, so we get to know each other ...

one night, in the loft, we get to watch Bird narrate 'Masters of the Sky' with stop action and complete explanation of what we are seeing (I kept jumping early on because of Master of the Sky ... I was not gonna stop till I had been on something as big as the end sequence)

unreal...I'm hearing all the background as I watch ..

Bird was one of those who saw EVERYTHING everybody on the jump was doing, while doing his own job...
if you broke his rules for the jump (did once) it better have worked (it did) or you were in shit...
even if it worked, he sort of clucked at you .. yeah that worked ...but bad discipline (and he was right)

if you were sloppy, and he thought that was beneath you... he'd just give you a "c'mon... what were you doing?" (had that happen) and that was worse than any criticism from anyone else (if you knew Bird) .. because it was never a lucky catch by him... he knew everything everyone was doing, he didn't need video to tell you exactly what was happening ....

B.J. is great ... but NO one has had the impact Bird had..

it's a shame so many don't have a clue about the history of this crazy activity we all love....

and Bird is easily in the top 5 most influential people EVER ....

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I have to concur with everything Crusty says. It was uncanny how aware Jerry Bird was of everyone's performance on a jump. That awareness, coupled to his exceptional flying, teaching and leadership skills, are what made him perhaps the most influential personality in relative work for thirty years. Unlike some other big names, he also had the ability to laugh at himself. The sport owes him more than it can ever repay.
Hoop SCR242

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SkyDave! That was our secret! Bird _really_ enjoyed visiting with you that evening, as you were a freefly formation record holder as well as plying us with drinks. ;)

Yes to all, Papa Bird is The Legend. You can email him at jerrybirdscr11@aol.com. I trust he would enjoy hearing from you. Even better, give him a call, he's in the book in Dade City, FL.

Celebrate life, with peace, light, love and hope, ever, Julia Margarita



He is the ultimate Hall of Famer.

there used to be a display in the Smithsonian! Not sure it is still up.

About 2 years ago Jerry came into the bar I was working in Atlanta.

Surprised the shit out of me. Of all the skydivers that have come in, he is one I never expected! You are never going to know what you get with Jerry.

We started talking about the jumps and good times we had in So. Fla and he remembered more of the jumps and jumpers than I did!!

Came in with Julia and I fed them drinks until we closed. I think they hated me the next day. haha

I look forward to the next time our paths cross.


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Jumping with Jerry was almost like having video. No matter where you were in the formation, he could tell you on the ground what was going on and why. I was lucky to start jumping at Z-Hills in the mid 80's when Jerry was there and didn't know enough to take advantage of it. He still comes out to talk about skydiving.....

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Wasn't there a Jerry Bird, pop top reserve at one time?

The Jerry Bird reserve was not a pop top but a front-mounted reserve held closed by Velcro®. It was developed when Jerry and The Wings of Orange spent the summer of 1974 in Orange, MA.
It had a handle on the closing flap which you pulled up to open the container. The attached picture was posted on Flickr by Jon Guignard, who worked with Jerry on its development. It will bring back memories of the team, some of whose members are no longer with us.

More Jerry Bird rig pics attached - being used just last year at the Teuge, Holland vintage gear weekend

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