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grimmie 186
Snowman, Dude, that photo test was EASY! It's Jim Hoetze, former Skydive AZ instructor.
Not really, but it looks JUST like him!
Ckret 0
Here is my profile of Snowman, no job
I think the list of clip on tie wearerers is complete, I can't imagine who else would stoop so low
Sorry, Bad day protecting the world from Terrorists, and i could not resist posting my first reaction of when i saw the pic. Please don't ban me Quade, I'll be good.
quade 4
QuotePlease don't ban me Quade, I'll be good.
Hey, as long as we haven't yet identified the photo as depicting a user of, have at it.
The World's Most Boring Skydiver
QuoteQuoteA friend and I were talking about intra-company networking once. It seems like he said that there were 6 aircraft plants with 100,000 employees in Portland at one point.
Portland? or Seattle?
Clarification please.
da Slug
If I remember correctly, Portland, Oregon. The conversation was a while ago.
Convenient distance -
The basic idea is that it is the Pacific NW and not too far a drive to go participate, but get home by Monday.
Survival skills -
A lot of outdoorsmen. Hikers, campers, etc - who spent their lives in the woods.
Motive -
Layoff, or just irritation. Motive does not require logic.
People like to theorize criminals as some kinds of "masterminds" who outsmart the world. Rare.
Aircraft knowledge -
That is a large boatload of people with the knowledge of how a 727 is constructed.
Escape -
Drive back across the state line and reappear on Monday for work. Probably 300 Boeing employees look like that picture. Or, just head for Mexico on your 2-week vacation.
Money laundering -
Mexican resorts aren't testing cash for serial numbers.
Buy a boat and retire.
quade 4
Motive -
Motive does not require logic.
I disagree with this.
The action ALWAYS makes sense in the mind of the person that does it. ALWAYS.
Think about the most vile despicable person in history you can think of. It doesn't really matter what the person did, whatever he did made sense to him at the time.
Hitler and the Holocaust? Yep.
Pol Pot? Yep.
Jeffery Dahmer? Yep.
It doesn't have to make sense to YOU, but it absolutely has to make sense in the mind of the person that does it.
The World's Most Boring Skydiver
snowmman 3
A thread is not complete until it reverts to a comparison to Hitler as we all know :)
I'm done with this. I've got to get back to my life. I'll check in like at the end of week.
377 22
Good call on Dash 80. The 1955 date had me thinking non jet, but that Boeing prototype was flying long before the 707 airliner hit the mkt. I heard the Dash 80 was recently flown on a ferry flight to some museum after sitting idle for many years.
Been pinging a lot of sources and so far just Boeing shows up as having available info on in flight 727 door-stair deployment in 71.
I am no shrink, but if Cooper was lonely, depressed and in deep debt, he probably didnt care too much if he lived or died. In that case, stepping off the stairs may not have been as daunting as it would have been to someone in good spirits. If he died, OK. If he lived he'd have enough to get out of the crushing debt that was dragging him down.
Ckret knows way better than I do, but in my experience bank robbers rarely got even a fraction of Cooper's haul. Most of the the cases I saw in fed court were under $20K, often far under.
n467us 0
ADD: Life Insurance Debit Salesman
snowmman 3
[edit] it's agility. I have border collies. It's mostly women there and they never talk to me so I don't talk to them (I'm married) so it's going to be pretty boring for me till next Monday when I'll check in.
And I put off doing my taxes cause I got sucked into this.
I've done a bunch of climbing/mountaineering. Although I'm not a jumper, I think I identified with the folks here because, with risk sports, it's not about bragging about putting the gun in your mouth,
(I'm just being euphemistic about taking risks)
it's about being able to take it out!
And therein lies the secret to life.. I know for me, I can imagine most anything being possible, cause when faced with a life-or-death decision, you just keeping putting one foot in front of the other. i.e. as long as you don't stop, you stay alive. So it doesn't have to be all that rational. You just keep making the next logical decision. You have to be in that situation to understand it I think. ...but lots of folk (especially military) on this thread can probably tell bigger stories than me!
Now I'm sure there's a lot of elders who can recognize a whuffo whuff...So I'll shut up now. Please no flames!
So even though I'm a whuffo, I do share a feeling for why you guys jump. Maybe someday for me..who knows. I hear all the old farts here say they still do it.
like I said to 377, this whuffo learned one thing,
Blue Skies!
The action ALWAYS makes sense in the mind of the person that does it. ALWAYS.
It doesn't have to make sense to YOU, but it absolutely has to make sense in the mind of the person that does it.
This is EXACTLY what I was trying to say to Ckret (or anyone who wouldl listen) in Post #952.
My point is; the Flight 305 Hijacking wasn’t a conventional crime (especially in 1971), using conventional KESAs is not going to lead to its solution. In an earlier post you made a statement about Cooper not throwing out all the parachutes, something like this (and I’m paraphrasing); “It just doesn’t make sense that he would have thrown out some and not thrown out all.” Well, I assert (that word begins with ass that to Cooper it made perfect sense, the proof is right there, he didn’t throw them all out because it didn’t make sense to him to do so. What environmental factors helped to form his view of the necessity to throw out some things and not others are unknown to us. But, it’s clear that his viewpoint is different than the viewpoint of an FBI Agent who is particularly motivated to find out who he was, and where he went.
What was rational thought to Cooper, probably wouldn’t be rational thought to me (or many others).
Fill In The Blank:
You’d have to be a ______ to jump out of that plane on a night like that.
Now Let’s see if we can figure out what a ______ is!
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snowmman 3
There are a lot of simple, easy to understand motives and all of them are in easy to spend denominations.
$200, 000. Just the stinkin' money.
Not suicide, or whatever is the theme of the last episode of Star Trek. Normal crap. Cooper probably wasn't a space alien or trying to achieve oneness with the universe.
There was a guy who threw 2 gallons of gas on a cig rack in Tampa. Why? Because cigs are bad for you, Russians are trying to ruin the health of Americans, that makes cigs a Communist Plot.
His motive? As a good American, he was destroying the communist plot.
Crazy. We would Never figure that out.
Jump in here!
I’m sure the FBI has a super-secret vault somewhere in the bowels of Quantico, where information about what type of person wears a clip-on tie is kept, requiring a ByeMan clearance just to qualify for the two-man rule , so they can make a pass at the vault’s Storage and Accountability Clerk.
Fess up, what’s in that vault?
[Smile] [Smile] [Smile] [Smile] [Smile]
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