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DB Cooper

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SURPRISE I found the letter of resignation Duane wrote in 1980 and a letter he wrote to a friend who was living in WA.

The money found by Brian Ingram was found on Feb. 10 1980. Duane's letter to a friend in WA is dated Feb. 24th 1980. In this letter he states that he is resigning from the company and talks about "fading off into the dust".

I have mentioned before to the FBI and in the forum that the two things were very close together. This is MORE than co-incident. A man resigns a very good job 2 wks after Brian Ingram finds that money.

I wish I knew the date of a special on a program aired about Cooper and the found money. Duane left CO. very quickly after that...remember that he made arrangements so I could not see that program.

This is too co-incidental...but I respected my marriage to a very wornderful man - and stored my Cooper things...but, I have them out now and what I remembered was dead on.

What would have happened if Duane just stayed put? Wouldn't he raise more eyebrows by resigning and leaving? What if you had seen the Cooper TV program he was trying to prevent you from seeing? What in the program would have tipped you off that you might be married to Cooper? I know you didn't see it, but you know what the general content would be.
2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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you make some interesting points.

to the word "knapsack". it is sometimes the case that words reveal a regional origin. that is, what was no longer used, perhaps never used, in one region is the word used in others.
i grew up in the northeast and was often surprised when travelling to other parts of the country that rather simple items were termed in a completely different way. (what some places call "soft drinks", "soda" etc--i have forgotten other terms i encountered-- were (god knows why) called "pop" where i grew up.
you order a "pop" 1971 in some places and they think you ve been orphaned.

perhaps investigating some of dan's "terminology" could shed light on "where he was coming from". (is knapsack, for example, canadian?)

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You ask good questions, and while you asked skyjack71, I could probably bounce some thinking off you just as easily as anyone else could.

I don't know anything about the content "tipping" his wife off, but then again, he didn't know what was going to be shown on TV.

Let's assume he was not Cooper and this behavior was coincidence. First, it would be highly coincidental since he would confess to the crime 15 years later. Second, there would have been some other factor that just so happened to correspond in time with the find... something such as a liason getting close to being exposed, or some form of mental "heat" or pressure.

What circumstances would cause a man to leave his family behind while he skips town and takes up a less lucrative job?

Something that's big in his mind. Some form of heat.

Conversely, if he were Cooper, he had been working, living, and enjoying life as it were. Then, on a Wednesday morning, he wakes up to see that someone found some Cooper money. The crime is front page headlines again. The AP reports for the first time that an indictment was handed down in absentia. He does not know what the authorities do or do not know.

He was just there... he was just at the Columbia 4 or 5 months earlier. His wife even watched him go down into a wooded area along the river.

If she puts two and two together, he's going up the river.

He doesn't know how hot this is going to get. At this point, no one around him suspects anything, but if the television is going to continue running specials on the crime, this cannot increase his odds of making it through unscathed.

You saw how this case caught instant wind when there was an alledged parachute found... just imagine if it were 1980 and it was VERIFIED like the money was... big time news all over the place.

Like I said, mental heat.

Does it mean he was Cooper? Nope. But it's consistent with his actions and consistent with his confession.

It's not inconsistent like you're implying.

Re: Knapsack
If we're to isolate the geographic region of this word in 1971, it will take the efforts of a linguist or someone who's expert at US dialect. I suggest if people want to explore that route that they find an expert and report the findings.

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You make some good points Safe. I still think Duane would have raised less heat staying put, but it doesn't matter what I think, we need to look at what Duane thought. I no longer rule out Duane just on the lack of a pre hijack parachuting connection. Cooper's jump may have actually been his first. I don't think Duane was Cooper, but I cannot completely rule him out. I don't want to offend Jo, but Duane's repeated imprisonments tell me he wasn't very good at getting away with his crimes. The Cooper caper showed good planning and Cooper eluded not only capture, but even identification. Was Duane as clever and innovative as Cooper? Maybe Jo can illuminate this subject of Duane's criminal skill levels.
2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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You're probably right. Let's face it, from where we sit now, there wasn't much people could have known to pin Duane down.

Then again, we don't know the stories he told people over the years. All it would take is for him to worry his butt off about someone at work/home puting the pieces together. If he leaves town while no one really suspects anything, out of site, out of mind???

If he was Cooper, my personal opinion would be that this sudden move was not needed, he was A-Okay.

If he was not Cooper, then this is another weird detail of his life. He didn't just quit his job, he quit his job (lying to his boss about the reason why) and then left town! Leaving town means extra expenses, divided family.... I believe he did not even come back to help them pack for the move after the daughter graduated but skyjack would have to confirm that.

What causes a guy to pull this type of thing?
Massive Fear, massive opportunity, or total dysfunction in the home so bad that he actually has to leave the state instead of just move out and get his own place.

I'd bank on massive fear because his home life was good and his subsequent job was a demotion and less stable.

What would cause Duane to have that much fear would be debatable... but it is fairly coincidental that they found the money less than two weeks prior and he managed to confess to the crime 15 years later on his deathbed.

Ckret, are there any unsolved bank robberies in the Fort Collins area around Feb 1980? The suspect would have to be about 56 yrs old or so.... if you can look through your cold case bank robberies, maybe we can find out why Duane skipped town so suddenly and put the speculation to rest. Plus, you could solve an old case and add another to your resume.

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I need a clarification concerning you and Duane and your life together.

1. When did you get the knowledge that Duane had a criminal past and had “done time”?

2. How did you come by that knowledge? (Did he just blurt it out, or did it occur after his death?)

3. Did he tell you about his past, and minimize the level of criminal activity, and then after his death you found out more?

Please answer these specific questions, first and then tell us anything you feel adds to our understanding of Duane’s past and what you did or didn’t know. (Anything that you wish to share, I mean.)

I have always been confused about that aspect of your life with Duane. When we first talked, in 2003, I was under the impression that you knew essentially nothing about his past life (before you were married). Now, it seems that I had misconstrued something that you said.



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This may be OT, but just one serious question.

If one accepts mentally a money plant possibilty, could one accept a tie plant?

i.e. that the tie on the plane actually didn't travel with cooper but was a plant when it landed?

Did the ticket counter person ID the tie plus tiebar?
Did anyone id the tiebar in the witness descriptions or was it just found?

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"

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It's always suspicious when someone gets banned and then suddenly a new poster appears.

However, it could just be coincidence... like much else on this forum :)

fwiw, there was a question about suicide and thanksgiving/holidays and i don't think it actually led anywhere, but i happened to come across an article on snopes earlier saying that it is a common belief - but false:

Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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. There is some aviation job that makes it all fit, but I just cannot figure it out. I don't think he was aircrew. Not an A&P mechanic either. Tech writer? Draftsman?

Think about the companies that deliver supplies and clean the planes when they land. The delivery of the meals - (they USED to provide meals). The clean-up crews.

Most of the deliveries were made thru that lower aft-stairs from the ground and not thru the terminal in 1960's.Check it out and you will find this is TRUE. Clean-up crews entered thru the aft-stairs.

The 727 was use in lots of airports that did not support the much larger planes with small terminals.
This is a main reason the 727 was used for such short hops even with it's fuel consumption. The plane was designed with this in-mind, but it had limitations.

The above information I knew before I ever discussed 727's or knew anything about them in regards to Cooper. Duane told me about he and his wife working for company that provided this kind of service.

I understand they did this work about 2 wks...I can say the employment would have been between late 1962 to 1965, then again from 1968 until 1971. The 1962 era would have been in the John Collins days...anywhere USA - but mostly in Kansas and Missouri. The 1968 to 1971 era - would be concentrated on the Kansas and Missouri area and then S.C and GA.

Since Duane used so many aliases - it might be a VERY GOOD IDEA for theFBI to run an employment check on the wife during that time (she was not involved but he did say they did this about two wks.). I have the employment records for Both of them from 1969 to 1972. I do not know what some of these companies do - I suspect one of these employers provided this kind of service...such as a catering Company.

THE FBI has had this information for yrs. But NO ONE listens to "a dumb blonde". OR they do NOT want to HEAR me. Is anyone listening to me now?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Plenty of people are listening. We might not agree with your conclusions, but we do listen. I don't think someone involved in 727 cabin cleaning or catering would think the stair control was in the cockpit. Cooper initailly thought that it was. The service people would have seen the control panel as they ascended the stairs from the outside to clean or restock the plane.

There are some interesting correlations between odd actions by Duane (sudden resignation and move)and the emergence of fresh info on the Cooper case (found cash) but they are not conclusive by any means. His deathbed confession is puzzling. From what Jo says he did not seem to be the type who boasted about things he really didn't do, but maybe we don't have the whole story about his personality. Since he knew his wife didn't approve of crime and didn't think it was at all cool, why would he make such a confession if it were false? That does not make sense to me.

Plenty of people pretend to be notorious criminals to get attention, but that is a bit different from a private deathbed confession to a spouse. There would be no public attention for the confessor and his wife would be very upset.

If Duane was Cooper there should have been a LOT of $20 bills in his life and I see nothing from Jo about that. Spending "hot" money is tiring, you have to mix it with cold money and be really careful. I respresented a counterfeiter who was breaking his high quality fake hundreds one by one by going to stores, buying a few items and getting change. He'd often throw the items in the trash and move on. You can only do that so many times in one town before eyebrows are raised, so he went on trips through the central valley of CA to spread the risk. He almost got stung in a Secret Service bulk buy sting but noticed cheap shoes and good suits, a "fed" giveaway to him. He later got busted by feds who had a better sense of style.

He just got tired of doling out bills one by one and went for a bulk deal at a huge discount.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I for one would like to either rule in or rule out Duane.

Jo, do you have any other hard evidence about the trip you took that would place him in the area to plant the money?

If he planted the money to throw off the investigators then why did he run when it was found?
“Sometimes when I reflect back on all the beer I drink I feel ashamed. Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the brewery and their hopes and dreams. If I didn’t drink this beer, th

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ok. I really do have no direct experience in anything I've discussed, only a brain reacting to the very confusing dispersion of data.

There are lots of motives.

If the Whuffo Gang was calling the shots, then someone like Duane might have a reason to listen to them, independent of money.

Don't you guys watch any crime shows on tv? I thought they consulted with Feds on scripts. ?

Again I'm just guessing randomly. no data.

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I for one would like to either rule in or rule out Duane.

Well, that's really the issue isn't it?

I mean, no matter what anybody says, there's no way to prove one way or the other. Nobody alive today can say for certain that he didn't do it in a way that 100% completely would ever rule him out. And the exact same thing can be said the other way as well.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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>> It's always suspicious when someone gets banned and then suddenly a new poster appears. NickD :)

Especially when the syntax and manner of posting is almost exactly like the banned persons. We often speculate this - and we are sometime wrong.

On the old thread - I was once accused of posting under two names. I wasn't. BUT, when I was able to access my husband's account - I found he had been following the story all along...I knew when I walk into the room, he would suddenly click off of what he had on - I do not see very good at a distance without my glasses on but it looked like DZ.

Guess what I found in favorites under his name -
this site and 101. The two sites I had posted too.
He never asked me about Duane or our marriage and we did not discuss Cooper, but he knew what I was involved in. I did not know his password, but it was written on a piece of paper inside the virus CD that I had to renew in Jan...because he had set it up in his name... and with his email. He knew I would one day need it.

I found the fact that he had been following my postings - comforting - it meant he knew why I might not be having a good day. He understood far more than I thought he did. In all of our yrs he never ever brought Cooper up - he made one vague reference in the last few months of his life that indicated he felt jealousy.

Obviously he must have made a post or two in my defense regarding what I don't know. Maybe one day I will go back to the old thread and try to find it.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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He almost got stung in a Secret Service bulk buy sting but noticed cheap shoes and good suits, a "fed" giveaway to him.

Inspiration for the scene where Hannibal Lecter meets Clarice Starling for the first time? ;)

Sorry Ckret. I trust you wear good shoes - and real ties.:)
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Jo, do you have any other hard evidence about the trip you took that would place him in the area to plant the money?

If he planted the money to throw off the investigators then why did he run when it was found?

Mostly ALL I have is my word and what I have told over and over. My opinion is that he was not PLANTING the money - he threw it away because it was no good or when he went to the hiding place that he couldn't find it and maybe his digging around caused it to dislodge later on that yr.

I have several theories, One is the paper bag he threw into the Columbia at the Lion Inn before we left Wa. And because he told me the money was useless - when the media reported that the money had been found.

The other theory also makes sense. Earlier that day he had stopped at a place and told me to say in the car - it was early and I went to sleep - I do not know how long he was down at the river, but i was TOLD to stay in the car. He got something out of the trunk and put something into the trunk when he came back...perhaps the shovel we kept there.

Now couple that with his saying in the hospital that he put money in a bucket and he couldn't find the bucket - What if his digging around was close but not close enough.....but left it more exposed and able to be washed out to the river? WE WERE NOT AT TENA's BAR....we were across from and slightly West of the Portland Airport on the WA side.

While in Seattle he left one day - it was a free afternoon - he did not get back until the banquet started that evening. I had gotten dress and was worried about him. I laid ALL of his clothes out for the banquet. One of the associates told me to go on down to the Banquet and that he would show up.

We must have crossed paths - he had gone to the room and showered and changed. I will NEVER know what he spent that afternood doing. I will say that the next day he took me to the Eye of the Needle for lunch and bought me a beautiful ring in Black Hills Gold that I wore on my pinkie until a couple of yrs ago. He seemed VERY HAPPY that day.

There is also the night we stayed at the Dalles on our way to Seattle - he left that morning coming back just at check-out - he never told me were he went or what he did - but he had to wash up and he kept a jumpcover in the trunk.

I can only theorize just as you guys can - and all I can do is note the events that occurred on that trip.
TOO, many things TOO many unexplained things.

Note the he even took me to the airport - the back side on the premise that he was taking a short-cut to were we were going - with the map I was looking at - that road was NO WHERE NEAR nor could it have been a short cut for our destination. But I believe it may have been the location the plane sat near while on the gound in Seattle.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Nice to see a post all in normal texts, no boldface, underlines or italics. That highlighted text stuff doesn't bother me but it does others.

The story about your last husband looking protectively over your online shoulder is heartwarming. I hope you do find some posts he made to support you or defend you from some of the harsh treatment you have experienced here. Things seem considerably more peaceful and collegial now on the forum than they were back in the day...

How can we square Cooper, a planner, an out of the box thinker and by some accounts a "mastermind criminal" with Duane whose prison record makes it look like he wasn't very successful at pursuing crime?

Do you have any clues about Duane's financial situation in 71? Was he a big gambler? Did he have anything in his life that required big money fast to avoid a catastrophe? A big surgical operation needed by him or a relative without insurance? A foreclosure of some kind on home or business?

What kind of crimes put Duane in prison? How much $ did he get? How was he apprehended? Were his identifications and captures the result of carelessness or poor planning?

Tell us more.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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He told you the money was useless? Could you elaborate on that?

He took you to lunch? Did he pay with cash? Was it twenties?

He bought you a ring any chance we could find out where he bought it?

Back to the Money which was found on the river. I know where you say he threw a bag in the river at and I think Tina’s bar would be the logical place it would wash to.
“Sometimes when I reflect back on all the beer I drink I feel ashamed. Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the brewery and their hopes and dreams. If I didn’t drink this beer, th

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So Duane was like Clark Kent/Superman. A pair of cheap glasses and no one could recognize him?
Did the Flight attendants ever see photos of Duane configured with glasses, without, olive skinned etc. It seems like a photo or two of Duane seen by Tina and Florence would rule him in or out.
Why didn't Duane tell you ALL of the specifics when he knew he was dying, or go to the media? A true story of his exploits would have set you up for life, and he would never have made it back to a prison.
It's hard to believe a life long petty criminal could pull the hijack off. And if he did pull it off I find it hard to believe he could have kept it quiet until his death.
But, on the other hand I saw a show about it on TV 2 weeks ago and the "computer" said Duane is a good match for the DB sketch. And you came across as quite articulate Jo.
I think the only way to solve this caper is to bring everyone together again that was a witness to discuss anything of value that was overlooked in the past and to see photos of Duane.
The DC-9 is down for repairs at Perris also, so we won't be throwing Ckret out on a high speed tandem jet jump at night anytime soon!

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377 & BigSky,

I have often asked myself many of these same questions.

I always try to put on one hypothetical hat and think it through and then try on another. I tend to get fairly far this way, but other opinions are always helpful.

The specifics of Weber's criminal history would help wear that particular "hat".

He made very little money in 1971, according to his taxes, and from what skyjack has mentioned previously (his step son posted on the other thread I believe). They were basically poor at the time.

My understanding is that him and his wife had a combined income of about $3,000 in 1971 and they both worked. In late 71/early 72 he purchased two brand new cars and paid in cash. The tax return he filed in April of 72 (5 months after the crime), listed his regular income & W2s along with some very odd numbers.

The entry in question was a declaration that they sold items around their house and augmented their income by 50%. I've pondered this many times...

If I sell some stuff around my house, things that I own, the sales price is not taxable income. One could argue the "profit" I make from the sale of junk around the house would be taxable... but generally "items around the house" tend to depreciate in value (unless we're talking about antiques or art work or something).

They lived in a trailer.

I'm not sure what items could possibly appreciate in value that they'd have in their trailer home.

In addition to the two new cars, Weber paid off his trailer at the same time.

I've had people such as Orange tell me there's nothing interesting about these tax returns. Maybe on other continents taxes aren't what they are here... very few would claim income that's not taxable and not tracable on their return.

The authorities never nabbed Al Capone for his crimes, they got him for tax evasion. Mr. Capone filed paltry returns (or no returns) even though he was living high on the hog.

This is the only explanation I can think of for creating phantom income on a tax return (once you write it down, it creates a financial alibi if you will).

The following year, his return shows he spent $12k on home remodel (he moved into a house). I find this to be almost as damming... a new house could be purchased back then for $14k and he spent nearly that much on his home remodel.

He went from trailer and broke to house flush full of cash.

Orange1 has also told me these amounts and entries are frivolous. I have to disagree. A few days after the deathbed confession, Duane was mumbling about burying 173 or 178 thousand in a bucket (the amount differs depending on which of the two witnesses you ask).

If he told the truth after the nurses told him he was a dead man, then it would mean he only walked out of there with maybe $22k, or 11 stacks of cash. The rest was left behind.

He lived in Georgia. How he would launder the money is unknown.

Taking the Duane hat off now, I too would like answers to the questions posted above by 377 & Bigsky, and hopefully my limited understanding of his financial status added to the conversation some.

One last thing, if those people who believe Mayfield, Christiansen, or the unknown guy would ever tell me more about their financial status in 71/72, I would be equally as interested... but all those people are pretty much hush hush or can't be reached/not available.

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