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DB Cooper

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I have found more things in my search.

Duane worked for a company (name of company deleted). I just edited this out.

This memo has dates, and there was another employer from the 60's which I have questioned. In the 60's many companies were formed and did do legitiment work, but were used as a fronts to pay individual who did special things for certain organizations.

These individuals would have an excuse to be away from home at a given time for business reasons - outsidesales, training meetings, etc. which made this type of employement convenient.

These companies provided employment and a source of income to individuals of questionable background - such as Duane (an ex-con). If they had an assignment they just pulled them and the person had a legitimate reason to leave town to accomplish his assignment...with no questions from the families.

This explains why and how certain individuals Duane knew (they were ex-cons - as I have found out in my research) also worked for these companies. I realize that backgrounds where not checked like they are today, but these individuals had to apply for a state license which required a test.

I would think if a company was providing insurance supplement programs to government employees - especially FBI, CIA and other such individuals that would REQUIRE certain requirements even in the 60's and 70's. Duane was a 6 time felon????

I read an article last night that was the story about a man sent to prison for over 30 yrs for a murder he did not commit...Joseph Salvati. In the article it says that in the mid-1960's that the FBI field agents where under pressure to cultivate Mafia informants.
Salvatie was exonerated in 2001 after a task force investigated the Boston FBI Office and uncovered long-hidden documents establishing that innocent men had been framed for the murder of an individual. This article states "FBI officials up the line allowed their employees to break laws, violate rules and ruin lives."

Because of all the questionable things in Duane's background - I have had the gut feeling he was involved in several things, but with no proof he was.
Now with the COMMUTATION OF SENTENCE on top of all the other things - such as being in Miami during the Bay of Pigs when he was supposed to be in Co. on parole, and that was the yr that the false ID for John Collins was born in Ms. I have placed him at questionable places in the 60's...but I just chalked it up to an over-active imagination. A woman looking for some way to explain the many facets of a man she had married and didn't really know.

Maybe I am CRAZY. Maybe I am NOT. Duane was a sharp shooter and I only saw this one time and it was the only time. He was in all the right places at the right time. He was seen in one of these place by a family member and this is documented in the family records before I ever met them or contacted them. The SS is real. I cannot access the SS for John Collins. According to members of his immediate family at that time he was doing great - the money was good and he was always winning the awards --- yet this company has purged ALL records of John Collins.

I have said enough now that you guys will really think I have lost it. I have basically kept this between myself and good friends and have only hinted at it in the past. I have never publically stated that Duane may have had connections of some kind.

Who was MOUSE - was he a snitch or was he actually doing dirty work for the government?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo --

Let me see if I can piece this together out of the post you just made.

You believe Duane had something to do with the Bay of Pigs.
You believe Duane had something to do with the Mafia.
You believe Duane was a sharpshooter.

Lemme ask you this, where do you think Duane was on November 22, 1963?

(Please don't actually go down this path. It's ridiculous.)
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Where is everyone?

Am I the only one not banned, and/ or interested in this thread?

Quade, are you up to your old tricks again
To those of us that are old enough to remember this event, I find this thread enjoyable, and at times humors to read.

Very interesting at times and quite a bit of speculation at other times.

Hey, DZ. com members, as you know some threads are 90 percent speculations and what ifs! Why not this one?

Skies blue.

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I'm not sure how long you've been watching this thread, so I'll chip in that it does slow down from time to time. The parachute find in Washington really stirred things up for a while.

I agree. This is the best thread in the forum, IMO. There's not too much to learn, the speculation is rampant, some of the posts are priceless, there is a huge spectrum of people involved, some of the antics are great fun, some of the posts are fascinating in detail, and the topic is pure legend. I love this thread.
Owned by Remi #?

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Jo --

Let me see if I can piece this together out of the post you just made.

You believe Duane had something to do with the Bay of Pigs.
You believe Duane had something to do with the Mafia.
You believe Duane was a sharpshooter.

Lemme ask you this, where do you think Duane was on November 22, 1963?

And still she hasnt put him anywhere near a parachute.

Pain is fleeting. Glory lasts forever. Chicks dig scars.

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Everything is fine, there's just little to say right now. I think that's what he meant.

Sluggo is working on an in-depth study of the flight path/timeline, Ckret is off working robberies and putting criminals behind bars, I'm in the middle of some work that will take me away from the board somewhat...

If you would like to nibble on something, I'll tell you where I am (mentally that is) regarding the money washing up.

The Columbia River has a range of velocity depending on height of the water, and area of the passageway. The high range of velocity is somewhere around 3 mph.

Because money, on its own, sinks in less than 11 minutes, it would imply the money was close to shore, dragging along the bottom (which happened to be high tide)... the distance before sinking is so small that I cannot place a drop point/entry point in the river.

Further, caterpillar island may not have been an island back then. I'm not sure. I have an old map that shows land where there's water now.

The likely route of the money would have come from the east side of caterpillar. There's storm/overflow drainage or resting area there on the east side. The water would be a lot more stagnant there than the main area. At the north end of the island is where the money was recovered.

I would like to figure out the most logical way for the cash to get there.

I'm not sure of the depth of this route of water. It could be fairly deep, or shallow... I'm not sure what it is now and especially am unsure of what it was in 78-79 timeframe.

The reason this is important is because if the money were say, 10 feet down, in the channel, the odds of it "washing up" where it did would be tiny (or really non-existent)

Float time of the bag is still important for the Lake & to try and determine how deep into the channel the bag would sink (ie, towards the middle as it makes its way alledgedly 20+ miles)... if it moves towards the middle, it makes the find impossible.

In other words, we have cash in the river. It's found on the Washington side. The nearest tributary is 20+ miles. It had to be in a container for three stacks to be found in proximity to each other.

The question I'd like to get to eventually is, what type of container?

Maybe it's impossible to determine this (through process of elimination), but it's worth an honest try.

I cannot make progress on this right now... at least not until I have a solid idea of what type of bag was used. The pool has water in it, and I have the cash... would love to put this to some type of test. It woudn't provide answers, but would give us some more information to work off of...

Greene, if you have some insight or thoughts in these matters, I would be thankful.

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I have been reading this post from day one of the original thread, that Quade locked, and then started the new one with his name on it.

Look at the very first thread by skyjack71. How many views does everyone see? How many responses?

Now, look at Quad's new post headline about DB Cooper.
How many reads, and how many posts? Add all of them together and then let Quade tell all of us that this thread is nonsense>:(

Maybe it is nonsense, but it is still one of the most viewed and the most responded thread on DZ.com.
Not the number one post and responses, but close.

Thank you for your input on this forum, and let you and I along with others keep it going in spite of others :)

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The Columbia River has a range of velocity depending on height of the water, and area of the passageway. The high range of velocity is somewhere around 3 mph.

Because money, on its own, sinks in less than 11 minutes, it would imply the money was close to shore, dragging along the bottom (which happened to be high tide)... the distance before sinking is so small that I cannot place a drop point/entry point in the river.

Placing 3 mph as a maximum is unrealistic for a period of years. It could have been pushed that far in one day.



This was surely the most deadly natural disaster in Oregon's recorded history. A strong thunderstorm, accompanied by extremely heavy rain and hail, moved near Heppner, Oregon. The storm covered a very small area, probably no more than 50 square miles. Heavy rain fell in a very short time, creating severe flash flooding along Willow Creek, normally a peaceful stream flowing through the town center. The entire town was swept away in just a few short minutes, drowning nearly 247 people. Eyewitnesses say thunderstorm rains arrived as a 40-foot wall of water and the ensuing flood raged through town for over an hour. In all, one-third of the towns' structures were wiped out. The massive runoff of water was a result of heavy rain falling on the barren rocky hills, then flowing into the Willow Creek watershed. Only fifteen minutes separated the first rainwater in Willow Creek at Heppner and the flood crest! There are no rainfall records available for this storm because the weather observing station was completely destroyed, drowning the observer and his entire family.

A similar fate would have been in store for the citizens of Ione, just 20 miles downstream. However, telephoned warnings prompted an immediate evacuation and residents escaped to high ground. At least 150 homes were destroyed at Ione and bodies were washed more than 40 miles downstream to the Columbia River.

If 150 homes were pushed 40 miles, a bag of cash could be easily moved by a smaller flood/storm.

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"The question I'd like to get to eventually is, what type of container?"

Your posts lead me to believe that your goal is to prove human placement years later.

Occams razor suggests otherwise IMneverHO.

You can't cherry pick natural causes to support human placement and ignore natural causes for transport.
(actually you can, but it ain't forensics)

Good luck with that!

"Dangerous toys are fun but ya could get hurt" -- Vash The Stampede

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naturally in any discussion many terms have to be used in a general way: one can't focus on everything at once. and of course this board is concerned with a particular case and a particular person. but on the general term "criminal", please consider the following excerpt from a speech that clarence darrow delivered to those held in the cook county jail in 1902.

the full text can be found at:


"Most of you probably have nothing against me, and most of you would treat me the same as any other person would; probably better than some of the people on the outside would treat me, because you think I believe in you and they know I do not believe in them. While you would not have the least thing against me in the world you might pick my pockets. I do not think all of you would, but I think some of you would.[…] And still I know this, that when I get outside pretty nearly everybody picks my pocket. There may be some of you who would hold up a man on the street, if you did not happen to have something else to do, and needed the money; but when I want to light my house or my office the gas company holds me up. They charge me one dollar for something that is worth twenty-five cents, and still all these people are good people; they are pillars of society and support the churches, and they are respectable.
When I ride on the street cars, I am held up — I pay five cents for a ride that is worth two and a half cents, simply because a body of men have bribed the city council and the legislature, so that all the rest of us have to pay tribute to them.
If I do not wish to fall into the clutches of the gas trust and choose to burn oil instead of gas, then good Mr. Rockefeller holds me up, and he uses a certain portion of his money to build universities and support churches which are engaged in telling us how to be good."

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I think an exposition of monopolistic pricing power, and an associated debate on how "criminal" it is, is taking thread drift a little too far :|
(btw you may not have noticed but antitrust legislation came into play somewhere between clarence darrow and db cooper)

Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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I found the guy who packed the money and put it in the bag in 1971. He is going to find the best example of the bag he can and give it to me. Once I have it I will post it for all.

Sluggo, I haven't forgotten you, just slammed right now.

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hey Greene(Lee)

Out of curiousity, What does Jim think happened??? Does he think Cooper survived. Did the authorities ever snoop around your DZ after that happened or contact you at all? You don't really hear some of the people like Jim Who grew this sport from the beginning to what we all know today talk much on this subject. I think it would be interesting to hear it from a prespective of sombody with the expertise and respect as you all who were DZO's when this happened. We always hear how the FBI combed the DZ's after the incident, I just wondered how much was true.

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I found the guy who packed the money and put it in the bag in 1971. He is going to find the best example of the bag he can and give it to me. Once I have it I will post it for all.

I found the bag company and a family member/owner that probably manufactured the bag. I say probably because the company records he could find didn't go back far enough.

We spoke for nearly an hour. He asked to not be identified by name or company, but, given who you are and your interest, he may speak with you. If you send me a PM I'll pass along the contact information for him.

In our conversation, we discussed many possible scenarios. One which impressed me the most was the "money tied tightly with parachute suspension line in a water-repellent canvas bag" didn't have to float the entire time to reach the find-point. He and I both believe that money wrapped securely within such a bag could last for years in the river. Some folks here, particularly Safe_PLF and probably Sluggo, are holding to the "it has to float" theory.

Needless to say, I think otherwise. As I've repeated, repeatedly, I think DB tied the money bag *very* securely into a tight bundle with one 14 ft length of line; he tied the bundle to himself with the other length of line. He lost the bag either upon exit or opening shock.

I think most of the people following this thread are making an error of reasoning by working from the "pressure bump" to the found-money-point. I think the money-point is our only *real* known and pressure bump is meaningless in context.

Considering the condition of the recently found parachute, I'm thinking that DB's rig, with his bones nearby or not, could be "out there" somewhere.

But so what?

I am not DB Cooper

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I have been reading this post from day one of the original thread, that Quade locked, and then started the new one with his name on it.


Me too! And, like you guys, I've been following the caper since a few hours after it happened.

And, like you guys, I disagree totally with Quade's handling of the threads. His disdain for the subject matter isn't a sufficient reason to handle moderation the way he has.

He wasn't even born when DB jumped. Those of us who were in the DZ business back then know what DB did for us...both in law enforcement hassle and in new customers.

Kids! They just don't appreciate nostalgia for us olde farts.

I am not DB Cooper

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mr orange,

thanks for your reply.

my concern was not specific legislation ("anti-trust" or other), but with the term "criminal" which i thought worth reflecting on since this thread is about a crime.

in this regard darrow's principle point remains valid :the every day crime in which millions -- today billions-- are "stolen" by those who run the communities that imprison the less successful thieves.

so as not to take up too much of the board's space on issues that go too far afield from the thread, regarding your specific concern, anti-trust legislation, let me refer you to the "wikipedia" article on "sherman anti trust". one quotation from the article:

"What has changed since the Burger court transitioned to the Rehnquist court and with the Roberts court, is that courts are are unwilling to expand per se illegality to encompass new forms of conduct, even if they are allegedly tantamount to price fixing."

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