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n467us 0
This might have been answered before, but HOW was DNA extracted from a clip on neck tie for testing? Thanks!!
When I show the tie to the media I always take the clasp off and show the front and back to the camera so that those who believe McCoy's initials are on it can see for themselves they are not. The photos are out there Jo, as is every fact and detail the FBI has about the Cooper Caper. I have opened the case files to the public, no need for a FOIA, if I have it, it's yours. Simply ask.
I for one have never said that McCoy's intials would be on that clasp - but I know someone who does keep harping on that and a story about a medallion. I have discounted most of his story (accept for his claim of having known Duane).
I want to see more detail of that clasp and you know I have a reason for that.. Perhaps there is no truth in this other tie story either, but I do not think 2 individuals made the same story up.
The first time the tie story was related to me, I paid it no mind, then yrs later another person relates the same story to me. So it bears checking out.
The other thing I want to know is about the prints - your mind set is that it could not happen, but it did happen with another individual in the same prison with whom Duane had a connection. This means to me that prints from Duane's old files need to be pulled and checked against the prints in the FBI's computer system. This was NOT usually done unless the FBI had reason to do so. The print system was not infallible in those early yrs...if incorrect data or corrupted data was entered...proof of this lies in the story of an escaped ex-con (who Duane knew and was in residency with) from that same prison.
His Commutation of Sentence - I want to know more about that since it involved the SAME prison.
It has been 40 yrs therefore I see no reason for my not knowing WHY his sentence was commuted.
I also do not see why the FBI is not able to run a SS check on his John Collins SS # to see if he or the spouse worked in or around a I was told by the wife of the times and his own accounting of having worked in such a capacity with the wife.
There are still two serious gaps in Duane's history. 1945 to 1950 - I believe he was living as Dwayne Webber or another variation of his name since his intake files with Folsom and SanQuentin mention this name.
The next gap is 1962 to 1966 - most of which was spent running between N.Orleans, Chicago, St. Louis and Kansas City. He was also in AZ. CO, FL, CA, ID, AL and WA during this time - he sure got around. Amazing how a man could be married dragging kids and a wife around - living under an alias was able to do all of this in 4 yrs.
Did you know that when he was arrested 1966 in MO that the wife had a N. Orleans address?
Did you know that they stayed in Bloomington, Mn.? for a period of 2 months - during a time he was not suppose to be a free man? Was this part of his Commutation?
His wife of the time verified that part of the story...said that she forgot to mention it because it was only for a few wks while they were on the run from the FBI. ???? This is the part that gets me ---and the rest of that story I will let lie for now.
Too many unanswered question?
You have stated and the reports in the files state that Cooper kept his overcoat on - I have yet to read a statement from the stewardesses stating the clasp you have in evidence is the clasp Cooper was wearing.
Orange1 0
That's fine, you are entitled to your beliefs... but then stop trying to claim that you are objective when you clearly aren't.
It is a useless waste of energy to attack me - use that energy to prove or disprove any one of the individuals are Cooper.
I doubt the energy that goes into typing out one sentence is going to do much good either way

I see you are now changing your story on the tie clasp too (from "the fbi won't show you" to "well no-one has proved that was the clasp" when the fbi says of course they will show you. You keep on doing this kind of thing, and wondering why people regard the next post with a jaundiced eye...
I see you are now changing your story on the tie clasp too (from "the fbi won't show you" to "well no-one has proved that was the clasp" when the fbi says of course they will show you. You keep on doing this kind of thing, and wondering why people regard the next post with a jaundiced eye...
This is EXACTLY what I am talking about - I have NOT changed my story, but you take my words and twist them. If that is not attacking then what is? I am saying nothing I have not said all along - but asking for specifics that have not been given.
I have never seen a news clip showing the back of the tie and no replies until the one Ckret just gave ever addressed that.
Remember I live in the South - we do not get all of the new they get in the West and then what we do get is edited. - I cannot watch them on the computer as I only have dial-up. The fact that the back of the tie clasp has been shown - I HAVE NEVER seen that nor have I ever read a statement that the clasp had no markings. What Ckret just disclosed is the FIRST I have ever heard of that.
If that makes you ill (jaundice) then so be it, but speak only for yourself, not others.
ltdiver 3
Quotecannot watch them on the computer as I only have dial-up.
Do what I used to do when I had dial-up. Download the file your want to watch (might take awhile) then you can play it back and watch it all you want. It'll be stored on your hard drive.
Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon
Orange1 0
QuoteI have NOT changed my story
[happythoughts]:It is a tie clasp. Probably purchased at a department store.
[Jo in response]: Happy, you don't know that, we don't know that until we get a better picture of the tie. The clasp appears to have more "style and class" than the common clasp of the 70's. If a family member of a certain individual can put that clasp on a certain man at any given time before 1971...this war is over.
QuoteJo, the tie clasp has no markings, none, not even a scratch on it. It's a cheap clasp and there are probably 1,000's like it all over the place. When I get a chance I'll take photo's of it and post them here.
jo, in response:
QuoteI have yet to read a statement from the stewardesses stating the clasp you have in evidence is the clasp Cooper was wearing.
You were dead set on getting photos of the clasp... until it clearly became not the one you were looking for, then you suddenly dispute it is the "right" clasp.
bozo 0
You were dead set on getting photos of the clasp... until it clearly became not the one you were looking for, then you suddenly dispute it is the "right" clasp.
Head + concrete wall = big headache.

Pain is fleeting. Glory lasts forever. Chicks dig scars.
Orange1 0
QuoteHead + concrete wall = big headache.

377 22
Wouldn't a bank be losing a lot of interest keeping a big bundle of cash like this? Did the govt compensate banks for doing this (having a ready ransom cash stash)? Did the FBI have after hours bank contact info? Did they have a list of banks that had these "security funds"? If the money was lost does the govt compensate the bank or its insurers for the loss?
Orange1 0
QuoteCkret wrote: "The funds that were given to Cooper were not pulled from their circulating cash but from a security fund that was prepackaged for these types of incidents."
Wouldn't a bank be losing a lot of interest keeping a big bundle of cash like this? Did the govt compensate banks for doing this (having a ready ransom cash stash)? Did the FBI have after hours bank contact info? Did they have a list of banks that had these "security funds"? If the money was lost does the govt compensate the bank or its insurers for the loss?
Re the interest on cash, two things. Firstly, the amount of cash might be "big" to most people but in a bank's life would probably be quite small. Second and more important, not sure but in all likelihood this would have been allowed to be classed as part of the bank's reserves by the Fed; these reserves (all banks have to keep a % of deposits on reserve) are non-interest bearing anyway. These funds are either kept literally as cash in the vault (which is presumably where these funds would have been), or on deposit with the Fed but in the latter case would not have earned interest.
Insurers always reinsure, there should be no need for comeback to the federal government; and anyway it's an insurer's job to pay out on what they have agreed to accept insurance premiums on. The amount is nowhere near big enough to threaten the existence of an insurance company ... that's normally a Katrina-like event. It's an interesting question though in a circumstance like this, whose money exactly is it that gets lost? Did NWA have to draw the money out of their account, considering that the demand was made on them, or would the FBI have the power to force any old bank to hand it over?
Re what the FBI knew... well maybe ckret should answer those specific questions!
Canopus 0
I do wish you the best of luck. I hope you sell many homes 4u. However, if I were to bet, I'd bet on the odds of my next lottery ticket netting me financial security for life as one hundred times more likely than Duane having ANYTHING whatsoever to do with this case.
I do wish you the best of luck. I hope you sell many homes 4u. However, if I were to bet, I'd bet on the odds of my next lottery ticket netting me financial security for life as one hundred times more likely than Duane having ANYTHING whatsoever to do with this case.
Thanks, but I have been retired for several yrs - I just kept my email address. I am not looking for financial security nor have I tried to sell my story for financial gain - I will state again that should anything ever come of the story about Duane - that most of the proceeds will be use to set up scholarships for inmates of non-violent crimes with above average IQ's.
![[:/] [:/]](/uploads/emoticons/dry.png)
If my words can be misconstrued to say differently then that is their problem...I have been told a story about the tie and clasp...and I am trying to seek out the truth about that story. If the story is true then the tie was a throw down - it does not mean that he was not wearing it --- I have no way of knowing that anymore than those who would turn my words into something they are not meant to be.
My question is simply to Ckret - did the stewardess put THAT particular tie clasp on Cooper or was it assumed that the tie and clasp the investigators found was the one Cooper was wearing?

ltdiver 3
QuoteWHY can't I ask a question like everyone else of Ckret?
You can. However, it appears that the way it's phrased it more like a demand...where as other's it's more of a request.
Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon
QuoteYou can. However, it appears that the way it's phrased it more like a demand...where as other's it's more of a request.
Thanks and I do believe my patience has been worn thin with the FBI after 13 yrs of asking question and not getting answers.
For instance it was stated that nothing has been hidden and that everything is out there. But, all of those 40 plus boxes are not out there ...such as the inteviews with the night clerk and an interview taking place in Jefferson State Prison the following yr. Two agents were assigned that project, but it seems like there are no reports in the file. The same with the interview of the night clerk and the owner of the Inn - why can't they find those? Those interviews will help me - number one is that the night clerk said Cooper signed in as Collins - he remembered this because he made a joke about Tom Collins, the drink.
Jefferson state is the prison Duane was in the last time...Who in that prison contacted the FBI - perhaps thinking if he told them who he thought was Cooper that they might reduce his sentence or give him special priviledges?
These are things I am asking for and not demanding - if I was demanding then a letter would be sent to the Bureau and to the media. That to me is a demand.
It is time that I am heard by the general population before all who may know something are dead. I am pushing for personal reasons to clean up all of the "stuff" I have - either discount it or take another step.
Arrangement need to be put in place for this "Stuff" and I sure would like to know the answers to question I have - like who is Tommy G----?
As for the clasp - I have taken that step but don't think after 40 yrs I will get anywhere, because the family is cloaked in secrecy.. and privacy. I still want and need a very good photo of that clasp with a filter - it needs to accompany the letters. I for one would not be able to say I had ever seen a clasp that looked like that from photo the FBI has produced.
Cooper did live - he survived to live anohter life....and if for some strange reason Duane is not Cooper then he definitely knew who he was...otherwise how did the acquire the items that they had. I realize I am the only one who saw them and my word doesn't mean anything in the theme of things.
But I know what I saw and what Duane told me. If it was just his confession that would be discountable - BUT, there are the things that I saw with my own two eyes 5 yrs before he died and a yr before he died. I cannot get those things out of my mind. I cannot believe that he staged props and made comment during our marriage for a confess that would come yrs later.
If I don't get the answers he is right in this statement "Oh, F____.
Let it die with me."
ltdiver 3
Did you ever consider that Duane wanted to keep his past in the past? He kept everything a secret from you (and everyone else) throughout his life. Perhaps he had a reason for this.
You remarked that he was a private person. Maybe he just wants to have his past left alone.
Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon
Jo, the tie clasp has no markings, none, not even a scratch on it. It's a cheap clasp and there are probably 1,000's like it all over the place. When I get a chance I'll take photo's of it and post them here.
When I show the tie to the media I always take the clasp off and show the front and back to the camera so that those who believe McCoy's initials are on it can see for themselves they are not. The photos are out there Jo, as is every fact and detail the FBI has about the Cooper Caper. I have opened the case files to the public, no need for a FOIA, if I have it, it's yours. Simply ask.
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