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DB Cooper

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Ok so we know he was John Collins. So how can we get a statement from the hotel clerk?

I have had this statement for the night clerk for a long time and the FBI recieved a copy of it and how to contact him, but they NEVER did.
He had given me permission to use this before so here goes: First time ever posted:

After read the post;
This is not the one I am looking for but it will do for now and I will find the one in which he makes statements about what occurred on that night and the FBI interview the next day.

Subj: Re: Cooper/Evidence/Collins/Weber
Date: 11/8/2007 8:45:30 AM Central Standard Time

Email address erased

Dear Jo- I personally believe as you -that ' John Collins ',' D .B. Cooper' , and Duane Weber were one and the same!! My memory of those events were made perfectly clear to me when I was interveiwed on the day after the hijack. If I had not been questioned so thoroughly I probably would have passed it all off. My wife at that time would verify my story because of all the attention it received and my employment at the Rodeway Inn was so short lived after that. HHMM.! When Margie Boule talked to me to have you get in touch with me I was very careful to see if I was going to be part of a hoax. I know now that we verified each others stories and facts. Please know that I believe in you and respect your tireless effort to have others know the truth. For the record, I have never asked for anything except to offer my knowledge of those events so that the true story can be told. I have come to realize however that the legend is and will continue to be the story everyone wants to hear. I think you were sabotaged the moment you started to dig up the truth about Duane's other 'lives'. I for one am glad you made it through the firefight without getting too badly singed. What you have tried to do has taken more courage than most people would have been willing to muster. I really respect that!! Hindsight being 20/20 of course, knowing what I know now ,I would have taken/made a few copies of the motel registry, the receipt for the room bill, etc. . Thank you for not getting me involved with those people who would just seek monetary gain and not care who they would step on to get it! I am sorry that some tried to take advantage of you! From China- my best wishes and heartfelt respect, CHUCK
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Here's the problem I have with Jo.
I like people. I try to be nice to people.

I like to attack data, and encourage people to attack data. Hard enough so that if anyone feels attached to the data, they should break down in tears and fall apart. That kind of hard analysis would mean we've been intellectually honest and we won't miss anything.

Jo has interconnected herself and her emotions with her data. So attacking her data is somehow attacking her.

Until she can produce a photo of Duane without glasses in the '71 or later era, I have to assume she's lying about his need for glasses. There's no reason to believe her. I can't believe anyone would believe the statement she made about his sight. There's no reason at all to believe it.

Tell me where I'm wrong? Make me cry.

[edit] Note I am not being cruel here. I can understand Jo. I'm sure she's a great person. But she is not her data.


Ok so we know he was John Collins. So how can we get a statement from the hotel clerk?

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He also used different dates of birth and Socials. Weber was arrested 26 times under the various names provided (arrests that were submitted to the FBI, there could have been more but for minor offenses) starting on 12/22/1942 and ending on 06/27/1976. All 26 arrest would have been processed by the sheriff's department were the arrest occurred or the United States Marshal Service (he committed a few federal crimes). One set of prints would have been maintained by the local arresting authority the other copy sent to the FBI.

When the FBI receives the prints they create a "Master Set" of prints related to each person that prints are submitted for. If there are multiple sets for one person, the techs will use the best prints from each set to make one best Master Set.

The odds that Weber was able to have someone on the inside of the FBI to alter this process is not a reality. Someone suggested comparing all prints taken from Weber (AKA) et al to those recovered from flight 305. All of the prints are at the FBI, or at least the 26 I referenced.

You missed one Dwayne Webber - it is on the SanQuentin file.

Sorry, but you are entirely missing the point. I am talking 1968 - and system at that time. He was NOT encarcerated again after that, but those prints that went into the system may not be Duane's per the story....the 1976 was for drunk driving and those prints never got into the system nor compared with the prints of John C. Collins incarcerated in 1966- 1968 in Jefferson, Ms.

Compare apples with apple and not apple with oranges - please. There are enough attorneys on this site to know that a drinking and driving violation under the name of Duane L. Weber would never have been compared to the prison file prints of John C. Collins unless requested. The connection was never made.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo, the arrest is in the system (the only way the arrests get into the system is if the arresting authority forwards the prints and charging info) and I am looking at it right now. On 06/27/1976 Duane was arrested by the Jasksonville (Fl) Sheriff's Office for Carrying Concealed Firearm, Receiving Stolen Property and DWI. JSO case number 76-278392.

The prints were forwarded to the FBI just like all of the other 26 arrests under his various alias names.

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So for clarification, are you saying that you have compared the fingerprints from Dwayne and his various aliases with the prints found on the plane that night, and they do not match? Were there good prints taken from the plane which you could be certain belonged to Cooper??

Hobbes: "How come we play 'War' and not 'Peace'?"
Calvin: "Too few role models."

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Until she can produce a photo of Duane without glasses in the '71 or later era, I have to assume she's lying about his need for glasses. There's no reason to believe her. I can't believe anyone would believe the statement she made about his sight. There's no reason at all to believe it.

I have poste photos of Duane without his glasses. They are all posted in the beginning of the old thread. But, I will try to do it again - it is very hard for me to post photo - not that computer savy....I always get the file to large. Do not understand bytes and those things.

I have to scan photos now and I did post the old composite for those who might find some confusion with the altered composites done for the Gossett case. I will also dig thur what I have left to find out what his sight was - but all I will have will be what he was wearing during those last yrs. Note that I do not have anything pre - 1971 with any detail other than what has been posted.
Do you need me to post the navy pics from the 40's again?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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There is no way of knowing whether or not the prints recovered on the plane are Coopers or not. However, if we had a suspect in mind and compared his prints to those recovered, and they matched (and he had not been on the flight) then we could say there is a match.

I did not compare any prints, our lab did, and found that Webers prints did not match any recovered from the plane.

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Jo, the arrest is in the system (the only way the arrests get into the system is if the arresting authority forwards the prints and charging info) and I am looking at it right now. On 06/27/1976 Duane was arrested by the Jasksonville (Fl)

Sheriff's Office for Carrying Concealed Firearm, Receiving Stolen Property and DWI. JSO case number 76-278392.

The prints were forwarded to the FBI just like all of the other 26 arrests under his various alias names.

Where they now - why wouldn't he have gone back to prison if they connected him at that time to John C. Collins? Commutated for who knows what? It stands to reason that the files and prints are not intertwined. Do you have a actual copy of the 1966 prison prints and the prints of Duane L. Weber taken after that date? I don't mean arrest records, but prints?

That is a 1976 file - why didn't he go back to prison? - why didn't they prosecute? Was he a wanted man when I married him in 1978?

What about the 1979 arrest in Fort Collins, Co on a DUI.?

You state:
I did not compare any prints, our lab did, and found that Webers prints did not match any recovered from the plane.

Question: How do you know if the lab compared the 1966 prints of John C. Collins with those print?

End of Subject.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Hi Jo.

I believe I have every photo you have ever posted. Old Thread. New Thread. I have about 10 jpgs related to Duane.

There are no photos of Duane I have without glasses, except for the age 25 photo. Therefore I have to conclude he always needed them for everyday activities.

If you can post a new photo without glasses, ideally in the '71 era, that would be great. It would also help in the sketch comparison.

I don't understand how people are doing a Cooper sketch comparison to Duane while Duane is wearing glasses. Can't see eyes and eyebrows.

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I will see what I have - but the ones I am going to have will be after 1978 - after we were married.

There are still a couple of disclosed photos - pre 1971, but I don't remember what they are right now. I go so bogged down in the print thing, but I have said all I can say - no need is talking to the wall. I can't make myself understood. I know what I am saying about the prints but now how to make someone else get it.

It will be a day or so - I am very tired right now. I rebroke some ribs a wk or so ago just taking the garbage out.

You will have the photos soon and the records on the glasses. I thought I had posted photos without the glasses and they have been scanned but that was on my old computer.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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But - if Tina saw Cooper with the rig already on -it is probably safe to assume that if he had changed any of his attire to get ready for jumping (like shoes) she would have noticed?? or noticed discarded items of clothing (that could be tossed later) lying around?

In the 60's and 70's - men of that era including DUANE carried plastic slip overs - they were made of black rubber and came up to the ankle and snapped shut.

These should have secured his shoes. Some of these had a strap that came around making it even more secure and helped keep the water out. Duane always had a pair available until we came to FL.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I have located the investigative file on Duane which is chalk full of information that i am willing to provide you, I'll start with this:

On July 24 1997 our lab received the hand printed memo you have made mention of, Duane's resume and a set of your fingerprints for elimination.

On 11/06/1998, the lab reported that there were 19 prints of value discovered on the resume, of which 5 were yours. The remaining 14 prints of value were compared to the known prints of Duane Weber with negative results (meaning they didn't belong to Duane). The 14 unknown prints from the resume where compared to the unknown latent prints recovered from flight 305 with negative results. The known prints of Duane Weber where compared to those of the unknown latent prints recovered from flight 305 with negative results.

No prints of comparison value were recovered from the hand printed memo you supplied.

I now have and will keep at my desk the file on Duane. There are over 500 hundred pages in the file; his tax returns, court filings, interviews with relatives, results of the lab tests........ and so on.

If you want more answers to your questions I have them.

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First Time Posting: had to ue reply option because I find
no 'post' option, so hope whatever transgression Ive made it will be accepted -

ON A DIFFERENT NOTE: Where exactly IS Tena's Bar?
Or 'Tina Bar'. I have the longitude & latitude which brings
my eye to a totally different location than that published
by the Seattle Post Intelligencer. PI photo atatched (I
hope). Thanks for any clarification. My reason for wishing
to know is hydrological-geological... thanks for any help.

May I also what photo fileformat is taken here: jpegs,
bmp's, gif's ???

Let me see if I can do this now - the magic of computers and forae-intelligencers!

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This may have been asked about before, but I can't remember. Going back to when Duane was in the hospital, and he told you he was "Dan Coooooper..." what was his condition like? How medicated was he? Were there any other strange statements made around that same timeframe?

OPINION: The average person wanting to "confess" to the hijacking would probably have said "D.B." versus "Dan" because of the notoriety of the DB moniker. I also feel that he would have left you some conclusive proof to corroborate the confession... otherwise, what was his point in doing it?

The statements that Duane told his employer he was injured cutting trees... are those recorded somewhere or is that a "somebody told somebody" account?

QUESTION: Did Duane maintain safe deposit box(es) during your marriage? If yes, what type of contents did he store there?


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The money was found at: (WGS84 Datum in Degrees Minutes and Decimal minute format)
N 45 42.552
W 122 45.514

Nearest Postal Address is:
12112 Lower River Road NW
Vancouver, WA 98660

See attached map.


EDIT: The money was found at the edge of the trees (green patch) just north of the address pin.

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Going back to when Duane was in the hospital, and he told you he was "Dan Coooooper..." what was his condition like? How medicated was he? Were there any other strange statements made around that same timeframe?

I believe I have told this hundreds and hundreds of times. He had been in the hospital for a couple of wks and on the last wk refused diaylisis - The Dr. and Dr's nurse and hospital administrator came up to talk to him - when I walked in they were there. He asked me if I had the briefcase and I did as he had told me to keep it with me at all times. I took this over to him and he unlocked it. Inside he produced his living will and other papers - Looked at the Dr. and asked him to note the date on the papers (1990)...it was now 1995. Note that after he started to refuse diaylsis the wk before they kept sending someone up to ask Duane simple questions and he was getting upset with the Dr. in regards to his insistence that he (Duane) continue treatment.

Duane looked straight at the DR. and noted that he had broken his left hand (Duane was left handed) a few wks prior and unable to feed himself - and Duane was very frail looking with his large extended abdomen. Dialysis is very draining and at 70 yrs of age - he would no sooner start to feel human before it was time to go again. He was tired of the battle to stay alive.

His next statement to the Dr. was "Would you want to live in this body?". With this the Dr. said they would move him down to SNF - skilled nursing floor and put him on hospice...that he would expire in 5 days...but he was so strong that he lived 11 more days.

After the Dr. and the nurse and the administrator left he asked me if anyone else was in the room as he could not see the entry. I thought he wanted a smoke as they were letting him smoke if I held the cigarette. He motioned that was not what he wanted and to come closer. This is when he told me "I'm Dan Cooper", but I didn't know who Dan Cooper was and he started telling me things - I had just been told that my husband would expire in 5 days and I was having none of this jibberish - jumping out of planes and things...I really don't remember much about what he said and he got real angry with me and shouted very loudly "Oh, F---, Let it die with me."

The nurses immediately came rushing into the room - and I told them he was upset with me, but they felt it was anxiety over his impending death and started him on morphine and screwed up his mind and thinking. All that day he tried to talk thru the Morphine and then the next day when a friend came by - she wanted to know what he was talking about - I told her that I didn't know and that I thought it was the morphine.

So at the time of the confession he had just been declared sane enough to dictate his terms.
He had no drugs in his system during that time - they started afterwards.


The statements that Duane told his employer he was injured cutting trees... are those recorded somewhere or is that a "somebody told somebody" account?

I believe the employer told me that...perhaps why he believed the story about his being Cooper so much so he was willing to fly me to his home and arrange for an attorney to arrange for someone to write the story - I did not feel good about this - as I had lilttle to go on at that time - most of my information was acquired after that time - I was not going to go public and make a fool out of myself with what little I had.


QUESTION: Did Duane maintain safe deposit box(es) during your marriage? If yes, what type of contents did he store there?

He always had a safe deposit box and I never knew what was in it except for gold coins and other coins and this brown bag with a clamp on it - I had nothing of value to put in a safe deposit box, but the fee was there. Later as I acquired valuables and after we got robbed I then put things in a safe deposit box. In 1990 he acquired his own saftey deposit box - I did not know where it was and the banks told me that for them to tell me if there was a box under the name of John Collins I would have to produce the necessary papers which I didn't have...of course. The woman who over heard some of what he said in the hospital assured me he had such a box as she worked with him, but I didn't know where it was. I also was not sure she was telling me the truth...or just adding fuel.

The one thing he talked about after telling the Dr. that he was ceasing treatment was about the things he had hid in the van...I didn't really listen and so when he died I didn't know where to look or what I was looking for. I still maintain that in the wallet found there was something else in it such as maybe a 20 dollar bill - but it never made it to me. The wallet had obviously held much more at one time. It was well hidden - the woman nor I found it when we cleaned the van up - not where the man claimed he found it.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Although I have no psych expertise, I was doing some quick reading on schizophrenia and psychotic delusions triggered by near death, thinking something else might have triggered the Duane "confession"...delusions of grandeur/association.

But in reading Jo's description again, and thinking about what Duane might really wanted to have told Jo, He might have been trying to say "I'm John Coooollins"

There's no way Jo would have expected John Collins since there was no evidence of it at the time. So she could have misheard.

Jo might have somehow expected Dan Cooper since it appears Duane joked about being D.B. before, and he obviously read the Norjack book and maybe identified with Cooper, based on his own personal history of deception. I know Jo says she didn't recognize it at the time..but her brain may have registered it without rational thinking on her part.

Edit: Or: Maybe the first time her brain registered "Dan Cooper" was when she read the Norjack book..i.e. a faulty memory, that got reinforced by the reading. The brain is a delicate thing. Jo may not know the answer, no matter how hard she tries to remember.

It's interesting Jo mentions the transition to talking about the wallet with the John Collins info in the van.

Seems to make sense to me. If I loved Jo, like Duane obviously did, I might want her to know about my past at that time, if I knew it wouldn't cause her future trouble. If I loved her, I wouldn't dump some heavy weight on her about an unsolved crime.

With respect to the laments about buried money, Jo has mentioned quantities of cash arriving in mysterious (to her) ways, not related to Cooper mythology. I'm wondering if maybe Duane might have had a stash of money that he really did lose, but unrelated to the Cooper case. Remember, he was a thief.

Maybe Jo can go into detail about any other unexplained amounts of money in the household.

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On 11/06/1998, the lab reported that there were 19 prints of value discovered on the resume, of which 5 were yours. The remaining 14 prints of value were compared to the known prints of Duane Weber with negative results (meaning they didn't belong to Duane). The 14 unknown prints from the resume where compared to the unknown latent prints recovered from flight 305 with negative results. The known prints of Duane Weber where compared to those of the unknown latent prints recovered from flight 305 with negative results

I don't mean to bug you but maybe I am just stupid. ARE you saying that none of the prints on that resume matched the prints on file for Duane L. Weber? And none of the prints on the resume matched the prints on the plane.

Duane typed that resume himself and he filed it - if what you are saying is true the the prints on file do not match Duane L. Weber. We can assume he typed the resume and assembled it without touching it , right?

I am sorry but I guess I do not always understand the written word and I am not good at making myself understood thru the written word, which is evident from my inablility to relay to you what I am trying to say and to get across.

It the statement about the resume is the way I read it then it supports what I have been saying about the prints. Help - this is confusing.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Thanks for detailed account of the questions I raised. This might be a long shot but an idea I have for you is to research unclaimed property that might have been in Duane's name or any one of his aliases for which he may have had an ID for. Each state maintains this database, because when someone fails to claim the contents of a safe box, bank account, utility deposit, etc. the person holding such items cannot just keep it.

The website that you can use to get there is www.unclaimed.org . I did a quick search in Florida (www.fltreasurehunt.org) and found unclaimed property belonging to "D L Weber", may not be Duane, but you see the point that there could be something out there to help you unravel more of this mystery.

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I did not misunderstand what he said - he said Dan Coooooper as plain as day. You could not COOOOooooo Collins out, but can Cooper. Since my maiden name is Collins I know he did NOT say Collins.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Thanks for detailed account of the questions I raised. This might be a long shot but an idea I have for you is to research unclaimed property that might have been in Duane's name or any one of his aliases for which he may have had an ID for. Each state maintains this database, because when someone fails to claim the contents of a safe box, bank account, utility deposit, etc. the person holding such items cannot just keep it.

The website that you can use to get there is www.unclaimed.org . I did a quick search in Florida (www.fltreasurehunt.org) and found unclaimed property belonging to "D L Weber", may not be Duane, but you see the point that there could be something out there to help you unravel more of this mystery.

I did do that yrs ago, but they want proof you are that person and I couldn't get any information.
The will was in the name of Duane L. Weber. I got access to nothing.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo might have somehow expected Dan Cooper since it appears Duane joked about being D.B. before, and he obviously read the Norjack book and maybe identified with Cooper


I had no idea who Dan Cooper was - I told someone what he said way before I ever read the book that had stated that D.B was Dan.

It may well have been the guy I first told the story too - because I had kept all of it to myself up until then - because I didn't know who Dan Cooper was. Remember I say to him "I know you used another name but I never heard that one".

THIS is when he tries to tell me who Dan Cooper is.

There is NO doubt what he said.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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