377 22 #2301 June 9, 2008 QuoteI have not found anything about the found shoe, I'll have to go down to the basement and dig around. It's my turn to feed the aliens anyway. I actually laughed out loud at that one Ckret. I am glad to see that they don't make you check your humor at the door of the federal building. If we Cooper fiends didn't like you Ckret we'd be posting to the Area 51 and UFO blogs saying that an FBI agent admitted to us that live aliens were being held by the feds. The stronger your denials, the more they'd suspect a coverup. Those ET blogs are amazing. People are even posting pix of extraterrestrial "implants" they have excised from under their skin. They make us Cooper bloggers look completely normal. For that reason alone I don't mess with them. They are like the Porsche going 115 mph right next to you when you are speeding at 75 mph and there is a radar cop ahead. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bigway 4 #2302 June 9, 2008 Quote Bigway, U Aussies crack me up, just kidding, I know your a fruit. "Now thats funny, I don't care who you are." Not very good at your job are you mate. Would love to see if you can tell me who i am. I am not an Aussie. I have been arrested on an airliner in bound to the USA in 1998. and of course you have my IP address. By the way, if you do find out who i am could you send me a pm and let me know why i was arrested on that flight? Last thing i remeber was having a bit to drink and then a sleeping pill but when i woke up with all these big guys sitting around me and air hostess's making sure i would not get up until customs took me off the plane i realised i actually had 4 sleeping pills. I would love to know what i did on that plane. Anyway, there are alot of clues for you. .Karnage Krew Gear Store . Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ckret 0 #2303 June 9, 2008 When the passengers were taken off of the plane they were escorted to a VIP lounge. Only five of the 35 passengers took notice of Cooper or that there may be a problem other than what was announced by the crew. They are as follows: Mr Gregory Mr Labissoniere Mr Spreckel Mr Williams Mrs House The remaining 30, to include the Simons, stated they knew of nothing other than what the crew had advised them nor did they notice Cooper. I guess a few minutes a fame changed the Simons' mind. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orange1 0 #2304 June 9, 2008 Quote Those ET blogs are amazing. People are even posting pix of extraterrestrial "implants" they have excised from under their skin. Which they no doubt use as "evidence" to prove their stories... just goes to show how somebody can absolutely believe something is true when to most people, it clearly is just delusion/fantasy.Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ckret 0 #2305 June 9, 2008 Your not an Aussie your a Kiwi, damn, you killed my joke. I even weaved in the gay thing by calling you a fruit. All right, I am falling way behind on my work, I'll post a bit more tonight if you have questions. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bigway 4 #2306 June 9, 2008 Out of curiosity Ckret, did you ever get involved or know about a case where a murder happened in new zealand by an asian man and he then left his daughter at a sydney airport and fled to the USA? If so, it makes me wonder if you may have heard of or met my uncle. He was the lead officer (inspector senior seargent) from new zealand. Sorry to take this conversation of course. .Karnage Krew Gear Store . Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bigway 4 #2307 June 9, 2008 QuoteYour not an Aussie your a Kiwi, damn, you killed my joke. I even weaved in the gay thing by calling you a fruit. All right, I am falling way behind on my work, I'll post a bit more tonight if you have questions. Er... how do you know i am a kiwi before i posted that? .Karnage Krew Gear Store . Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bigway 4 #2308 June 9, 2008 Quote Aussies crack me up, just kidding, I know your a KIWI-fruit. "Now thats funny, I don't care who you are." I see it. WOW, you are good. .Karnage Krew Gear Store . Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orange1 0 #2309 June 9, 2008 Quote Er... how do you know i am a kiwi before i posted that? Um.. the "New Zealand" in your profile box...? (ckret, does that make me good enough to apply for a job at the FBI?)Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bigway 4 #2310 June 9, 2008 No shit.. Really? .Karnage Krew Gear Store . Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
quade 4 #2311 June 9, 2008 Quote Quote Do you find that occasionally witnesses give one account immediately after an event and another one, one that fits more widely known facts, during later interviews? Perhaps so different that the two accounts even contradict themselves? Perhaps so different that they put the witness in a better light in the second account; make the witness more "perceptive" or even omniscient, knowing things that they could not have possibly known during the actual event? Occasionally? Try almost always. That was kind of my point. I guess you'd have to know me, but I rarely ask a question like that unless I already know the answer. Anyway, I wanted Ckret to say it for my personal amusement at the expense of a few posters of this thread. quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #2312 June 9, 2008 My Last reply on the forum was suddenly covered up by lots of one lline posts - I want (need) to be sure that the reader (all of you read this Post). Posted Early THis Morning: Quote Ckret there you go again - you don't know that money was "Planted" . How convenient that the money is "planted" in the same time frame Duane and I were in WA. and Galens' story about the prints occurs in the same time frame as Duane's dream about his fear of leaving his prints on the Plane. This is all just too convenient in the story that Cook is telling and you are just setting yourself up. Think about some of the things that you are saying and get the details correct - you are making too many judgements and not being open minded. I was the one who told about Duane dumping a sack in the Columbia long before I had any knowledge of details regarding the money or the technical details on the money. I told the FBI this in 1996 before I ever talked to anyone ---it was much later that I talked to Himmelsbach and talked to the Agent Hope. I have the telephone bill to the FBI to prove it. May 24 1996. No one else ever mentioned any fear of leaving prints on the plane until I told about Duane's dream of 1977 and this was told to the FBI at the same time I told them everything else...May 24, 1996. Strange set of co-incidences in Cook's tale and what one little old woman with no knowledge of the hijacking for the acception of a book she only got 1/3 of the way thru before she was on the phone to the FBI. This book was based on some facts and mostly fiction. I did not see or read any other accounting or books until Himmelsbach sent me his book at a later date and what little I could find at the University and local library looking for more information...note after my phone calls to the FBI on that frantic night - a night that forever changed my life. Perhaps you and others are not aware of the sequences of my discovery and the sketchy information I had available to me. Himmelsbach can vouch for what I have just said - every word of it. I get 1/3 way thru a book of fiction and I am calling the FBI with all of the details that I just mentioned. Now someone tell me that I made one word up or that Cook is not feeding off of everything I have ever said. Ckret you owe it to the public to be accurate in what you report here or any place else....by the way I have not received the reports I requested in a lengthy email. Perhaps CKRET you do not know how I happened to call the FBI and have you reviewed or listened to the tapes I am sure they made on that night. I found Himmelsbach several wks later and he was sent some materials and my accounting of what hap[pened. He was not an FBI agent but the FBI wasn't listenting to me - I was just some crazy old lady. Now some attorney and new agent has taken the things this crazy old lady TOLD THE FBI ON MAY 24 1996 and using it to the fullest. Now that you guy have heard most of the story - do you not see why I get upset? Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bigway 4 #2313 June 9, 2008 I am sure he did not miss it the first 100 times you wrote it .Karnage Krew Gear Store . Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #2314 June 9, 2008 The musing of facts and fiction. Sky glow from Vancouver and Portland at the time they thought Cooper jumped - talk to the Co-pilot! A government composite is altered (modified) - in a public media. This modified version becomes accepted as the original since the case is so old. For what purpose? A man who wants to sell a book. Glad to see that Ckret is finally digging into the files for accurate information - the Co-pilot was Radaczek, the lights of Portland? If the crew could see the lights of Portland at the time they thought Cooper jumped - Why would the FBI have started their search around Ariel. Therories and supposition are suddenly accepted to be truths -- the facts are scrambled - no one wants to state the truths anymore. Scrambled Eggs. Fact and Fiction - scrambled beyond reconition. Psychology is being use to make the readers and the public percieve fiction as fact. Who is more skilled at this than an attorney who is writing a book he wants to sell. The Mole - be he - FBI, a writer (for profit), a reseacher, other branches of Law Enforcement or just one of the "Good Ole Boys" - he has done his job. Truths do not exist anymore - honor does not exist anymore. This is not a very nice world anymore. I was taught to be honest and to live my life right, but now it is who can dig up the most erroneous information to create public opinion that what is false is now true. What we percieve to be true is fiction created by those who are striving for monetary gain. Attorneys do this in a court of law - and they use the same psychology to confuse the jury and win their case. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr.Nuke 0 #2315 June 9, 2008 QuoteWell Nukester, mystery solved, I found in some of Schaffner's handwritten notes where she refered to Rataczak as the co-pilot and Anderson as the second officer. This calls for a party of some sorts, I think this is the first issue in the DB Cooper case that has been resolved. I love progress, at this rate we might..... Good deal. If you make it to Omaha let me know and we'll celebrate this great step forward. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #2316 June 9, 2008 No. I do not know that he knows what I told on that night of May 24, 1996. Otherwise he would have already have stopped some of what is going on. It is time to stop the fiction - and get FACTS. Ckret has not spoke with Himmelsbach - or he would know that the things I have said I said on that night and in a follow-up with him. Long before someone else made any claims about the money on in the Columbia and fears of prints left on the aft stairs (he did say AFT stairs in his dream in 1977). On May 24, 1996 I spent several hours trying to talk to the FBI and to tell them what I knew. No I don't think Ckret knows about that night and the circumstances. The circumstances . Reading a book out of curiousity and get 1/3 pf the way thru and the bells went off and I am trying to talk to the FBI. They diss me and I read somemore and a few pages later I am back on the phone to the FBI. They wanted to know if I was drinking, taking legal or illegal drugs - not what I was saying. No one heard me then and they don't hear me now. I am but a tree falling in a forest.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bigway 4 #2317 June 9, 2008 You have said the same thing probably 100 times. I think you can rest assured that he knows what you have said, he just is not paying any attention to you. Personally i love all the information you have and have always been a beliver on your side of things but it is getting very repetitive and i am starting to understand why he would just scroll past your posts. Maybe it would be more of an impact to him if you just sat back and waited until he figures he has made a mistake and then comes to you instead of posting the same thing over and over. I mean that in the nicest way. .Karnage Krew Gear Store . Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #2318 June 9, 2008 Quote Quote Quote Do you find that occasionally witnesses give one account immediately after an event and another one, one that fits more widely known facts, during later interviews? Perhaps so different that the two accounts even contradict themselves? Perhaps so different that they put the witness in a better light in the second account; make the witness more "perceptive" or even omniscient, knowing things that they could not have possibly known during the actual event? Occasionally? Try almost always. That was kind of my point. I guess you'd have to know me, but I rarely ask a question like that unless I already know the answer. Anyway, I wanted Ckret to say it for my personal amusement at the expense of a few posters of this thread. No problem, Quade. I knew you were asking a rhetorical question. The first thing law students are taught in trial practice classes: never ask a question in court unless you know what the answer will be. Still, it amazing to see how witnesses who actually saw very little of a crime in progress become all seeing all knowing at trial. They even testify to things they couldnt possibly have seen from their vantage point if that fact appeared in a subsequent newspaper article. One thing that would really open my eyes is if Wolfgang actually was Cooper. If so, the composite sketch was pretty darn close and that is not the usual case. In my experience the suspect sketches were often typical bad guy pictures, low forehead, a scowl, dark thick eyebrows etc. The fact that Cooper was portrayed to look like Bing Crosby shows that the witnesses didn't see him as a typical goon criminal, but rather as a more refined person. The DB Cooper forum is very civil these days. Jo and Ckret trade oblique barbs politely. Snowman is Mr. Manners. I know the FBI puts mind controlling flouride in our water but I didn't know that they also could selectively dose us with valium using the same equipment. Their injection pumps are installed at every home's water meter and they can cross link IP addresses with street addresses to hit the targeted residences. My teenage daughter seems more polite these days so that proves it.2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ckret 0 #2319 June 9, 2008 Evidence as it was found on the plane: clip-on tie with tie clasp on the tie, laying in seat 18E empty belly container laying on the floor in front of 18D pink chute laying across seats 17c and 17b unaltered backpack (Pioneer) sitting in seat 18B Don't worry about Jo, she's sweet on me, kinda like the young boy who hits the little girl because he doesn't know how to express that emotion yet, except she's the girl who hits the boy. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ckret 0 #2320 June 9, 2008 377, could I have hit a home run with that "injection pump" comment. My head is about to explode trying not to go for it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #2321 June 9, 2008 Quote377, could I have hit a home run with that "injection pump" comment. My head is about to explode trying not to go for it. Easy now...The feds dont have to check their humor at the door, just their libido. That's the problem being in the FBI, you have to stay so squeaky clean. No massage parlor inspections like my buddies on the vice squad get to do. You can't even put Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition pinups in your cubicle. They don't send you to Brazil or anyplace fun, you get to go to Iraq. It's enough to make a grown man cry. Hey, I KNOW the X Files episodes were all based on fact. I can show you the blog that proves it. I also know that you were Mulder, but who was Scully? 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
n467us 0 #2322 June 9, 2008 Jo... you will get farther down the road by focusing on locating EVIDENCE that supports Duane being DB Cooper. So what if Galen Cook (allegedly) took your info and used them for his book? It happens! Sit back and let him publish his book... if it supports EVIDENCE making Wolfgang Gossett the real DB Cooper, then it's time to fold up the tent and go home. If he can't do it... then Duane is still in the running. SUMMARY: Focus on supporting your own case and don't worry about other suspects. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
quade 4 #2323 June 9, 2008 QuoteDon't worry about Jo, she's sweet on me, kinda like the young boy who hits the little girl because he doesn't know how to express that emotion yet, except she's the girl who hits the boy. Hmmm, and all this time I thought Lincoln-Mercury started making Cougars in 1967. You're telling me that Cougars were being made in 1924?quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #2324 June 10, 2008 QuoteQuoteThe Simons told the agents the night of the hijacking that they never saw Cooper nor did they realize the flight had been hijacked. Do you find that occasionally witnesses give one account immediately after an event and another one, one that fits more widely known facts, during later interviews? Perhaps so different that the two accounts even contradict themselves? Perhaps so different that they put the witness in a better light in the second account; make the witness more "perceptive" or even omniscient, knowing things that they could not have possibly known during the actual event? Very good point!! My thought exactly and I am sure there is plenty of precident for that. People tend to clam up and want to go home and hide under the covers, when J. Edgar and publicity shows up. Like "who me?" ... "I wasnt on any airplane!" ... "didnt we juist see you get off that thing" ... "nope was some other guy" ... "Im just here visiting uhhhh taking my dog for a walk' . . . and they go home and five hours later are on some talk show. I can see why FBI guys get so stiff. You never know who to believe. And for my own part I am distressed that Ive flubbed up three times now posting things which turned out not true, partly true, incomplete, or whatever ... Mr. Sluggo is pissed and I dont half blame him . . Ckret is running marathons up and down from some basement archive ... and Mr. George (me!) is sitting here wantring to know: was Cooper an Eskimow or British or Italian or raised at Vancouver based on "he had no accent".... you would think an FBI would make notes on things like this but welcome to the real world. Somebody must be reading this forum laughing and thinking: THESE GUYS ARE ALL NUTS! George. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #2325 June 10, 2008 Attorneys do this in a court of law - and they use the same psychology to confuse the jury and win their case. Copyright©2008 by Jo Weber Darn, my secret jury tactic is revealed rendering it useless. Now I'll have to find a way to make an honest living. I am not tandem qualified and nobody would pay me fifty cents to pack their rigs the way I pack mine. I have a 2008 commercial salmon fishing permit but the feds and state fishery regulators closed the entire season. I am out of aces. Maybe I could join the FBI if they don't discriminate on age or politics. I could start in the basement, tending the aliens. How bout it Ckret, could you put in a good word? I take back everything I ever said about J. Edgar's poor taste in lingerie.2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites