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DB Cooper

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At sometime on Reel 5 there is a discussion about the stuff Boeing sent. Part of that was how to escape from the front of the aircraft in a hurry (pre-bomb, post-bomb, I don’t know). GC expresses that Cooper may have the same procedure (knowledge). It is my belief, that there was a hastily assembled procedure in with all the charts and stuff brought onto the airplane with the food.

That’s my impression, I would have to look it up, and I’m dis-inclined to do that now. You’ll see why in my next post.

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Some guy named Special Agent Lawrence D Carr sent me some information that will allow me to complete my current project. I plan to pull an “all nighter” tonight and see how far I can get. (Sugar is out-of-town, so, I’m allowed to stay up past my bedtime.)

I have no idea who this Special Agent Lawrence D Carr is, but he seems to know Ckret pretty well (and boy did he say some bad things about him). Before he would give me the stuff, he made me swear on my mother’s grave that I would post it on my web site. I refused… Not because I wasn’t willing… just because my Mother isn’t dead!

Instead, I did the “pinky-swear” thing and he gave me the stuff. You will find it {HERE }. It is two JPEGs, that are portions of the 1971 Seattle Sectional that has the Flight 305 flight path marked on it. There is a link below each one for a higher resolution version that you can download.

I really wanted to keep these charts to myself so I would look smarter than everybody else (knowledge is power and all that stuff) but Special Agent Lawrence D Carr, said I had to share. You know those FBI guys, Fidelity, Bravery, and Integrity. That’s right there on their seal. I just can’t take that integrity part.

Anyway, you may not be as excited about this as I am, but check it out anyway. You may find something that has been missed in the past.

Thanks Ckret, U ‘da man!


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Is his age a prime number? If so the information is probably pretty reliable. The encryption devices developed at Paradise Ranch were all based on prime numbers.

Sluggo: in the future, maybe we can refer to all such info as coming from "The Box"



Some guy named Special Agent Lawrence D Carr sent me some information that will allow me to complete my current project. I plan to pull an “all nighter” tonight and see how far I can get. (Sugar is out-of-town, so, I’m allowed to stay up past my bedtime.)

I have no idea who this Special Agent Lawrence D Carr is, but he seems to know Ckret pretty well (and boy did he say some bad things about him). Before he would give me the stuff, he made me swear on my mother’s grave that I would post it on my web site. I refused… Not because I wasn’t willing… just because my Mother isn’t dead!

Instead, I did the “pinky-swear” thing and he gave me the stuff. You will find it {HERE }. It is two JPEGs, that are portions of the 1971 Seattle Sectional that has the Flight 305 flight path marked on it. There is a link below each one for a higher resolution version that you can download.

I really wanted to keep these charts to myself so I would look smarter than everybody else (knowledge is power and all that stuff) but Special Agent Lawrence D Carr, said I had to share. You know those FBI guys, Fidelity, Bravery, and Integrity. That’s right there on their seal. I just can’t take that integrity part.

Anyway, you may not be as excited about this as I am, but check it out anyway. You may find something that has been missed in the past.

Thanks Ckret, U ‘da man!


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Taking everything we know and putting it all together, I think we have a real shot at figuring where Cooper actually jumped.

At 7:42 PM PST, 6 minutes after takeoff, Cooper tries to open the airstairs. Not familiar with opening them in flight, he was perplexed when they only partially opened. Cooper called to the cockpit to relay the problem. Captain Scott slows and levels the flight and the stairs drop to approximately 20 degrees.

Cooper sees this and realizes the stairs are being held up against the airstream. By the time Cooper figures this out his plan has been side tracked by the delay in opening and has put him outside of his planned DZ. He now has to think on his feet and come up with what he is going to do.

He decides to go for it and make it up as he goes along, after all, that is what he was going to do anyway, just closer to Seattle.

At 8:05 PM PST, Cooper tells Scott everything is fine when asked over the intercom. He is ready to go forward but he has to test out the stairs and how they are going to respond to his weight. Five minutes later at 8:10 "ish" he starts out onto the stairs and they drop down further.

The stairs are now open enough that the cabin pressure gauge starts to oscillate as reported in the TTY log or fluctuate as stated in the handwritten log and recreated from tests conducted by the FBI.

Cooper spends several minutes testing out the stairs and trying to get some idea of where he his. Once he orients himself, Cooper jumps, the stairs snap up causing the pressure bump felt by the crew.

The crew had already reported the abnormal fluctuations so they believed this "bump" was just a continuation of what started at 8:11 PM. Because of this they don't report it. They do have conversation, however, Radazcak said he could see the northern suburbs of Portland when this occurred. He also said it occurred 5 to 10 minutes after last contact at 8:05 PM.

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No accent would simply mean he was from the middle of the US somewhere. Same old trick with national newscasters. It would also imply english as the primary language and having been born in the US by parents who used english as their primary language. The lack of slang may indicate a higher level of education. Not necessarily a college, but it could also be from further education and leadership courses from with in the upper enlisted ranks of the military. It also points away from someone with a previous conviction. I've yet to meet someone who has done any sort of jail or prison time that hasn't picked up some sort of none-popular slang.

Mr. or Ms who-ever. If a man has been in prison in 6 states and has live in 16-20 states in a 20 yr period of time, I can assure you that he will have no specific accent
Duane was proud of his non-specific accent as it presented no barrier regarding the sales presentations for the many companies he worked for thur out the yrs. Any past employers I am sure will vouch for that and a friend I have stayed in touch with.

If you haven't met individuals who have spent time in prison that speak decent language without the slang - then Ole Gal or Man you ain't been around much has you? Note - I used improper language.

Duane did not use a lot of profanity nor vulgar language. He was schooled by a family proud of their heritage - Duane was always a gentleman unless provoked and he was slow to anger. /Very tolerant.

He had a very good vocabulary and took every course available to him when in prison. Something else I haven't revealed - all the many certificates he recieved while in some of the prisons and the extension courses over the yrs -even when not in prison. Plus he took multi classes in presentations and sales leadership.

I will state that his grammar was not the best but he strived to improve it even during our marriage and because of my daugter - (he didn't want her correcting him).

He had one word he used because for some reason the correct word was lost to him. It is a word I have often thought he may have used when talking to Tina. I have mentioned this before, but rarely state the word he used. He never said "I am afraid" - it was "I am ascared".

OK folks now watch Galen Cook try to incorporate that into his book - and if he does then you will know who Cooper really was. I feel in necessary to state this in the forum to protect myself - it is something also that I told the FBI many times over and over these past 13 yrs.

Like I have said many times over -NOT everyone fits the typical profile that the so called experts use in today's crime profiling. If you have a criminal with a high IQ but little formal schooling - then you have to adjust that profile.

If you have a man who was ODD as a child - and did somethings not normal for the times...you have to adjust the profile.

When Duane was in grade 3 or 4(story told to me by his sister)he did not like his music teacher (the family felt he was gifted and even in a depression found money for music lessons).

He pushed the piano down a flight of stairs all by himself. Now that is a angry young man! I do not know what he was rebelling against.

Another time when he was only in the 2ed grade - he went to the school and proceeded to break all the window out with a baseball bat.

The sister did not elaborate on any details and I hope I got the grades right - if not the correct information is in my notes.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Flight Ops most likely got on the landline with Boeing, sort of a tech support thing, common in the industry when there is a "what do we do now?" scenario being played out.

yes, but remember there is no such "thing" as Boeing..it's all people. There's likely no computers or database to interrogate in 1971? It's very unlikely anyone punched a search query into a computer terminal. (hmm... someone might know how much of Boeing records/files were computerized in 1971, possibly little).

The first line contact probably said "I dunno...I need to talk to xyz" or "I dunno, you need to call xyz"

It's like there was a chain of information flow that had to happen. And it had to happen thru people.
At some point, maybe someone consulted some files. Someone would have to have access to those files.

More likely, the chain went till someone had it in their head already, as a maybe foggy memory.

There's a lot of scenarios possible. We might never know, now, if the interviews didn't pursue it. However, you never know if some of the folks are still alive and might remember. It might not be worth pursuing though.

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Skyjack71 wrote:
He had one word he used because for some reason the correct word was lost to him. It is a word I have often thought he may have used when talking to Tina. I have mentioned this before, but rarely state the word he used. He never said "I am afraid" - it was "I am ascared".

OK folks now watch Galen Cook try to incorporate that into his book

Huh?? First of all, if DB Cooper had said "I am ascared" to the flight attendant I think we would have heard that by now... [Ckret, please help us on this one!] How and why would Galen Cook use that in his book??? "Gossett was quoted as telling the flight attendant he was ascared he might break his neck falling out of the plane..."

If anybody else gets the point and I am missing it please enlighten me...

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Sluggo has advanced the theory that the comment about seeing the suburbs of Portland may actually have been a reference to Vancouver. Looking at the 1971 air map, one can see that the likely "lighted" area of Vancouver was much smaller than today.

Also: the North end of Portland butts up against the columbia, and is mostly city? So since they're coming from the north, it's unlikely they would actually see suburbs of Portland first .

Are we in agreement that they were probably seeing Vancouver to some degree?

I'm paraphrasing a discussion I had with Sluggo, but he can chime in to correct, or restate.

(edit) If in fact they were reporting seeing the southern suburbs of Portland, it's a whole nuther ball of wax. But that's unlikely, right?


Taking everything we know and putting it all together, I think we have a real shot at figuring where Cooper actually jumped.

At 7:42 PM PST, 6 minutes after takeoff, Cooper tries to open the airstairs. Not familiar with opening them in flight, he was perplexed when they only partially opened. Cooper called to the cockpit to relay the problem. Captain Scott slows and levels the flight and the stairs drop to approximately 20 degrees.

Cooper sees this and realizes the stairs are being held up against the airstream. By the time Cooper figures this out his plan has been side tracked by the delay in opening and has put him outside of his planned DZ. He now has to think on his feet and come up with what he is going to do.

He decides to go for it and make it up as he goes along, after all, that is what he was going to do anyway, just closer to Seattle.

At 8:05 PM PST, Cooper tells Scott everything is fine when asked over the intercom. He is ready to go forward but he has to test out the stairs and how they are going to respond to his weight. Five minutes later at 8:10 "ish" he starts out onto the stairs and they drop down further.

The stairs are now open enough that the cabin pressure gauge starts to oscillate as reported in the TTY log or fluctuate as stated in the handwritten log and recreated from tests conducted by the FBI.

Cooper spends several minutes testing out the stairs and trying to get some idea of where he his. Once he orients himself, Cooper jumps, the stairs snap up causing the pressure bump felt by the crew.

The crew had already reported the abnormal fluctuations so they believed this "bump" was just a continuation of what started at 8:11 PM. Because of this they don't report it. They do have conversation, however, Radazcak said he could see the northern suburbs of Portland when this occurred. He also said it occurred 5 to 10 minutes after last contact at 8:05 PM.

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I am positive Ratazcak was talking about Vancouver when he said, "we had not yet reached Portland proper but we were definitely in the suburbs or immediate vicinity." Suburbs meaning Vancouver for the very reason you pointed out.

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Yes, It's also reasonable to assume that pilots would not be familar with cities without airports, like Vancouver.

If they land at PDX all the time and are familar with Portland thru that entry point...everything approaching PDX at lower light levels may mentally be "suburbs".

Especially since as noted, Vancouver was smaller then.

It's just another important case to note where the transcripts might represent opinions at the time, not necessarily facts.


I am positive Ratazcak was talking about Vancouver when he said, "we had not yet reached Portland proper but we were definitely in the suburbs or immediate vicinity." Suburbs meaning Vancouver for the very reason you pointed out.

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(ok, I know I joke sometimes. I'm trying to think seriously here about this. And it may be obvious to everyone, but I'll belabor it as usual)

The "pressure bump by stairs" sounds obvious, but it's not really. We can discuss the actual physics I think.

I was mulling over the actual air dynamics involved with the bump effect. It's substantial enough that we should be able to model it. It wasn't a subtle thing.

Here's one thing we have to remember.

The stairs apparently have some kind of cloth/nylon? stuff between the handrail and the stairs. Probably to keep passengers from falling thru or dropping stuff thru there while going up/down the stairs.

So the stairs are more than stairs. They are almost like a "scoop" . Granted the scoop would be too leaky to grab something like water. But it seems like it could grab air if the stairs banged up.

If so, you could calculate the increase in cabin pressure. If you assume the total amount of air grabbed by the stair/handrail "scoop" was pushed back in the plane in zero time, then there's that much more air in the total cabin. This percentage increase would give a "static" increase in pressure.

The cabin is so large, that it doesn't seem to make sense, that the "percentage increase in air" would be enough of an effect to cause a bump? so there's got to be more...

Now here's where the physics comes in and I'm out of my league. But it should be something a real scientist could do calcs about....

Vortex air guns? Now maybe not a true ring vortex, but it gets us thinking about it correctly, I think. It's not just air pressure increase. It's like an air bullet..

a weaponized (2006) version is described here:

You know those air guns that allow you to blow out a candle from across the room? I was reminded of this, because not kidding, I heard a story of a scientist who after he saw one, built a huge one that he would use to knock snow off trees onto unsuspecting friends.

Here's a link to an actual version of the toy
This japanese video is good to watch there...

So its not just about the amount of air grabbed by the stair.

It's the HIGH SPEED[/B] transition of the stairs from open to close, along with the scoop effect that keeps the air from squishing away. Think of it like a big plunger, not just stairs

Some may also remember the Mattel Agent Zero M Sonic Blaster 5530 from childhood which was similar.
I found an original video from back then on the Sonic Blaster...brought back memories
good to watch. shows kirk russell knocking down stuff with high speed "air bullet" essentially.

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Before I say anything, let me state clearly; “What I am posting here represents ESTIMATES ONLY!”

I have calibrated the 1971 Seattle Sectional, and I have plotted points where there was ample information to do so (from 19:54 through 20:11. When I publish those, I will stand behind them. However, these points are taken from tic-marks on the map that did not have times clearly associated with them. Using average ground speeds and other “PF Magic”, I have estimated the plane’s position from 20:12 through 20:18 PST.

I am doing this because he helps envision what Ckret was saying in an earlier post.

The file: 1971 ESTIMATES RED.jpg is plotted over the 1971 Seattle Sectional. The File: 2008 ESTIMATES RED.jpg is plotted over a current Seattle Sectional.

Notice the difference in the light pattern.


EDIT Added: Sorry The Numbers are hard to read they start at 20:12 and end at 20:18. If Cooper Bailed at 20:14 or 20:15, AND survived the jump, he was "Home Free."

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Does anyone want me to post a new kmz? I don't know if anyone else is using google earth. (you're missing out big time if you're not)

I have a new one with the new high res image overlay
('71 flight map) that sluggo got... I can add sluggo's vortac/v23 stuff
(he didn't seem to mind before).

It's basically the same info around portland/battle ground that I've posted before, but it includes more of the flight path now.

Sluggo: did you update your site to fix the first half high res file? I sent you email.

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Yes Jo, I understand why you get upset. It tells me Duane Weber being Cooper is just a story. You are trying to defend and protect the story.

If you knew for a fact Duane was Cooper then Cook or anybody else couldn't be a threat to you. The fact they are tells me a lot.

One Writer just go Busted:

I get upset because of what I saw and held in my hands.,,and that I cannot get my hands on the things that would prove Duane was Cooper.

I get upset when others use things I have said and make a book out of it and use them in different TV programs - and each time a CERTAIN writer is listed in the credits.

I am thinking he had NO IDEA that I was on to him. I am not sorry that HIS book was a bust.
Thieves do not deserve to win, but they do 90 per cent of the time.
So you see I am not as dumb as you might think and now you know it has happened before - I just didn't say anything.

This time it is direct things and used in the context of finding Cooper so that is a different thing all together. This time I have reason NOT to sit still.

Stealing makes me MAD not someone doubting my story because it is not a story - it is the truth.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Oh please ... like he is using someone scared of leaving fingerprints behind as "her" "evidence"? Like it isn't public that there are fingerprints on a glass Cooper used (ckret has posted this)?


When Ckret posted the item about the print being found on the glass, I did doubt it and still do as other information he has posted has been found to not be true.

In the 12 yrs plus I have been trying to find more information - that print on the glass statement was a first for me. Himmelsbach NEVER mentioned it. Agent Ralph Hope never mentioned it - in fact I have him going ON RECORD that the only prints retrieved where from the stairs and they didn't know if they belonged to Cooper.

I was led to believe that they found NO prints on the glasses and it was never stated that they even recovered the drink glasses.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Flight Ops most likely got on the landline with Boeing, sort of a tech support thing, common in the industry when there is a "what do we do now?" scenario being played out.

A friend who worked in United's big maint base at SFO told me that plane mfrs have a 24/7 phone hotline for customers experiencing technical problems.
2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Boeing Field Service Directory

Location Telephone Number
Copenhagen (45) 3-232-4373
Dublin (353) 1-886-3086
East Midlands (44) 1-332-852412
Gatwick (44) 1293-510465
Geneva (BBJ) (4 ) 7867-507-317
Helsinki (358) 9-818-6450
London (LHR) (44) 20-8562-3151
Luton (Britinannia) (44) 1582-428-077
Luton (Monach) (44) 1582-525-869
Manchester (44) 1612-326-693
Oslo (47) 6481-6598
Stanstead (44) 1279-825638
Stavanger (47) 51-659-345
Stockholm (46) 8-797-4911
Tel Aviv (972) 3-9711147
Amsterdam (KLM) (31) 20-649-8100
Amsterdam (31) 20-648-4639
Athens (30) 1-988-0520
Brussels (32) 2-7234822
Luxembourg (352) 4211-3399
Madrid (34) 91-329-1755
Malpensa (39) 331-713-568
Olbia (39) 7-895-2612
Palma (PMI) (34) 971-789-782
Paris (CDG) (33) 1-4862-7573
Paris (OLY) (33) 1-4686-1047
Rome (39) 6-6501-0135
Tunis (216) 1-781-996
Zurich (41) 1-812-6816

Out Of Hours
AOG Rapid Response Center
If your Boeing field service representative cannot be reached.
support is available 24 hours a day on the following
Tel : (1)-206-544-7555
Fax : (1)-206-544-9084

My friend that gives me this stuff is British and talks funny, hence "Out of Hours". "Out of Hours" sounds like the hour-glass is about to be empty. AOG means "Aircraft On Ground" as in; "This damn thing won't fly!"

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Jo states "I will state that his grammar was not the best but he strived to improve it even during our marriage and because of my daugter - (he didn't want her correcting him)."

Cooper was described as well spoken.

Duane was well spoken - ask anyone who knew him. I made more grammar mistake than he did and still do. My daughter also corrected me and still does. Well spoken does not mean that he did not make a mistake that was not detected.

His biggest mistake was the word ASCARD instead of afraid - sorry that I used the word grammar, He used his verb tense better than I did. It was his substitutions of certain words.

This man stood up before crowds of people when we were married and made speeches and taught sales techniques - so that sound like someone with BAD grammar.

By the way Ckret you are BUSTED.
The reports put Cooper out of that plane within the time range that has been stated over and and over time and time again - When the lights to Portland where seen Cooper was GONE...it was also stated that the plane was further East than they thought when all of this was going on. WHY don't you call the Co-pilot? That is the smart thing to do...

That is nit - picking, Ckret. You are supposed to be objective. Are you reading all of the post or just select ones?

By the way I haven't receive the information you promised me.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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So, the implication is that there was a distributed field support kind of organization. Then they would have distributed information on paper to the various phone centers/offices, that the phone techs could consult.

So: Either the information about boxes being deployed was on paper somewhere...potentially multiple copies distributed to multiple sites, or someone got called and distributed info that was in possibly just one file somewhere, or in someone's head.

I'm still betting that someone called someone who called Good Old Joe who just knew.

I'd like to know who Good Old Joe was that night.
There's no way I can believe a story that it was a random tech on the phone.

That might be true today, with computerized info and search.
Hard to believe in '71. Especially if it was "food drop" data for The Del Monte Company.


Boeing Field Service Directory

Location Telephone Number
Copenhagen (45) 3-232-4373
Dublin (353) 1-886-3086
East Midlands (44) 1-332-852412
Gatwick (44) 1293-510465
Geneva (BBJ) (4 ) 7867-507-317
Helsinki (358) 9-818-6450
London (LHR) (44) 20-8562-3151
Luton (Britinannia) (44) 1582-428-077
Luton (Monach) (44) 1582-525-869
Manchester (44) 1612-326-693
Oslo (47) 6481-6598
Stanstead (44) 1279-825638
Stavanger (47) 51-659-345
Stockholm (46) 8-797-4911
Tel Aviv (972) 3-9711147
Amsterdam (KLM) (31) 20-649-8100
Amsterdam (31) 20-648-4639
Athens (30) 1-988-0520
Brussels (32) 2-7234822
Luxembourg (352) 4211-3399
Madrid (34) 91-329-1755
Malpensa (39) 331-713-568
Olbia (39) 7-895-2612
Palma (PMI) (34) 971-789-782
Paris (CDG) (33) 1-4862-7573
Paris (OLY) (33) 1-4686-1047
Rome (39) 6-6501-0135
Tunis (216) 1-781-996
Zurich (41) 1-812-6816

Out Of Hours
AOG Rapid Response Center
If your Boeing field service representative cannot be reached.
support is available 24 hours a day on the following
Tel : (1)-206-544-7555
Fax : (1)-206-544-9084

My friend that gives me this stuff is British and talks funny, hence "Out of Hours". "Out of Hours" sounds like the hour-glass is about to be empty. AOG means "Aircraft On Ground" as in; "This damn thing won't fly!"

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Huh?? First of all, if DB Cooper had said "I am ascared" to the flight attendant I think we would have heard that by now... [Ckret, please help us on this one!] How and why would Galen Cook use that in his book??? "Gossett was quoted as telling the flight attendant he was ascared he might break his neck falling out of the plane..."

If anybody else gets the point and I am missing it please enlighten me.

FOR your INFORMATION: We do not know that all of the conversation between Tina and Cooper was made public then or now. I am simply wanting to find out what conversation transpired between the two of them.


She did ask him if he had a Grudge, so it stands to reason that there may have been other conversation. The Grudge thing was never made public before and did TINA remember to tell the FBIi everyword that was used? I just wanted to find out from TINA if Cooper ever used this word.

I have wanted to have a conversation with TINA for yrs and ask her that question - SORRY I even mentioned it - EXCUSE me for being ALIVE and ABLE to ttell what DUANE TOLD me ..

I AM NOT ON TRIAL HERE. I am simply TRYING to find the truth and when I tell another detail that I have yet made public I get made fun of.

I started to make another statement but I will just keep it to myself. I wish with ALL of my HEART and SOUL that DUANE had NEVER told me the things he did and THAT I had never SAW the thing that I did.

Right now I am crying to hard to type - when all I was doing was trying to let people understand why I believe he was Cooper - you and CKRET take simple little things I say and make a big deal out of it. I have told others they need to talk to me - when I type it is not always what I am trying to say and gets taken in a way that was not meant...writing is not just another form of communication for me - until I got a Computer in 2000 - I seldom wrote anything that was not required for work.

Anyone who knows me will tell you that when I talk to them they better understand what I am trying to say.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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And there aint no such animule.

Everyone is from someone and somewhere.

(Prior to the internet that is)

No accent would simply mean he was from the middle of the US somewhere. Same old trick with national newscasters. It would also imply english as the primary language and having been born in the US by parents who used english as their primary language. The lack of slang may indicate a higher level of education. Not necessarily a college, but it could also be from further education and leadership courses from with in the upper enlisted ranks of the military. It also points away from someone with a previous conviction. I've yet to meet someone who has done any sort of jail or prison time that hasn't picked up some sort of none-popular slang.

well the US divides up into a number of broad linguistic
regions, central midwest being one but it has a lot in
common with the northwest region phonologically.
Syntax is another matter. Every area has regionalisms.

What may be significant in this case is that all witnesses gave a common report, ie. "no accent",
even though there were probably language differences
between the witnesses. For example, Mucklow and
Schaffner came from different parts of the US so if
they both report "no accent" that could mean
something as broad as "he didnt have a Spanish
accent" or Svedish, etc. That level of "no accent" is

We also have the glaring contradiction between what
Himmelsbach reported vrs. Mucklow and Schaffner
vis-a-vis language. (He used filthy language on the
one hand but was calm, deliberate, relaxed, and well spoken and polite on the other hand.)

It could also indicate all of the witnesses were
traumatised and couldnt give a full account. Just
consider the linguistic regions 305 flew through on
that day alone. You multiply that by the number of
hours of service the crew in contact with him had,
. . . and you can see why the Soul Bros. dressed
in back business suits with sunglasses too!

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