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DB Cooper

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Yes....these bills were just a portion of what was found. The auction says Brian Ingram owns 84 bills and fragments (now it is 69 as 15 were sold today).

From ha.com:

"Fifteen of the $20 denomination bills will be offered to the public for the first time in the upcoming auction. His decision to sell the notes was made several weeks before the recent discovery of what may be the skyjacker's parachute. The coincidental timing couldn't be better," said Ivy.

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From the witness statements and a bit of guess work, I think we can conclude Cooper did not tie the bag to his body.

He tied the neck of the bag by wrapping the cord around it, then used what was left to wrap around the bag, leaving a loop.

I believe he clipped this loop into the harness, leaving the bag dangling from the harness not his waist.

if that is indeed how he attached it then he also ran the risk of the parachute entangling with the bag IF he was able to deploy.

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From the witness statements and a bit of guess work, I think we can conclude Cooper did not tie the bag to his body.

He tied the neck of the bag by wrapping the cord around it, then used what was left to wrap around the bag, leaving a loop. I believe he clipped this loop into the harness, leaving the bag dangling from the harness not his waist.

Too Much Guess work in that statement - like the artist who did a drawing for a book that was published about Cooper.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I read a rumor that Perris was going to retire or sell their DC 9 jet. Can you imagine how expensive it must be to fly it with Jet A over $6 a gallon? Lt Diver, what is the real story?

I'll defer to billvon's post on the subject since I haven't been at the DZ lately to hear from the horse's mouth what's up exactly.

I know they've spent alot of time, love (and $$) for the men's vacuum. I'd be a shame if only the ladies were able to keep theirs.


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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Too Much Guess work in that statement


Just a thought: You've spent years compiling your knowledge and data, yet have been unable to deliver concrete, tangible evidence defending your conclusion. Now it's the guys on this forum's turn to do their own style of gathering. They're attempting to put together something that they hope will yield evidence they can put their own hands on as well. Let's give them leave to do so.



Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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Yes....these bills were just a portion of what was found. The auction says Brian Ingram owns 84 bills and fragments (now it is 69 as 15 were sold today).

From ha.com:

"Fifteen of the $20 denomination bills will be offered to the public for the first time in the upcoming auction. His decision to sell the notes was made several weeks before the recent discovery of what may be the skyjacker's parachute. The coincidental timing couldn't be better," said Ivy.

Hey conspiracy theorists! Does anyone think the chute was planted to hype the auction? Awfully good timing. If you really want to go to the paranoid extreme... those rotted twenties sure brought a good return. Could Cooper have somehow benfitted from their appreciation in monetary value? Was the "find" arranged to turn a few twenties into thousands? I think the answer is no, but I have taken my Lithium, Haldol and Prozac today.
2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Back to the NB6, Cossey modified the chute, we know that from the 28' canopy. And when we spoke he said he placed the handle under the right armpit. The motion he showed me was that Cooper would have had to hook his right thumb in the handle and push straight out, like a bench press motion. Once fully extended, he would have had to rotate his fully extended arm up over his head.

Does this make sense? or did he just demonstrate right handed and he really meant left?

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From the witness statements and a bit of guess work, I think we can conclude Cooper did not tie the bag to his body.

He tied the neck of the bag by wrapping the cord around it, then used what was left to wrap around the bag, leaving a loop. I believe he clipped this loop into the harness, leaving the bag dangling from the harness not his waist.

Too Much Guess work in that statement - like the artist who did a drawing for a book that was published about Cooper.

According to the witnesses, the cord was all used up to tie the bag. Once Cooper came to the last bit of rope he fashioned it into a loop. There was no cord left to tie the bag to his body.

We have to come up with how he attached the bag to his body. The logical answer is that he clipped the loop he made into one of the harness clips. The only other way is if he took off his belt, ran an end of the belt through the loop and refastened the belt. Out side of those examples I am at a loss to explaine it.

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hmmmm....it appears that cossey modified the location of the ripcord.but i still am unclear on why he would do that. i have in 40+ years never seen somone do such an odd mod to a pilot emergency chute. was cossey a pilot as well as a rigger /jumper? and the chute was used strictly by him when he flew jumpers?. it seems such an odd set up from your description. does cossey have any interest in joining us on this forum?if it was set up that way i can almost guarantee that cooper bounced because it is such an odd configuration.

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28 ft canopy in an non extended NB6 container, VERY weird ripcord handle location modification...

was Cossey planing to have an ex wife jump with this?
2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Ckret, I'm just throwing out a crazy idea here.

I'm thinking Cooper had a mental plan for the money. Maybe it was the chest container like you say.

But he asked for a knapsack. So maybe there was a plan for how he was going to put a knapsack on backwards or something...i.e. the knapsack straps would be used.

So then if he doesn't get a knapsack, and he's mentally stressed, he's thinking he's got to make a knapsack.

Now this part is true: When I was a kid, I remember seeing how to make a hiking knapsack with a potato sack and rope. Basically the rope becomes straps.

Maybe Cooper created some kind of virtual knapsack with the rope and bag, then unsnapped the chest snap on the nb6 and got the rope over his head/shoulder somehow, then resnapped the chest snap...with the money bag against his chest, but the harness closer to his chest. (like wearing a knapsack backwards)

That way it's snug against his chest..maybe with rope just going across one shoulder, with the rope on his back, so it doesn't interfere with back container deployment.

I'm thinking he would try to make it work like he may have originally planned.

(edit) reference:
Here Mors shows a practical application of the slip knot method sheet bend using a grain sack. The bottom corners of the grain sack are used as cord in the sheet bend, a slip knot is passed over the corner of the grain sack and inverted into the clove hitch on each corner. A girth hitch is put around the sack top—making a simple grain sack rucksack.

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... was cossey a pilot as well as a rigger /jumper? and the chute was used strictly by him when he flew jumpers?


If my super-secret Guv’ment Database decoder ring is working, all certifications show up in the database as long as any one certification is active.

Here’s Cossey’s public record:
15010 NE 192ND ST


He has an active certification as a Master Parachute Rigger with ratings as a Master Parachute Rigger for Back, Chest, and Seat. So if I’ve got it straight, Earl Cossey is not and has not been a pilot. (I may not have it right, however.)


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This article says Cossey was a pilot. Don't know if it's true.

March 26, 2008 - 9:28pm
Associated Press Writer

"It was my parachute," said Earl Cossey of Woodinville, Wash. "So, yes, I'd be able to identify it to this day."

Cossey was a pilot and ran a skydiving school at the time in Issaquah, Wash. When Cooper demanded parachutes, the FBI got in touch with him.

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Does this make sense? or did he just demonstrate right handed and he really meant left?

Yes! It certainly does make sense. It is brilliant, actually.

I have 2000 hours flying jumpers with about 1000 hours flying for a heavily first jump oriented DZ on the Eastern Shore of Maryland known as Pelicanland. I was always expecting a student to freak-out and grab onto me screaming, "I'm not leaving this airplane!"

As I've written, I put a 28 into an NB-6 because I didn't want a potentially hard landing under a 26. The more difficult hard pull was a bonus for protecting me from the nutty first time grabbers. I would guess that Cossy or the pilot for whom he packed the rig would want the larger, easier landing canopy for the same reason I would.

His idea for the rip cord under the right arm is brilliant! Only under the left arm would be better than under the right.

Second reason for the ripcord postion as described under the right arm allows for the best possible body position when diving out the door. Your right hand can easily grab the handle and push out, Superman style with the right thumb hooked inside the handle, as the pilot jumps out.

My hat's off to Cossey. I wish I had thought of it.

OK...what's next?

I am not DB Cooper

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Also listed on Sluggo_Moster's web page: :)http://n467us.com/Photo%20Evidence.htm#Miscellaneous_Photos


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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I found a couple of pictures of a NB-6 see if this is what cooper jumped.

It's late, I'm tired, but my brain is farting.

When I look at the photo http://www.dilette.com/...arachute_NB-6_01.jpg
It apears to be reversed (based on the numbers).

What gives?

Is this a test to see how much brain-flatulence I can have.

So, left pull is normal?


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OK...what's next?

We know the rig. We can't prove that it worked or not.

We have been theorizing on the landing area since post 100. 2000 posts later, even if we theorize correctly and pick the correct landing area, what do we gain? No one will put boots on the ground to check it.

The money may, or may not, have stayed attached.

Interesting, but none of these identifies a fact that links an individual to an airline seat.

DNA, fingerprints, clothing, shoes, ties.

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