snowmman 3
It reminds me of the Dan Cooper comic book thing...That wasn't in the case files, if I remember correctly. We've not discussed it for a while.
snowmman 3
Name the character:
"Jimmy - whatsisname - Bohunk, in the joint used to say: "On the street you wanna be makin' roves, you don't put anything in your life you can't walk out in 30 seconds flat if you spot heat around the corner"
snowmman 3
I figure: no tear gas cannisters at night, surfers delight!
Orange1 0
I've read the DNA was extracted from the tie in 2001.
Where did you get the 2002 reference?
The "presumably" meant "presumption"! From Jo's post that the FBI contacted her in 2002. Not that it matters much (I presume), as she said she only got the DNA to them sometime in 2003.
Ckret 0
I wonder if Cooper had a gambling rather than opiate addiction? I have dealt with a lot of heroin addicts during my time working in a public defenders office. This is a big generalization, but they seemed to be looking for the next $100, never the next $100,000. They did burgs, shoplifting, prostitution, street robberies... all low ticket crimes. Ckret has dealt with tons of bank robbers. How many were junkies Ckret?
Gambling debts can become huge and your life is in danger if you don't pay a mob related debt. A TWA captain in the 1980s was busted hauling 20lb lots of heroin in his flight bag. Why? Gambling debts.
The vast majority of bank robbers are herion addicts who only get between $1,000 to $2,000. The average take is skewed because of takeover bandits when they get into the vault. Depending which branch they hit they get $50,000 to $100,000 (very rare).
No way Cooper went into the bathroom and shot up, if he did he would come out, sit in his seat and nod off.
snowmman 3
The whole article is good data, but I like this part:
"Experience has demonstrated that no racket can long exist without:
* political affiliation and protection;
* terrified witnesses who, although willing to do their duty, are confronted with the fact that duty performed is meaningless and an open invitation to terrorism and brutal retaliation; and
* lackadaisical, haphazard, inefficient, and apathetic law enforcement."
Ckret 0
I'm totally lost.
I think we have to start this thread over. Do we vote or something?
I found a new thing in Tosaw's book we've not discussed. Oxygen tanks in the compartment over Cooper.
Is that myth or true?
Passenger oxygen for drop down masks on the 727-100 is generated individually by exothermic chem reactor cans, not supplied from overhead tanks. Remember the Value Jet crash in the Everglades? Those cans get HOT.
Perhaps Tosaw is referring to the portable oxygen tanks that are stowed in the overhead luggage compartments.
Most flights carry a couple for medical emergencies. Don't know which compartment they were normally stowed in on NWA 727s.
Tina told Cooper that they may need oxygen flying at 10,000 feet and she started to tell him where the supplemental tanks could be found. Cooper stated, "I know where they are." No big mystery.
snowmman 3
A number of pages ago, I bragged that Russian Roulette, one bullet in the chamber. me and Ckret...that Ckret would blow first.
A way I used to put it: Two dicks on the chopping block...who pulls back first?
Ckret 0
ok, quade please don't ban me for this.
A number of pages ago, I bragged that Russian Roulette, one bullet in the chamber. me and Ckret...that Ckret would blow first.
A way I used to put it: Two dicks on the chopping block...who pulls back first?
Did you take those two days off we talked about?
snowmman 3
Did you take those two days off we talked about?
No. I don't work for you. And you don't work for me.
So let's drop the PA's and get back to Cooper?
I've read the DNA was extracted from the tie in 2001.
Where did you get the 2002 reference?
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