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Look where Tina Bar sits.
The map or site is only as good as the person putting it there - it is not a real dictionary or encyclopedia.
The arrow is to high for "Tena's" bar on that map. You have it at the upper end of Vancouver Lake when it is down toward the lower end of that lake. I don't have a map of it handy, but you will find that the arrow on that map is too High and too far North.
The area was part of the Fazio farm and the only river that flows North into the Columbia is the Washougal - that would allow the money to be deposited at the Fazio farm.

The farmers used the beach in their farming -which included moving cattle and they claimed that hundreds of people came there for recreational activities. It was the opinion of these long time owners and farmers that IF the money had been there for very long even under a layer of sand that someone would have found it.
My father was a farmer - and he knew his land - these 4 brothers knew their land - I will take the word of these long time farmers of that land before that of any hydrologist.
The local fishermen also where of the opinion that the money had come down the river from somewhere upstream. They also felt and were in agreement that the money may have been deposited on the beach with the melting snow about 2 wks before (this caused the river to rise) and left the money there covered by a layer of silt.
Fishermen and Farmers - good indicators and they knew their land and their waters. Also it has never been explained how the three packets were able to stay together after they separated from the sack if indeed the money bag itself did land in the Columbia.

this whole area is under water during floods so very likely the money was not "put up on Tina Bar", but was left there as water levels dropped in the whole area as a flood subsided. There is no eddy at Tina Bar. It is open river channel right off of Tina Bar .....
I believe the statements I made explain that the only chances of such a deposit being made...these statements where not made by me but by fishermen and farmers in 1980..
BigSky 2

Im in.
georger 247
200K ?
Thanks, George
georger 247
Bar (as the sign on the gate actually reads). To help
clear this up Im posting some photos and maps. The
maps give context to where T Bar sits and its realtionship
to the rest of the (incoming) Columbia.
What I am posting is but a section of a much larger
hi-res Terrain map I have constructed for the whole
area from east beyond Washougal, encompassing Battle Grnd, to south below the Columbia, and east beyond the Columbia NW of Vancouver. Unfortunately my FITS is 546mb large, a bmp 30+ mb, a jpeg 1.2mb, so what Im going to post here are reduced sections from the Terrain map. These provide context
for Tina Bar. (anyone wishing the larger files may email me and we will make arrangements).
Hopfully I can get these uploaded here -
Also - WHERE did you find some of those pics. I still think Tena's bar is lower than mark on the map.
Tena's bar is in red so that looks like a mark made on the map and not published with the map.
There was a farm house there .
Also the one that shows the actual dig - the beach was MUCH wider in the beach "grew" from 1980 to 2001. Would be nice to over-lay pics from 1980 to 2001.
I am only seeing a farm house on the lower side of Vancouver Lake, but it could be gone now.
Help Help we need some local yokels from WA on this now.
Also does anyone anything about know what appears to be a canal from Vancover lake to the Columbia. Was that there in 1979?
Please we need someone from WA to verify the location of Tena's bar - not maps that have been used to attempt various claims. We need to know EXACTLY where it is.
georger 247
Post the dates of each map and the compilation dates - this is important.
Also - WHERE did you find some of those pics. I still think Tena's bar is lower than mark on the map.
Tena's bar is in red so that looks like a mark made on the map and not published with the map.
There was a farm house there .
Also the one that shows the actual dig - the beach was MUCH wider in the beach "grew" from 1980 to 2001. Would be nice to over-lay pics from 1980 to 2001.
I am only seeing a farm house on the lower side of Vancouver Lake, but it could be gone now.
Help Help we need some local yokels from WA on this now.
Also does anyone anything about know what appears to be a canal from Vancover lake to the Columbia. Was that there in 1979?
Please we need someone from WA to verify the location of Tena's bar - not maps that have been used to attempt various claims. We need to know EXACTLY where it is.
Jo, I agree, this is important. I could write a book about the hours I have spent on this piece of trivia alone.
To make a very long story short, visit this link which
identifies Tina Bar.
Tina Bar is at: 45*43'2.88N latitude & 122*45'34.55"
West longitude. So says the Waymark website on Tina Bar. (Sluggo posts the same information)
The Google map from the Waymark wbesite is attached. A Mapquest map called from coordinates is attached. An finally the erroneous Seattle Post
"Intelligencer" map showing Tina Bar in a different
location is attached - which got all this confusion started in the first place.
The Seattle PI would never answer any email on this subject.
If it ever turns out the Seattle's PI's map is correct
and the Waymark coordinates are wrong, well then
we are all in trouble.
I agree. The accuracy of the location is importante'.
Because its the difference between one set of flow and
feed point parameters vs another -
I hope this helps -
out beyond Tina Bar with frontage both sides of the
river ... would e nice. I will go to your website and see
what's there.
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