n467us 0 #3901 August 2, 2008 That old mother wearing the dark hat with glasses is walking out with the $200K right in front of our eyes!!! Check out the sack wrapped in string... how could we have been so blind? Cooper handed off the dough to him to fake us all out!!! I can't believe we finally solved this!!! OK, great job team, let's call this final and all go home... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snowmman 3 #3902 August 2, 2008 -n467us: funny, I was thinking the same thing. -Norjak book mentions all the hijacks I'm giving detail on, but no detail. I was surprised at that, since Ckret played dumb when we mentioned McNally. I think co-author read newspaper articles at the time of the book writing. Heady's strength: He was a skydiver. Heady's weakness: He was a skydiver. (see USPA sticker) Robb Dolin Heady. Student at Western Nevada Community College. Part time employee of a parking lot at a Reno casino. Former member of the University of Nevada's Parachute Club. Friday, June 2, 1972. United Airlines. Jumped over Washoe Lake, about 20 miles south of the Reno airport. So the DZ was local, as was how he got on. The plane was NY to San Francisco, UAL 239. It had landed at Reno, and 24 passengers had just deplaned. The hijack started then. It was sunset. Heady, wearing a pillow case with slits for eyes, charged aboard the plane. Had a .357 Magnum. Two pilots + three stews as hostages. 4 hour hijack. (edit) He asked for and received two parachutes. Ransom was $200,000. (edit) supposedly fired a shot when he got impatient while they were getting money and "fixing" the engine. Money supposedly gotten from casinos? He shifted to a second UAL 727 after being told the first plane was low on fuel and had a bad engine. He jumped into darkness apparently from 14,000 ft. into remote sagebrush-covered hills near Lake Washoe, about 25 miles south of Reno. Arrested on east side of lake about 5:30 AM. They staked out a white Triumph sedan parked off the dirt road that runs off of Eastshore Rd in Washoe City. On the back was a sticker reading: "Member of U.S. Parachute Association" After a while, the officers observed Heady walk up the road toward the car and remove the car keys from under a rock. As he began to open the door, they arrested him. They found the parachute, gun and clothing nearby. He said he spent the night on the beach. He had injured his left elbow. Chest injury also. He had just gotten back from Vietnam in December and had been a paratrooper in Vietnam. Was a sport chutist according to his dad. 150 police were combing the area till he was found. Slim, blond-haired. Held gun to head of stew. Used two hostages as shields when moving between planes. Pilot didn't know he had jumped till stewardess told him. (I guess she saw?) Supposedly lost the bag of money when he pulled the rip. The bag had $155,000. He left $45,000 on the plane. FBI found the money on June 4, 1972. He may have cached it. Note: he had some jumping experience, but apparently not enough to realize he needed to tie the bag on? They made it sound like he was just holding the bag. Unclear. Pleaded guilty 8/25/72. He got 30 year sentence. Recommendation for parole after 10. So maybe he's out already. At trial, lawyer argued he had malaria/high fever overseas. Psych exam was ordered. photo of his arrest attached. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #3903 August 2, 2008 QuoteThat old mother wearing the dark hat with glasses is walking out with the $200K right in front of our eyes!!! Check out the sack wrapped in string... how could we have been so blind? Cooper handed off the dough to him to fake us all out!!! I can't believe we finally solved this!!! OK, great job team, let's call this final and all go home... I noticed that also and wanted to say something, but kept quiet for fear I would be made fun of. Wish we knew the name of that man or at least the name he used. Would not the FBI would have checked all passengers for false ID's and their carry-on luggage. Also note that the package seems about the right size for the money. The wrapping seemed to be glossy and in all of the books and articles I have accumulated one made a statement about a green bag sticking out of a pocket of the briefcase. This is mentioned only one time - and I believe it was one of 2 fictional books. This poses a question for CKRET. Was anything said by Tina - mentioning what appeared to be a green plastic bag tucked away in t the upper top of the briefcase.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #3904 August 2, 2008 QuoteYou're right that if there's a way to drum up more data, we should figure it out. But who has the data? It could just be some of the younger divers mentioning the site to others who may have something to contribute no one else does. ______________________________ QuoteIs it that we're just trying to find some old timer that's going to read this thread and say ah-hah? It is the chain of relationships in the skydiving community and their knowledge that may well help to solve this crime.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #3905 August 2, 2008 QuoteI think we are all underestimating the level of continuing public interest in the Cooper case. The wedding I was at last weekend had a lot of farmers from rural Kentucky who are hardly Cooper buffs, but they all knew about Cooper, the latest developments such as the chute find, and got into a really spirited discussion about the case, who Cooper might have been and whether he lived or died. I did not start the Cooper conversation. It got started by someone talking about my skydiving and it just went right into Cooper without me pushing it one bit. Wedding in Kentucky? Aren't you in CA.? Didn't you know that I was born and raised in KY. Graduated from high school there and also attended college there. Note the name of a former Governor - we are related. I have immediate family members who hold positions in the State Offices. I am certainly surprised, but happy that people in Kentucky are interested in this subject. I did not go to a recent 50th class reunion because of my health status at that time.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #3906 August 2, 2008 QuoteGeorger, Snowmman, Sluggo, Can you post an enhanced jpg of the stained bill that best highlights the shapes of the rust stains? Is the false color one that Geroger posted optimal for showing shape? The symmetrical nature of some stains suggests contact with a manufactured steel item. I want to see if I can match it up with anything that might have been on an NB 6 rig. It is a super longshot but easy to do. Thanks. 377 REPLY> 377, again, I dont see the patterns you see. Here's the bill, raw image - with closeup. Here is also a more subtle colorised version - the specific areas of rust are colorised. The colorised version shows a more random rust pattern, certainly not the outline of a D-ring or anything specific that I can see. But obviously something accounts for the rust. There is rust and there is "rust". Not all rusts are alike. If this is rust!? I am being more careful with my words. Georger Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #3907 August 2, 2008 QuoteGeorger, Snowmman, Sluggo, Can you post an enhanced jpg of the stained bill that best highlights the shapes of the rust stains? Is the false color one that Geroger posted optimal for showing shape? REPLY> Sorry I didnt answer that specifically. No, actually nothing I have posted here is "optimal" in the sense you mean. The best way to reveal features in a situation like this is to back lite or forward lite the specimen with specific wavelengths of lite. It is standard practice to use UV or other wavelengths to try and reveal background features, or enhance stains, surface prints, etc. There are standard forensic procedures that are used. In this case once the nature of stains is known then specific lighting can be used to enhance those features, photographically. All elments have inherent reflective and absorptive properties which lighting can enhance. Im sure you already knew this. Everything Ive done here is done on common home computer software - well common for me anyway. There are special techniques & softwares which can do better. In the context of Tina Bar it is likely there was diverse debris, from many sources. Tina Bar is after all a deposition sand bar. The presence of rust raises a question, potentially. Iron or steel objects do not as a rule float! On the other hand the one specimen we have is thee ONLY specimen showing rust. These are questions which have to be addressed. Im sure someone will address this issues as time goes. Georger Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites georger 247 #3908 August 2, 2008 QuoteWhy are the ends of the bills quite rounded and the sides of the decomposing bills staying relatively straight? 377 In nature erosion and decay tends to round things off that are in an active flow, (wind or water) anything that sticks out (end corners or edge points) receives more friction or erosion in an active flow. It could also be biological bacterial, or a combination of the two. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites snowmman 3 #3909 August 3, 2008 Hahneman is really amazing to me, profile-wise. Makes me think maybe the FBI created this new Cooper profile, based on Hahneman. Another photo (frontal) attached (date taken unknown). (look at it, and the previous one I posted before reading) Hahneman really makes me understand how I have no idea who Cooper could be, and that all these stereotypes about the kind of people that could do a jump+extortion hijack, are, well wrong. Himmelsbach's book seems to revel in the stereotype of a "macho-man", going so far as describing how he excluded one suspect because he was too "effeminate" Some more background detail culled from more newspapers. (a little bit of repeat info) Frederick William Hahneman born July 5, 1922. Honduran mother, Delia Pastore Ordonez. Late father William Frederick Hahneman of San Francisco. He was born in Puerto Castilla, Honduras, but he was a naturalized US citizen. Wife, Mary Jane Hahneman. Evidently no tipster? apparently FBI used biographical info hijacker gave the crew in the 20 hour hijack, and a photograph. Evidently turned himself in because rumor of dead or alive on reward, and he was afraid when FBI starting snooping around friends? Supposedly said "it was unjust that the United States put a price on my head without having been judged". Surrendered to US embassy with old childhood friend, Jose Gomez Rovelo, a Honduran engineer he supposedly went to for advice. Not clear when Hahneman moved to US as a kid. Described by crew as very calm and thorough during the hijacking. Composed during sentencing. The political motive claim may have been phony. Judge mentioned it during sentencing, and Hahneman interrupted and tried to stop him, but it may have been phony. Said he had given the money to Central American revolutionaries (lie? like the bank lie? money was eventually recovered by FBI). Attended a junior college in Mississippi before he joined the Army in 1943. Trained as radar operator and a flight crew member with "US Army Air Force" in WWII. I guess that is the correct name for it back in the 40's. Discharged as corporal in '46. FBI said he traveled widely and had lived in a number of foreign countries. His last known employment was as an electronics specialist with Philco in Vietnam. At one point in the hijacking, he allegedly told the crew that if there was any "hanky panky" he would fly the plane himself. The description of the DZ was that he jumped into "jungle". See prior post. Pleaded guilty to air piracy in exchanged for dropping other counts. Sentenced to life, with parole possible after 15 years. Min sentence at the time for hijack was 20 years, max death. Apparently didn't give up the money location though, although it was later recovered. On May 9, 1973 he was in federal penitentiary in Atlanta. 48 at the time of the hijack in May 6, 1972 (jump) Was described by former employers as a "low level" technician who for years has moved from one job to another all over the world. Apparently was away from home for years at a time? Son Frederick E., 21 in 1972, was a construction worker. 17 year old son John said he was home two weeks before the skyjacking. and was home the prior Christmas. Gave John fishing equipment from Far East. Carisle Kaiser, 79, Mrs. Hahneman's father described Frederick as "a cocky fellow" who he didn't approve of. He said he threw Hahneman out of his house in Easton 17 years ago. (that would be '55). William Small, next door neighbor, said Haneman was "brilliant, well versed on technical things". Small said he talked with him a great bit 8 years ago (that would be '64), found he didn't socialize much and didn't care to talk about "mundane" subjects, like baseball. Did talk about foreign trips..like to Cambodia, Honduras and Guatemala. When the money was recovered (date in previous post), FBI wouldn't talk. "I am not at liberty to discuss the details of how or where the money was recovered" Alexander said. Although the Jacksonville FBI chief declined to answer a direct question, he indicated strongly the money was recovered some place in Florida. (edit) more on witnesses in the LZ area. Farmers in the area told government agents they saw a man sitting on the ground counting money before he disappeared into the countryside. Said the man's shoulder and hands were injured. They found harness and jumpsuit at that time. They thought the parachute may have been carried away by poor farmers. The man carried a back pack and a small suitcase and wiped sweat off his face with tissues. See prior post for the list of items he requested during the hijack. Agents said they found used tissues in the area. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites georger 247 #3910 August 3, 2008 QuoteGeorger, Snowmman, Sluggo, Can you post an enhanced jpg of the stained bill that best highlights the shapes of the rust stains? Is the false color one that Geroger posted optimal for showing shape? The symmetrical nature of some stains suggests contact with a manufactured steel item. I want to see if I can match it up with anything that might have been on an NB 6 rig. It is a super longshot but easy to do. Thanks. REPLY> Try these. See the pressure ridge... Good luck, let us know! George Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites snowmman 3 #3911 August 4, 2008 a while back, I posted a snap from a video, that showed a second folder of bills (individual, not bundles) plus some in a plastic bag. I assumed this meant the FBI had more bills than the ones Ckret showed. I was especially curious because there was one or two additional "black" bills in that second folder, whereas we only see 3 in the known FBI folder. I've since found another video, that showed the same two folders and plastic bag. However, Brian Ingram is in the video, and he's at the age when the court case was resolved ('86). i.e. the video was taken when they did a press event giving Brian his share of the money. So it appears that in '86 there were two folders and a plastic bag, with mostly complete bills, Brian probably got the plastic bag and 2nd folder, maybe with some others too. What's interesting is that it means maybe Brian has a black bill or two, still. None of the ones he recently sold were black. I know, I know, bogus detail that no one but me cares about. But I slagged Ckret for holding back on us, and now it looks like I was wrong. Sorry. I had also said this affected the total count, since the FBI would have more than the 13-14? So now it does sound like the one folder, that Ckret has shown, is probably all they have. I can't find the video right now, but attached a news article that shows Brian in '86 with the plastic bag w/bills that I was talking about. I also attached the video snap with the two folders and the plastic bag of bills that I posted before. p.s in '86 when Brian split with the insurance company (whose bills have disappeared over time), the lawyer for the ins. co. was Steve Rickles, an attorney for Royal Globe Insurance Co. Looking for a match, this guy might be that attorney http://www.rickles-law.com/rick.att.rickles.html Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites georger 247 #3912 August 4, 2008 Quotea while back, I posted a snap from a video, that showed a second folder of bills (individual, not bundles) plus some in a plastic bag. I assumed this meant the FBI had more bills than the ones Ckret showed. I was especially curious because there was one or two additional "black" bills in that second folder, whereas we only see 3 in the known FBI folder. I've since found another video, that showed the same two folders and plastic bag. However, Brian Ingram is in the video, and he's at the age when the court case was resolved ('86). i.e. the video was taken when they did a press event giving Brian his share of the money. So it appears that in '86 there were two folders and a plastic bag, with mostly complete bills, Brian probably got the plastic bag and 2nd folder, maybe with some others too. What's interesting is that it means maybe Brian has a black bill or two, still. None of the ones he recently sold were black. I know, I know, bogus detail that no one but me cares about. But I slagged Ckret for holding back on us, and now it looks like I was wrong. Sorry. I had also said this affected the total count, since the FBI would have more than the 13-14? So now it does sound like the one folder, that Ckret has shown, is probably all they have. I can't find the video right now, but attached a news article that shows Brian in '86 with the plastic bag w/bills that I was talking about. I also attached the video snap with the two folders and the plastic bag of bills that I posted before. p.s in '86 when Brian split with the insurance company (whose bills have disappeared over time), the lawyer for the ins. co. was Steve Rickles, an attorney for Royal Globe Insurance Co. Looking for a match, this guy might be that attorney http://www.rickles-law.com/rick.att.rickles.html REPLY>> well if $5800 was found then there are 290 $20 bills in one form or another, discounting additional serial numbers the auction house has pieced together of. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Sluggo_Monster 0 #3913 August 4, 2008 Here's a link to the latest Cook article. I hope this is BS (if not I've got a lot of crow to eat): GO HERE Sluggo_Monster Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Ckret 0 #3914 August 4, 2008 You have nothing to worry about, nothing in the story checks out. Even if it does you still have nothing to worry about, I am sure it tastes like chicken. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 377 22 #3915 August 4, 2008 QuoteHere's a link to the latest Cook article. I hope this is BS (if not I've got a lot of crow to eat): GO HERE Sluggo_Monster Sluggo, Crows are now a federally protected endangered species. I ate most of them after my SAGE radar showing Cooper's exit theory blew up. Ckret would have to arrest you if you ate one. Ahhh, the old money in the safe deposit but we can't locate the box/keys/ bank story. Not very original. Also, would that much currency even fit in a normal safe deposit box? Also, why risk an illegal transport of that much currency into Canada? Canada is no Switzerland as far as banking secrecy is concerned. Any bank transaction has a paper trail and that's the last thing Cooper would want. I once witnessed a federal bust at a US airport, a passenger attempting to carry in excess of $10,000 in cash on a departing international flight. The feds must have been tipped off as they were waiting for him inside the jetway but not visible from the departure area. These busts are rare, but they do happen. Wonder where all the Royal Globe Insurance Cooper twenties went? 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites georger 247 #3916 August 4, 2008 QuoteHere's a link to the latest Cook article. I hope this is BS (if not I've got a lot of crow to eat): GO HERE Sluggo_Monster REPLY> The real question is, 'where do these people come up with this stuff and why'? This ought to give you a sense of peace. Enjoy the view and be thankful you have an inherent dislike of crow, and have a good laugh! Georger Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Sluggo_Monster 0 #3917 August 4, 2008 Here's a video from KUTV (Channel 2 in SL City or Ogden, I believe) about Wolfgang Gossett's son Greg: CLICK HERE Well, he's had his 15 minutes of fame! God.... I hope I don't have to eat a bunch or crow. Anybody got any good Corvus recipes? I may have to eat a "murder". Sluggo_Monster 'Relax Ckret, a group of crows is called a "murder." Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skyjack71 0 #3918 August 5, 2008 Below quote from Cook Article: Quote "Two decades ago Gossett showed his son, Greg, two gold keys that could unlock the mystery - if anyone knew where they were." If he is so sure Gossett was Cooper why did he hound me for yrs? By the way - He He He , I have a box of Keys, but I don't know what they go to. The PI that I hired in 1996 told me that some of them were Bank Deposit Keys, but I could NOT prove I was the widow of John Collins therefore my inquires at the banks were dead ends. I explained this to the FBI, but got NO assistance. Without ID showing I was the widow of John Collins or his last will and testimony I got could not get any information....so I gave up.[:/ Wonder if Cook is running into the same old thing??? Where was Gossett in 1979???Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Orange1 0 #3919 August 5, 2008 QuoteBelow quote from Cook Article: Quote"Two decades ago Gossett showed his son, Greg, two gold keys that could unlock the mystery - if anyone knew where they were." If he is so sure Gossett was Cooper why did he hound me for yrs? You make it sound like Greg hounded you, but I presume you mean Cook. The articles stated Cook has been after Cooper for 2 decades but only found out about Gossett in the past couple of years. You may think what you like (given your clear bias), and I'll accept Ckret's assertions that the facts don't add up, but from what I have seen of Cook he really has been one to try find a suspect to fit the man rather than try get the facts to fit his suspect. Ckret, can you confirm or otherwise receipt of Cook's /Gosset's fingerprints and whether they have been eliminated? (Sorry I think you may have answered this a while ago ...if so humble apologies) Oh, and personally, I feel much better about the fact that banks don't go opening up safety deposit boxes to everyone who claims to be a surviving relative of someone who may or may not have had anything deposited there.Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites georger 247 #3920 August 5, 2008 QuoteQuoteBelow quote from Cook Article: Quote"Two decades ago Gossett showed his son, Greg, two gold keys that could unlock the mystery - if anyone knew where they were." If he is so sure Gossett was Cooper why did he hound me for yrs? You make it sound like Greg hounded you, but I presume you mean Cook. The articles stated Cook has been after Cooper for 2 decades but only found out about Gossett in the past couple of years. You may think what you like (given your clear bias), and I'll accept Ckret's assertions that the facts don't add up, but from what I have seen of Cook he really has been one to try find a suspect to fit the man rather than try get the facts to fit his suspect. Ckret, can you confirm or otherwise receipt of Cook's /Gosset's fingerprints and whether they have been eliminated? (Sorry I think you may have answered this a while ago ...if so humble apologies) Oh, and personally, I feel much better about the fact that banks don't go opening up safety deposit boxes to everyone who claims to be a surviving relative of someone who may or may not have had anything deposited there. REPLY> How do Cooper 'detectives' scare up their candidates? I have yet to see one follow the ordinary protocols one would think appropriate to such matters, but maybe Im missing something. Did they review old passenger lists? Where and how do they find their 'Coopers'? It seems to me their criteria for selecting their targets is very lose. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Sluggo_Monster 0 #3921 August 6, 2008 QuoteREPLY> How do Cooper 'detectives' scare up their candidates? I have yet to see one follow the ordinary protocols one would think appropriate to such matters, but maybe Im missing something. Did they review old passenger lists? Where and how do they find their 'Coopers'? It seems to me their criteria for selecting their targets is very lose. For what it's worth, Galen Cook was on Coast To Coast AM (we know what that says about him) on November 24th, 2007. He claimed to have a suspect (un-named). Greg Gossett (one of three sons) sent Cook an e-mail saying that the show brought back memories of his Dad. (He had never mentioned these memories before). The rest is history. Sluggo_Monster Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites dyskiver 0 #3922 August 6, 2008 QuoteYou make it sound like Greg hounded you >Hmmm, I didnt take it that way at all. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites georger 247 #3923 August 6, 2008 I do have a couple of questions about the FP if you're up for it? George Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skyjack71 0 #3924 August 6, 2008 Thank You, I was saying that Cook hounded me for yrs - I am not too good at choosing my words sometimes. His using a story about the fingerprint scare in the same time frame as Duane's dream about leaving prints on the aft stairs - well, that beat all. This and a couple of other things that I Know he "borrowed" from what I have been saying was enough for me. One of these of course is an explanation for the money being in the river. Wonder if he needs one of the keys in Duane's junk box. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Sluggo_Monster 0 #3925 August 6, 2008 Quote I do have a couple of questions about the FP if you're up for it? George I assume that's for me. Fire at will (or shoot anyone if you don't have their names). Post here, PM me, or e-mail at N467US at charter dot net. Sluggo_Monster Just be sure to put your answer in the form of a question. [Another Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Prev 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 Next Page 157 of 2578 Join the conversation You can post now and register later. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. Reply to this topic... × Pasted as rich text. Paste as plain text instead Only 75 emoji are allowed. × Your link has been automatically embedded. Display as a link instead × Your previous content has been restored. Clear editor × You cannot paste images directly. Upload or insert images from URL. Insert image from URL × Desktop Tablet Phone Submit Reply 50 50 Go To Topic Listing
georger 247 #3908 August 2, 2008 QuoteWhy are the ends of the bills quite rounded and the sides of the decomposing bills staying relatively straight? 377 In nature erosion and decay tends to round things off that are in an active flow, (wind or water) anything that sticks out (end corners or edge points) receives more friction or erosion in an active flow. It could also be biological bacterial, or a combination of the two. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snowmman 3 #3909 August 3, 2008 Hahneman is really amazing to me, profile-wise. Makes me think maybe the FBI created this new Cooper profile, based on Hahneman. Another photo (frontal) attached (date taken unknown). (look at it, and the previous one I posted before reading) Hahneman really makes me understand how I have no idea who Cooper could be, and that all these stereotypes about the kind of people that could do a jump+extortion hijack, are, well wrong. Himmelsbach's book seems to revel in the stereotype of a "macho-man", going so far as describing how he excluded one suspect because he was too "effeminate" Some more background detail culled from more newspapers. (a little bit of repeat info) Frederick William Hahneman born July 5, 1922. Honduran mother, Delia Pastore Ordonez. Late father William Frederick Hahneman of San Francisco. He was born in Puerto Castilla, Honduras, but he was a naturalized US citizen. Wife, Mary Jane Hahneman. Evidently no tipster? apparently FBI used biographical info hijacker gave the crew in the 20 hour hijack, and a photograph. Evidently turned himself in because rumor of dead or alive on reward, and he was afraid when FBI starting snooping around friends? Supposedly said "it was unjust that the United States put a price on my head without having been judged". Surrendered to US embassy with old childhood friend, Jose Gomez Rovelo, a Honduran engineer he supposedly went to for advice. Not clear when Hahneman moved to US as a kid. Described by crew as very calm and thorough during the hijacking. Composed during sentencing. The political motive claim may have been phony. Judge mentioned it during sentencing, and Hahneman interrupted and tried to stop him, but it may have been phony. Said he had given the money to Central American revolutionaries (lie? like the bank lie? money was eventually recovered by FBI). Attended a junior college in Mississippi before he joined the Army in 1943. Trained as radar operator and a flight crew member with "US Army Air Force" in WWII. I guess that is the correct name for it back in the 40's. Discharged as corporal in '46. FBI said he traveled widely and had lived in a number of foreign countries. His last known employment was as an electronics specialist with Philco in Vietnam. At one point in the hijacking, he allegedly told the crew that if there was any "hanky panky" he would fly the plane himself. The description of the DZ was that he jumped into "jungle". See prior post. Pleaded guilty to air piracy in exchanged for dropping other counts. Sentenced to life, with parole possible after 15 years. Min sentence at the time for hijack was 20 years, max death. Apparently didn't give up the money location though, although it was later recovered. On May 9, 1973 he was in federal penitentiary in Atlanta. 48 at the time of the hijack in May 6, 1972 (jump) Was described by former employers as a "low level" technician who for years has moved from one job to another all over the world. Apparently was away from home for years at a time? Son Frederick E., 21 in 1972, was a construction worker. 17 year old son John said he was home two weeks before the skyjacking. and was home the prior Christmas. Gave John fishing equipment from Far East. Carisle Kaiser, 79, Mrs. Hahneman's father described Frederick as "a cocky fellow" who he didn't approve of. He said he threw Hahneman out of his house in Easton 17 years ago. (that would be '55). William Small, next door neighbor, said Haneman was "brilliant, well versed on technical things". Small said he talked with him a great bit 8 years ago (that would be '64), found he didn't socialize much and didn't care to talk about "mundane" subjects, like baseball. Did talk about foreign trips..like to Cambodia, Honduras and Guatemala. When the money was recovered (date in previous post), FBI wouldn't talk. "I am not at liberty to discuss the details of how or where the money was recovered" Alexander said. Although the Jacksonville FBI chief declined to answer a direct question, he indicated strongly the money was recovered some place in Florida. (edit) more on witnesses in the LZ area. Farmers in the area told government agents they saw a man sitting on the ground counting money before he disappeared into the countryside. Said the man's shoulder and hands were injured. They found harness and jumpsuit at that time. They thought the parachute may have been carried away by poor farmers. The man carried a back pack and a small suitcase and wiped sweat off his face with tissues. See prior post for the list of items he requested during the hijack. Agents said they found used tissues in the area. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #3910 August 3, 2008 QuoteGeorger, Snowmman, Sluggo, Can you post an enhanced jpg of the stained bill that best highlights the shapes of the rust stains? Is the false color one that Geroger posted optimal for showing shape? The symmetrical nature of some stains suggests contact with a manufactured steel item. I want to see if I can match it up with anything that might have been on an NB 6 rig. It is a super longshot but easy to do. Thanks. REPLY> Try these. See the pressure ridge... Good luck, let us know! George Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites snowmman 3 #3911 August 4, 2008 a while back, I posted a snap from a video, that showed a second folder of bills (individual, not bundles) plus some in a plastic bag. I assumed this meant the FBI had more bills than the ones Ckret showed. I was especially curious because there was one or two additional "black" bills in that second folder, whereas we only see 3 in the known FBI folder. I've since found another video, that showed the same two folders and plastic bag. However, Brian Ingram is in the video, and he's at the age when the court case was resolved ('86). i.e. the video was taken when they did a press event giving Brian his share of the money. So it appears that in '86 there were two folders and a plastic bag, with mostly complete bills, Brian probably got the plastic bag and 2nd folder, maybe with some others too. What's interesting is that it means maybe Brian has a black bill or two, still. None of the ones he recently sold were black. I know, I know, bogus detail that no one but me cares about. But I slagged Ckret for holding back on us, and now it looks like I was wrong. Sorry. I had also said this affected the total count, since the FBI would have more than the 13-14? So now it does sound like the one folder, that Ckret has shown, is probably all they have. I can't find the video right now, but attached a news article that shows Brian in '86 with the plastic bag w/bills that I was talking about. I also attached the video snap with the two folders and the plastic bag of bills that I posted before. p.s in '86 when Brian split with the insurance company (whose bills have disappeared over time), the lawyer for the ins. co. was Steve Rickles, an attorney for Royal Globe Insurance Co. Looking for a match, this guy might be that attorney http://www.rickles-law.com/rick.att.rickles.html Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites georger 247 #3912 August 4, 2008 Quotea while back, I posted a snap from a video, that showed a second folder of bills (individual, not bundles) plus some in a plastic bag. I assumed this meant the FBI had more bills than the ones Ckret showed. I was especially curious because there was one or two additional "black" bills in that second folder, whereas we only see 3 in the known FBI folder. I've since found another video, that showed the same two folders and plastic bag. However, Brian Ingram is in the video, and he's at the age when the court case was resolved ('86). i.e. the video was taken when they did a press event giving Brian his share of the money. So it appears that in '86 there were two folders and a plastic bag, with mostly complete bills, Brian probably got the plastic bag and 2nd folder, maybe with some others too. What's interesting is that it means maybe Brian has a black bill or two, still. None of the ones he recently sold were black. I know, I know, bogus detail that no one but me cares about. But I slagged Ckret for holding back on us, and now it looks like I was wrong. Sorry. I had also said this affected the total count, since the FBI would have more than the 13-14? So now it does sound like the one folder, that Ckret has shown, is probably all they have. I can't find the video right now, but attached a news article that shows Brian in '86 with the plastic bag w/bills that I was talking about. I also attached the video snap with the two folders and the plastic bag of bills that I posted before. p.s in '86 when Brian split with the insurance company (whose bills have disappeared over time), the lawyer for the ins. co. was Steve Rickles, an attorney for Royal Globe Insurance Co. Looking for a match, this guy might be that attorney http://www.rickles-law.com/rick.att.rickles.html REPLY>> well if $5800 was found then there are 290 $20 bills in one form or another, discounting additional serial numbers the auction house has pieced together of. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Sluggo_Monster 0 #3913 August 4, 2008 Here's a link to the latest Cook article. I hope this is BS (if not I've got a lot of crow to eat): GO HERE Sluggo_Monster Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Ckret 0 #3914 August 4, 2008 You have nothing to worry about, nothing in the story checks out. Even if it does you still have nothing to worry about, I am sure it tastes like chicken. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 377 22 #3915 August 4, 2008 QuoteHere's a link to the latest Cook article. I hope this is BS (if not I've got a lot of crow to eat): GO HERE Sluggo_Monster Sluggo, Crows are now a federally protected endangered species. I ate most of them after my SAGE radar showing Cooper's exit theory blew up. Ckret would have to arrest you if you ate one. Ahhh, the old money in the safe deposit but we can't locate the box/keys/ bank story. Not very original. Also, would that much currency even fit in a normal safe deposit box? Also, why risk an illegal transport of that much currency into Canada? Canada is no Switzerland as far as banking secrecy is concerned. Any bank transaction has a paper trail and that's the last thing Cooper would want. I once witnessed a federal bust at a US airport, a passenger attempting to carry in excess of $10,000 in cash on a departing international flight. The feds must have been tipped off as they were waiting for him inside the jetway but not visible from the departure area. These busts are rare, but they do happen. Wonder where all the Royal Globe Insurance Cooper twenties went? 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites georger 247 #3916 August 4, 2008 QuoteHere's a link to the latest Cook article. I hope this is BS (if not I've got a lot of crow to eat): GO HERE Sluggo_Monster REPLY> The real question is, 'where do these people come up with this stuff and why'? This ought to give you a sense of peace. Enjoy the view and be thankful you have an inherent dislike of crow, and have a good laugh! Georger Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Sluggo_Monster 0 #3917 August 4, 2008 Here's a video from KUTV (Channel 2 in SL City or Ogden, I believe) about Wolfgang Gossett's son Greg: CLICK HERE Well, he's had his 15 minutes of fame! God.... I hope I don't have to eat a bunch or crow. Anybody got any good Corvus recipes? I may have to eat a "murder". Sluggo_Monster 'Relax Ckret, a group of crows is called a "murder." Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skyjack71 0 #3918 August 5, 2008 Below quote from Cook Article: Quote "Two decades ago Gossett showed his son, Greg, two gold keys that could unlock the mystery - if anyone knew where they were." If he is so sure Gossett was Cooper why did he hound me for yrs? By the way - He He He , I have a box of Keys, but I don't know what they go to. The PI that I hired in 1996 told me that some of them were Bank Deposit Keys, but I could NOT prove I was the widow of John Collins therefore my inquires at the banks were dead ends. I explained this to the FBI, but got NO assistance. Without ID showing I was the widow of John Collins or his last will and testimony I got could not get any information....so I gave up.[:/ Wonder if Cook is running into the same old thing??? Where was Gossett in 1979???Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Orange1 0 #3919 August 5, 2008 QuoteBelow quote from Cook Article: Quote"Two decades ago Gossett showed his son, Greg, two gold keys that could unlock the mystery - if anyone knew where they were." If he is so sure Gossett was Cooper why did he hound me for yrs? You make it sound like Greg hounded you, but I presume you mean Cook. The articles stated Cook has been after Cooper for 2 decades but only found out about Gossett in the past couple of years. You may think what you like (given your clear bias), and I'll accept Ckret's assertions that the facts don't add up, but from what I have seen of Cook he really has been one to try find a suspect to fit the man rather than try get the facts to fit his suspect. Ckret, can you confirm or otherwise receipt of Cook's /Gosset's fingerprints and whether they have been eliminated? (Sorry I think you may have answered this a while ago ...if so humble apologies) Oh, and personally, I feel much better about the fact that banks don't go opening up safety deposit boxes to everyone who claims to be a surviving relative of someone who may or may not have had anything deposited there.Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites georger 247 #3920 August 5, 2008 QuoteQuoteBelow quote from Cook Article: Quote"Two decades ago Gossett showed his son, Greg, two gold keys that could unlock the mystery - if anyone knew where they were." If he is so sure Gossett was Cooper why did he hound me for yrs? You make it sound like Greg hounded you, but I presume you mean Cook. The articles stated Cook has been after Cooper for 2 decades but only found out about Gossett in the past couple of years. You may think what you like (given your clear bias), and I'll accept Ckret's assertions that the facts don't add up, but from what I have seen of Cook he really has been one to try find a suspect to fit the man rather than try get the facts to fit his suspect. Ckret, can you confirm or otherwise receipt of Cook's /Gosset's fingerprints and whether they have been eliminated? (Sorry I think you may have answered this a while ago ...if so humble apologies) Oh, and personally, I feel much better about the fact that banks don't go opening up safety deposit boxes to everyone who claims to be a surviving relative of someone who may or may not have had anything deposited there. REPLY> How do Cooper 'detectives' scare up their candidates? I have yet to see one follow the ordinary protocols one would think appropriate to such matters, but maybe Im missing something. Did they review old passenger lists? Where and how do they find their 'Coopers'? It seems to me their criteria for selecting their targets is very lose. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Sluggo_Monster 0 #3921 August 6, 2008 QuoteREPLY> How do Cooper 'detectives' scare up their candidates? I have yet to see one follow the ordinary protocols one would think appropriate to such matters, but maybe Im missing something. Did they review old passenger lists? Where and how do they find their 'Coopers'? It seems to me their criteria for selecting their targets is very lose. For what it's worth, Galen Cook was on Coast To Coast AM (we know what that says about him) on November 24th, 2007. He claimed to have a suspect (un-named). Greg Gossett (one of three sons) sent Cook an e-mail saying that the show brought back memories of his Dad. (He had never mentioned these memories before). The rest is history. Sluggo_Monster Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites dyskiver 0 #3922 August 6, 2008 QuoteYou make it sound like Greg hounded you >Hmmm, I didnt take it that way at all. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites georger 247 #3923 August 6, 2008 I do have a couple of questions about the FP if you're up for it? George Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skyjack71 0 #3924 August 6, 2008 Thank You, I was saying that Cook hounded me for yrs - I am not too good at choosing my words sometimes. His using a story about the fingerprint scare in the same time frame as Duane's dream about leaving prints on the aft stairs - well, that beat all. This and a couple of other things that I Know he "borrowed" from what I have been saying was enough for me. One of these of course is an explanation for the money being in the river. Wonder if he needs one of the keys in Duane's junk box. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Sluggo_Monster 0 #3925 August 6, 2008 Quote I do have a couple of questions about the FP if you're up for it? George I assume that's for me. Fire at will (or shoot anyone if you don't have their names). Post here, PM me, or e-mail at N467US at charter dot net. Sluggo_Monster Just be sure to put your answer in the form of a question. [Another Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Prev 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 Next Page 157 of 2578 Join the conversation You can post now and register later. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. Reply to this topic... × Pasted as rich text. Paste as plain text instead Only 75 emoji are allowed. × Your link has been automatically embedded. Display as a link instead × Your previous content has been restored. Clear editor × You cannot paste images directly. Upload or insert images from URL. Insert image from URL × Desktop Tablet Phone Submit Reply 50 50 Go To Topic Listing
snowmman 3 #3911 August 4, 2008 a while back, I posted a snap from a video, that showed a second folder of bills (individual, not bundles) plus some in a plastic bag. I assumed this meant the FBI had more bills than the ones Ckret showed. I was especially curious because there was one or two additional "black" bills in that second folder, whereas we only see 3 in the known FBI folder. I've since found another video, that showed the same two folders and plastic bag. However, Brian Ingram is in the video, and he's at the age when the court case was resolved ('86). i.e. the video was taken when they did a press event giving Brian his share of the money. So it appears that in '86 there were two folders and a plastic bag, with mostly complete bills, Brian probably got the plastic bag and 2nd folder, maybe with some others too. What's interesting is that it means maybe Brian has a black bill or two, still. None of the ones he recently sold were black. I know, I know, bogus detail that no one but me cares about. But I slagged Ckret for holding back on us, and now it looks like I was wrong. Sorry. I had also said this affected the total count, since the FBI would have more than the 13-14? So now it does sound like the one folder, that Ckret has shown, is probably all they have. I can't find the video right now, but attached a news article that shows Brian in '86 with the plastic bag w/bills that I was talking about. I also attached the video snap with the two folders and the plastic bag of bills that I posted before. p.s in '86 when Brian split with the insurance company (whose bills have disappeared over time), the lawyer for the ins. co. was Steve Rickles, an attorney for Royal Globe Insurance Co. Looking for a match, this guy might be that attorney http://www.rickles-law.com/rick.att.rickles.html Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #3912 August 4, 2008 Quotea while back, I posted a snap from a video, that showed a second folder of bills (individual, not bundles) plus some in a plastic bag. I assumed this meant the FBI had more bills than the ones Ckret showed. I was especially curious because there was one or two additional "black" bills in that second folder, whereas we only see 3 in the known FBI folder. I've since found another video, that showed the same two folders and plastic bag. However, Brian Ingram is in the video, and he's at the age when the court case was resolved ('86). i.e. the video was taken when they did a press event giving Brian his share of the money. So it appears that in '86 there were two folders and a plastic bag, with mostly complete bills, Brian probably got the plastic bag and 2nd folder, maybe with some others too. What's interesting is that it means maybe Brian has a black bill or two, still. None of the ones he recently sold were black. I know, I know, bogus detail that no one but me cares about. But I slagged Ckret for holding back on us, and now it looks like I was wrong. Sorry. I had also said this affected the total count, since the FBI would have more than the 13-14? So now it does sound like the one folder, that Ckret has shown, is probably all they have. I can't find the video right now, but attached a news article that shows Brian in '86 with the plastic bag w/bills that I was talking about. I also attached the video snap with the two folders and the plastic bag of bills that I posted before. p.s in '86 when Brian split with the insurance company (whose bills have disappeared over time), the lawyer for the ins. co. was Steve Rickles, an attorney for Royal Globe Insurance Co. Looking for a match, this guy might be that attorney http://www.rickles-law.com/rick.att.rickles.html REPLY>> well if $5800 was found then there are 290 $20 bills in one form or another, discounting additional serial numbers the auction house has pieced together of. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sluggo_Monster 0 #3913 August 4, 2008 Here's a link to the latest Cook article. I hope this is BS (if not I've got a lot of crow to eat): GO HERE Sluggo_Monster Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ckret 0 #3914 August 4, 2008 You have nothing to worry about, nothing in the story checks out. Even if it does you still have nothing to worry about, I am sure it tastes like chicken. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #3915 August 4, 2008 QuoteHere's a link to the latest Cook article. I hope this is BS (if not I've got a lot of crow to eat): GO HERE Sluggo_Monster Sluggo, Crows are now a federally protected endangered species. I ate most of them after my SAGE radar showing Cooper's exit theory blew up. Ckret would have to arrest you if you ate one. Ahhh, the old money in the safe deposit but we can't locate the box/keys/ bank story. Not very original. Also, would that much currency even fit in a normal safe deposit box? Also, why risk an illegal transport of that much currency into Canada? Canada is no Switzerland as far as banking secrecy is concerned. Any bank transaction has a paper trail and that's the last thing Cooper would want. I once witnessed a federal bust at a US airport, a passenger attempting to carry in excess of $10,000 in cash on a departing international flight. The feds must have been tipped off as they were waiting for him inside the jetway but not visible from the departure area. These busts are rare, but they do happen. Wonder where all the Royal Globe Insurance Cooper twenties went? 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #3916 August 4, 2008 QuoteHere's a link to the latest Cook article. I hope this is BS (if not I've got a lot of crow to eat): GO HERE Sluggo_Monster REPLY> The real question is, 'where do these people come up with this stuff and why'? This ought to give you a sense of peace. Enjoy the view and be thankful you have an inherent dislike of crow, and have a good laugh! Georger Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sluggo_Monster 0 #3917 August 4, 2008 Here's a video from KUTV (Channel 2 in SL City or Ogden, I believe) about Wolfgang Gossett's son Greg: CLICK HERE Well, he's had his 15 minutes of fame! God.... I hope I don't have to eat a bunch or crow. Anybody got any good Corvus recipes? I may have to eat a "murder". Sluggo_Monster 'Relax Ckret, a group of crows is called a "murder." Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #3918 August 5, 2008 Below quote from Cook Article: Quote "Two decades ago Gossett showed his son, Greg, two gold keys that could unlock the mystery - if anyone knew where they were." If he is so sure Gossett was Cooper why did he hound me for yrs? By the way - He He He , I have a box of Keys, but I don't know what they go to. The PI that I hired in 1996 told me that some of them were Bank Deposit Keys, but I could NOT prove I was the widow of John Collins therefore my inquires at the banks were dead ends. I explained this to the FBI, but got NO assistance. Without ID showing I was the widow of John Collins or his last will and testimony I got could not get any information....so I gave up.[:/ Wonder if Cook is running into the same old thing??? Where was Gossett in 1979???Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orange1 0 #3919 August 5, 2008 QuoteBelow quote from Cook Article: Quote"Two decades ago Gossett showed his son, Greg, two gold keys that could unlock the mystery - if anyone knew where they were." If he is so sure Gossett was Cooper why did he hound me for yrs? You make it sound like Greg hounded you, but I presume you mean Cook. The articles stated Cook has been after Cooper for 2 decades but only found out about Gossett in the past couple of years. You may think what you like (given your clear bias), and I'll accept Ckret's assertions that the facts don't add up, but from what I have seen of Cook he really has been one to try find a suspect to fit the man rather than try get the facts to fit his suspect. Ckret, can you confirm or otherwise receipt of Cook's /Gosset's fingerprints and whether they have been eliminated? (Sorry I think you may have answered this a while ago ...if so humble apologies) Oh, and personally, I feel much better about the fact that banks don't go opening up safety deposit boxes to everyone who claims to be a surviving relative of someone who may or may not have had anything deposited there.Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #3920 August 5, 2008 QuoteQuoteBelow quote from Cook Article: Quote"Two decades ago Gossett showed his son, Greg, two gold keys that could unlock the mystery - if anyone knew where they were." If he is so sure Gossett was Cooper why did he hound me for yrs? You make it sound like Greg hounded you, but I presume you mean Cook. The articles stated Cook has been after Cooper for 2 decades but only found out about Gossett in the past couple of years. You may think what you like (given your clear bias), and I'll accept Ckret's assertions that the facts don't add up, but from what I have seen of Cook he really has been one to try find a suspect to fit the man rather than try get the facts to fit his suspect. Ckret, can you confirm or otherwise receipt of Cook's /Gosset's fingerprints and whether they have been eliminated? (Sorry I think you may have answered this a while ago ...if so humble apologies) Oh, and personally, I feel much better about the fact that banks don't go opening up safety deposit boxes to everyone who claims to be a surviving relative of someone who may or may not have had anything deposited there. REPLY> How do Cooper 'detectives' scare up their candidates? I have yet to see one follow the ordinary protocols one would think appropriate to such matters, but maybe Im missing something. Did they review old passenger lists? Where and how do they find their 'Coopers'? It seems to me their criteria for selecting their targets is very lose. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sluggo_Monster 0 #3921 August 6, 2008 QuoteREPLY> How do Cooper 'detectives' scare up their candidates? I have yet to see one follow the ordinary protocols one would think appropriate to such matters, but maybe Im missing something. Did they review old passenger lists? Where and how do they find their 'Coopers'? It seems to me their criteria for selecting their targets is very lose. For what it's worth, Galen Cook was on Coast To Coast AM (we know what that says about him) on November 24th, 2007. He claimed to have a suspect (un-named). Greg Gossett (one of three sons) sent Cook an e-mail saying that the show brought back memories of his Dad. (He had never mentioned these memories before). The rest is history. Sluggo_Monster Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dyskiver 0 #3922 August 6, 2008 QuoteYou make it sound like Greg hounded you >Hmmm, I didnt take it that way at all. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites georger 247 #3923 August 6, 2008 I do have a couple of questions about the FP if you're up for it? George Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skyjack71 0 #3924 August 6, 2008 Thank You, I was saying that Cook hounded me for yrs - I am not too good at choosing my words sometimes. His using a story about the fingerprint scare in the same time frame as Duane's dream about leaving prints on the aft stairs - well, that beat all. This and a couple of other things that I Know he "borrowed" from what I have been saying was enough for me. One of these of course is an explanation for the money being in the river. Wonder if he needs one of the keys in Duane's junk box. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Sluggo_Monster 0 #3925 August 6, 2008 Quote I do have a couple of questions about the FP if you're up for it? George I assume that's for me. Fire at will (or shoot anyone if you don't have their names). Post here, PM me, or e-mail at N467US at charter dot net. Sluggo_Monster Just be sure to put your answer in the form of a question. [Another Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Prev 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 Next Page 157 of 2578 Join the conversation You can post now and register later. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. Reply to this topic... × Pasted as rich text. Paste as plain text instead Only 75 emoji are allowed. × Your link has been automatically embedded. Display as a link instead × Your previous content has been restored. Clear editor × You cannot paste images directly. Upload or insert images from URL. Insert image from URL × Desktop Tablet Phone Submit Reply 50 50
georger 247 #3923 August 6, 2008 I do have a couple of questions about the FP if you're up for it? George Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #3924 August 6, 2008 Thank You, I was saying that Cook hounded me for yrs - I am not too good at choosing my words sometimes. His using a story about the fingerprint scare in the same time frame as Duane's dream about leaving prints on the aft stairs - well, that beat all. This and a couple of other things that I Know he "borrowed" from what I have been saying was enough for me. One of these of course is an explanation for the money being in the river. Wonder if he needs one of the keys in Duane's junk box. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sluggo_Monster 0 #3925 August 6, 2008 Quote I do have a couple of questions about the FP if you're up for it? George I assume that's for me. Fire at will (or shoot anyone if you don't have their names). Post here, PM me, or e-mail at N467US at charter dot net. Sluggo_Monster Just be sure to put your answer in the form of a question. [Another Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites