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DB Cooper

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It sounds like you're a skydiver...but was 200 grand worth jumping out of an airplane for all of that? In the 70's and 80's? Probably you bet, to some people.

Heck, on my 44th jump, I had one hell of an experience that none of my first 43 even came close...

I jumped in thick thick clouds, rain, and freezing temps. Of course, it's always freezing up there. I'm sure that night it was much colder than when I jumped the other day at 4pm. But let's just say that sudden weather change caught me totally by suprise. And the winds were probably the highest I've jumped in.

Should I have done it? Probably not. Do I have the experience to have done so? Probably not. Was it night time? No. But I could not see that's for darn sure. Of course my advantage was that clouds were high enough and there was still plenty of daylight that by the time I got out of the freefall in total clouds where I could not see a darned thing, I could see enough to land in my desired drop zone. But not being able to see in freefall? Wasn't as bad as I thought because I know how to arch and feel the wind. Technically you're always a student and I'm still a student even though I have my license, but I can see why they don't like newer skydivers to jump in that weather. It was scary as all hell and the rain sure as hell hurt.

All my "attempted freefly" jump plans when out the window when I realized I needed to put my survival skills to the test...this is certainly the closest jump I've ever experienced to a night jump, but that has gotta be 10x worse because of not being able to see much on the canopy ride.

I still think if Ckret and Sluggo went and did a tandem skydive, it would give them a fresh look at the case, even if conditions weren't similiar to how they were that night. It sure wouldn't hurt for them to go make a jump and it could only add to their investigative theories...Everyone's been doing it lately...Geraldo, Bill Murray...cmon guys

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I jumped in thick thick clouds...

[cough...]"Industrial haze..."[/cough] >:(:P


I've always hated the "industrial haze" lie. Ya punch a cloud or ya don't. Lying about it has always seemed silly.

I wonder what the definition of "thick thick" is? I wonder how much the perception of that changes from 44 jumps to a couple thousand?

Hey, blacksha, could you still read your altimeter?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I admit, in writing, that I have punched clouds. I also admit that I have jumped with an out of date reserve.

Whew, now I feel soooo much better with that off my chest. I just couldn't keep living with the guilt, the shame. No one in my family had the slightest clue about my dark secret. I just hope we can weather this together.

I plead not guilty to the El Capitan base jump...wasn't me, didn't do it. Too scared.

I am just praying that Ckret is too busy with armed bank robbers to arrest me.

377, the fugitive
2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I jumped in thick thick clouds...

[cough...]"Industrial haze..."[/cough] >:(:P


I've always hated the "industrial haze" lie. Ya punch a cloud or ya don't. Lying about it has always seemed silly.

It's an industry-wide joke. "Industrial Haze". Nobody believes it wasn't a cloud (or two). Thus the >:( and :P in my post. :S


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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I am putting 300 bills to take to WA. I need to know what to use for the paper money - There will be good money in the package that can be turned in for a reward, but if it will break apart.

Someone tell me what fabric or paper will behave more like the material our biill are made of. I know l you all think it is crazy and I suppose it is , but the devil is makng me do it. I will have 9 one dollar bills in the 3 packets, with a reward of $20 for each bill they find. Help me here - to find the fabric for the other bills so I can get them cut. and packaged. I am really going to do this,

This trip is something I have to do to be able to put this down or go forward. I reallly believe that someone is still alive in the area that Duane had some contact with.
I just have to go and hand out flyeres in the right places.

Any help I can get from the WA area will be appreciated.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I am putting 300 bills to take to WA. I need to know what to use for the paper money - There will be good money in the package that can be turned in for a reward, but if it will break apart.

Someone tell me what fabric or paper will behave more like the material our biill are made of. I know l you all think it is crazy and I suppose it is , but the devil is makng me do it. I will have 9 one dollar bills in the 3 packets, with a reward of $20 for each bill they find. Help me here - to find the fabric for the other bills so I can get them cut. and packaged. I am really going to do this,

This trip is something I have to do to be able to put this down or go forward. I reallly believe that someone is still alive in the area that Duane had some contact with.
I just have to go and hand out flyeres in the right places.

Any help I can get from the WA area will be appreciated.

Great, now we're gonna get the Secret Service involved. ;)

There really is nothing available to the general public that is the equivalent of the paper US bills are made out of. That's -very- intentional.

I will say that the major component is waste from blue jeans, treated, pulped, bleached and turned into paper. It's NOT normal wood pulp paper, which is why you can accidentally put a bill through the washing machine and it will survive intact.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Thanks Sluggo. What do you make of the
tic marks (+'s) on the left side of the FP at Portland?
See attached -


Your question; What do you make of the tic marks (+'s) on the left side of the FP at Portland? Has two answers, a specific answer and a generic answer as follows:

First let me say I am not being sarcastic with these responses. I am as serious as a heart attack.

The specific answer is:
“Gee, I don’t have any idea”. I asked Ckret about them and he didn’t know. I think he was being genuine and honest, he has no specific knowledge beyond what I (we all) have. The chart “is what it is”, it came from the toy box in the basement without any specific instructions. I will give you some speculation about them after the generic response.

The generic answer is: “These tic-marks were excluded (for some reason) from the hand-drawn line designating the flight path, so they must represent something different from the tic-marks that were included in the hand-drawn line.” Why? Gee, I don’t have any idea!

As for my analysis (technical) of the “orphan tic-marks,” this is what I see:
The four orphaned marks have the same latitude as a corresponding non-orphan tic-mark (within hand-drawn accuracy), they are just at a different longitude. The longitudinal difference from the tic-marks use to the orphaned tic-marks (in all four cases) is about 5 minutes west. This is exactly 4.07 statute miles (at this latitude).

My Speculation:
Note that this chart (as all sectionals of the day) has a grid delineating latitude and longitude with 30 minute spacing 122º followed by 121º 30’ etc.). To see this, pull up the SEA portion of this chart and you can see the longitude grid markings (labeled). The latitude grid is labeled on the gridline with every other gridline marked as 30’. Each of the grid lines is divided into 6 major tic-marks (representing 5’ [6 x 5 = 30]), each major tic-mark is divided into 5 minor tic-marks each representing 1’.

I think there is sufficient evidence that the person making the tic-marks slipped 1 major tic-mark west for FOUR* plotted, hand-drawn tic-marks and then corrected the error. They left the tic-marks but plotted the line correctly.

Thant’ my story and I’m sticking to it!

I welcome questions and critiques.

Data can be supplied on request (for a nominal fee). :)

* Corrected in edit.

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I did a more careful analysis of the orphan tic-marks and this is what I got:

Starting with the north-most orphan I numbered them as Displacement-1 through Displacemen-4 (the south-most). I made a waypoint on top of each of the eight (8) tic-marks (the orphan and its non-orphan counterpart). (The coordinates are on attached Tic-Mark Analysis Tic-Marks.jpg)

I created a line (route) from the orphan to its non-orphan counterpart (these lines are also Displacement-1 through Displacement-4).

The longitudinal displacement for the pairs of waypoints were as follows:

Orphan-1 is 4.698 minutes West of its non-orphan partner
Orphan-2 is 5.151 minutes West of its non-orphan partner
Orphan-3 is 4.620 minutes West of its non-orphan partner
Orphan-4 is 4.984 minutes West of its non-orphan partner

The average longitudinal displacement is 4.863’ West.

The latitudinal displacement for the pairs of waypoints were as follows:

Orphan-1 is 0.017 minutes South of its non-orphan partner
Orphan-2 is 0.000 minutes N/S of its non-orphan partner
Orphan-3 is 0.022 minutes South of its non-orphan partner
Orphan-4 is 0.018 minutes North of its non-orphan partner

The average latitudinal displacement is 0.0435’ South.

This is reflected in the small angle (from 90º shown by each route (see attached Tic-Mark Analysis Routes.jpg). The angles were 90.27º; 89.97º; 90.36º; and 89.68º. The milage is in "Statute Miles".

I have already stated my conclusions. The new (more careful) analysis didn’t alter those conclusions.

What are your conclusions about the “Orphaned Tic-Marks”.

And a thanks to georger for a stimulating question. I had asked it myself (to myself) but let it fall by the wayside. You forced me to take a closer look.

Sluggo_Monster (Up to his backside in maps)

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Someone tell me what fabric or paper will behave more like the material our biill are made of

I once represented a counterfeiter in the 70s. Currency paper may have changed since then, but here is what he did. He used a particular kind of specialized art paper, but it was so popular with counterfeiters that the Secret Service started monitoring large purchases. He went one step further and dissolved styptic pencils into a vat of hot water (I think they were anhydrous aluminum sulphate sticks people used to seal shaving knicks so they would stop bleeding). He soaked the paper in the solution and then laid out the paper. While it was wet, he shredded silk cloth of the right colors to put thread pieces onto the surface. This made it look very much like real currency paper. He then used a heated press to press the threads into the surface and dry the paper. The threads were bonded to the paper by the dried aluminum sulfate which also stiffened the paper. The result was crisp paper with embedded threads that looked very real. He then printed the bills. Ckret has a counterpart in the SS, a smart guy who figured it all out. They arranged a bulk buy and the rest is history.

I saw one of the bills, a hundred. I saw it laid out right next to a real hundred and it was very hard to see any visual differences. It felt right too, right weight, right "hand". The SS guys gave it high marks compared to others they had busted. They really thought the thread feature was clever.
2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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The photo attached to my previous post has a funky coordinate format. It is as follows:

Where H = Hemisphere; D = Degrees; M = Minute the format is:

HDDDMM.MMM (leading zero is dropped from degrees)

So, N4536.125 W12245.280


45º 36.125’ North and 122º 45.280’ West


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I think there is sufficient evidence that the person making the tic-marks slipped 1 major tic-mark west for FOUR* plotted, hand-drawn tic-marks and then corrected the error. They left the tic-marks but plotted the line correctly.

Thant’ my story and I’m sticking to it!

I think you are right Sluggo. Reminds me of nav track plotting errors I made back in the day before GPS.

My post seeking rigger input on the rust stains didn't get any substantive responses. I see the stain outline of some sort of man made steel hardware, right angles, arcs, symmetry, but maybe its all in the eye of the beholder, faces on clouds.

One thing I did notice is that the same image displayed on different computers/monitors gives VERY different appearances. I couldn't understand why nobody was seeing the circle/arc that was so plain to me until I displayed it on a friends computer and you could not see it at all, something to do with color settings?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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in this post of yours, the attachments show the point "non-orphan 1" on the flight path, as agreeing with the detail that georger showed a while back, that I agreed with.

Your previous flight path didn't have the tick mark in that place.

If you agree with that tick mark, the next question is "what tick mark is before that one on the flight path"

If you disagree with the one I mentioned on the N side of the Columbia, it seems to make that leg too long for the probable ground speed, unless the plane was aided by being more aligned with the wind.

georger seemed to think the tick on the N side of the columbia, was more of an X than a +, so wasn't sure.

It's important to resolve, because it affects the likelihood of Cooper landing in the Columbia.

In any case, the jpeg you just posted, isn't in agreement with the larger flight path maps at your site, because of agreeing to the tick I'm calling "non-orphan 1". ..actually, the presence of orphan 1-4 seems to reinforce the likelihood of the non-orphan-1 placement being correct, as you showed in your post here.

your prior tick placement:
i.e. http://n467us.com/Data%20Files/Analysis%20of%201%20min%20Error%20South%201971.jpg



I did a more careful analysis of the orphan tic-marks and this is what I got:

Starting with the north-most orphan I numbered them as Displacement-1 through Displacemen-4 (the south-most). I made a waypoint on top of each of the eight (8) tic-marks (the orphan and its non-orphan counterpart). (The coordinates are on attached Tic-Mark Analysis Tic-Marks.jpg)

I created a line (route) from the orphan to its non-orphan counterpart (these lines are also Displacement-1 through Displacement-4).

The longitudinal displacement for the pairs of waypoints were as follows:

Orphan-1 is 4.698 minutes West of its non-orphan partner
Orphan-2 is 5.151 minutes West of its non-orphan partner
Orphan-3 is 4.620 minutes West of its non-orphan partner
Orphan-4 is 4.984 minutes West of its non-orphan partner

The average longitudinal displacement is 4.863’ West.

The latitudinal displacement for the pairs of waypoints were as follows:

Orphan-1 is 0.017 minutes South of its non-orphan partner
Orphan-2 is 0.000 minutes N/S of its non-orphan partner
Orphan-3 is 0.022 minutes South of its non-orphan partner
Orphan-4 is 0.018 minutes North of its non-orphan partner

The average latitudinal displacement is 0.0435’ South.

This is reflected in the small angle (from 90º shown by each route (see attached Tic-Mark Analysis Routes.jpg). The angles were 90.27º; 89.97º; 90.36º; and 89.68º. The milage is in "Statute Miles".

I have already stated my conclusions. The new (more careful) analysis didn’t alter those conclusions.

What are your conclusions about the “Orphaned Tic-Marks”.

And a thanks to georger for a stimulating question. I had asked it myself (to myself) but let it fall by the wayside. You forced me to take a closer look.

Sluggo_Monster (Up to his backside in maps)

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Secret Service involved.

There really is nothing available to the general public that is the equivalent of the paper US bills are made out of. That's -very- intentiona


It would be mighty nice of the FBI to help me with this little experiment by putting a tracking device into the package. I have to give the finder an incentive to turn the 1$"s in for a reward, therefore the bulk of the package has to be made up of something else.

I am sure the FBI has old counterfit bills laying around that could be marked or dyed to keep them from being circulated - a notice printed on them that would make them non-negotiable - heck they do things like this all the time don't they?[:/]
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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It would be mighty nice of the FBI to help me with this little experiment by putting a tracking device into the package. I have to give the finder an incentive to turn the 1$"s in for a reward, therefore the bulk of the package has to be made up of something else.

I am sure the FBI has old counterfit bills laying around that could be marked or dyed to keep them from being circulated - a notice printed on them that would make them non-negotiable - heck they do things like this all the time don't they?

First up Jo, if Duane really was Cooper then that really would be all the incentive you need "turn this in and help solve the DB Cooper case". Although I'm not sure what you really aim to prove.

As for the FBI doing things like this all the time, well do they? Maybe they might to try catch a crook, but as part of a decades old investigation because someone wants to 'prove' a theory (what, exactly? I am not clear) about someone they have already dismissed as a suspect based on a number of pieces of evidence... I dunno. I'm also not sure why they should indulge you even if Ckret felt so inclined after all the vitriol you've posted about them - and especially Ckret - here? Especially as - maybe not very prevalent on this board but certainly on others - it is already coming under attack for wasting time and manpower on this case when there are plenty of real live criminals out there to catch.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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I think there is sufficient evidence that the person making the tic-marks slipped 1 major tic-mark west for FOUR* plotted, hand-drawn tic-marks and then corrected the error. They left the tic-marks but plotted the line correctly.

Thant’ my story and I’m sticking to it!

I think you are right Sluggo. Reminds me of nav track plotting errors I made back in the day before GPS.

My post seeking rigger input on the rust stains didn't get any substantive responses. I see the stain outline of some sort of man made steel hardware, right angles, arcs, symmetry, but maybe its all in the eye of the beholder, faces on clouds.

One thing I did notice is that the same image displayed on different computers/monitors gives VERY different appearances. I couldn't understand why nobody was seeing the circle/arc that was so plain to me until I displayed it on a friends computer and you could not see it at all, something to do with color settings?


REPLY> 377, your request for a 'substative' response was noted. It hasnt been forgotten.
It has been hectic here.. I will be back tomorrow
with more ...

Thanks, George

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“Gee, I don’t have any idea”. I asked Ckret about them and he didn’t know. I think he was being genuine and honest, he has no specific knowledge beyond what I (we all) have. The chart “is what it is”, it came from the toy box in the basement without any specific instructions.

Hi Sluggo.
Why do you think Ckret was being honest? Do you think there was no documentation of the data behind the flight path tracking other than the hand drawn map, or do you believe the information was lost over time? I find it hard to believe there is no text anywhere describing the flight path map creation.

I don't really follow your thinking. Or is it that there's probably text somewhere, but Ckret doesn't have time to look for it?

If you believe that a map of this type would just be "in a box" with no documentation in a report, anywhere, then your opinion of the FBI investigation must be pretty low, which doesn't make sense to me.

Was information lost or disposed of over time?

My reading of the Norjak book leaves me feeling there was no real investigation, just the search and following some tips, based on "hunches" of which tips were good or bad.

There was so much going on then, that I could imagine it was too hard to do a better investigation. But it would be better when thinking about this thing, to understand if there was a real investigation or not. I lean towards "not". That's fine though.

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My post seeking rigger input on the rust stains didn't get any substantive responses. I see the stain outline of some sort of man made steel hardware, right angles, arcs, symmetry, but maybe its all in the eye of the beholder, faces on clouds.

One thing I did notice is that the same image displayed on different computers/monitors gives VERY different appearances. I couldn't understand why nobody was seeing the circle/arc that was so plain to me until I displayed it on a friends computer and you could not see it at all, something to do with color settings?


REPLY> There isnt much one can say without an analysis. It looks like rust. What caused the rust
is pure conjecture. Here are photos in natural colour.

Features: There is an impression left of center approx 10mm wide which runs the full width
of the bill (65mm). This impression looks like a depression and appears to have gentle curvature, but the depth of curvature is not uniform the full width of the bill. The shading or shadows in the
depression reveal its nonuniformity as you follow
the full length of the feature. At the top of the depression the paper is broken (with flap layed over).

Going right from the depression along the bottom
of the bill is a deep arc of rust approx 65mm long.
At the right end, the rust line arcs upward suggesting
the semi circular shape you see. Above this are sporadic rust marks.

I understand the temptation to associate these
features with something on an NB6 chute - photo
of NB6 attached. To me these features have the shape of 2/3rds of a U-bolt, but this is only a
subjective impression.

Obviously, rust from metalic parts of an NB6 chute
would have to be matched to the rust on this bill, if
there even is a match. Without an analysis of the
rust it is impossible to match it to a possible source.
In addition, we do not know if there is similar rust on
other bills -

I have seen no other bills which show similar rust.
If anyone has photos of bills showing rust, I certainly would like to see them.


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Was information lost or disposed of over time?

The above quote by Snowmman is a positive. The FBI has answered that for us already. Yes, they lost evidence - the cigarette butts.

They do not have the Rodeway Interview of the night clerk, that too has been discarded. All we have are his recollections and statement made 37 yrs later, which as 377 has pointed out - can be altered over time.

He chose not to contact the FBI in 2001 when he read the article in the Oregonian by Margie Boule, because of his job or other concernes. Most people prefer not to be come involved with the media or as a witness - as it has negative conclusions - I speak from experience.

He did contact me thru Margie Boule on a confidencial basis. We both were careful to check each other out. All of these yrs I have yet to divulge this person except to the FBI, but he decided last yr to do it of his own free will. The FBI obviously was not interested in interviewing him while he was in the States, but he is making his statement in a written accounting although his name will be withheld to the public and only available to the FBI.

His first rough graft had somethings twisted around which he caught on his own and he has not been coached or instructed to make the written statement. This is coming of his own free will and the ex-wife vouches for his story.

If you were interviewed by the FBI on your job at a hotel on a Thanksgiving day regarding a skyjacking, you would have reason to remember it.

He was a young man in 1971 and when the FBI did not contact him a second time he assumed nothing checked out. When he picked up the Oregonian in 2001 (could be 2000) he saw the picture of Duane Weber and he knew that was the man named John Collins who checked into the hotel the night before the crime occurred.

He remembered it because it is not everyday someone is questioned about a crime of this nature - it was forever imbedded into his mind, but put into the past until the day he saw a photo of Duane in the Oregonian (by the way I do NOT know which picture she used).

He recalled what the FBI told him when they talked to him on Thanksgiving day and what he said - the name of the man was John Collins and he signed in as John Collins. Why would he remember that name - because at the time "Cooper" checked in a conversation ensued - regarding the quest's inquiry about the bar and the resulting comments about the drink "Tom Collins". The guest asked for a late wake-up call and that is not a usual thing at an airport, I suppose.

He did not know how the man arrive, but got the impression at a later date that someone might have been with him - since this is not something he knew for certain he is leaving it out his statement.

He sent me an email regarding this about a yr ago and I shared it with the FBI to no avail. He will now be making a formal statement regarding his interview with the FBI on Thanksgiving day.

I asked him how he could know how tall he was. The gentleman is 6ft 1inches himself and since 6 ft was not the averagel height in 1971 as he was looking directly at him. I vouch for 6 ft not being the norm as I was 5' 7" in high school. Myself and another classmate always had to stand in the back row with the guys in group pictures. Only 2 or 3 of the guys where taller than she and I - (she was a little taller than I).

Ckret knows I called him last yr when the guy was in the States - but the FBI did NOT contact him. I was told to instruct the man to contact them (the FBI). The witness was only here for a few weeks. The FBI was not interested enough to make an effort on their own and perhaps Ckret didn't have time with the media attention regarding his going public and since this witness was putting Duane in Portland the night before the crime was committed.

I got the dates all messed up like everyone else does. The 23rd was Tuesday night, Thanksgiving Eve was the 24th and Thanksgiving day was the 25th. If Ckret disqualified the man and myself on this he made a very bad choice.
It had been 36 yrs. and now going on 37 yrs.

Strange as it may sound I know where I was on Thanksgiving day in 1971 and who I shared it with - and it was NOT a family affair. Odd to me that I remembered that just as I was finishing this up.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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The above quote by Snowmman is a positive. The FBI has answered that for us already. Yes, they lost evidence - the cigarette butts.

REPLY> That is not certain at all. Information
earlier (in these and other pages) suggested the
butts were returned to Reno after analysis and are still at Reno in storage, somewhere. Ckret spoke
to this long ago.

Your Duane was "not" DB Cooper, any more than
I am the Pope!


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I think there is sufficient evidence that the person making the tic-marks slipped 1 major tic-mark west for FOUR* plotted, hand-drawn tic-marks and then corrected the error. They left the tic-marks but plotted the line correctly.


Thanks for the reply Sluggo. I understand the

What interests me most is the orphans only exist
at PDX and nowhere else on the map. The
uncertainty is centered at PDX and Im not sure
it is uncertainty. I also find it interesting that just south of Orchards at "RGREEN" they swing wide, west of PDX, as if to avoid it. And does this depart from where you would expect them to go, given their previous path along V23 - in some meaningful manner?

Both FP tic sets avoid PDX to the west. Why?
The only question is by how much. Why were
they avoiding PDX and when was that decision made, or was this standard procedure?

Had Cooper bailed or was he in the process
of bailing (in the minds of the crew at the time)
starting just south of Orchards/RGREEN ? Is that
why they swung wide of PDX?

Also, notice the two pencil dots (tic marks?) right
in the middle of the Columbia River? (attached phto

I have pulled this map apart in layers. I may post
the layers later tonight.


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