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QuoteI'm confused about the whole Collins drink tie-in. Was the guy's name Tom Collins? Or John Collins (tom collins made with bourbon). If a "John Collins" checked in, what triggered a conversation about drinks? Are you saying the guy's name was Tom Collins and the night clerk made a comment about the drink as a result?
I am not good at making myself understood this way. Please don't make me have to repeat it and repeat it.
He signed in as John Collins and the comment about Tom Collins was made after the guy asked about the attached bar. Do you understand now? This is why the clerk remembered the name of the man who was there the night before he made the jump on Thanksgiving Eve.
The FBI took the registration with them after they talked to this clerk
In those days it was a page with many names on it. You were assigned a room number and given a key.

Snowmman and Georger are starting to sound like interogators for the FBI or like they are writers for a TV program.
snowmman 3
He signed in as John Collins and the comment about Tom Collins was made after the guy asked about the attached bar. Do you understand now?
The FBI took the registration with them after they talked to this clerk
Ah it makes sense now. They took the registration cause they were looking for Collins. No, they took it because the guy said Collins matched the composite they had on thanksgiving day. We all know what that composite looked like, right Jo....No they took it because they took all the hotel registers in the area.
Snowmman and Georger are starting to sound like interogators for the FBI or like they are writers for a TV program.
Hey that would be fun. Better than my normal life. Spent the day chainsawing a 95 year old oak. Now that makes one humble. For the husky vs stihl question: husky.
Probably the only thing interesting about Jo's story: why the heck did Himmelsbach giver her more than 5 minutes of his life? It's like the fact that H. gave her some time, gives Jo some credibility, when there's nothing there. That and no one has really called her on any of the bullshit for 13 years.
If I didn't know better, I'd say H. propped Jo up as part of some coverup. She's perfect.
snowmman 3
good ol homes4ubyjo
There she just went ahead and said Duane's prints were on the registration..I have no idea how she knew that, but at least she's bright enough to not say that twice!
Jo, if you want to have any credibility, just say this statement by you is utter nonsense...or you could try a Putin/airspace explanation.
Jo said:
"because the FBI will never follow the leads I have given them -- like the night clerk and the registration form that the FBI took. That registration has Duane's fingerprints on it but they won't go thru the file to find it. I have also been told that they probably returned it after checking out the clerks story. They don't return that kind of evidence in this kind of story --- it is there somewhere in the research they have."
I have a chainsaw with Duane's prints on it, but I'm not talking.
I guess I'm also really wondering why 377 is supportive to Jo. What am I missing? It seems like it's giving dollar bills to the guy on the intersection. Yeah you feel good, but you should feel bad cause it's just going to buy a bottle of Mad Dog 20/20
What I dont understand at all ... is your willingness
or lack of realism in wanting to butt heads with
Ckret, or with anyone in authority for that matter. To
me, it would seem a very dangerous tactic not to
mention unfriendly, and counterproductive. It destroys anything credible you might have to say.

QuoteIf I was the FBI I would lock the door to you, just on
general principles
Who am I suppose to go to? If they are listening why didn't they at least call me and acknowledge what I said - instead I heard NOTHING until Ckret called me about the tie - 2 days before going public.
In one moment you hold the FBI up to being gods
who have divine powers, and the next they are dogs
with less sense (and morality) than the Devil. Make
up your mind? It is highly dysfunctional.

Now I do not know where or from whom I heard it the first time, or the second time, but you need to know I heard this "clerk at the hotel/motel" story a long time ago, years ago! (I have a feeling Sluggo and perhaps even Snowmman heard the story years ago also.) Long before the name Duane Weber was ever in the news!

QuoteSo Jo, how can this be "your story" and "your witness", in as much as the fact is a million other people know the story also - and the FBI did investigate it seriously not just once but several times?
Now you really sound like a writer trying to get his hooks into a story and take credit for something he has written or published!

QuoteYou can add to this the simple fact that the FBI
and others have 'stories' and "evidence" that you
have never even heard of and know nothing about,
and never will know anything about!
I know stories that the FBI has never heard of because some people are afraid to talk to the FBI
Wonder Why?
There are individuals who have contacted me because they are afraid of the FBI --- afraid of having to go thru exactly what you and the FBI and others have put me thru. Some just want to talk. A couple have even stated that they thought their relative or friend might be Cooper. Others contact me because they are writing a book or doing a college project.
The author of one book about Cooper was at me for a long long time right after I contacted the FBI - he did a book of fiction regarding Cooper. Others have threatened me - claiming I was screwing up their story and/or movie or have satisfied themselves that there is no way for their suspect to be Cooper. You name it and I have heard it.
That statement about their stories and their evidence certainly makes you sound like a writer who wants or is doing his own thing.
What I have told and claimed is backed up with written or recorded communications with others...I only did this because of the threats I recieve dating back to 1996...not to lay claim to any story,but to protect myself as I was told to do by the only perosn who would listen to me in the very beginning. It was great advise for many protect me from someone making the statements you just made to me and in the forum.

This is not meant to sound attacking, but to clarify my position that is constantly be questioned by you and others.
I have allowed you and others to take me to the brink of obliteration and use up my valuable time left, explaining the same things over and over. I am facing the most crucial decision in my life and I am trying to tell MY story or Duane's Story while I still can do so.
![[:/] [:/]](/uploads/emoticons/dry.png)

There she just went ahead and said Duane's prints were on the registration..I have no idea how she knew that, but at least she's bright enough to not say that twice!
Jo said:
"because the FBI will never follow the leads I have given them -- like the night clerk and the registration form that the FBI took. That registration has Duane's fingerprints on it but they won't go thru the file to find it. I have also been told that they probably returned it after checking out the clerks story. They don't return that kind of evidence in this kind of story --- it is there somewhere in the research they have."
I am not a writer - all I was doing was taking what the Clerk told me regarding "John Collins" signing the card. To me that means that Duane L. Webers prints are on the card. I am NOT writer - all I was trying to do was get out to the public what I did know and to get the FBI to research this aspect.

I am a human being with human emotions.

WHY would you or anyone else go back and try to discredit me for simply TRYING to get the FBI to investigate and to communicate with me about this.
I can't walk away and I can't let people like you continue to make fun of me - I hope you can forgive yourself someday when you go back and read the mean despicable things you and others say.
The report about the night clerk was before - 2003 and right after the article (dated 2000 or 2001 that Margie did in The Oregonian. I did post in the 101, but I was making communications with others prior to that...on one to one basis and in by other means. I saved copies and made notes in a log book as I had been told to do.

One party makes statements. Other parties consider them and then ask questions. That makes it a discussion.
If one party could just make statements and they must be believed, then this would be a one-post thread and we could all go home.
If someone disagrees with your information or its presentation, then characterizing them in a negative fashion just seems a little fascist.
"Agree with me or you are part of a conspiracy" comments just makes people lose their already tried patience.
Nobody wants the negativity.
Welcome to the internet.
snowmman 3
Although I don't want to admit it, I think maybe Hooper was right. This thread (and my participation) is as pathetic as he always said, although not for the reasons he claimed.
ltdiver 3
QuoteIf Ckret told you to go Jump off a cliff - would you do it?
Whoo Hoo! BASE jumping!

Sorry....back to our regular programing...

Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon
377 22
QuoteI guess I'm also really wondering why 377 is supportive to Jo. What am I missing? It seems like it's giving dollar bills to the guy on the intersection. Yeah you feel good, but you should feel bad cause it's just going to buy a bottle of Mad Dog 20/20
About Jo?
Just human kindness. The Internet somehow brings out the sarcastic bully in all of us, me included at times. You need to balance it out with tolerance. Jo is sincere in her beliefs, has suffered the loss of a spouse and is apparently gravely ill. I don't think Duane Weber was Dan Cooper, but Jo isn't the devil for thinking he was.
The Mad Dog 20-20 thing:
If you were homeless, sick and treated as invisible by most who pass you by, you might find solace in a bottle or a needle. It isn't a good thing, but it it isn't beyond understanding. When you give a down and out person a buck, it's often likely to go towards substance abuse, but at least you shared a kind word and showed that you care.
My Dad was homeless during the Great Depression. As a kid, I heard many first hand stories about the misery of living on the outside of society. He and many others in similar circumstances were rescued by FDR's CCC, given jobs room and board and a tiny stipend. My Dad taught me to show kindness to the down and out, even to the floridly psychotic street people who talk to demons.
Yeah, it's off topic, and self aggrandizing, but if it makes this forum or its participants even a tiny bit more compassionate, that's a good thing.
snowmman 3
QuoteQuoteI guess I'm also really wondering why 377 is supportive to Jo. What am I missing? It seems like it's giving dollar bills to the guy on the intersection. Yeah you feel good, but you should feel bad cause it's just going to buy a bottle of Mad Dog 20/20
About Jo?
Just human kindness. The Internet somehow brings out the sarcastic bully in all of us, me included at times. You need to balance it out with tolerance. Jo is sincere in her beliefs, has suffered the loss of a spouse and is apparently gravely ill. I don't think Duane Weber was Dan Cooper, but Jo isn't the devil for thinking he was.
Ah okay, that's the difference. I'm all for kindness. Let's see my last street handout I gave was for someone claiming to need gas money. I think he did.
The last nice thing I did for Jo was tell her to go away when she sent me PMs offering money for services rendered.
The thing is, Jo is not a sympathetic character to me. She seems like quite the bully from where I sit. Not quite the innocent "Oh I just have my beliefs" kind of situation that you describe, deserving sympathy.
Here's an acid test: picture her as a guy. Do your thoughts stay the same, or does she just sound like a blowhard manipulator?
Now picture me as a woman, maybe calling out another woman. Do your thoughts change?
Now if the situation really is this poor weak woman who needs kindness from strangers, well sure that's a different story. But nothing I've heard makes me think that's the truth. If it was, I would think Jo's message would come across differently. At least my experience with folks that really do have problems tells me that.
Ckret 0
I know I've posted a lot of drivel recently, but the flight timetable does raise some questions.
I know there was a lot of convoluted detail that was posted.
But the main question is: Is there anything in the case file where the itinerary for flight 305 was investigated?
1) when it started including stops in Missoula, and
2) when it added the leg from PDX to Seattle. It had to be between 10/1/71 and 11/24/71, unless there was a special regional schedule.
The PDX to SEA leg is interesting because it's the last leg of a long itinerary for 305. Was that part of a plan to get a 727? or was it just random..i.e. it happened to be the next flight when Cooper walked up to the ticket counter.
Also: was there any comparison done on the full Northwest schedule out of PDX, to understand how often 727's were used? I'm guessing the other predominant plane used was 707.
We've guessed that the 727 was by choice. I'm wondering if most of the flights out of PDX, to SEA at least, were 727, or whether this angle was ever investigated.
Nowadays, most of the flights from PDX to SEA are United and Alaska Air, and are small jets. Back then, I don't think smaller planes were used for the short hops, but I don't know.
I don't think the thoughts or information you have posted are drivel. I believe it is all giong to help in some way at some point in time.
In regard to your question, I am sure everything about the flight was investigated. I have not looked for thoe specific details and have not found such information going over the files.
To that end, there was a very large investigative effort around PDX; hotels, motels, cabs, buses and so on. Nothing from that effort developed leads that went anywhere.
Also, I did not write that a clerk was never contacted or that a register was not taken. I have not found an interview of a clerk claiming a register was signed by a person of interest. I can tell you that there is no register in evidence and I have not found where one was taken and returned.
Read all of the words.
QuoteTo me that means that Duane L. Webers prints are on the card.
Maybe. Maybe not. You've taken a CSI approach to old "evidence." Fingerprints that are even sub-AFIS usable are not always left behind. Even if they were, the prints basically go away after time if they were not developed in some fashion.
I would have thought by now you would have educated yourself properly about fingerprints and not relied on TV for your information!
377 22
QuoteThe thing is, Jo is not a sympathetic character to me. She seems like quite the bully from where I sit. Not quite the innocent "Oh I just have my beliefs" kind of situation that you describe, deserving sympathy.
Here's an acid test: picture her as a guy. Do your thoughts stay the same, or does she just sound like a blowhard manipulator?
Now picture me as a woman, maybe calling out another woman. Do your thoughts change?
No doubt that gender softens the approach. Look at how timid the critics and pundits are around Palin. I plead guilty.
Still, I think we often misperceive Jo's frustration as aggression. She has some big blind sides and biases, but I don't see her as a manipulative bully. She has obsessions (Duane is Cooper), is too easily conned (look who she married), but I still see her as sincere. Stubborn, sometimes annoying, sometimes unreasonable (repeatedly demanding that the FBI prove negatives) but sincere through it all. In summary, she shouldn't be treated as a pariah.
QuoteLet's see my last street handout I gave was for someone claiming to need gas money. I think he did.
Not to you in specific, but it is a scam.
Seemingly well-dressed, articulate, and polite man holding a gas can approaches you at 7pm in a restaurant parking lot...
"Sir, I need a buck to buy gas so that I can get to work. My car ran out..."
First, I used to live in an area of Tampa. The hookers would hang out near the Publix parking lot. One told me, "Ya gotta get their money BEFORE they spend it on groceries."
So, "before you eat in the restaurant" works the same way.
Second, he is going to work at 7pm ? Very few "tie" jobs start at 8pm.
Last, the "sir" is a nice touch. You want to help the nice guy.
Eight different restaurant parking lots so that he has a good rotation for 4 nights of the week.
Anyway, I saw the same guy with the same can at Bennigans, Hops, and a Japanese place over the course of two months.
377 22
I don't know why Jo is such a target for Cooper scammers. I mean if Duane isn't Cooper, then why is Jo important to the case? Galen Cook seems to have tried to cajole info out of her. Perhaps it's because she has had valuable contact info for Tina etc.
A couple of the suspects provided by some of these contacts sounded pretty good. One was the father of a man who lived in the N.W. I was unable to trace the father, but I tried to answer their questions.
Another was a man who claimed to have been in jail with Duane prior to the jump. This was a County jail in Oregon. I researched and talked with the authorities in that area with no results. I also shared this with the FBI but no response.
I found flaws in his story - and nothing checked out. I still know how to reach him, but I did all I could with what he gave me. The obvious age part of that story was not right somehow...I find later this man is a writer of sorts,
I have recieved a contact with an attorney in the EAST who had found me and wanted some information - he had a client who had family reasons to know more. I NEVER found out what that was about. I provided the information and he sent me a nice thank you and encouraged me to contiue my search.
I do not mean to sound badly, but my heart and soul is in this. I do not understand why certain posters take a post and tear into it - like interogators trying to confuse a witness (badger them until they say something they can use).
I ask no special treatments other than to be treated with respect and understanding. Would you want everything you say taken out of context and pulled apart?
Questions and answers are find as long when they are not repeated over and over and without taking into context what that persons relation is to the information.,
They tear me down but do not tear down CKRET when he makes mistakes or says something out of context. This is what I do not understand. He is FBI - therefore nothing he says is questionable.
Look at this last post.
I do not understand what he is saying. He is admitting he has not found the interview, but what happened to all of those interview files - did they just destroy them?
Did the interviewing agents make decisions about what to keep and what was relevant?
As for the registration - you can pretty much bet they would have collected or got copies of all of the registrations in the area. Certainly would have been a wise thing to do - then when a certain name comes up - bingo you got a lead.
His wording was not clear to me even though he says go back and read every word.
This is what I mean - they don't question anything he says but they tear me apart. GUYS, Pick on someone besides me and I won't have to post so much repetition and garbage. Note that most of my posts end up being defense posts because of the interogation attitude with a couple of posters.
I have tried not to post because it upsets me - but if they are coming at me and trying to destroy anything and everything I have done and said from day one - that is wrong.
Remember this when you post _
All of you know who I am - I only know who CKRET is. That mean that most of you have an unfair advantage.
I do know who some of the posters are and other places they posted using different names...this is in reference to non-jumpers. The jumpers as a group have been nice to me - they disagree without trying to engage me in defending myself.
I do appreciate the opportunity DZ gave me to investigate this subject with the jumpers and pilots..those holding information only available to the likes of me thru this forum. It has been very informative.
Some like Orange, Itdiver, Happythoughs, 377, Guru, Warload, Zingstrom, Sluggo and Safe Crack (so many I can't name all of you). You disagree, but in the same way as if you where sitting across the table with me - not like someone with roadrage or someone trying to create a situation.
Thank you, DZ.
QuoteI do not mean to sound badly, but my heart and soul is in this.
And that does not allow you special exception to post irrelevant or unsupported facts.
Saying with something with sincerity does not accord it a special privilege.
QuoteI do not understand why certain posters take a post and tear into it - like interogators trying to confuse a witness (badger them until they say something they can use).
The FBI has discounted Duane as a suspect. You show little respect for their conclusion. Respect is not a one-sided right.
You post some factual, pertinent details, and expect that the rest will be accepted as gospel. No one can expect that reception.
If only 20% of your post makes sense, yes the other 80% will be discussed, refuted and discarded.
If your feelings actually are hurt by this normal adult discussion process, then that is an unresolvable problem.
What I dont understand at all ... is your willingness
or lack of realism in wanting to butt heads with
Ckret, or with anyone in authority for that matter. To
me, it would seem a very dangerous tactic not to
mention unfriendly, and counterproductive. It destroys anything credible you might have to say.
I have noticed this in your posts almost for a year
before coming here formally.
If I was the FBI I would lock the door to you, just on
general principles!
Months ago I asked Ckret: 'did the FBi try this, try
that, et cetera'. I was 100% satisfied with the answers I got, and it all made sense.
In one moment you hold the FBI up to being gods
who have divine powers, and the next they are dogs
with less sense (and morality) than the Devil. Make
up your mind? It is highly dysfunctional.
Not that any of this even matters!
Now I do not know where or from whom I heard it the first time, or the second time, but you need to know I heard this "clerk at the hotel/motel" story a long time ago, years ago! (I have a feeling Sluggo and perhaps even Snowmman heard the story years ago also.) Long before the name Duane Weber was ever in the news!
So Jo, how can this be "your story" and "your witness", in as much as the fact is a million other people know the story also - and the FBI did investigate it seriously not just once but several times?
You can add to this the simple fact that the FBI
and others have 'stories' and "evidence" that you
have never even heard of and know nothing about,
and never will know anything about!
Where in the totality of this reality does 'your clerk' rank?
And why are you his Manager?
You need some perspective in these matters, Jo.
copywritten@1864 ('The year b'fore the war or oer')
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