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Orange1 0
I don't know how difficult it is to tell a ticket (probably parking) stub from and airline ticket - I do not see where your confusion is. That old 1971 airline ticket had no place in that box. I never saw the parking stub except in 1990.
My confusion is only in understanding the details of your story. Sorry about that.
It's interesting to me that you saw the year on the ticket.
You say 1971.
How big was the font for the year, compared to the font for the Northwest xxx line? Where on the ticket was the year 1971 printed? (top, bottom, right, left, middle?)
Do you remember if it said Northwest Airlines or Northwest Orient?
If you saw the 1971, did you see the exact month and day? if not, why not?
This is the first time I've seen you claim it was a 1971 ticket, so I'm interested in the details. Did you see the ticket price, for instance, or the passenger name on the ticket? I would think if you read "1971" you must have noticed the name. If it wasn't "Duane Weber" wouldn't you have remembered that, like you remembered "Sea-Tac" on the parking stub?
It's also interesting that the parking stub has no connection to the ticket. You found them in different places at different times, so could be unrelated.
Was there any date info on the parking stub?
You didn't mention the departure/destination on the airline ticket you found. You just mentioned the year on it. Can you say what departure/destination it had?
(edit) If you've described all this before, you can just point me to it, if you prefer. I've not found any of this detail anywhere.
(edit) I ask the detailed questions because I know your memory is good. The answers can only help.
(edit) Just found some more details on the parking stub. This makes me think Jo has good detailed memory on the passenger ticket also.
Jo said, on Nov 28, 2007, 9:21 PM
"There was a Sea-Tac stub (like a movie stub) it was a blue/grey color. I have thought that might have been a parking sub. Cannot remember the color of the print on it - seems like the numbers were red"
Does anyone know when or even if it ever became practise to put years on airline tickets? I seem to recall in the old days especially (you could not book more than a year in advance, many airlines still have this) it was only month and day and not year that is on the tickets.
and re the name, i clearly remember those old tickets that the travel agents used to write out and indeed they DID always have the passenger's name on.
add to snowman's comments on the changed name of the airline...
do we have false memory surfacing here i wonder...??
snowmman 3
Does anyone know when or even if it ever became practise to put years on airline tickets? I seem to recall in the old days especially (you could not book more than a year in advance, many airlines still have this) it was only month and day and not year that is on the tickets.
and re the name, i clearly remember those old tickets that the travel agents used to write out and indeed they DID always have the passenger's name on.
add to snowman's comments on the changed name of the airline...
do we have false memory surfacing here i wonder...??
The amazing thing, Orange1 (as you've pointed out before), is that we're supposed to ignore the places where the memories are wrong, but pay attention where they happen to be right..
i.e. the ones that are "right" are more truthful, somehow.
And when Jo is "right" she's smart and has massive memory banks. When she's wrong, she's just a dumb blonde being attacked.
And we're not supposed to be exposed to all of Duane's life and personality, just the cherry picked factoids Jo has assembled in the 12 foot wall.
The sad thing: Eventually that 12 foot wall that took 12 years to assemble, will just be thrown in the trash heap. Cause it has zero value.
(edit) the previous cooper ticket photo from the fbi doesn't have any date detail I can see.
I attached a snap from a Carr video, but it's too fuzzy.
I can't tell where a date would be on that ticket. Does anyone know? The full ticket is visible but fuzzy in the attached. (edit) 2nd shot from fbi shows date field.
(edit) attached the fbi shot again. The date field seems empty? people agree? (there's a field labelled date but empty)
georger 247
QuoteOrange1 said:
Does anyone know when or even if it ever became practise to put years on airline tickets? I seem to recall in the old days especially (you could not book more than a year in advance, many airlines still have this) it was only month and day and not year that is on the tickets.
and re the name, i clearly remember those old tickets that the travel agents used to write out and indeed they DID always have the passenger's name on.
add to snowman's comments on the changed name of the airline...
do we have false memory surfacing here i wonder...??
The amazing thing, Orange1 (as you've pointed out before), is that we're supposed to ignore the places where the memories are wrong, but pay attention where they happen to be right..
i.e. the ones that are "right" are more truthful, somehow.
And when Jo is "right" she's smart and has massive memory banks. When she's wrong, she's just a dumb blonde being attacked.
And we're not supposed to be exposed to all of Duane's life and personality, just the cherry picked factoids Jo has assembled in the 12 foot wall.
The sad thing: Eventually that 12 foot wall that took 12 years to assemble, will just be thrown in the trash heap. Cause it has zero value.
(edit) the previous cooper ticket photo from the fbi doesn't have any date detail I can see.
I attached a snap from a Carr video, but it's too fuzzy.
I can't tell where a date would be on that ticket. Does anyone know? The full ticket is visible but fuzzy in the attached. (edit) 2nd shot from fbi shows date field.
(edit) attached the fbi shot again. The date field seems empty? people agree? (there's a field labelled date but empty)
Unless "readers" are suffering memory loss, we have been down this road before, many times.
A claim or claims are made. Claims examined.
Claims are modified or collapse often with an
angry response from the claimant, ie. 'you just dont undrstand', 'Im sick and under stress', 'you werent
there I was', 'I know things you dont know'... at the end of this cycle its 'poor me the victim', 'I know who you are and you were always making life difficult for me', and 'Im not going to post here any more'. This is immediately followed by: 'I have new claims ...
and this time the evidence will be documented but not here (for you jerks)'. Does that about sum it up?
By any account (this side of senility) the accounting
is shabby at best, or possibly fraudulent at worst.
It is not unlike certain realty ploys. Sell or rent a house then deny all knowledge and any responsibility for anything wrong with one parting
statement: "buyer beware - its YOUR fault!".
Jo was a realty agent in real life when married to
Duane, a person sent to prison for burglary and
fraud and forgery who did time in 6 prisons between
1945-1968. Was married six or seven times. These are actual facts. Twenty three years of Duane's life factually spent in prison.
Jo's late life computer skills are probably related to
the skills she developed early as a secretary then
later as a realty agent, while married to Duane.
Who speaks for the Duane-Cooper association:
Frank Bender - criminal forensic reconstructionist
who worked for the FBI (20 years?) - confirms physical traits, or did he?.
Ann Faass who worked with Duane Weber, confirms
Duane's handwriting in a book - one word of which
Jo has posted - the printed noncursive word "Toutle".
Jo Webers own accounts which rely on surprise and lack of knowledge, but certainty all at the same time. "I know what I saw!"
Himmelsbach: who Jo contacted and H finally convinced his colleagues at the FBI to open a file on
Duane, and they interview Jo, one of Duane's six or seven former wives, and Duane's brother.
So far as I know, Ralph Himmelsbach who Jo describes as a 'confident', has never issued a formal
public statement in this whole affair, outside of
telling Mr. Pasternak at the US News & World Report
that 'Duane is one of the best candidates we have ever had . . . '
For me, the whole story is Subprime riding on Credit
with Jo saying every now and then, "I did not realize".
The whole case floats on innocence and "I did not realise". Duane himself a known forger and thief
and manipulator and conspirator who spent 23 years of his life in prison but in Jo's remake is
somehow tolerably 'innocent and likeable' ?
It makes me wonder why Himmelsbach really
wanted a file opened? Because he thought Duane
was Cooper, or for some other reason?
Whatever is going on, it's way over my pay grade!
The whole thing begins with Jo-the-innocent-victim-
wife-#7 feining lack of knowledge and surprise .... that her beloved poor husband was a professional criminal with deep pathology?
It's a role fit for Greta Garbo (see attached). And
I think we are ... Mickey Mouse.
snowmman 3
I'll stop the drubbing. It only started again, cause SafecrackingPLF showed up and said something about us facing the obvious facts, and I was gobsmacked when I realized he was implying Duane, and then he talked about the night clerk.
I agree, nothing more to be gained by replowing this ground, although I did realize some things I hadn't before. I'm not sure all the detail was called out precisely here at before, but we can let it lie.
There'll be the obligatory conspiracy/galen cook/cryptic messages to follow but I'll try to be good.
It absolutely blows me away that the FBI had to spend any time on Jo. Either it means they investigated anyone with a remote chance, or their ability to ascertain credibility quickly is pretty poor. (i.e. not much better than the news reporters, who just like a story)
Don't you wish real life were like this forum, at least the part where you can make all the bad stuff go away by clicking a mouse or pushing a power switch?
377: I wish it was that Simple - everyone knows who I am - the rest of you are just avatars. Someone sees an old clip - and I go to a painting class or garden club meeting - within a few weeks someone has told someone else who I am. Children (they are very observant) will see me and say "I saw you on TV" Since they stopped showing those old clips this doesn't happen very often any more - I only have an antennae in my attic - so I have only seen the clips that were mailed to me.
I viewed each once and put it away.
Snowman: Regarding the airline ticket (I only actually got to view it one time - that was the first time and I read it out loud and said "This is an OLD ticket".
I have tried to describe the ticket before and now my memory is fading from not only stress, but age. There was carbon printing - and I want to say red carbon printing, but that was 1994, 14 yrs ago. My contact with the item was brief - long enough to note NorthWest Airlines, date and departure and destination.
What I stated to Duane reading out loud ( approximately )"Gee, This is an old airline ticket - Northwest Airlines Portland to Seattle dated November 1971".
When I was a kid - I said things out loud to remember them - such as spelling. In high school this is how I handled geometry and physics and algebra - I visualized the image and then the page number. Probably the only reason I remember what I did.
His reply was that it didn't mean anything anymore.
The second time it was just lying in his underwear drawer - as he had fished it out of the box - he tried to stop me by protesting he would put his things away (he had a fractured leg). I want to say I saw it briefly again after that, but I am not really sure - time has taken its toll... and my memory was sharper 13 yrs ago than it is today - now there are too many details to hold on to and I had to let go of some of them - it is called survival...and trying not to let this consume what is left of my life.
I had NO reason to remember as much as I did...UNTIL he asked what I did with the ticket before he went to sleep. So with his soft cast (from groin to bottom of foot) he had managed to retrive it from the box the next day (I obviously had not thrown it out - because I looked thru that before I went to bed because he asked me what I did with it). I did laundry when I got home from work the next day or that weekend.
All of this has been written and recorded - but like I said I don't have the ability to search like you do nor are these files set-up to view like that. It is simply a chronological accounting of the 13 yrs and what I was thinking and what I remembered at those times - the frustrations, the brickwalls, the people I talked to and how I felt about what-ever it was.
I held the ticket one time, second time it was just in the drawer and as I said I think there was a third glimps - but right now my head is throbbing too much to try to think about it.
Funny: Jo you kinda also failed the test here like you did for the Norjack publication year.
It should be obvious what's wrong with what you said above, and the claim that it's a 1971 ticket.
Research, research, research. Then commence the fraud!
Look back at the Cooper ticket, which we know is from 1971. It's not a Northwest Airline ticket.
Let you slide on that one. How about the other questions I asked?
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