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georger 247
Reply> So what you are saying is Duane used his son's name DAN when giving the name DAN COOPER
at Northwest's ticket counter?
What State was Duane & his wife and family living in
in 1971?
And was his mother's family name COOPER?
So what you are saying is Duane used his son's name DAN when giving the name DAN COOPER
at Northwest's ticket counter?
What State was Duane & his wife and family living in
in 1971?
And was his mother's family name COOPER?
I was simply told by an old friend of Duane's that Duane had 2 children - when all I knew about was the girl. Since that is all I really know - I don't have any history - I didn't even know anything about the daughter other than a first name and approximate yr she was born and her mothers first name - never knew a last name. Since her first name was very unusual - I found a couple of possiblities...but both were deceased in the last 10 yrs.
I have NO idea if the son was from the same union (note I did not say marriage) as the daughter. I really have NOTHING to go on other than what Duane told his friend. No name was mentioned.
Dan sounds like a good name for a son whose father was Duane - you have to admit that could be a possiblity? As for the name used on the ticket - More than likely Duane started to say Duane, got the D out and realized he almost said his real name and just cut it short.
Such as if someone asked you your name Georger, but you get the Ge out and decide you need to give a false name - How would you finish it? That is a hard one.
With my name I would have started with Jo and then roled into Ann ended it with Joan - that is NOT my name. I am doing what I would have done should I have decided not to give my real name.
That is not the info you are looking for nor is it why I needed any consoling from my dog. Obviously the person who didn't understand that has never had a LONG term relationship with a pet.
Pets who have been with you for a long time sense when you need support or if you are sad or hurting.
Perhaps I should post a picture someday of my long time friend - I miss him very much.
Sorry about posting with a pill in me - the posts make no sense at all and the next day is too late to correct the errors. From now on if I need to take one of those - I am going to not only turn the computer off - I am going to disconnect the power and the back-up. It would be an effort for me to connect it back with a pill in me.
[When there were words he was comforting - 'What can I do Mama, does his help if I put my face in your hand or on you keen. Mama don't get so upset you for get to feed me and Mama I wish I could pult m paws around you and tell you it is going to be all right...I promise. getting really , really weird.
I am laughing very hard right now .
Cannot belive I wrote that, but I did. Occasionally I have to take a sleeping pill when I haven't been able to sleep. You can do some real weird stuff you do not even remember doing.
I had a beautiful Sheltie who died in April. Dogs have a way of knowing when you need comfort or if you are upset. They have unique ways of communicating comfort to their owner.
He had an over bite that made him look like he was smiling at you and he would put his chin into my hand to get my attention or if I was crying and if he wanted attention. His food was always out, but sometime he got treats and if I forgot the treat he had ways to let me know.
When it was storming and he was alone - he would take his bowl and empty it all over the floor. He was terrified of lightning and thunder.
He couldn't talk but he had his ways.
He was my friend and he provided me with support and kindness when it was needed for many yrs.
snowmman 3
1) that cooper had stained fingers from heavy smoking
2) that the stains were really face makeup stains.
be interesting if any of georger's "illegal in 14 states" fingerprint magic could prove/disprove stuff like that.
At the very least, I always wondered about the possibility that the smoking was a false clue..i.e. cooper faked smoking. I was always interested if the amount of nicotine/tar residue in the filters was consistent with a smoker who inhaled.
377 22
You think of things that completely elude me. I thought the ONLY evidence useful from the butts would be DNA. Never occured to me that they could gives clues about Cooper being a fake smoker. Or... maybe Cooper was doing a double fake, a real smoker faking to be a fake smoker by inhaling too lightly.
snowmman 3
I live on the second floor,
I jumped out of a plane with $200k
I kept $17k, the ticket, the parking stub, the money bag, and maybe a piece of the rig.
It made sense to me, so it would make sense to no one.
Ain't I smart?
Except I forgot where the $173k was, but remembered where the $6k or so was. (after 8 years even, and dragging a new wife bag along!)
Ain't I stupid?
Not sure why the weird split made sense: $6k,$17k,$173k but who cares! I am Mr. Random!
Jo: Sheltie (Shetland Sheepdog). Did you get the dog before or after Duane died?
(edit) Hey: if there was a parking stub, that must mean Jo should be able to manufacture some testimony from the "parking lot clerk".
Parking Lot Clerk: Arise!
The 173, 6 and 17 - I never thought about that - we are 4 short. If you should go back to the originals notes about what was said in the hospital - two of us heard what he said and one of us said 173 and the other thought she remember 178 - now we got the other a 4k.
You are a genius and didn't know it. The original statements from Ann and myself - are a matter of record. (reference Doug Pasternac's notes and statements made by yours truely). Her statement and my statement are documented...we did not agree on the amount we remembered Duane amount used for the article was for the sake of space I am sure. I don't remember if the FBI interviewed Anne...but, Doug did.
She and I talked about it - but never thought about that being important. I haven't talked to her in yrs ... but as I said our statements are documented.
Jo: Sheltie (Shetland Sheepdog). Did you get the dog before or after Duane died?
As you know I remarried - the Sheltie belonged to my recently deceased husband, but I was part of his life for almost 8 yrs. For 3 yrs of his life I was his main caretaker and his soul caretaker for almost a yr...
The weekend he died I called and called the vet asking for help - I laid in the floor with him for 2 days with no sleep keeping him hydrated.
At 7:15 on that Monday the Vet called me and said he didn't get my messages - that the answering service didn't forward them. My "our" sheltie was still allve and they sent a car and two helpers to get him, but his eyes had already started to glaze over. I had known for a couple of months that he was giving up. He fought a brave battle just like his "Daddy" did. I miss them both very much.
Jo should be able to manufacture some testimony from the "parking lot clerk".
Sorry, I don't manufacture testimonies or evidence. I may get things all tangled up because I have been at it for several yrs. With all the information and myths that have come at me and these past few yrs it is a miracle I can remember the names of my children.
Georger: What is this special fingerprint technic that Snowmman spoke of - I do not remember it being mentioned in the forum.
Snowmman must be part of your Panel.
snowmman 3
Did they give out boarding passes back then? What I'm wondering about: was this ticket handed to Cooper (solely, or was a receipt copy also handed to him?, as Jo would imply) and then Cooper travelled to the gate and handed the ticket to a stewardess while boarding...or did he also get a boarding pass with seat assignment, that he handed to the stewardess?
Or, is the ticket a copy of the ticket, that the ticket counter guy kept? Or is it a ticket Cooper handed in at the gate?
I guess I don't really understand how cooper went from buying the ticket to getting on the plane, and how many pieces of paper were involved and what he touched.
Almost ran out of beer tonite. Whew, that would be a drinking problem.
georger 247
Reply> Here you go Jo.
Orange1 0
(edit) Hey: if there was a parking stub, that must mean Jo should be able to manufacture some testimony from the "parking lot clerk".
Parking Lot Clerk: Arise!
Wait - wait (sorry I am a bit slow - must also claim non compis mentis a bit here - severe lack of sleep due to newborn baby

If no car - then the parking lot stub must surely be yet another red herring.
georger 247
(edit) Hey: if there was a parking stub, that must mean Jo should be able to manufacture some testimony from the "parking lot clerk".
Parking Lot Clerk: Arise!
Wait - wait (sorry I am a bit slow - must also claim non compis mentis a bit here - severe lack of sleep due to newborn babyCkret - anything about a car that was left behind?
If no car - then the parking lot stub must surely be yet another red herring.
Reply> Parking at SeaTac. The guy with the old
parking tickets hasnt replied - probably stuck in a
voting line. But, from a few things he says and from
a search on the internet it appears all parking at SeaTac going clear back to 1970 was handled by private companies? I mean the airport itself had no parking. Various parking lots were managed by private companies. It was a big airport even in 1971 - so, a parking stub might reflect the com-pany that issued it.
georger 247
Reply> Jo, I want you to take this seriously.
When was the last time you saw a doctor and had your blood pressure checked?
This has nothing to do with this forum. Please
take this seriously.
I would rather by wrong than not say what I think.
quade 4
Stop working each other up . . . this goes for everyone.
The World's Most Boring Skydiver
Orange1 0 appears all parking at SeaTac going clear back to 1970 was handled by private companies? I mean the airport itself had no parking. Various parking lots were managed by private companies. It was a big airport even in 1971 - so, a parking stub might reflect the com-pany that issued it.
Sure, but a parking lot still implies a car. Surely the FBI would have investigated parking lots that were usually used for the airport, even if they were private? What happened to the car?
377 22
And how about we all take a step back from the keyboards and a deep breath here.
Stop working each other up . . . this goes for everyone.
That Quade sees everything.
He knows if you've been bad or good so be good for goodness sakes.
Ckret 0
Snowmman, I say you keep pounding them down, not that your sober post aren't quality but your drunk post are excellent.
Orange, I can't say that an abandoned car was not investigated, if it was, nothing of value came from it because it is not highlighted anywhere in the files that I can find. Congrats on your baby!!!!!
377 22
Now, what about that tease post you made a few weeks ago? I am still suffering from insomnia waiting for the news. Stop torturing me.
Although the market crash has killed my finances, I'll never rob a bank in Seattle. I'll pick some place where they have less capable SAs. Can you give me some hints? I KNOW you know who the slackers are.
377 22
Snowmman, I say you keep pounding them down, not that your sober post aren't quality but your drunk post are excellent.
Based on the substance/post quality correlation observed by Ckret, I think Jo should flush those pills and switch to beer.
Still, I was genuinely moved by her dog story.
3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.
You've asked that question before Jo, and it has been answered before. As soon as Cook comes onto this site and starts posting - then we will. No-one is forcing you to post here either.
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