skyjack71 0 #5001 November 7, 2008 QuoteJo, I think you need to EXPLAIN yourself and your expertise when arguing that it makes perfect sense for Cooper to go back and retrieve a car, but to leave all that money behind. (And remember one of your original arguments why he left the money there was that he did not have a car... Excuse me I do NOT and DID not know if he had a car or not. The Stub that I believe to be a parking stub is why I felt there had to be a car - stolen, borrowed, rented or owned. Also a statement about a specific location off of what I thought was 500 that he stated leaving a car there one time...not too far from an old airport. I have never stated he left ALL of the money and my trying to figure out how he got from point A to point B and so forth is only from going back to those places physically and in my mind and on maps (just like you guys do with the aviation). The only thing different is I was physically taken to these places...and he told me certain things about specific locations. Quoteand she's yet to SPLAIN why the FBI would want to do anything other than solve this old case and why she thinks an ongoing FBI cover up conspiracy is credible, especially in 2008. I don't know the FBI doesn't want to solve this case. All they have is what they have been able to find on Duane and other suspects. The difference here - is I knew Duane and the places he took me and the things he said and did over a 17 yrs span of time. I am able to see this from a different perspective - because I am completely focus on this case and not 2 dozen other cases... I am able to put pieces of Duane's life together from friends, relatives and the things he told me - ALL the FBI has is the criminal records and the 2 or three interviews they did with associates of Duanes. I was told his file was extensive - I would like to see it and how extensive it is. Ex-employers where NEVER interviewed, the stepchildren were never interviewed, Anne was not interviewed by the FBI and even though I have heard it stated in this forum - Duane's brother nor sister where never interviewed As far as I know NO attempt was made to interview them. I have provided the FBI with individuals and with information to follow and they never did this. There are certain things I as a citizen nor a private detective have access to - the FBI has NOT gone into the things I have asked - some of them are as simple as a SS record. I realize this is a very old crime - there is nothing in the budget for it and what has been done has been because of media attention. There was a new developement on my part recently, but I have spoke with Carr and he did not mention this (perhaps he thinks I do not know). I did not ask him about this information and because if involves priviledged information he cannot talk about it..but the supporting documents should be buried in the FBI files if this incident actually happened. I am disturbed they have not found the supporting documents - that certainly does not sit well with record keeping on the part of the FBI. This was not physical evidence and that is what it is going to take. FBI supporting documentation would be considered evidence if they find it. How do I find physical evidence 37 yrs after the fact. Ciircumstancial evidence continues to mount - even with the Monkey Sh-- that has been thrown around by the forum. Since the forum only makes contact with a select element of the population maybe I should go a few step in a different direction. It was suggested as many have that a book be written, but I have seen the D.B. Cooper Wannabe's come and go over the past few yrs since I went public in 2000. I do not want to be one of those statistics. What some individuals DO NOT understand is that my search is based on real people and real information - that to tell ALL of the story it would have to be told as fiction and that just will not do the job. Some of my research - went places in the personal lives of innocent and not so innocent individuals - many who have died, but they do have relatives. I would not want to do a book and end up sitting for the rest of my life in a court of law trying to settle law-suits with Tom, Dick or Harry claiming they were used toward a financial end. I have not come this far to go that route. I am going to make one last attempt to prove what I have been saying - where it will go I do not know. Like the election - it is up to the voters. They will get to view extensive photos and information not made public before - this will also be an attempt to have someone come forward with information about the past of Duane Weber. Perhaps Snowmman we can find out who is in that photo you said was made in Vietnam. Perhaps I will find someone who knew Duane and Edna (even if he was living under another name) and the daughter Zona. I haven't given up on a miracle just yet...time is my enemy...I should have done this 12 yrs ago instead of WAITING for the FBI to do something or to tell me what they have done. BUT 12 yrs ago I didn't have the information I do now.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orange1 0 #5002 November 7, 2008 It's the middle of the forum and time to find the fish.Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snowmman 3 #5003 November 7, 2008 QuoteIt's the middle of the forum and time to find the fish. :) On May 21, 2008 5:27 PM (page 70) Sluggo Monster posted: "If this thread dies....... I will have no one to argue with....... I'll go back to beating my wife....... You'll find her standing over my body with my Glock in her hand, asking: "How do I re-load this damned thing?" I'll be dead and It'll be all your fault. So, somebody make something up... keep this thread alive! Keep Sluggo Alive! Sluggo_Monster (stalled out, waiting for data)" I replied: "There are easily 100 things that have not been discussed. I'll throw out one or two that people here might have good insight on, or opinions to keep Sluggo alive, or can say "it's in the old thread.." " While I've gone thru the 100 things I had in mind, I do find comfort in knowing that Sluggo's wife probably doesn't get up to piss every hour at night, so her aim might not be so good. I'll put in a word for Sluggo. He seems to have started updating his website again after a long wait. So at least Sluggo is alive. Hopefully the wife isn't in the freezer. he has added links to articles..see left side index. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ltdiver 3 #5004 November 7, 2008 QuoteThis was not physical evidence and that is what it is going to take. Finally this realization has been reached. QuoteI am going to make one last attempt to prove what I have been saying Promise? Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
happythoughts 0 #5005 November 7, 2008 Quote and she's yet to SPLAIN why the FBI would want to do anything other than solve this old case and why she thinks an ongoing FBI cover up conspiracy is credible, especially in 2008. Budget. The only reason that government does stuff. Cooper is an FBI industry. You have 5 people looking for him and now they need a supervisor and a staff assistant. Office space, webpages... If they had other stuff to do, they'd be doing that. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #5006 November 7, 2008 Quote Quote and she's yet to SPLAIN why the FBI would want to do anything other than solve this old case and why she thinks an ongoing FBI cover up conspiracy is credible, especially in 2008. Budget. The only reason that government does stuff. Cooper is an FBI industry. You have 5 people looking for him and now they need a supervisor and a staff assistant. Office space, webpages... If they had other stuff to do, they'd be doing that. I get the distinct feeling that Ckret is giving us taxpayers a free ride on much of the Cooper investigation. I think it is nights and weekends and doesn't show up on any overtime claim. Wish more fed employees had that kind of work ethic. Am I right Ckret?2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ckret 0 #5007 November 7, 2008 I am a salaried employee, no overtime; not even on callouts during the night, weekends or holidays. We do get what’s called “availability pay” but to collect it we have to work 2 extra hours a day on top of the 8 hours scheduled. AVP adds 25% to our base GS pay. As for Cooper, the whole point was to have you fine folks take over the investigation. We are far too busy with other pressing matters. I am not re-opening the case, it was never closed. I am not re-investigating the case, it has already been investigated. I am providing as much information about the case (as I possibly can) to as many people who want it, so that they can investigate and solve it. Now go think happy thoughts Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #5008 November 7, 2008 Looks to me like the FBI is still investigating, at least when new evidence comes to light. That found chute got FBI attention. Anyhow, it wold be great if the forum solved the crime. That would be a first and a good model for solving could cases through public participation. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snowmman 3 #5009 November 7, 2008 QuoteLooks to me like the FBI is still investigating, at least when new evidence comes to light. That found chute got FBI attention. Anyhow, it wold be great if the forum solved the crime. That would be a first and a good model for solving cold cases through public participation. 377 There was a report 2 months ago on a model program called A-Space for inside the cia/fbi community? (a social networking thingee) "It's a place where not only spies can meet but share data they've never been able to share before," Wertheimer said. "This is going to give them for the first time a chance to think out loud, think in public amongst their peers, under the protection of an A-Space umbrella." Inevitably the future will be stuff like this, but half-inside/half-outside. Think cathedral vs bazaar. It was interesting that model was quoted by someone in describing Obama's success. Basically, it works. With one million eyeballs, no problem stays hidden. A lot of the data mining stuff the fbi/cia is doing is apparently turning up too many false positives and ending up being a waste of time (homeland security report). (ah duh! racial profiling doesn't work!) The model of protector/protected doesn't really work. It's also why it doesn't work to send armies off to kill as many people as possible. It's more complicated than that. Embrace the complexity. It's the future. (edit) This is crass, but in that CNN article, this reminded me of my comment about whether all data available went into the '72 DZ map "Missing crucial data can have enormous implications, such as an FBI agent who sent an e-mail before September 11, 2001, warning of people learning to fly airplanes but not learning to land them." Yes, hindsight is 20/20. It's easy to worry too much about "bandwidth"...but only organizations that worry about centralization/information too much have that problem. 300 million people is a lot of bandwidth. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #5010 November 8, 2008 Quote I am a salaried employee, no overtime; not even on callouts during the night, weekends or holidays. We do get what’s called “availability pay” but to collect it we have to work 2 extra hours a day on top of the 8 hours scheduled. AVP adds 25% to our base GS pay. As for Cooper, the whole point was to have you fine folks take over the investigation. We are far too busy with other pressing matters. I am not re-opening the case, it was never closed. I am not re-investigating the case, it has already been investigated. I am providing as much information about the case (as I possibly can) to as many people who want it, so that they can investigate and solve it. Now go think happy thoughts Does this mean that they ARE NOT going to look for that supporting evidence in the FBI files? If not, will they allow private researchers into those files? Would an individual Not be ABLE to obtain a court order requiring this search be done - either by the FBI or private enities. So that means NOTHING will be done regarding a recent statement provided to the FBI, nor any search involving a name and a picture I provide, nor connections of old suspects that make a connection to between suspects. I need to know if any of this will be handled by the FBI - IF NOT, then I will have to take a course of action I had hoped never to be necessary...Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snowmman 3 #5011 November 8, 2008 So I started wondering about the history of civilian jet jumps. The first sport parachute tested from a jet apparently was in 1959 in El Centro? So I was thinking, maybe in the '60s there were some non-military jet jumps. Maybe people associated with military but not real military. Be interesting if people have history here. I suspect some may have been illegal or outside the U.S. ? Don't know. In any case, I searched on, and found an interesting story that I'll repost without the name. The jump seems to date to early '80s, so not what I was looking for, but interesting nonetheless as an example case. It's not a jet jump but still.. What's interesting is the poster only had static line jumps before his first freefall jump, which was at 200mph exit speed...((edit) I had assumed AN-26 was's turboprop) and it was at night. He claims to have pulled within 4 seconds. T-4 is a 28' round? AN-26 had 275 mph cruise speed so the 200mph exit claim is viable? What gets me about this, is that it seems the jumps that more closely match Cooper's (for instance the '72 hijack jumps) seem to discount all the caveats from jumpers here about needed experience, and likely outcomes. (I'm not interested in 100% success guarantee scenarios) How do I digest that? This account is nice because we don't have first person accounts from the '72 hijack jumpers. I was interested in the opening shock, also note "first freefall". I'm not offending the poster since he posted it elsewhere here at snip from the post "Mine was so stupid that I've become aware of it's danger 20 years after the jump itself. It was my first freefall, I had some 17 military (static-line & drogue chute combined jumps with only two jumps in my club before the army). Well, after I've served I continued to fly sailplanes but I wanted to jump, so my friend (a chief instructor in my club) said, hell, no problem. At that time our military pilots had some night dropping excersises and they asked civilian jumper to do the jumping, which of course all of the clubs in the country excepted gladly. It's been more than two years since my last (static-line) jump and but the problem was those jumps had to freefalls - the planes were AN-26s and the exit speed was 200 mph (I jumped those in the army but only with that static-line/drogue chute combination). I said OK, no problem and there I was in the middle of the night with the T-4 on my back and the Z-5 reserve on my chest (a russian round which was old even 25 years ago). Of course, the night was dark as hell, no full moon or stuff and the landing zone was far out on the plowed fields (don't ask why) disected with those water cannals. There were no ground lights, no nothing. The ramp opened, the jump run begun, a dim red to green lihts fired and there I went, with that warm smell of jet fuel and a mighty whooooooosshhhhhh (you have actually to slow down to terminal after exiting that AN-26). Of course, I've tumbled, didn't see a thing but I felt the wind and the sound changing around me. The altitude was 4 grand so after a 4-5 seconds I pulled and that T-4 smashed me good but I felt extatic with joy. It was pretty windy down there (way above the legal limit for round night jumps) and I hit some rock hard hump of plowed dirt and - of course broke my leg (actually, I find out that it's broken the other day - so full of adrenaline I was, we had to walk over a mile that night but that ment nothing to me). " Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
happythoughts 0 #5012 November 8, 2008 Quote We are far too busy with other pressing matters. "Darn it, I said maple the IRS about that place." At this point, president-elect Obama has not mentioned this overtly as a priority, so it may handled later as a sub-cabinet level topic. Pretty much everything is a more pressing matter than a dead end. It's all been investigated. Where we are: New technology? DNA has excluded some people and the FBI has moved on, even if 3rd parties keep promoting it. No new evidence pointing to a suspect. Event re-creation? Obviously it can be done and has been done safely by other hijackers. However, the FBI did seek out the opinions and help of jumpers of the day during the DBC investigation. According to people who I spoke to, there were recreations of the event with the same gear and accessories. Those persons wrote an analysis and gave it to the FBI, so that part is completed. Evidence? There is a certain amount of evidence that the FBI isn't going to announce on a public forum. That is understandable in any investigation, just in case someone wants to use it as their personal proof. So, until new evidence arrives (i.e. money or a body), here is where we are (and have been): We don't know where he landed. He may or may not have kept the money after exit. He may or may not have lived. Besides, even with all of those answers, we still wouldn't know who he was, and that is the goal. To everyone: Until money or a body shows up, can we all not rehash the previous 2,000 posts again? Clapton is God. (if information is going to be reposted, that is it) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snowmman 3 #5013 November 8, 2008 from a web site. If in the 2000 prior posts someone posted a history of jet jumps, I apologize. "The first C-141A, delivered to Tinker AFB, Okla., in October 1964, began squadron operations in April 1965. The C-141 was the first jet transport from which U.S. Army paratroopers jumped. It can hold 155 paratroopers." First flown: 17 December 1963. 284 built, last delivered December 1966 B and C mods were to the original A's? I'll skip the photo. It has a rear ramp, high tail. 4 wing engines. Pic shows rear ramp being used for cargo drops. But apparently paratroops jumped from side doors? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #5014 November 8, 2008 Quote Where we are: New technology? DNA has excluded some people and the FBI has moved on, even if 3rd parties keep promoting it. No new evidence pointing to a suspect. The DNA was MULTIPLE PARTICIAL DNA's and the FBI has NEVER CONFIRMED IF that tie was the one Cooper reportedly wore. (It has been stated by prior FBI that the tie was found neatly folded over on the seat next to where Cooper sat). THERE IS NO PROOF THIS WAS A TIE EVER WORN BY COOPER. Also NO ONE has acknowledged the paper bag or what was in it. Tina has never been reported as stating that Cooper removed his tie. Maybe no new Physical Evidence, but more circumstancial evidence regarding at least 2 of the suspects - a connection between the 2 individuals. The forum doesn't want to investigate this nor does the FBI - I am doing what I can. SUCH as: When Duane was arrested before his last incarceration - others where involved. What IF one of those was another person investigated by the FBI as being Cooper? What if that person had the necessary knowledge to make the jump? SNOWMMAN: I notice you sure went quiet about that photo. Hope you can prove how you got it and who the people are......! You might have to explain this on National TV - oh, that's right how can we do that - we don't know who you are?Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
happythoughts 0 #5015 November 8, 2008 QuoteThe DNA was MULTIPLE PARTICIAL DNAS and the FBI has NEVER CONFIRMED it that tie was that Cooper reportedly wore. NO ONE has acknowledged the paper bag or what was in it. If there was 50 peoples DNA on the bag, and my DNA isn't one of them, game over - that's an exclusion, next suspect. QuoteMaybe no new Physical Evidence, but more circumstancial evidence regarding at least 2 of the suspects - a connection between the 2 individuals. Secret people? Doing secret things? With secret names? Whatever. Unless you provide a name and some facts, do we guess? A non-investigation of non-facts will non-occur. The most tedious part of this whole thing has been the "I know this secret thing about something that may have possibly happened to secret people that I can't tell you about". Quote What IF one of those was another person investigated by the FBI as being Cooper? What if that person had the necessary knowledge to make the jump? What IF Duane was a secret Double-Ought spy and had a secret decoder ring? What IF...? Name a fact, a specific provable fact, with names, no speculation. Or quite complaining that everyone else doesn't drop everything and play this game and follow all these bunny trails. Every person who came out of airborne school in the 10 years before 1971 had the "necessary knowledge". I once worked with a vet who robbed 9 banks for the fun of it (and is in jail). I personally know 10 VN vets with jump experience who would have done the hijack just for adrenaline. They are all more qualified than Duane and most were unemployed after VN. As one said, "I have two jobs skills. I can blow the bridge up or blow the bridge down." How many people knew where the stairs were? Any aircraft manufacture employee. 50,000 Any airline employee. 50,000 more. Anybody who was interested in $200K. 50,000 more. So, we've narrowed down the suspect list to the 150,000. If the FBI doesn't follow the most nebulous of tales, it is because it is a waste of their time. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #5016 November 8, 2008 Quotefrom a web site. If in the 2000 prior posts someone posted a history of jet jumps, I apologize. "The first C-141A, delivered to Tinker AFB, Okla., in October 1964, began squadron operations in April 1965. The C-141 was the first jet transport from which U.S. Army paratroopers jumped. It can hold 155 paratroopers." First flown: 17 December 1963. 284 built, last delivered December 1966 B and C mods were to the original A's? I'll skip the photo. It has a rear ramp, high tail. 4 wing engines. Pic shows rear ramp being used for cargo drops. But apparently paratroops jumped from side doors? yes, side door exits in a tailgate plane, but dont ask me why. Maybe some ex Airborne can enlighten us. After some bad experiences the USAF added deployable windblast deflectors ahead of the side doors on C 141s. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snowmman 3 #5017 November 8, 2008 QuoteQuotefrom a web site. If in the 2000 prior posts someone posted a history of jet jumps, I apologize. "The first C-141A, delivered to Tinker AFB, Okla., in October 1964, began squadron operations in April 1965. The C-141 was the first jet transport from which U.S. Army paratroopers jumped. It can hold 155 paratroopers." First flown: 17 December 1963. 284 built, last delivered December 1966 B and C mods were to the original A's? I'll skip the photo. It has a rear ramp, high tail. 4 wing engines. Pic shows rear ramp being used for cargo drops. But apparently paratroops jumped from side doors? yes, side door exits in a tailgate plane, but dont ask me why. Maybe some ex Airborne can enlighten us. After some bad experiences the USAF added deployable windblast deflectors ahead of the side doors on C 141s. 377 odd trivia: (you can tell I'm a fan of odd relations) C-141's had two hijack attempts in Vietnam during the war. story of one is here: (Bien Hoa air base, tail number 66-0192, maybe around '70?) or can search this page for the same story Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
diablopilot 2 #5018 November 8, 2008 Quote yes, side door exits in a tailgate plane, but dont ask me why. Maybe some ex Airborne can enlighten us. After some bad experiences the USAF added deployable windblast deflectors ahead of the side doors on C 141s. 377 Offers more separation between parachutists when putting out two rows/sticks simultaneously. Make for a faster mass drop, more men in a smaller area, and less time spent over target.---------------------------------------------- You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wolfriverjoe 1,523 #5019 November 8, 2008 Some thoughts: Georger: You commented fairly recently about the oscilations when the rear stairs were open possibly being caused by the plane turning and changing the relative wind. Not so. If the plane is being flown properly, the relative wind will always be straight. (and the g-load will be level with respect to the wings) Its called a "coordinated turn". The oscillations were confirmed a while back by Guru(?) who said he could "feel" jumpers going out the door by the pressure changes. I agree that the oscillations were from Cooper just being on the stairs. Someone (Sluggo?) wondered why the plane took a detour around BTG VORTAC. I was taught to never fly directly over them because they are choke points where pilots are paying more attention to the instruments than out the windows. Yes, it was IFR, and under direct ATC supervision, but old habits (especially ones directly related to survival) die hard. Parachutist magazine (Am I the only one here who reads it?) had an article (I think Nov 06 but I can't find it) on the case. It was an interview with Ralph H. and talked a bit about the flight path, but was mainly about the gear. It said that Cossey was contacted at home, but couldn't get to the DZ fast enough, so he had someone at the airport let the FBI into the hangar, and they grabbed what they (thought they) wanted. That's how the training dummy and the N6B ended up on the plane. According to the article, Cossey freaked when he saw what had been taken, and freaked worse when he found out what Cooper used. Ckret-can you confirm how the FBI got the gear given to Cooper? Ckret-you asked a while ago about reserve vs main reliability I never saw an answer, so here it is. Reserves are designed and packed to open quickly with absolute reliability, and to land reasonably well. Mains are designed for ease of packing, softer openings, more responsive/agressive handling along with reliability. I pack my main so that it takes 600 ft or so to open. If I have to go out of the plane low, or end up low on a jump, I'm not going to screw around, I'm "pulling silver" (reserve handle is silver) and getting a canopy over my head for sure, right now. I was taught this fairly early on. It has been speculated here by many that Cooper "knew just enough to be dangerous". I've seen that more than once. A jumper does 5 or 6 jumps, gets to freefall (10sec or so) and thinks they know all they need to know. Often end up getting hurt or seriously scared and go away, sometimes get "sent bowling" (instructor tells them that this sport isn't for them, suggests bowling would be a better choice). At that level, he would probably know about the N6B and how it differed from the Pioneer. High speed exit, combined with wanting to jump right after takeoff (lower altitude). If it was me, I'd take the N6B over the Pioneer. Ckret- you said all the DZs in the US were checked out. Did they look for low jump students that were sent away? Cooper told Tina he had a grudge. How about that grudge being against the FBI/LE/govt in general. The man, the fuzz, the po-leece the, P-I- you know who I mean. He sets it up so he won't be missed if he doesn't make it, and maybe even has a new ID set up if he does. Not all that hard to disappear and become a new person back then - Look at Kathleen Soliah (the bombing chick from the SLA who got caught in MN a couple years ago-30+ years in hiding). If he makes it he wins. If he dies and doesn't get found, he wins. Before you dismiss this, think about it a little. 37 years after the fact, and still no idea who it is. Look at what we have here. DISCLAIMER: This is a JOKE. I have the utmost respect for you guys. Really and trulyYou have poor Larry Carr of the FBI trolling the internet with a bunch of whacked out skydivers (I am one) and others who have nothing better to do than calculate flight paths, canopy descent paths/times, float times of bundles of money, and deterioraton of currency. (in addition to calling each other names and making Quade step in) If that isn't beating the system, what is?"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy "~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ckret 0 #5020 November 8, 2008 wolfriverjoe: Thanks for takin up the brush, you'll find the bucket over there......: "Tom said to himself that it was not such a hollow world, after all. He had discovered a great law of human action, without knowing it – namely, that in order to make a man or a boy covet a thing, it is only necessary to make the thing difficult to attain. If he had been a great and wise philosopher, like the writer of this book, he would now have comprehended that Work consists of whatever a body is obliged to do, and that Play consists of whatever a body is not obliged to do. And this would help him to understand why constructing artificial flowers or performing on a tread-mill is work, while rolling ten-pins or climbing Mont Blanc is only amusement............." I don't really think like this but it fit so well; by the way, you missed a spot. baahahhaha. Sorry back on the cold meds. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snowmman 3 #5021 November 8, 2008 Hi wolfriverjoe I'm still fishing for history of civilian night free falls in '60s. I've seen a pic of early night N-ways. (with flare..made me think of Cooper, his flares, and 3 stewardesses :) ) Did people also brag about altitude night free fall records back then? Just read an interesting article that claimed Lt. Col. Donald R. Strobaugh made the first military "delayed free fall night" with full equipment in September 1959 at Fort Campbell, Ky. Don't know if that's true. Read another thing that implied civilian night sport jumps in Southeast Asia in the mid '60s. Be interesting to hear any stories about the state of affairs for relative frequency of civilians doing night sport jumps mid to late '60s. I was also wondering if anyone ever kludged a chest reserve by clipping it's snaplinks (assuming old t-10 style chest with snaplinks) directly onto the rolled flat webbing of a chest/shoulder harness. Metal against not totally insane. Kinda nuts. (edit) also wondering. Were there two styles of chest reserves (surplus) in use back then? snaplinks on the chest, or d-rings on the chest and snaplinks on the harness? I was wondering if Cooper asked for two of each, to try to ensure that he'd get some combo that would match up right, that he liked... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #5022 November 9, 2008 The photo I have attached that you claimed was made in Vietnam. I have been asking a lot of question in a lot of places - one thing they all tell me - this photo was NOT Vietnam. Two of the old veterans told me what they think the beer is - but want to be sure...I meet with them next week. Guess at their age they have to check their old pics. The trees and foliage are not Vietnam. But then maybe they were never in the part of Vietnam you claim the photo was made in. My neighbor was born and raised in Vietnam - their family is still there. I have talked to several other families - the say NOT Vietnam.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snowmman 3 #5023 November 9, 2008 Jo, I've got a question. I just posted a map above "Found in the van" that has hand printing on it. I was expecting you to say it would match the hand printing of "Toutle" on your map, and I'd have a good giggle. Why do you latch on some "likeness" you see in one picture (pulling silver), but not the hand printing "likeness" in another? Was it the beer cans? I thought that was clever at the time. Or was it the sunglasses? What's the difference? It's like I need to know if the brass spinner or the #00 red devil is better. Honestly. I can't figure it out. Those two pics were just random pics off the web. The upside is that it confirms for me why all your other "data" is bogus. Your data gathering has no credibility. Here's another pic (attached). You can see Cooper walking down the street on the left. (black pants and white shirt). Of course, it's total bullshit. I don't know what to say. I'm sorry? I am. Somehow, you don't seem to have any idea of how big the world and history is. Over 6 million tons of bombs were used by US during the Vietnam war. Almost 3x the tonnage used in WWII. Can you imagine the scale of that operation? Can you imagine how many photos exist of how many people during that era? Billboards are not postcards from giants. There are 24 letters in the alphabet. Soy Milk is not espanol. Africa is a continent. Hopefully those vets you talk to, get bought free drinks, at least. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orange1 0 #5024 November 9, 2008 Quote Secret people? Doing secret things? With secret names? Whatever. Unless you provide a name and some facts, do we guess? A non-investigation of non-facts will non-occur. The most tedious part of this whole thing has been the "I know this secret thing about something that may have possibly happened to secret people that I can't tell you about". Name a fact, a specific provable fact, with names, no speculation. Or quite complaining that everyone else doesn't drop everything and play this game and follow all these bunny trails. What he said. Is there some way we can program the above as a stock answer to the by-now-familiar broken record of "claims"? p.s. Have you seen my fish?Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #5025 November 9, 2008 QuoteQuote Is there some way we can program the above as a stock answer to the by-now-familiar broken record of "claims"? p.s. Have you seen my fish?[/reply Orange, I think anyone who can write code could come up with a Jo autoresponder. The real challenge would be to make a Jo autoposter that would take stuff randomly mined from Google and weave it into her Duane is Cooper theme. Bet you Snow and Georger could do it. Your fish? It's the one that got away. Ckret, we are all waiting for the info you teased us about. Galen, you too. Where is that book? 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Prev 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 Next Page 201 of 2578 Join the conversation You can post now and register later. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. Reply to this topic... × Pasted as rich text. Paste as plain text instead Only 75 emoji are allowed. × Your link has been automatically embedded. Display as a link instead × Your previous content has been restored. Clear editor × You cannot paste images directly. Upload or insert images from URL. Insert image from URL × Desktop Tablet Phone Submit Reply 50 50 Go To Topic Listing