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DB Cooper

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Snowmman said:


I just posted a map above "Found in the van" that has hand printing on it. I was expecting you to say it would match the hand printing of "Toutle" on your map, and I'd have a good giggle.

Sorry I saw the map but I did NOT LATCH on to it as you put it.

Snowmman said:

Why do you latch on some "likeness" you see in one picture (pulling silver), but not the hand printing "likeness" in another? Was it the beer cans? I thought that was clever at the time. Or was it the sunglasses?

It was NOT the beer cans nor the sunglasses. I didn't even see the head behind the ear the first time I looked. If I had not been reviewing some of the posts I might NEVER have noticed it.

There had been a couple of other things that you inadvertly posted which connected BACK to information I had in the beginning of my search 12 yrs ago.
:)This is why I scrutinize your posts as I do.

B|That you were baiting me to see what I would pick-up on does NOT hold water. ;)Anyone can tell from the ballistic post you made in response to my calling you OUT that you are now trying to CYA.

:oBelieve me when I say - I hesitated before I said anything in the forum regarding that picture. I questioned myself and then your reasons for your making that post. I also talked to a number of others showing them this photo before I made the response that you went ballistic over.

I am not the one who needs to explain my reactions - you do.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Wow this thread sure has taken off, do you people realize how long it took me to catch back up? And I still have not figured out why people still want to know who or what exactly happened to DB... (well I understand why the FBI guy wants to know, serious kudos will go to the guy that catches DB Im sure from the FBI bossman )

DB's our mystery, I often have long indepth conversations trying to figure out if he survived, I read , I watch , I think. If the DNA or prints doesnt match up to Duane then well its not him, the FBI yea may be smart and such but I doubt they can change Duanes DNA to NOT match a person they want to find or what not. I helped train Federal Officers at FLETC for years and never once did we have to simulate officers changing evidence to fit what they want.

And well yea I dont ever want to know who DB is, cause then I cant accuse my old timer friends of being him and joke about it, and then the fact that the bonfire talk would turn to all sex and spanking if we do not have our own mystery to fall back on
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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Snowmman you made your (Pulling Silver) post on Nov. 1 and all of you know I post on a regular basis. Yet, I did not respond in detail regarding the Pulling Silver post for 4 days. Four days of phone calls - having others look at that picture.

Your making an immediate and ballistic post to my (smoking you out) response does NOT say you calculated and searched for that picture.

I just wrote and deleted a story I made up about a mean old cock roach, but that story serves no purpose other than to hurt someone who had NO control over anything that happened yrs ago.

We are not our father nor our grandfather - and to go to such extreme measures to hide the past makes the son or his son as quilty as the grandfather.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Wow, if my math is right (most of the time it is not) you post on average 282 posts a month, I thought Snowmman had much to say at 118 a month.

Welcome to the thread, Yagerbombs!!! I guess that would be a jumpers drink. Snowmman drinks beer, he is quite funny once he "gins up."

Can't wait to see what happens once folks start Yagering up.

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Wow, if my math is right (most of the time it is not) you post on average 282 posts a month, I thought Snowmman had much to say at 118 a month.

The funny part is I have barely been on the past year as I took a skydiving sabbatical... like a FBI agent I tend to have alot of time on my hands and post. Well did, since Id say the bulk of my posts were that first year in this sport...


Welcome to the thread, Yagerbombs!!! I guess that would be a jumpers drink. Snowmman drinks beer, he is quite funny once he "gins up."

Not sure if skydivers hold the copyright to such drink but theres nothing like mixing an upper with a downer for a unique and legal buzz, yay yager


Can't wait to see what happens once folks start Yagering up.

Well if you insist...by the time you reply Ill have had one for you and for myself. However if I post drunk its only in bonfire or speakers corners if I am banned from the bonfire :|
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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:)Some thoughts:
Georger: You commented fairly recently about the oscilations when the rear stairs were open possibly being caused by the plane turning and changing the relative wind.
Not so. If the plane is being flown properly, the relative wind will always be straight. (and the g-load will be level with respect to the wings) Its called a "coordinated turn". The oscillations were confirmed a while back by Guru(?) who said he could "feel" jumpers going out the door by the pressure changes. I agree that the oscillations were from Cooper just being on the stairs.
Someone (Sluggo?) wondered why the plane took a detour around BTG VORTAC. I was taught to never fly directly over them because they are choke points where pilots are paying more attention to the instruments than out the windows. Yes, it was IFR, and under direct ATC supervision, but old habits (especially ones directly related to survival) die hard.

Parachutist magazine (Am I the only one here who reads it?) had an article (I think Nov 06 but I can't find it) on the case. It was an interview with Ralph H. and talked a bit about the flight path, but was mainly about the gear. It said that Cossey was contacted at home, but couldn't get to the DZ fast enough, so he had someone at the airport let the FBI into the hangar, and they grabbed what they (thought they) wanted. That's how the training dummy and the N6B ended up on the plane. According to the article, Cossey freaked when he saw what had been taken, and freaked worse when he found out what Cooper used.
Ckret-can you confirm how the FBI got the gear given to Cooper?

Ckret-you asked a while ago about reserve vs main reliability
I never saw an answer, so here it is.
Reserves are designed and packed to open quickly with absolute reliability, and to land reasonably well.
Mains are designed for ease of packing, softer openings, more responsive/agressive handling along with reliability. I pack my main so that it takes 600 ft or so to open. If I have to go out of the plane low, or end up low on a jump, I'm not going to screw around, I'm "pulling silver" (reserve handle is silver) and getting a canopy over my head for sure, right now. I was taught this fairly early on.

It has been speculated here by many that Cooper "knew just enough to be dangerous". I've seen that more than once. A jumper does 5 or 6 jumps, gets to freefall (10sec or so) and thinks they know all they need to know. Often end up getting hurt or seriously scared and go away, sometimes get "sent bowling" (instructor tells them that this sport isn't for them, suggests bowling would be a better choice). At that level, he would probably know about the N6B and how it differed from the Pioneer.

High speed exit, combined with wanting to jump right after takeoff (lower altitude). If it was me, I'd take the N6B over the Pioneer.

Ckret- you said all the DZs in the US were checked out. Did they look for low jump students that were sent away?

Cooper told Tina he had a grudge. How about that grudge being against the FBI/LE/govt in general. The man, the fuzz, the po-leece the, P-I- you know who I mean. He sets it up so he won't be missed if he doesn't make it, and maybe even has a new ID set up if he does. Not all that hard to disappear and become a new person back then - Look at Kathleen Soliah (the bombing chick from the SLA who got caught in MN a couple years ago-30+ years in hiding). If he makes it he wins. If he dies and doesn't get found, he wins.
Before you dismiss this, think about it a little. 37 years after the fact, and still no idea who it is. Look at what we have here.

DISCLAIMER: This is a JOKE. I have the utmost respect for you guys. Really and truly:)
You have poor Larry Carr of the FBI trolling the internet with a bunch of whacked out skydivers (I am one) and others who have nothing better to do than calculate flight paths, canopy descent paths/times, float times of bundles of money, and deterioraton of currency. (in addition to calling each other names and making Quade step in)

If that isn't beating the system, what is?

reply... Beautiful! The whole thing. Thanks for the tip. Im in, the land of red rocks and be back soon.
Good work going on here! Yep, Sluggo is still alive -
talked to him just before I left. I have this beautiful auburn haired Irish stew who wants to buy me a drink so must fly ... sorry guys!


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I have this beautiful auburn haired Irish stew who wants to buy me a drink so must fly ... sorry guys!

some redundancy in the description. Tell her you've been told you walk like a bog man. (just trying to be a wing man here)

Hey georger I was thinking of you and sand.
I was rummaging thru my collection of pics and staring at Tina. I mean Tena's Bar.

I've posted this color snaps before, but we've mostly stared at black and white photos of the money dig.

As georger seems to have been talking about tests on the money, it got me thinking about the black sand in the photos. I may not have posted all these snaps before.

One interesting thing is that the trench shown, doesn't seem to be one of the two trenches shown in the b/w photo with the backhoe. (the site 2 photo) It seems to have been dug up closer to the treeline. maybe parallel to the river.

(edit) in fact here's a mystery. The orange vested guy is clearly visible in the background of the unnumbered snap. He's in closeup in snap numbered 2.

it seems like they were digging in a wide area.

(edit) SafecrackingPLF talked about taking video of Tena Bar within the last month and talking about debris there. I thought we had a lot of photos from 1980 that got posted here of the dig (AP/UPI/CBS video) so I'm not sure there's anything we're missing...unless people can mention something? You can see the relative amount of debris (slight?) in the snaps attached. This CBS video is kind of a hassle to find.

Looking at the incline of the piled up sand at the trench dig, a soils person could probably estimate based on slump or something, something about the sand? (moisture level? or ??)

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Snowmman said:


I just posted a map above "Found in the van" that has hand printing on it. I was expecting you to say it would match the hand printing of "Toutle" on your map, and I'd have a good giggle.

Sorry I saw the map but I did NOT LATCH on to it as you put it.

Snowmman said:

Why do you latch on some "likeness" you see in one picture (pulling silver), but not the hand printing "likeness" in another? Was it the beer cans? I thought that was clever at the time. Or was it the sunglasses?

It was NOT the beer cans nor the sunglasses. I didn't even see the head behind the ear the first time I looked. If I had not been reviewing some of the posts I might NEVER have noticed it.

There had been a couple of other things that you inadvertly posted which connected BACK to information I had in the beginning of my search 12 yrs ago.
:)This is why I scrutinize your posts as I do.

B|That you were baiting me to see what I would pick-up on does NOT hold water. ;)Anyone can tell from the ballistic post you made in response to my calling you OUT that you are now trying to CYA.

:oBelieve me when I say - I hesitated before I said anything in the forum regarding that picture. I questioned myself and then your reasons for your making that post. I also talked to a number of others showing them this photo before I made the response that you went ballistic over.

I am not the one who needs to explain my reactions - you do.

"Anyone can tell"... really? I can't. Snow's explanations made a lot more sense than yours do. Sorry.

To be honest Jo, this response undermines your arguments even more - if this is the kind of thing that you base your convictions on. I am starting to think that the clerk in China has simply been baiting you too, and you have taken it all far too seriously.

In the meantime, please refer back to Happythought's post.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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whoops this is one of those inadvertent posts Jo catches me with...damn how do I turn this thing off...it's leaking info everywhere..

I just finished reading a manuscript that ends with someone buying a one way ticket with twentys and making a parachute jump...and has the phrases "not to try any funny stuff", "let's get the show on the road" and boeing, issaquah, and saigon in it. Written between '71-'73 in Nepal by a US citizen in his 40's.

Now how weird is that? Just another weird coincidence though.

I do believe the claims that everyone knew everyone in the skydiving scene in the late '60s is kinda bullshit though. A lot more people jumping than how it seems to be implied here?

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I do believe the claims that everyone knew everyone in the skydiving scene in the late '60s is kinda bullshit though. A lot more people jumping than how it seems to be implied here?

I'm not so sure. The scene would have been a lot smaller in the 60s, and if I think of SA for example - everyone either knows everyone or knows someone who does, despite the distances between DZs.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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I do believe the claims that everyone knew everyone in the skydiving scene in the late '60s is kinda bullshit though. A lot more people jumping than how it seems to be implied here?

I'm not so sure. The scene would have been a lot smaller in the 60s, and if I think of SA for example - everyone either knows everyone or knows someone who does, despite the distances between DZs.

I know I'm an outsider, and I sound like a dickhead.
But let's test it. I doubt anyone will respond for a variety of reasons. here goes:

Saigon Sport Parachute Club. Late '60s. Vietnam. Organized as a civilian club. That made it interesting because 1) it's a war zone 2) kind of an issue about civilians jumping from US military planes, right? So it's kind of interesting thinking about the jump arrangements.

They evidently did a bunch of Sikorsky (VNAF-owned?) jumps, including some US civilians. So I was thinking that all this talk about Vietnam connections being unlikely before, was B.S. since everyone is fixated on the stats on serving military, but obviously that's not the only thing to think about. (Hahneman is an obvious related example..age/contractor)

But I found one possible story of a supposed rent of a C-47 Dakota for a load. (late '60s)

So: anyone going to call bullshit on me, or say how much an hour the club paid for the Dakota?

I guess my point is: US person does necessarily mean always-US.

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To be honest Jo, this response undermines your arguments even more - if this is the kind of thing that you base your convictions on. I am starting to think that the clerk in China has simply been baiting you too, and you have taken it all far too seriously.

In the meantime, please refer back to Happythought's post.

reply ~~~~~ all shadows and dust. leveling off at 47 thousand and cant see Weber anywhere - oh what JOY!

spent some time purring around at 10 thousand
yesterday just to give myself some perspective on what choices our boy really had, clouds and all. its been a long long time since Ive had the freedom to do this and I like it. Actually, I love it. Until you
are really up here its all table talk. Forgetting the chute for a minute it comes down to winds and
skills and if he had no skills and the winds were
kvetchy (mavericky!) well, then its physics and luck,
and placement. I think our boy had less choices than table talk would suggest. The physics takes over immediately if he had no skills. shadows and dust. (trenches on the ground is pretty funny from up here if you dont mind my saying so!)

I think we have been looking at the dog from the wrong end. !


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Georger- I'm blushing.:$ Thanx for the compliment. You were talking not to long ago about nylon rope and its properties. 550 paracord isn't really nylon rope. It has a core of 5-7 strands of nylon wrapped with a woven (cotton?) outer cover. It is thin, flexible, holds knots very well, and is strong-550# test. Any good army surplus store will have it, either near you or online.

Snow- "Kludging" reserve to harness probably not possible. The attachment hardware isn't "snaplinks" (i.e. carbiners) like climbers use. I think (not sure, I'm not that old) its B-12 connectors, more like on the end of a dog leash. They are still used to attach the tandem student to the TI. Para-gear has them on their website under "hardware" on page 3. You can get your pinkie finger in them, but that's about it. Rolling up the harness strap would be way too big.
I doubt the reserve attachment differed in any major way. DZ would have to be able to attach any reserve to any main, and would keep that kind of stuff standard. Like with the B-12s, I'm not old enough to have really been there, someone who was may want to correct me (please do so) but this is my understanding.

As far as jumpers knowing one and other, there are only about 30,000 active in the US today. While we certainly don't all know each other, there usually isn't more than 2 or 3 degrees of seperation between any given jumpers. It really is a small community. That's one of the reasons I try to be polite here. I don't want to flame the person who I will be asking to join on a jump next weekend. (Quade's wrath the other reason of course);)

"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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I went thru a cbsnews video and got some more snaps. These have a little more than we've seen before.

I'll just highlight what's interesting

1) there are some manila envelopes in the evidence box in addition to the stuff we know about. Maybe they just hold the tie and stuff. (maybe the flight path map?) You can also see a closer up of the parachute cord in one snap.

2) You can see the hooks on the back of the chest reserve. They're actually relatively large.
If you look for it in the ev1 snap, you can see a close up. ev3a is fuzzier but you can see the hooks on the back. They're bigger than the modern day b-12 snap? Comparing to the rig gear page wolfriverjoe mentioned, they look like MS70121 spec links. (size-wise?) I've attached a picture of that link for comparison. (from the rig gear page)

3) ev5 is another snap of the ticket. I believe you can see the date printed on it. We've questioned this before. I believe it's in the box below the big black number 1. The 11 and 71 are visible. The 24 not so much?

(edit) oh yeah, in the audio of that recent cbsnews video, Brian offered a different description of the money find. He described it like a piece of "petrified wood". Which doesn't make any sense, but I wondered if it reinforced the idea of all 3 bundles well stuck together, independent of the crumbling rubber bands.

(edit) oh yeah, I'm assuming the bank bag in ev2 with the neck tie, is just an experiment someone was doing. Not sure if it's exactly the same as Cooper's bank bag. Be nice to know if so.

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To be honest Jo, this response undermines your arguments even more - if this is the kind of thing that you base your convictions on. I am starting to think that the clerk in China has simply been baiting you too, and you have taken it all far too seriously.

In the meantime, please refer back to Happythought's post.

Actually Jo I am just wondering about something: do you have any independent verification that this guy actually is who he says he is? Did you track him down while looking for the night clerk, or did he find you? And if he found you, how - over the internet? Do you have anything other than his say-so that he is who he says he is?
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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To be honest Jo, this response undermines your arguments even more - if this is the kind of thing that you base your convictions on. I am starting to think that the clerk in China has simply been baiting you too, and you have taken it all far too seriously.

In the meantime, please refer back to Happythought's post.

Actually Jo I am just wondering about something: do you have any independent verification that this guy actually is who he says he is? Did you track him down while looking for the night clerk, or did he find you? And if he found you, how - over the internet? Do you have anything other than his say-so that he is who he says he is?

orange1: I posted the stuff about "niteclerk" arriving on the sitcoms forum Jo posted to.

Jo also posted an email from the supposed night clerk (possibly a different person) to this forum.

I just noticed that that email was prefaced with the name Jo used on the suite101 forum "homes4ubyjo"

So this night clerk person or person(s) has a number of arrivals.

It would be real interesting to understand the details of "first contact". It's interesting even as a SETI like event...i.e. Jo claims all these contacts from strange people.

She says the first contact with night clerk was by phone..but then the phone number was no longer good.

I always wondered if all email/post contacts arrived "after" she posted details of the phone contact with night clerk or what...Or how she verified all the various contacts were the same person.

Here's her prior post on DZ showing (a) "night clerk" must have emailed her based on her suite101 stuff.
(edit) Why is a night clerk bragging about "been there-done that" ? extreme-night-clerking?

(edit) with this post she also mentioned a phone call from china (unknown how verified). The initial phone calls, with the guy and his wife, apparently were not from China though. Not clear if the wife is still around with the new night clerk or what.

(edit) I just noticed the date was 1/17/2008 on the received email. That's odd when coupled with "HOMES4UBYJO" since she had left suite101 and migrated here by then. Did Jo fake it or did she really get it with her old name, on that date?? confirmed: Homes4ubyjo at aol.com. Was it still active in 2008?

Jo posted on June 7, 2008 at 12:51 AM, the following:

Date: 1/17/2008 9:12:52 PM Central Standard Time


Dear Jo, I enjoy reading the excerpts from skeptics who were not there to give 'credence' to matters they have no first hand knowledge of. There was a registration card signed by " D B Cooper ". The name on that card was "------------" . I may have been only a 27 year old at that time but I still have a very good memory of that incident because of the 'questioning' that I received by the investigators involved that following evening when I came to work. My mind is as good now as it was then because I have kept it that way. I support you in your quest and have seen nothing as yet to doubt or question your evidence or my belief in that evidence as related to the facts as I know them to be true! I am not one for euphemisms as you know, however you can tell these non-believers that unless they have "been there-done that" they are just spreading their lies ,they know nothing, and they can go to hell! With my best wishes for your success,yours truly --------.

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Date: 1/17/2008 9:12:52 PM Central Standard Time


Dear Jo,

snip ...

My mind is as good now as it was then because I have kept it that way.

Isn't that the same line Jo is always using?

"I'm not lost. I don't know where I'm going, but there's no sense in being late."
Mathew Quigley

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Why suddenly are you guys harping on the night clerk?

You all know what going public means to a career and someone's health, but then maybe you don't care. The FBI cannot say anything if he did come forward. They have to verify anything a witness states or they face consequences. Should the FBI damage a man's career or well being by revealing any statement given to them as a witness without his written and expressed acknowledgement they could be held liable.

This is the very reason other individuals who may know something DO not come forward. Fear of being ridiculed by not only the FBI, but the media.

One good example is our recent Presidential campaign.

More than one person has contacted me in regards to having met or known Weber or Cooper.
There has only been one night clerk...and he is REAL.

Want to talk about the man who claimed have been in jail with Cooper/Colllins in OR.?

Want to talk about a man who claims he was part of a CIA subversive operation?

This is just a sampling of individuals who have spoke with me and NOT the FBI. Because the FBI doesn't have the time or the money - or won't listen. At least I listen, but I verify and verify and most times I dismiss the claim as "Hog Wash".

Some of the claims seem so "delusional" that it is easy, but then there comes along that one you know is real. In one case, I dismissed the man as a NUT, but there was a truth to his story I couldn't make go away and have not been able to dismiss, nor do I attempt to do so...I just accept that he "did" know Duane in some way because of something he told me.

One individual came to me with a story that I know is true. Duane Weber caused a lot of pain and heartache in the lives of some of the people whose lives he passed thru. The man you would meet with the winning smile - had a secret side to him. He was generous and giving and loving, but the other side of him was sad and angry and calculating.

Duane's personality was sometimes childlike. His look of glee when he knew he just did something good - a grin you will never forget. If he was angry that lower lip was an unforgiving and angry looking pout.

Good judgement is something that is acquired...or required. This is the only thing that explains our 17 yr marriage.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I have watch this thread for some time now.
At first I found it to be entertaining and somewhat informative.
For the last couple months however I find it has been nothing more then rehashing the same old stuff, and has lost any entertainment or informative value.

Not directed at you Jo, but to almost the entire population of this thread, has any one actuall got somehing NEW to say, or does anyone actually feel they are getting any closer to what ever it is they think they are going to get from this exercise?
Watch my video Fat Women

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(edited for space)I have watch this thread for some time now.
Has any one actually got somehing NEW to say, or does anyone actually feel they are getting any closer to whatever it is they think they are going to get from this exercise?

The FBI claims they have new "evidence' they are suppose to present. I have new "whatever" but that depends on the actions of the FBI.

I believe that is what everyone is hanging around for and like myself using repetive information and or rebuttals.

If the FBI doesn't look at the things I and others (not on this forum) have disclosed to them recently - we have a course of action in motion right now. The results of this action could end my search in the negative - but, at least it will be over...I will have done everything I could do....

If what I am going to do produces more circumstancial evidence - how will the FBI explain that away? We may not put Duane on the plane or in the chute...but, we will do the next best thing.

If Duane Weber was not Cooper he sure as H--- knew who was.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Come on Georger. With your tech skills you could make Duane or Cooper toast. Jesus toast is like so yesterday.

Hey, how about USB interfaced toaster printers that could burn a jpg image into a slice of bread? HP, are you listening?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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