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377 22
QuoteI thought an Elk Club was a weapon used by Sara Palin.
That is a good one. This is the first election I felt there were no real options - I thought about doing a write-in, but I didn't.
Economics and politics need to be required classes and not electives.
Considering that most individuals after deductions do NOT make over 50K (depending on their location) just where does our president elect think the money comes from to run this USA?
Orange1 0
QuoteQuoteI thought an Elk Club was a weapon used by Sara Palin.
That is a good one. This is the first election I felt there were no real options - I thought about doing a write-in, but I didn't.
Economics and politics need to be required classes and not electives.
Considering that most individuals after deductions do NOT make over 50K (depending on their location) just where does our president elect think the money comes from to run this USA?
Elk club

I agree economics should be required. Maybe the president-elect thinks if he can do something to reverse the Bush policies that turned the US's fiscal balance from a nice surplus to a large deficit (the war a biggie here obviously but also the various tax breaks), there would again be plenty of money to run the USA. This seems to be pretty common sense to me (and most economists judging by what I have read, and believe me, I get a lot of good economic research).
By the way, in most countries with a progressive tax system (that is where you pay a higher % of your income as tax, the more you earn), the bulk of tax revenue actually comes from a relatively small % of taxpayers at the top of the tree. I don't know exactly what the US tax rates are, but the following example should illustrate the point:
Say you are taxed at 10% of income up to $50K, 15% at $51K-$999K, and 20% of income after $1m. You have 100 people earning $50K paying 10% tax each, the govt gets $500K tax. You have 1 person earning $5m, taxed at 20%, the govt gets $1m tax from him - in other words twice as much from this one individual as the next 100 put together. If you really want me to dig I am quite sure I can get hold of the tax incidence data for the US to get the exact proportions. But in simple terms, this is why taxing the rich works (just don't tax them so much that they move elsewhere

Should we get back to DB Cooper now?
georger 247
QuoteQuoteQuoteI thought an Elk Club was a weapon used by Sara Palin.
That is a good one. This is the first election I felt there were no real options - I thought about doing a write-in, but I didn't.
Economics and politics need to be required classes and not electives.
Considering that most individuals after deductions do NOT make over 50K (depending on their location) just where does our president elect think the money comes from to run this USA?
Elk club
I agree economics should be required. Maybe the president-elect thinks if he can do something to reverse the Bush policies that turned the US's fiscal balance from a nice surplus to a large deficit (the war a biggie here obviously but also the various tax breaks), there would again be plenty of money to run the USA. This seems to be pretty common sense to me (and most economists judging by what I have read, and believe me, I get a lot of good economic research).
By the way, in most countries with a progressive tax system (that is where you pay a higher % of your income as tax, the more you earn), the bulk of tax revenue actually comes from a relatively small % of taxpayers at the top of the tree. I don't know exactly what the US tax rates are, but the following example should illustrate the point:
Say you are taxed at 10% of income up to $50K, 15% at $51K-$999K, and 20% of income after $1m. You have 100 people earning $50K paying 10% tax each, the govt gets $500K tax. You have 1 person earning $5m, taxed at 20%, the govt gets $1m tax from him - in other words twice as much from this one individual as the next 100 put together. If you really want me to dig I am quite sure I can get hold of the tax incidence data for the US to get the exact proportions. But in simple terms, this is why taxing the rich works (just don't tax them so much that they move elsewhere)
Should we get back to DB Cooper now?
Economics? This has nothing to do with economics,
any more than rocks think about nuclear physics.
A simple IQ test and Stanford Benet would help
just to make sure we are selecting people in the
same species.
Think about it: Cooper tapped the Hedge Fund
and we have been investing to make up the loss ever since. 'Man is a superficially rational animal'
That said, nothing in or about this case can violate
the basic Conservation laws. Not even Sluggo or
Jo! That defines Cooper right there. Work within
those limits .... ?
Orange1 0
QuoteQuoteUnhinged as you may be that is an interesting observation... in light of the previous discussion about whether Cooper wanted to see the lights of Portland when he jumped. May swing us back again towards looking for an experienced jumper?
Doesn't take a jumper - just common sense.
OK, point taken.
Common sense also implies Cooper surely would have had a plan that didn't involve leaving the bulk of his takings behind in a bucket for years?
377 22
QuoteThat said, nothing in or about this case can violate
the basic Conservation laws. Not even Sluggo or
Jo! That defines Cooper right there. Work within
those limits .... ?
What the heck are you talking about - Basic Conservation Laws?
Rember my roots are Blonde.
Ckret 0
Someone wrote in an earlier post that Cooper had “Pills,” that’s not in any of the interviews that I have read. Did I miss something that you super sluthes found or did i not read the post correctly?
Such as the composite used by Cook which has been modified. A few yrs. no one will remember what the unmodified composite looked like.
snowmman 3
QuoteSluggo, welcome back, or are you just making a guest appearance?
Someone wrote in an earlier post that Cooper had “Pills,” that’s not in any of the interviews that I have read. Did I miss something that you super sluthes found or did i not read the post correctly?
1) There is no such thing as misinformation or myths in the Cooper case. It is all misinformation. All we're doing is sorting thru stuff and deciding if today we think something is better or worse misinformation.
2) The pills thing was initially from way back in the Tosaw book. You discounted at the time saying it was literary license. I accepted that and moved on. It's kind of weird that you discounted it before checking and now you checked, but whatever.
3) Jo takes pills for we don't know what reason and sometimes sounds loopy. Some of us take beer for probably pretty close to the same reason. Not sure how well disguised our loopiness is, in comparison to Jo, though.
4) Yeah you missed something. You didn't answer my question with your name in the subject.
There are no facts in this case.
Hey, I've been looking at the brown/black bill issue more from video snaps and things. I was very confused about the black bills, because the 1980 green table photos don't show any black bills. I was thinking they must be bottom-of-bundle.
Another photo showed some slightly brown tops. unknown date. The bills had been separated into singles. Not in the paper folders ..plastic bag? or some kind of pile.
But the latest video snap (from 2008) shows that the brown/black bills (at least two) are top faces (I think). I wonder if they browned while in FBI possession?
I had posited that if the black bills were one-sided black, and they were all face or all bottom, that statistically that would be odd for 3 bundles flipped on the beach.
like 3 coin tosses, and the bundles landing the same way...assuming the effect that caused the brown/black was unidirectional in some way...since other bills were white...maybe sun, sand or ?? exposure...
Also: there were more black bills in 1986 when the insurance/ingram/lawyer/fbi split them up..there were 3 more black bills there. So if they browned after discovery, it happened in the 1980-1986 period. (edit) and who got the rest of the black bills? Brian? Didn't see any black ones in the auction. Does he still have some? or ???
Or: I was wondering about the idea of more bills found during the dig. The 12 bundle green table shot was taken immediately after Ingrams reported it, if I got my dates right. The money dig then happened for a couple days after it. So, it's possible fragments found during the money dig were not on the green table shots.
Oh I found one fact.
The guy who sold me tires today. His name was Cooper. File it.
377 22
QuoteThere is no such thing as misinformation or myths in the Cooper case. It is all misinformation
Is that really true Snowmman? I think we have some solid facts about the parachute gear.
I emailed Galen Cook to ask him when his book was coming out. You can find an email address by Googling his name. Who knows, he might answer, but I doubt it.
A big welcome back to Sluggo, and to Jo too even though she wasn't gone for more than a second.
Where is Safecrackin PLF?
What is up with the science dream team money analysis?
American Legion vs BPOE? (Elks)
The American Legion had their 48th annual convention in Washington D.C in 1966. They expected to draw 50,000 so it was a big deal. Someone might travel cross country for it.
It was at the end of August. They had a big parade.
Duane was a vet? so maybe that aligns. Who knows.
President Johnson gave a speech at the 1966 convention, on Aug 30, on patriotism.
"Make no mistake about the character of this war. Our adversaries have done us at least one great service: They have described this war for what it is--in unmistakable terms. It is meant to be the opening salvo in a series of bombardments, or, as they are called in Peking, 'wars of liberation.'
"And if it succeeds in South Viet-Nam, then, as Marshal Lin Piao says, 'The people in other parts of the world will see . . . that what the Vietnamese people can do, they can do, too.'"
Source: The Pentagon Papers, Gravel Edition, Volume 4, (Boston: Beacon Press, 1971), pp. 658-659.
full speech?:
Bainbridge: "Now we are all sons of bitches"
Just noticed that the American Legion approved Vietnam vets for admission, at the 1966 convention.
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