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snowmman 3
In fact, if he had asked for hundreds it would have all fit in the reserve container which he could have securely clipped to the webbing of the NB6 harness
He tasks me! And I shall have him. I'll chase him round the moons of Nibia and round the Antares maelstrom and round perdition's flames before I give him up.
Ckret: I was probing this issue of clipping the belly reserve to the webbing of the NB6. No one backed me up on it. Do you have data? Have you tried it. It would be very interesting to know this detail for sure. I have no idea.
Ckret 0
I think it is the only logical conclusion one can make. He grabbed the NB6 because it is what he knew. When he realized there were no D rings, he clipped the belly reserve to the webbing because it was his only choice.
There was no need to dismantle the second belly reserve for parts, he already had one open and cut apart. He already had tied off the money bag, so the money was secured and ready to go. The only use of the extra reserve had to be for its intended purpose. When he realized his only choice was the webbing that’s what he did.
shredder 0
Lol! Thank you for tirelessly answering the same questions over and over again. So $200,000 in $100 bills only weighs 4 pounds? Hmm... I will keep this in mind when I win the lottery.
377 22
In fact, if he had asked for hundreds it would have all fit in the reserve container which he could have securely clipped to the webbing of the NB6 harness
He tasks me! And I shall have him. I'll chase him round the moons of Nibia and round the Antares maelstrom and round perdition's flames before I give him up.
Ckret: I was probing this issue of clipping the belly reserve to the webbing of the NB6. No one backed me up on it. Do you have data? Have you tried it. It would be very interesting to know this detail for sure. I have no idea.
Riggers will have to chime in here, but I just tried snapping my surplus belly reserve to main harness webbing and the reserve snaps are way too small to accommodate the webbing even if you fold it. Try as I might there was no way to snap the reserve to the main webbing. RIGGERS? Can it be done?
snowmman 3
Riggers will have to chime in here, but I just tried snapping my surplus belly reserve to main harness webbing and the reserve snaps are way too small to accommodate the webbing even if you fold it. Try as I might there was no way to snap the reserve to the main webbing. RIGGERS? Can it be done?
I posted some snaps before that showed (mostly) the big hooks on the chest reserve Ckret has. I guessed at the hardware. They were larger than what Wolf said were B-12 size. Do you have a link to a picture of the size snap you tested with? I'm wondering if they're smaller than Ckret's.
I'll try attaching the snaps again.
(edit) ev1 has hook in mid-upper left
ev3a is fuzzy but you can see bottom of reserve and hooks.
ms70121 was my guess at the spec for the link based on 71 timeframe chest? and from the photo. Would be nice if someone could just say which hook is probably there.
(edit) b-12 snap added for comparison
377 22
Wouldn't be too hard to tie the snaps to the webbing with parachute cord.
All the belly reserves I jumped had the same small snaps.
Once snapped to the reserve D rings on the main harness there wasn't much room left in the snap which tell you how small they were.
QuoteQuoteRemember ZING. He used to post till the moderator kicked him out, but he wasn't a bad guy - it was just a misunderstanding and he was defending me...I felt like it was my fault.
I kept in touch with him by phone every few months but have not been able to reach him for a 2 or 3 months. I just got an email. He is not well and I know that some of you must know him personally so I am sure he would love to hear from you.
Couldn't we talk Quade to letting him back in the forum - ZING has told me in the past how much he misses it. I miss him and I never met him, but I consider him a friend.
What happen to Zing?
Hope nothing serious, rumors of his demise have been circulation for YEARS!
Rumour has it that he had a heart attack.
In fact, if he had asked for hundreds it would have all fit in the reserve container which he could have securely clipped to the webbing of the NB6 harness
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