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georger 247
As a theory, if we printed out all 6,000 posts from this thread
and gave it to Galen Cook (or similar), he might find something
that we have missed and use his own resources (investigators)
to figure this out.
Cook (or others) might follow up on leads that are far too
shallow to interest the FBI.
That is the goal, right? Who cares if he writes a book?
Everyone is ok with the FBI solving the case, so why not Cook?
If Cook did prove that Duane was DBC, Jo could go on
the talk show circuit and such.
Why in the Hell would he want to prove Duane was Cooper he has his own suspect. As for talk show circuits and such - I have absolutely no interest. You know that I turned down a recent offer - I refused to particpate other than to provide information.
As for hiding evidence - seems like the FBI is the one keeping evidence secret. The night clerk went to the FBI - we cannot make the FBI investigate or search for the registration. Why go on a TV program if the FBI only intends discredit you in the public eye.
You posted this above at 7:04. At 6:43 you said:
"I have nothing more to say regarding the FBI file or Carr."
Duhhhhhhhhhhh. How many Jo's does it take to change a light bulb?
snowmman 3
I have nothing more to say regarding the FBI file or Carr.
I don't understand.
First Jo wants to see the FBI files for "truth"
Then she says she knows something about the FBI file.
Does anyone even know if Jo is woman or a man?
Is she just jerking us around?
Do I have to hack into her machine too?
Now there is no truth to the rumor that a log file with IP addresses of everyone lurking at was accidently dumped in the recycle bin, and the addresses extracted thru the search bug feature I noted, over a period of 1000 hours using a rack of 50 1U servers. Because if you had those ip addresses, and knew someone in Estonia with no morals, and if there were any bugs in the Windows operating system, then there'd be a lot of new data for sale!
Orange1 0
I am not attacking Ckret -
Sorry Jo, that is just a bald-faced lie. There are PLENTY of posts in which you have done exactly that, posts which have left a number of us even wondering why you haven't been banned for PAs.
Orange1 0
This man puts Duane in the area - WA, OR, ID and Alaska - in association with planes and helicopters - it may not mean jumping, but something else said might indicate this.
I have NEVER offered this as proof, but feel the proof lies within his relationship to this man and what they did.
So you are admitting that you have absolutely no backup, no evidence, no proof, no nothing for the following statement that you made:
... he and Duane were in WA and OR and ID together...JUMPING.
Orange1 0
The night clerk went to the FBI - we cannot make the FBI investigate or search for the registration. Why go on a TV program if the FBI only intends discredit you in the public eye.
Ckret has already searched for documentation on the registration and not found anything. Do you bother to absorb anything on this forum that doesn't fit in with your view? (no, don't bother answering that one.)
And Jo, can you explain how and why you are so certain the FBI would discredit your clerk? The only "discrediting" I can see happening would be if they could prove the clerk wasn't who he said he was, or is otherwise lying about something he says about the case. I am still of the conviction that this "night clerk" is jerking your chain for whatever reason of his own.
snowmman 3
Jo pointed out a while back to me that some people gang up on her repeatedly.
You seem to? why is that? Most people just ignore her.
Why do you jump on her so much?
(edit) Just realized I need to defend myself. I "think" I only jump on her when she says something new that I want to dissect. I then do try to slice her as much as needed to understand what she's saying. But I don't repeat? I think?
377 22
I did not like and it was NOT ethical for CARR in representation of the FBI to put Duane's history on the thread when this had NEVER been made available to me after repeated requests (I have an emails to the FBI noting I did not have those records prior to his posting that information).
Might not have been considerate Jo, but hardly unethical. Convictions and sentences are public records! Besides, it wasn't intentional and Ckret even apologized. Just because you choose to ignore the past acts of those you love, you cannot reasonably expect everyone else to keep their heads in the sand. Duane was a criminal, there were victims, harm was done.
It shows the rest of the passengers getting off the plane.
There are 3 male passengers wearing suits, with skinny
black ties, and hats. It seemed to me that any one of
those men matched the DBC attire on that day.
Realistically, I could walk into any hotel today, in Tampa,
and show the sketch to a desk clerk. I guarantee that
each clerk would remember at least one guest who fit the
physical description.
For that matter, at one point, I was 40 years old,
about 5'11" and 180 lbs, an engineer, and a skydiver.
(But not in 1971)
So, if the desk clerk exists, or not, he probably remembered
12 people that next day.
Value? If 30 years ago, the FBI had put a warm body in a lineup, then it would be worth something.
snowmman 3
Date: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: victor turay
To: ...
Dear Sir,
My name is Dr Victor Turay, the manager of bill and exchange at the foreign remittance department of Bank of Africa (BOA) Abidjan Cote d' Ivoire.I came to know of you in my search for a reliable and reputable person to handle a very confidential transaction that involves the transfer of a huge sum of money to a foreign account.
In my department we discovered an abandoned sum of US$174,000 (One Hundred Seventy Four Thousand U.S Dollars) . In a dormant account that belongs to one of our foreign client who died in a 727 plane hijack in the year 1971 in the USA that almost took the whole life of the pasengeres on board.
Since we got information about his death, we have been expecting his next of kin or some body with complete information about the account to come over and claim his money. Because the money can not be released, unless somebody applies for it as next of kin or relation to the deceased with complete data of the account, as indicated in our banking guidelines. But uptill now nobody has come up as his next of kin to claim the fund, which means that the next of kin also died leaving no body behind for the claim.
It is therefore upon this discovery that I and other officials in my department that knows about the fund,decided to make this businness proposal to you for you to present your self as the next of kin or relation to the deceased and apply for the transfer of the money into your nominated foreign account for subsequent disbursement. Since nobody is coming for it and we don't want this money to go into the Bank treasury as unclaimed Bill. The banking law and guideline here stipulates that if such money remained unclamed after three years, the money will be transfered into the Bank treasury account as unclaimed fund.
The need of a foreigner as next of kin in this transaction is due to the fact that the client involved was a foreigner and an Ivoirean can not stand in as next of kin to a foreigner. You will be given 30% for your assitance and effort at the end of the transfer, after removing any expences incured by both party if any.
Modalities have been worked out at the highest levels for the immediate transfer of the funds within 14 working days to your nominated account. Subject to your satisfaction of the above stated terms. Our assurance is that your role and the transaction is risk free, as all modalities has been in place for the transfer.
If you can handle this project. Please get back to me through my e-mail address for more details on what you are to do.Mind you that this transaction requires the highest mutual trust and absolute secrecy. Please indicate your private telephone number where I can always reach.
Yours sincerely,
snowmman 3
There is a YouTube link that involves Cronkite.
It shows the rest of the passengers getting off the plane.
There are 3 male passengers wearing suits, with skinny
black ties, and hats. It seemed to me that any one of
those men matched the DBC attire on that day.
I had posted a collage of EVERYONE that was visible in that clip before. It's attached again.
Are you sure there are 3? which? I don't see any that match the cooper description. (i've numbered them for easy reference)
You can't just look at attire. You have to look at hair, age, height and weight. Skin color and eyes if you can.
Can you redo your 3 count using the attached collage? Which of them match the Cooper physical description in your view?
Thanks. I'm asking because I've heard that "everyone looked like Cooper" a lot. I think that's just myth?
Orange1 0
Jo pointed out a while back to me that some people gang up on her repeatedly.
You seem to? why is that? Most people just ignore her.
Why do you jump on her so much?
(edit) Just realized I need to defend myself. I "think" I only jump on her when she says something new that I want to dissect. I then do try to slice her as much as needed to understand what she's saying. But I don't repeat? I think?
If you look at my "history" of this you'll see it goes in cycles. I really should go back to just ignoring her, which I did for a long time. But the outright LIE about not attacking Ckret got my goat. I also wonder if not responding to her many preposrerous claims makes her think people believe them, and encourages her? The "jumping on her" is mainly an attempt to try make her see some sense but I guess I should realise it's futile. I really do feel sorry for her and think she should get on with her life rather than spending the rest of it caught up in this delusion, but I guess it's going to take a lot more than pointing out her many inconsistencies in an internet forum to do that.
btw: if she could properly counter any of the points, she probably wouldn't see it as ganging up on her either fact if she could properly back up her argument a lot of people here, myself included and from what Ckret and others have said them too, would happily encourage & support her (as I did in fact do way back when, before I realised that she had basically nothing but flights of fancy). She has a Duane agenda, I think most of the rest of us just want to know who it was - Duane, whoever, doesn't matter as long as we see some actual evidence.
georger 247
Okay I have some information for discussion.
Repeatedly people have implied the C-9 28' in a NB-6 was some kind of death pull for a novice. That it was like some "special deal" Cossey did. I already provided info that suggests the right hand outboard pull may have been not just a "Cossey special"...So I got curious about the C-9 in a NB-6.
I've repeatedly found NB-6's for sale on ebay with 28' canopies. That's when I realized we have to understand the year and manufacturer also.
Reply> when you posted Paracor ads I also looked around and found many NB6's with 28' canopies,
which puzzled me. Didnt report it here but it seemed
odd. Cossey seemed to make it seem special?
By example for both, the NB-6 on Sluggo's site appears to be of a 1995 vintage....I think it matches a 1995 manufactured NB-6 (for instance the purple webbing loops are a giveaway...colored webbing like that is fairly modern)
So Sluggo's NB-6 is not what Cooper's NB-6 looked like.
This is important for estimating, say, whether the chest reserve hooks could be clipped on the harness somehow.
I've got a collection now of photos of NB8's (mostly) from 1959 etc. Not many, but some.
But it makes me believe early NB-6 models had lighter weight webbing on the straps.
If I see a couple of NB-6's on ebay with 28' canopies, what does that mean? Are they modern canopies with lighter weight nylon (less volume)? What years were people talking about when they were going on about hard pull before anyhow?
Isn't this whole "hard pull" discussion pretty absent of hard facts?
Reply> If I am correct it was Cossey who started the
"hard pull" story. Without that it never would have come up. Somebody (here? earlier this year) who
knew Cossey came back to explain what hard pull
meant. I distinctly remember him being surprised
Cossey would pack a chute in this manner excpt
for Cossey's own personal use (which I gather is exactly what Cossey said the chute for for), but
the person went on to explain hard pull meant the
out and up two step operation.....
Everything about hard pull has followed from Cossey's original citation for his NB6 chute given
Cooper. (Cossey has reportedly said more about this whole episode but I will not repeat what Ive
heard or read, because its second hand...)
georger 247
I have nothing more to say regarding the FBI file or Carr.
I don't understand.
First Jo wants to see the FBI files for "truth"
Then she says she knows something about the FBI file.
Does anyone even know if Jo is woman or a man?
Is she just jerking us around?
Do I have to hack into her machine too?
Now there is no truth to the rumor that a log file with IP addresses of everyone lurking at was accidently dumped in the recycle bin, and the addresses extracted thru the search bug feature I noted, over a period of 1000 hours using a rack of 50 1U servers. Because if you had those ip addresses, and knew someone in Estonia with no morals, and if there were any bugs in the Windows operating system, then there'd be a lot of new data for sale!
Jo could be a disinformation effort, or is it:
dysinformation. Im really confused about my dysim
vs dissiym. All Binyaniym!
The reason I say this is the "bot" keeps generating the same message, almost verbatum. If I say
"cat" it says "meow". If I say "Ckret" it says "damned FBI cant find its own ass and all liars". If I said "Santa Claus" what do you 'spose
it would come back with: "Ckret has claws." ?
Hmmm. Going to have to think about that and do
a few Turing calculations. Must be an error in Church,
or even Lobochevits! Nope its a Madison error!
We are screwed. This damned Bot cant resolve the
three-space problem. Clear the decks. Florida, if thats really where the bot is is about to sink!
georger 247
There is a YouTube link that involves Cronkite.
It shows the rest of the passengers getting off the plane.
There are 3 male passengers wearing suits, with skinny
black ties, and hats. It seemed to me that any one of
those men matched the DBC attire on that day.
Realistically, I could walk into any hotel today, in Tampa,
and show the sketch to a desk clerk. I guarantee that
each clerk would remember at least one guest who fit the
physical description.
For that matter, at one point, I was 40 years old,
about 5'11" and 180 lbs, an engineer, and a skydiver.
(But not in 1971)
So, if the desk clerk exists, or not, he probably remembered
12 people that next day.
Value? If 30 years ago, the FBI had put a warm body in a lineup, then it would be worth something.
Or the CBS video of Oswald being brought out -
room full of suits. My thought exactly.
georger 247
Jo pointed out a while back to me that some people gang up on her repeatedly.
You seem to? why is that? Most people just ignore her.
Why do you jump on her so much?
(edit) Just realized I need to defend myself. I "think" I only jump on her when she says something new that I want to dissect. I then do try to slice her as much as needed to understand what she's saying. But I don't repeat? I think?
If you look at my "history" of this you'll see it goes in cycles. I really should go back to just ignoring her, which I did for a long time. But the outright LIE about not attacking Ckret got my goat. I also wonder if not responding to her many preposrerous claims makes her think people believe them, and encourages her? The "jumping on her" is mainly an attempt to try make her see some sense but I guess I should realise it's futile. I really do feel sorry for her and think she should get on with her life rather than spending the rest of it caught up in this delusion, but I guess it's going to take a lot more than pointing out her many inconsistencies in an internet forum to do that.
btw: if she could properly counter any of the points, she probably wouldn't see it as ganging up on her either fact if she could properly back up her argument a lot of people here, myself included and from what Ckret and others have said them too, would happily encourage & support her (as I did in fact do way back when, before I realised that she had basically nothing but flights of fancy). She has a Duane agenda, I think most of the rest of us just want to know who it was - Duane, whoever, doesn't matter as long as we see some actual evidence.
Reply> Remember when Hadden explains you have
to bend the images up and connect them to get
the primer code - in Contact. Because the Vegans
see and think in 3 dimensions or more? This is a
similar case. You have to add two more dimensions.
Good luck -
snowmman 3
Hmmm. Going to have to think about that and do
a few Turing calculations. Must be an error in Church,
or even Lobochevits! Nope its a Madison error!
We are screwed. This damned Bot cant resolve the
three-space problem. Clear the decks. Florida, if thats really where the bot is is about to sink!
The problem with people analyzing for Turing, is they assume the desired result is somehow to mirror the people they know. Let's call that "The High End Error". That shouldn't be the Turing goal. The Turing goal should be "can some desired outcome be achieved that wouldn't have been achieved without the Turing machine?"
With humans, most communication is done to achieve more communication...i.e. keep the engine going as 377 pointed out, the only rational poster on this thread.
So the maddening thing for this thread, is that the bot is successful as long as the thread continues with more than one poster.
Now on the other hand, if there is a goal of finding Cooper....and this thread's contribution is thru information maximization, then a successful strategy is any that creates new information. Information sits, and isn't useful sitting. It needs to be made to rise up and march into the collection.
The only currency here is information. And it's unclear what information is relevant or correct. We have not liars, but non-liars with potentially bad information. Or missing information.
Since the only currency is information, any information held should be used to gain more information. That's the only rational behavior. Whether private or public.
Theoretically, at some point, there will be enough information, potentially not all held by one party, that causes Cooper to be "discovered". This doesn't require all information to be correct, or public, or minimal. Ckret argues that there is a minimality goal, i.e. avoidance of noise. But that is only correct if it's known what collection of information is needed.
For this Cooper thing, the avoidance of noise will work against the primary goal. That's reasonably assumed because of the non-finding of Cooper for 37 years.
In short: maximization of information is the only rational goal. All other goals for this thread work against finding Cooper.
Arecibo is one theoretical solution to a problem.
Ten million amateur astonomers is another. Both have successes. The thing is, the amateur solution scales up more rapidly with advances in technology/knowledge. Takes advantage of certain "freenesses"
(edit) re Contact: Palmer gives Ellie a compass "so she won't lose her way". The question is, was the compass needed? Unclear.
bozo 0
Anybody want to take bets ?
Pain is fleeting. Glory lasts forever. Chicks dig scars.
Dont you just love that word dys-functional. First saw
it in print in the 1980's. Either People's Magazine or
some Time article on terrorism. Why dys- and not
dis- ? Must be something in Olde Englisch that
before a fricative "f" any negation "eithe requireth"
"y" as in whye? Y's arent vowels exactly. So you can't actual negate a relational non-mass noun beginning in a fricative. ? Hmmmm.
This is all for Sluggo's benefit!
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