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DB Cooper

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Jerry Stated:

Duanes best friend live's just outside of Atlanta Georgia. When I talked to him a few years ago he told me there was no way Duane could be cooper Because he had too many health problems. And He Had sold insurance policys with Duane for many years. He also stated that Duane Was interested in the cooper case because of Mc Coy.

This man did not tell Jerry that Duane had too many health problems to be Cooper....the pictures of that time say he was in good physcial condition and according to the wife - he was in great physical shape. He was doing a LOT of swimming - and you could see this in the pictures.

Duane even mentioned McCoy to me - pointing out shortly after we moved to Virgina Beach where McCoy was shot. It was during those days he mentioned feeling responsible for the death of another person because of something he did. This is way before I had any knowledge regarding Duane's background. He never explained that statement.

Since it was said to me I can believe he shared his feelings with his insuance buddy - they traveled together and worked together off and on. This time period would have been right.

Duane's interest in McCoy was the burden of quilt. Duane felt responsible for McCoy's death because he set the example. Perhaps this might explain Duane changing his life so drastically.

Alcohol and Guilt make poor roommates!

I have told the McCoy story in Unsolved Mysteries and maybe in 101. I was unaware that Duane had ever said anything about this to anyone else. I have not been able to reach his friend because he is traveling right now. We will talk when he returns home.

PS:, How would you guys feel if someone was offering perfect strangers your phone number on the internet? Obviously I must have provide the number to Himmelsbach or Jerry, but would have asked the friend for his permission to do so. His number was not maant to be public infomation and I am sure he will not appreciate this.

Who is Brian Allen and why would he be calling anyone regarding Weber?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Interesting ideas Georger. maybe Duane was on a DBC treasure hunt. I had thought Duane might have been learning all about DBC to do a con or sting, posing as someone who had access to the loot.


From everything Jo has said, it appears Duane's
active crime years were closed or had ended and
he had turned over a new leaf. His increasing years
fit with that profile. But he may have still been looking for easy money, or an easy find, and it
wouldnt surprise me at all if he discussed some
of this with his personal friends?
- - - - -
On another matter, going back to the flight path.
If Bohan and his Continental flight were actually
'behind sand above' 305, wouldn't knowing the
flight path of that Continental flight shed light
on where 305 had to be?

We never did nail down Bohan's flight path and
it was a standard Continental route?

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Duane threw money into the Columbia (just like
Tom Kaye has). He wrote something on the packet
with a magic marker (Jo says), just as Tom wrote on
his packets.

Georger, :( do not recall having said Duane wrote anything on the sack. As far as I know he did not.

ALSO: I have been very busy today - I went to Pensacola with the book and your instructions . Two different parties told me they do not have this equipment and said it would only show a watermark or prints. I am not sure they understood what I was looking for as they sell coins and deal little in paper money or old books.
:):D because that is what I am trying to avoid and the FBI doesn't even care.

Hmmm that is a surprise because most good
paper money and stamp dealers DO have UV
lamps etc, they use in the course of their work -

But you did say the cover is rough. The roughness may preclude getting much of an imprint from.

^^^^^ On the money pack I thought you said
you gave Duane a magic marker and he put a message on the bundle? That you gave him rubber bands and then he wanted to put a message also\
but all you could find was a magic marker .???
I suppose I can go back and search old posts ....

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Jo I never Pm you. the first pm I ever made was to Paul Quade . This is fact not like the fiction you continue to post I would call you a word that would insuate a fictious person but if I did I would Be droped from this forum. How you can call me a lier and still be able to post . is beyound me The only word I ever used was (fool) and that is what got me kicked off. So if your name is Jerry Thomas you have to be very carefull of what you post.

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Jo I never Pm you. the first pm I ever made was to Paul Quade . This is fact not like the fiction you continue to post I would call you a word that would insuate a fictious person but if I did I would Be droped from this forum. How you can call me a lier and still be able to post . is beyound me The only word I ever used was (fool) and that is what got me kicked off. So if your name is Jerry Thomas you have to be very carefull of what you post.

We all have to be careful. I am trying to be calm
also ... it makes things more enjoyable however
and helps preserve the feelings of the good posters.


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On the money pack I thought you said
you gave Duane a magic marker and he put a message on the bundle? That you gave him rubber bands and then he wanted to put a message also\
but all you could find was a magic marker .???
I suppose I can go back and search old posts ....[

Search all you want but I am 100% sure I did not say anything about putting a message on the bag. We did keep a few things like rubber bands, clip and envelopes in the car because of our business.

All I knew for certain was the bag was folded over - since I did not see him throw it into the Columbia I did not see if he closed off the bag in some way with a rubber band or clip (they were in the car).

When we were doing the float time theory - I may have asked or suggested if the bag had been closed off it would have increased the float time. My common sense says that since he was watching it float down the river he must have closed if off with a rubber band or clip.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jeryy stated:

Jo Please continue your Fiction stories. It is very amuzing. But please stop degrading Duanes family and the FBI.

I am answering this post with a PM I sent on the same subject the 2ed of April - I do try to keep some things private, but that was just not meant to be.

To: JerryThomas

Date Sent:
Apr 2, 2009, 8:04 PM

Who are you referring to outside of the remote individuals who are not immediate family? There is no immediate family left living that I am aware of. Unless you can explain what you are talking about in a PM. - regarding this issue then leave it be.

The brother didn't even know what Duane looked like as he aged until I showed him pictures - yrs ago - he provided me with what he knew of his brother at that time. Duane made amends with his brother on the phone before he died - doesn't that tell you he was alert and in control? They had a phone conversation from the Hospital AFTER Duane made his decision to stop diaylsis - I was the one responsible for making the contact thru the sister. I felt that it was time - he had not talked to or seen his brother since he was released from San Quentin in 1958 until that day in the hospital...with a phone call I arrange.

I was trying to keep somethings private by asking Jerry to respond in a PM a month ago. Since all the dirty linen is hanging out for there for the neighbors to see, I might as well hang the rest of it.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Hmmm that is a surprise because most good
paper money and stamp dealers DO have UV
lamps etc, they use in the course of their work -

UV LED lights are dirt cheap now and work pretty well. Jo can buy one for $6 shipping included.


2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Jo I think it is time for you to stop your fiction telling . Here is why fo every story you tell I and other's can show that it is nothing more than fiction. However I do enjoy your post on this Forum. With out your post ! there is no where on this earth that someone can find better fiction. Jerry

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I have often wondered if Duane's trip to Washington
wasn't anything more than Duane looking for clues
as to where Cooper's money might be - on the assumption Duane thought Cooper had died in the jump.

In order to believe Duane was doing that, don't you have to admit that at least a part of Jo's story isn't a complete fabrication?

Here's my problem, I don't think I've ever seen any proof that the trip actually took place. Sure we have Jo's word, but if we just accept her word on that, then don't we also have to just accept her word on the rest of her story?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I have often wondered if Duane's trip to Washington
wasn't anything more than Duane looking for clues
as to where Cooper's money might be - on the assumption Duane thought Cooper had died in the jump.

In order to believe Duane was doing that, don't you have to admit that at least a part of Jo's story isn't a complete fabrication?

Here's my problem, I don't think I've ever seen any proof that the trip actually took place. Sure we have Jo's word, but if we just accept her word on that, then don't we also have to just accept her word on the rest of her story?

I don't see a conflict here. (We have discussed before the idea that Duane took the trip as a treasure-hunter, etc, before.)

I don't think Jo is fabricating everything she says. The problem I have, and I think that most people have, is the (il)logic she uses in connecting the dots. A series of random events do not need to have anything linking them. Neither do a trip to Washington, an old Sea-Tac plane ticket (date unverified), the fact that Duane was in the same prison as James Earl Ray, some child of unknown gender in an old photo, Chevron Man, etc etc.

Give anyone with the "right" mindset 10 unrelated events, and they will be able to find a pattern. And if they can't find any evidence for the argument, well then, it must be an FBI cover-up. Countless conspiracy theories have been born this way.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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I saw this article (or a similar one) a few days ago and had similar thoughts. I was wondering if we (the regular posters) have been grossly unfair to Jo. But, after thinking about it a while, I realized that Deborah Perez was offering “physical” evidence along with her incredible story. (The glasses that she claims came from a victim.)

If Jo had presented some “physical” evidence (a Cooper-Bill, the bank bag, a boarding pass, etc.) with her incredible story, maybe LE and this forum, would have given her more consideration.


On another subject:
It looks like after a few days of respite, this forum has returned to being an internet version of “The Jerry Springer Show”

;):)And, on one last subject (newscast teaser):
“Fits of hacking and coughing hit the US, phlegm at eleven!”

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I need to recant everything I have said about conspiracy theories.
I had a longish post with various links and quotes.
When i saw what I had posted...most of it had vanished.
Clearly, "they" are watching me and messed up my post.
Below is what i salvaged.
I'm not going back and recreating everything!!


There are various "make your own conspiracy theory" websites.

Here's one:


fun article from salon.com:


The Internet is made for conspiracy buffs. It is a fundamental principle of geometry that a straight line can connect any two points. On the Net, just type in a search for any two celebrity names, any two cities, any two anything, and you're bound to get something back.
...Conspiracy theories do not need impenetrable bonds to survive. They are strings of circumstantial evidence which together create a maze of intrigue.

interesting article from Boston Globe:
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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I have often wondered if Duane's trip to Washington
wasn't anything more than Duane looking for clues
as to where Cooper's money might be - on the assumption Duane thought Cooper had died in the jump.

In order to believe Duane was doing that, don't you have to admit that at least a part of Jo's story isn't a complete fabrication?

Here's my problem, I don't think I've ever seen any proof that the trip actually took place. Sure we have Jo's word, but if we just accept her word on that, then don't we also have to just accept her word on the rest of her story?

If the trip happened, it does not follow it happened
'as Jo says it happened'; if the trip happened.

Example: I was married in 1969 - my ex and I
agree we were married, but have very different
stories for what happened!

Two other factors enter this dilemma.

(1) No husband tells his wife everything! Jo is
finally admitting there were areas of Duane's life
she knew nothing of (back then). That is one of
the reasons she is exploring Duane NOW.

(2) Jo is finally admitting there was a Duane-McCoy
connection when they moved to Virgina Beach. I
contended that all along. I based my theory on
the psychological profiles of those involved and
the timing of events. Jo now even claims Duane
was somehow "responsible" for McCoy being
killed!? That is ridiculous and may reveal fixation
on Duane's part (just as Jo may be fixated now).
Jo and Duane may have shared "fixation"?

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Jerry Stated:


Duanes best friend live's just outside of Atlanta Georgia. When I talked to him a few years ago he told me there was no way Duane could be cooper Because he had too many health problems. And He Had sold insurance policys with Duane for many years. He also stated that Duane Was interested in the cooper case because of Mc Coy.

This man did not tell Jerry that Duane had too many health problems to be Cooper....the pictures of that time say he was in good physcial condition and according to the wife - he was in great physical shape. He was doing a LOT of swimming - and you could see this in the pictures.

Duane even mentioned McCoy to me - pointing out shortly after we moved to Virgina Beach where McCoy was shot. It was during those days he mentioned feeling responsible for the death of another person because of something he did. This is way before I had any knowledge regarding Duane's background. He never explained that statement.

Since it was said to me I can believe he shared his feelings with his insuance buddy - they traveled together and worked together off and on. This time period would have been right.

Duane's interest in McCoy was the burden of quilt. Duane felt responsible for McCoy's death because he set the example. Perhaps this might explain Duane changing his life so drastically.

Alcohol and Guilt make poor roommates!

I have told the McCoy story in Unsolved Mysteries and maybe in 101. I was unaware that Duane had ever said anything about this to anyone else. I have not been able to reach his friend because he is traveling right now. We will talk when he returns home.

PS:, How would you guys feel if someone was offering perfect strangers your phone number on the internet? Obviously I must have provide the number to Himmelsbach or Jerry, but would have asked the friend for his permission to do so. His number was not maant to be public infomation and I am sure he will not appreciate this.

Who is Brian Allen and why would he be calling anyone regarding Weber?

Jo. some aspects of the above are total nonsense.

b]Duane's interest in McCoy was the burden of quilt. Duane felt responsible for McCoy's death because he set the example. Perhaps this might explain Duane changing his life so drastically.


But at least you finally admit a fixation, which I
said long ago existed and you denied -

These comments above go a long way in 'fixing'
Duane's psychology. If Duane can link to McCoy
simply by moving to Virginia Beach, then can
fishing around for the Cooper money in Washington
be far behind? That scenario is radically different
from Duane 'being' Cooper.

In fact, the psychology of the former eliminates
the psychology of the latter.

A cat cannot be a dog!

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I saw this article (or a similar one) a few days ago and had similar thoughts. I was wondering if we (the regular posters) have been grossly unfair to Jo. But, after thinking about it a while, I realized that Deborah Perez was offering “physical” evidence along with her incredible story. (The glasses that she claims came from a victim.)

If Jo had presented some “physical” evidence (a Cooper-Bill, the bank bag, a boarding pass, etc.) with her incredible story, maybe LE and this forum, would have given her more consideration.


As far as I know Perez has not yet given the police the Zodiac victim's glasses she claims to have. So far it's just a tease. If she wanted credibility rather than just publicity, I'd have expected her to have already turned over the glasses prior to holding a press conference.

Instead, Perez holds a sidewalk press conference with a disbarred crooked lawyer (not redundant, there are crooked lawyers who srtill have their bar cards), promises to deliver blockbuster physical evidence and the world awaits. Meanwhile I bet she is booking TV appearances and looking for book deals. Did anyone besides me find it highly improbable that the Zodiac killer took his young daughter as a ridealong on his murder trips?

I don't think Jo grossly fabricates stuff. I just think she has a strong unconscious bias in evaluating ambiguous or even irrelevant evidence. I do think Duane told her he was Dan Cooper although I have no proof. Duane lied about all sorts of stuff in his criminal career so why assume he was telling the truth about being Dan Cooper? I don't subscribe to the belief that death bed statements are true.

We are getting a bit too "Jerry Springer" here, you are right Sluggo. I wish we could get Snow back and hear more from Safe. I'd much rather read about likely flight paths and jump points than who thinks who is lieing.

This forum goes in cycles. At times it is rich with good ideas and new data (Air America 727 jumps, CIA-smoke jumper covert ops connections, etc) and then it dives down to name calling. I hope we are on the upswing now.

Good to have you on the forum Sluggo. I always appreciate you input and ideas.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Duane even mentioned McCoy to me - pointing out shortly after we moved to Virgina Beach where McCoy was shot. It was during those days he mentioned feeling responsible for the death of another person because of something he did. This is way before I had any knowledge regarding Duane's background. He never explained that statement.

Since it was said to me I can believe he shared his feelings with his insuance buddy - they traveled together and worked together off and on. This time period would have been right.

Duane's interest in McCoy was the burden of quilt. Duane felt responsible for McCoy's death because he set the example. Perhaps this might explain Duane changing his life so drastically.

Alcohol and Guilt make poor roommates!

So Duane was alcoholic at this time?

I merely want to point out that the life histories of
McCoy and Weber are as different as night vrs. day.
They have nothing in common so far as I know it.

McCoy wouldnt have known Duane Weber even
existed, even if he had ever met him. Duane was
not the kind of person that would interest McCoy.
I seriously doubt McCoy spent much time thinking
about the Cooper hijacking either. McCoy was an A-type personality, self sufficient, and self motivated.
Duane is a submissive type and not skilled at
anything, a dreamer at best, and psycholgically
incapable of doing what McCoy did, and their
backgrounds and makeup are totally different.

If Duane spent one second thinking about McCoy
it could only have been at the level of "envy" ...
a Walter Mitty projection. And I am not even
convinced that happened.

Jo, I have to say I see YOU projecting above.
It's almost like you are wishing Duane to have had
certain qualities that Duane did not have. The
question would be: why?

Were you the A-type personality and were you
Duane's caretaker?

Did Duane leave you holding a bag of nothing?

That would explain - everything.

It's almost as if you are remaking Duane into
something he could not possibly have been, on his

Because if Duane spent one second fixating on
McCoy then that precludes Duane having been
Cooper. The two personality types are incompatible.

People who hijack airplanes don't do it "by accident"!

There is a very strong element in McCoy's history
of McCoy proving himself, over and over. He
finally took on the FBI in a standoff and was shot
and killed. There is nothing about Duane to suggest that kind of personality or capability. Duane was a
passive person who committed passive crimes of
opportunity with little direct personal risk.

I can see a Duane maybe admiring a McCoy in a
passive sense, but feeling responsible for McCoy
or thinking himself on the same level as McCoy,
or having set some example for McCoy to follow?
Or that Duane was "better" than McCoy at McCoy's
own game?

That is pure delusion on Jo's part. The parts of
that kind of story don't even fit together.

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