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DB Cooper

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I don't think Jo grossly fabricates stuff. I just think she has a strong unconscious bias in evaluating ambiguous or even irrelevant evidence. I do think Duane told her he was Dan Cooper although I have no proof. Duane lied about all sorts of stuff in his criminal career so why assume he was telling the truth about being Dan Cooper?

We will never know. But, what Duane's friends say
or said must be considered along with everything
else. We dont know enough about Jo & Duanes'
relation to know who came up with what. But Duane
was not Cooper in any event so its only a question
of who hatched this egg we currently discuss? It
isnt even as tangible (in my mind) as Mileva Maric
claiming she invented relativity! Who was Mileva
Maric'? She was Einstein's wife and fellow student
at the Polytechnik, a mathematician in her own right,
ahead of Albert in school and older than Albert,
the mother of his children and the "editor" of his
lecture notes and his published works while they
were together. That is more tangible than anything
discussed here -

We are getting a bit too "Jerry Springer" here, you are right Sluggo. I wish we could get Snow back and hear more from Safe. I'd much rather read about likely flight paths and jump points than who thinks who is lieing.


The Bohan Continental flight behind and
above 305 is known. I spent a month trying to pry
info lose from Continental to no avail - maybe someone else can do better or get lucky. But,
Continental still has the records (they say). Its
just that nobody wants to search and dig them
out, they say. Bohan's Continental flight was
documented by no less than Ken Hastings who
was the Manager at PDX at the time and knew
Bohan personally (that much I know for a fact).

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In order to believe Duane was doing that, don't you have to admit that at least a part of Jo's story isn't a complete fabrication?

Here's my problem, I don't think I've ever seen any proof that the trip actually took place. Sure we have Jo's word, but if we just accept her word on that, then don't we also have to just accept her word on the rest of her story?

This was a manaqer's meeting for Family Life Insurance, a Subsidiary of Merrill Lynch whose home office was in Seattle in 1979.
The company is no longer a subsidiary and I do not know if it still exists. I have the pictures we took in SLC on our way to WA and then the pictures made at the hotel before the banquet. We stayed at a place called the Men's Club (I believe was the name of it).

At the Eye of the Needle he bought me a Black Hills gold ring. ..at a small Kiosk that was in the dining room at that time. There was no reason to keep the travel reiimbusement or advancement more than 7 yrs afterwards.

I might have something that has some of the other managers names on it - but unless they qualified they would not have been at that meeting. I am surre the FBI in Seattle could verify that this meeting did happen - and that Duane and I were in attendance.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I am surre the FBI in Seattle could verify that this meeting did happen - and that Duane and I were in attendance.


I think you are giving too much credit to the FBI. I bet that the meeting attendance records are long gone and not even the feds could find them. I used to have criminal defendants who were convinced that the FBI/police/CIA could track where anybody was on a certain date at a certain time given enough time and manpower. The FBI can do a lot but they dont have a time machine. Time travel is only for the CIA.;)

I do think you went to WA with Duane. It is not an outlandish claim and it certainly didnt prove he was Cooper. It is the purpose of the trip (Duane reliving the DBC memories) that gets purely speculative.

Have you ever considered that Duane was just fascinated with DBC, researched a lot about him and was never actually associated with any aspect of NORJACK? What evidence is inconsistent with this theory? I do not consider his death bed statement to be proof that he was actually Dan Cooper. It could have been a lie, a wish, a drug induced hallucination, etc.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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So Duane was alcoholic at this time?

I did not say Duane was an alcoholic!


McCoy wouldnt have known Duane Weber even existed, even if he had ever met him.

I never said they met or knew each other - only that Duane felt quilt over McCoy - because of the copycat act and his subsequent death.


Were you the A-type personality and were you Duane's caretaker?

I don't know what you are looking for with that question - I was a hard worker and a good money manager. Duane was a hard worker but he could play as hard as he worked...but NEVER mixed the two.


Did Duane leave you holding a bag of nothing?

Absolutely not. We owned a home with a small manageable mortgage - He had life insurance and I was working as a life insurance agent until one month before he died. Not rich but not holding a bag.


It's almost as if you are remaking Duane into something he could not possibly have been, on his own.

Think about the change he made in his life - WHY did he make that change? He jumped out of plane and survived, but the copycat gets caught and killed in a shoot-out. Whatever Duane was he was not without a conscience.

I am going to tell you a little story told to me by one the individuals in his criminal life. When he would rob a family staying at a resort - he took all the jewelry and most of the cash, but he alway left some cash when children where involved.
A crook with a heart for kids! Was this just the other party trying to make things sound better or was it true? I don't know.


Duane was a passive person who committed passive crimes of opportunity with little direct personal risk.

I think that statement is true.


I can see a Duane maybe admiring McCoy in apassive sense, but feeling responsible for McCoy or thinking himself on the same level as McCoy,or having set some example for McCoy to follow?
Or that Duane was "better" than McCoy at McCoy's own game?

My opinion is that Duane's act was an act of desparation. The only thing he did better than McCoy was not get caught - (dumb luck and he knew it).
In theory - After McCoy's death he felt to blame for the death of another person - perhaps in his mind he was responsible. Maybe he felt threatened - over the death of McCoy - he could even have thought that the FBI just killed McCoy rather than capture him...why Duane went to such extents to re-invent himself so he didn't end up on a slab in a morgue.


The parts of
that kind of story don't even fit together.

Nothing about Duane's life fits together - From the time I knew him until his death and the life he led prior to 1978 along with his childhood. This was a man of multiple personalities during the various stages of his life - he was chameleon like - blending in with the background except when he was singing.,,then he stood out.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I have always been amazed that both the door placard and some of the loot were eventually found on the ground. Both are small compared to a 28 foot main canopy and the harness/conatiner. The rig has a number of metal pieces on it that would be relatively immune to time and UV so there is something to find even if the nylon stuff has disintegrated.

To my way of thinking, there has to be remains of a DBC's rig and canopy out there. It made no sense for him to take it with him. Why hasn't it been found? Is it buried? Underwater? Are people looking in the wrong area? Maybe it was found with the loot and a body and everything was hidden beyond the reach of casual hunters and hikers. The guys who found the placard werent looking for DBC stuff, so the concept of looking in the "wrong area" doesnt mean a whole lot. Hunters and hikers can find stuff anywhere.

I just dont know enough about river hydrodynamics to know where the rig would have ended up if Cooper landed in the Columbia. Any guesses out there? Sluggo? Snow? Safe? Georger? Jerry? Orange? Tom?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Whatever Duane was he was not without a conscience.

Really? What evidence supports this claim? Did he ever try to pay back anybody he stole from? Regret is easy, restitution is hard.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I have always been amazed that both the door placard and some of the loot were eventually found on the ground. Both are small compared to a 28 foot main canopy and the harness/conatiner. The rig has a number of metal pieces on it that would be relatively immune to time and UV so there is something to find even if the nylon stuff has disintegrated.

To my way of thinking, there has to be remains of a DBC's rig and canopy out there. It made no sense for him to take it with him. Why hasn't it been found? Is it buried? Underwater? Are people looking in the wrong area? Maybe it was found with the loot and a body and everything was hidden beyond the reach of casual hunters and hikers. The guys who found the placard werent looking for DBC stuff, so the concept of looking in the "wrong area" doesnt mean a whole lot. Hunters and hikers can find stuff anywhere.

:S If Cooper survived - he would have hid the chute and maybe have tried and succeeded in retriving it at a later date when he found where he buried the chute was not in an area being searched. Then cut it up, burn it and/or disassemble it. Whatever it took.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo your still here shocking. I don't Know why But it is cool that you are. Your funny in a ignorante way But still ypour post and fiction, Is refreshing. Have fun Kiddo. I'm sure everyone on this forum enjoys your fiction stories. And please Refrain from calling me names. Also no more pm's. One more thing leave this forum.Jerry

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Jo your still here shocking. I don't Know why But it is cool that you are. Your funny in a ignorante way But still ypour post and fiction, Is refreshing. Have fun Kiddo. I'm sure everyone on this forum enjoys your fiction stories. And please Refrain from calling me names. Also no more pm's. One more thing leave this forum.Jerry

Jerry . . . cut it out or you will be the one leaving.

If you have an issue with Jo sending you PMs, block them or take the discussion there, but one more outburst of attacks and demands and you're out of here.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Paul does this mean that Jo Can call me a Lier and get away with it And other names she calls others' If So what can I post please give som guide lines. Jerry

If you guys wanna do that, feel free to do so in PMs or in real life face-to-face meetings or, hell, here's an idea, create a web site devoted to having a good argument.

Just don't do it here.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Paul I'm probably the second most boring skydiver in the world I only have 369 jumps. In the military free fall is called Hallo jumps. However You have almost 2500. jumps My question is what is the highest altidude that you have jumped.Jerry

The VAST majority of my skydives, actually the total is just slightly under 3,000, were flying camera for 4-way and those were either at 10,500 or 12,500 depending on the day, group, competition, whatever. I have somewhere in the neighborhood of 2,500 camera jumps. Those also include jumping camera for big-ways, where we normally jumped at 18,000. A couple of times with bigger groups and even more coordination from ATC we got permission to go higher. 24,000 MSL is, I think, the highest I've jumped.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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This was a manaqer's meeting for Family Life Insurance, a Subsidiary of Merrill Lynch whose home office was in Seattle in 1979.
The company is no longer a subsidiary and I do not know if it still exists. I have the pictures we took in SLC on our way to WA and then the pictures made at the hotel before the banquet. We stayed at a place called the Men's Club (I believe was the name of it).

At the Eye of the Needle he bought me a Black Hills gold ring. ..at a small Kiosk that was in the dining room at that time. There was no reason to keep the travel reiimbusement or advancement more than 7 yrs afterwards.

You now portray Duane as the consumate
businessman. RICH! Why does a rich talented guy
like Duane ever hijack a measily aeroplane?

Jo you are mixing your metaphors again. The
orphaned rich tykoon hopless lost with many
friends and close associates abandoned with a grudge but healthy & optimistic - Duane.

How many conflicted mututally exclusive
lives can one person have?

OK. Did Duane ever meet and work with, Albert Schweitzer, on-or-before some act of burglary
or embezzelment? Did he then donate his 'take'
to the Children's Orphan Fund? Was Duane Robin
Hood before or after hewas Cooper?

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I do think you went to WA with Duane. It is not an outlandish claim and it certainly didnt prove he was Cooper. It is the purpose of the trip (Duane reliving the DBC memories) that gets purely speculative.

Have you ever considered that Duane was just fascinated with DBC, researched a lot about him and was never actually associated with any aspect of NORJACK? What evidence is inconsistent with this theory? I do not consider his death bed statement to be proof that he was actually Dan Cooper. It could have been a lie, a wish, a drug induced hallucination, etc.


Or, read this carefully! He could
have been Duane Weber and not Dan Cooper
in which case it doesnt matter if he was Cooper,
in any sense.

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So Duane was alcoholic at this time?

I did not say Duane was an alcoholic!


McCoy wouldnt have known Duane Weber even existed, even if he had ever met him.

I never said they met or knew each other - only that Duane felt quilt over McCoy - because of the copycat act and his subsequent death.


You moved to Virgina Beach how many (8?) years
AFTER McCoy had been killed there?

Did Duane talk about and feel guilty about McCoy
in the years before you & Duane moved to Vir

Did Duane feel guilty about Percy Hamilton!?

Did Duane feel guilty about Joan-of-Arc?

Did Duane feel guilty about Richard Nixon?

Did Duane feel guilty about Ayatollah Khomeini
during the Carter Administration?

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Did you ever experience the presure chamber. When I was stationed at FT Greely Ak. They took us to Fairbanks Ak. And put us in the presure chamber. They set the altitude at 28,000ft 40,000 ft was the max. but at that altitude you would have to have a oxgen mask. Any way we played cards and talked. At 26,000ft I started seeing the purple murphs. This was realy a good experience. At least I thought it was at the time.But the highest I ever jumped was 20,000ft with out oxygen. Jerry

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So Duane was alcoholic at this time?

I did not say Duane was an alcoholic!


McCoy wouldnt have known Duane Weber even existed, even if he had ever met him.

I never said they met or knew each other - only that Duane felt quilt over McCoy - because of the copycat act and his subsequent death.


Were you the A-type personality and were you Duane's caretaker?

I don't know what you are looking for with that question - I was a hard worker and a good money manager. Duane was a hard worker but he could play as hard as he worked...but NEVER mixed the two.


Did Duane leave you holding a bag of nothing?

Absolutely not. We owned a home with a small manageable mortgage - He had life insurance and I was working as a life insurance agent until one month before he died. Not rich but not holding a bag.


It's almost as if you are remaking Duane into something he could not possibly have been, on his own.

Think about the change he made in his life - WHY did he make that change? He jumped out of plane and survived, but the copycat gets caught and killed in a shoot-out. Whatever Duane was he was not without a conscience.

I am going to tell you a little story told to me by one the individuals in his criminal life. When he would rob a family staying at a resort - he took all the jewelry and most of the cash, but he alway left some cash when children where involved.
A crook with a heart for kids! Was this just the other party trying to make things sound better or was it true? I don't know.


Duane was a passive person who committed passive crimes of opportunity with little direct personal risk.

I think that statement is true.


I can see a Duane maybe admiring McCoy in apassive sense, but feeling responsible for McCoy or thinking himself on the same level as McCoy,or having set some example for McCoy to follow?
Or that Duane was "better" than McCoy at McCoy's own game?

My opinion is that Duane's act was an act of desparation. The only thing he did better than McCoy was not get caught - (dumb luck and he knew it).
In theory - After McCoy's death he felt to blame for the death of another person - perhaps in his mind he was responsible. Maybe he felt threatened - over the death of McCoy - he could even have thought that the FBI just killed McCoy rather than capture him...why Duane went to such extents to re-invent himself so he didn't end up on a slab in a morgue.


The parts of
that kind of story don't even fit together.

Nothing about Duane's life fits together - From the time I knew him until his death and the life he led prior to 1978 along with his childhood. This was a man of multiple personalities during the various stages of his life - he was chameleon like - blending in with the background except when he was singing.,,then he stood out.

well ... you have just raised the stakes to the

Jo, you now assert Duane Weber was on a par with
or even excelled Richard McCoy. That McCoy used
Duane's hijacking of 305 as his example to follow!
And Duane felt sorry when 'his student' Richard
McCoy the Olympian was shot and killed, by not
following Duane's superior example. That Duane
was an Olympian!

By comparison, your trip to Washington is now trivial and of no consequence.

Richard McCoy's life is fully documented. Richard
McCoy was an athelete in every sense of the word.
That is documented. It's one thing to tell us Duane
was in good health while also having PKD, which
Duane's friends have documented. It is another
to now tell us Duane had Olympic level atheletic
skills, which McCoy tried to emulate.

There is nothing in the Cooper hijacking which
demonstrates superior atheletic skills were used
or required. McCoy on the other hand, had a whole
lifetime of atheletic performance at a very high
level. What in the Cooper hijacking would McCoy
see as something to emulate, since McCoy himself
definately had atheletic skills far beyond anything requiured to repeat Duane/Cooper's feat?

Why do you even compare the two men?

Why would Duane feel sorry for McCoy?

When did Duane say he was sorry about McCoy
and what did he say? There is no record of McCoy
having ever expressed anything about Dan Cooper
and his hijacking, at least no public record.

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I have always been amazed that both the door placard and some of the loot were eventually found on the ground. Both are small compared to a 28 foot main canopy and the harness/conatiner. The rig has a number of metal pieces on it that would be relatively immune to time and UV so there is something to find even if the nylon stuff has disintegrated.

To my way of thinking, there has to be remains of a DBC's rig and canopy out there. It made no sense for him to take it with him. Why hasn't it been found? Is it buried? Underwater? Are people looking in the wrong area? Maybe it was found with the loot and a body and everything was hidden beyond the reach of casual hunters and hikers. The guys who found the placard werent looking for DBC stuff, so the concept of looking in the "wrong area" doesnt mean a whole lot. Hunters and hikers can find stuff anywhere.

I just dont know enough about river hydrodynamics to know where the rig would have ended up if Cooper landed in the Columbia. Any guesses out there? Sluggo? Snow? Safe? Georger? Jerry? Orange? Tom?


That is GREAT POST and summary! Now you know WHY Jerry searches...

If Bohan landed behind 305 at PDX and filed a
report with Hastings ... there is data there.

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Your right Paul I will do as you request. Jerry

I will simply say I have posted severalof Jo's PM's
here myself ... and she's stillt alking to me.

Jer' ... we both know where thisis going. No sense
in getting hands dirty. Pour a nice one, sip, and
relax! (Shelly? :))

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